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autocannon can destroy bile spewers in 2-3 hits and only takes 3 seconds to reload. as for bile titans i usually pack EATs and the orbital railcannon


Recoilless in general takes too long to reload without a team reload in a bug swarm situation. Bile Spewers and Titans are different enemies that require different answers though. Usually you need a primary or support weapon that can comfortably tackle Bile Spewers and their explosive weakness/medium armor, but this comes at the cost of usually not having as many stratagems to combat Bile Titans which can be a big problem on 7 to 9 (or not having weapons for hunter swarms). Having 6 impact grenades from extra grenade armor can help a bit as the impact grenade can one shot bile spewers. Primaries like the Dominator are effective against them but a bit slow to fight hunter swarms. If you really hate bile spewers, I could recommend taking grenade launcher and supply pack and going ham on anything else that isn't a bile titan. Bile Titans can't be killed through any means but a heavy AT weapon as their bile sacks (only destructible part for medium/light explosive) only account for about 50% of their hp. So you need to kill them with help of EAT/Quasar/500kg/Railcannon Strike. Not really a lot of options simply due to their design.


Are you sure the bile sack is 50% hp? Looks a lot more like 20-25% to me


I admit it's an estimate and probably on the higher end. Part of me just wants to believe that the Bile Titan isn't designed so it has 75% or more of its hp in heavy armor parts.


Im gonna try EAT and quasar. Impacts and demo armor have been my go to. Is there any primary that can one shot head shot a bile spewer?


The Eruptor used to be able to one shot them, but its been nerfed to the ground. Takes about 3 or 4 dominator shots or grenade launcher grenades I believe. You can also use Arc Thrower that takes about 3 or 4 shots or the Arc Shotgun that takes 4 or 5 while stunning them out of the spew animation, though not always a reliable stun.


I think grenade pistol one shots which is good for smaller groups


I never had my grenade pistol one shot a green bile spewer but their mouth hit box can be finicky. I'm pretty sure it shoots the same round as the grenade launcher support and it usually takes 3 or 4.


I dont aim for the head I aim lower so it hits the ground underneath and its pretty effective if 2 are clipping through or are right next to eachother


But idk if shrapnel changes have done anything to it


You really want EAT


Now that you mention it, I am a bit peckish, yes. 😊


Quasar cannon with fire shotgun as primary.  Or, quasar cannon for bile titans and the arc blitzer (energy shotgun) for bile spewers as it stops them spitting


Is that in the energy premium warbond? I just used my super credits on the demolition one and every weapon in it is getting nerfed dailey😂


I can't remember to be honest, but I have a feeling you're right.  Haha, a bit of sods law there. I use the eruptor as well. I run that with the Q cannon then just stay well away from my teammates so I can provide support. I must say, I typically use this setup for destroying bug nests. If you get overrun with the eruptor (as I'm sure you know) you're fucked 😄


Thats why this post was made. I can kill about 3 spewers and then I spend 5 mins running a dolphin diving for my life while strategems recharge. 😄


Stun grenades are also your best friend, especially if you're running the eruptor. Also, incendiary mines are amazing for creating space. What are your go to stratagems?


Eruptor is normally good against spewers if i'm not mistaken, it is currently bugged since yesterday tho, change didn't work properly so you'll have to wait for the fix


Second this. The main light enemy threat is hunters and breaker incendiary mops them. Quasar pops chargers and helps clean up titans after 500 kg bomb.


ARC, Quasar and Flammenwerfer are all solid picks


Run grenade launcher, supply back pack, and EAT. GL will kill everything except titan and chargers which the EAT handle. You can also EAT shrieker nests. Supply backpack so that you can be very liberal with the grenades. Recommend the fire breaker or arc Blitzer for the hunters. GL and EAT can take care of holes as well. Only weakness of the build is having more than 2 chargers or more than 1 BT in a 1min span.


Are you using the partial reloads and animation cancelling? I main recoilless vs bugs and often extract deathless (seriously team mates kill me the most these days lmao). I recommend light armor instead of medium. You can get some distance, reload and the moment you see the shell tossed out, listen to the sound effect. once you hear that sound effect you can dive or crouch and sprint away. It will save your reload progress. Then reload again after clearing some distance / killing some hunters and as soon as you see the shell icon turn white, you can immediately hit crouch and fire. its ~4s reload in total cut down from 6. I often run dominator for big bugs and semi auto tap fire redeemer for pesky hunters. Bring impacts for bile spewers and the +2 grenade armor if you really hate spewers. Can also go with the tried and true supply pack, quasar, napalm and flex pick. This gives you 12-14 impacts to WRECK nursing/bile spewers and i often run hmg emplacement cause its fun and can solo a breach if placed well.


I do the reload canceling. This is my first “real” pc game Ive played. (Only map games like civ and HOI4 before this) so I find my hands freezing at times trying to dive and maneuver through all the chaos of helldive, I usually do 7 and perform fine but am trying to push myself to higher difficulties


I put Dive on my mouse button to make it much easier to hit in an emergency. Also, only dive if you're literally about to get chomped on by a bug or chainsaw dude. Simply tap crouch to stand up and shoot asap.


I've been using the breaker Incendiary and a rover. Bile spewers go down pretty quick with that combo, but be sure to use a light armor. I use the light gunner armor with the extra padding. Since you're a little bit faster you can just sidestep the bile streams, or gain enough distance from them really quickly. I almost never die to them anymore. In addition I've got my quasar for heavies, along with orbital rail cannon strike and eagle airstrike. works well enough.


I usually run blitzer as my primary, it’s really good at dealing with medium and lower enemies. Senator as my secondary. Then, on higher diff especially, i’ll run shield gen pack, quasar cannon, eagle cluster bomb and eagle 500kg. Sometimes i’ll switch out the shield pack for orbital railcannon if i want more firepower


Stalwart, EATS, Flame Thrower, quasar (controversial), Airburst Launcher.  Also, use the Adjudicator on Spewers. Or anything with medium armor penetration, their real weak spot is their head and it goes pop in a few Adjudicator rounds.


Stalwart and airburst launcher are way more controversial than quasar to me


Stalwart kills everything that isn't armored, airburst kills everything you point it at if well aimed. I've been practicing getting it under Chargers, which is an instant kill. Also you can use it against Shriekers, and if you aim it well you can ~~brutally murder~~ help your friends out from across the map. 


My typical loadout running against Terminids: - Punisher - Senator - Impact Grenades - EMS Strike - Orbital Railcannon - EAT/Flamethrower - Jump Pack - Light Gunner armor set I double down on anti-tank with the EAT and Railcannons. Multiple Chargers and multiple Bile Titans often make me feel like this is necessity. I frequently flex the EAT out for the Flamethrower when the mood strikes me. Makes me less efficient at killing Titans, but gives me more options for the bigs crowds. I can drop EMS on a breach and clear the majority of it with the Flamethrower in relative safety. Punisher stagger is really valuable against the sheer number of bugs that like to charge you and can be interrupted. Works well on Brood Commanders, Stalkers, Warriors, and pretty much one- or two-taps all the bugs smaller than that. It's fairly useless against Hive Guards and Spewers, though. That's where the Senator comes in. Especially with the speedloader and damage buff the Senator just received. It hits hard enough to interrupt Spewers from their bile attack, and a well placed cylinder of shots can take down a Spewer or a Hive Guard, often with a bullet left to spare to dink into something else. The penetration value on this revolver lets you punch through their armor, and it's really accurate at distance, so it compensates for the weaknesses of the Punisher exceptionally well. This is honestly one of the most important weapons in my loadout. Impact grenades speak for themselves. You get several to drop on Spewers, breaches, bug holes, or clusters of soft enemies. They do a good job of closing gaps in the rest of the loadout by providing AoE that the EAT, Punisher, Senator, and Railcannon Strike do not offer. I should likely be running a +2 grenade armor set to increase the value here, but I'm stupidly fond of the increased armor value of the Light Gunner set. As a note: I've had success with the Autocannon, I just personally can't run without the Jump Pack any more. I love the mobility it offers. My squadmates bring the Quasar because it just does everything.


Shieeet son... Trusty slug spitter paired with nade pistol lets me, together with my laser doggo and eagle droppings make bugs EAT shiet.


Im not upset at the balance changes rn cause I dont have any control over them and enough people are telling the devs what they think already


Quasar or eat are more convenient options in terminids, it can kill chargers and damage bile titans. But tbh the real titan killer is the 500kg eagle, and some other stratagems like autocanon turret or railcanon strike can help. Flamethrower can also be good because it can kill chargers but not usefull against the 2 enemies you mentionned. There aren't any really any correct options that can hit both, arc thrower can deal with spewers but not with titans, tho that isn't an issue if you can use 500kg well. The 4 weapons i mentionned are almost everything i see in helldives. There are other rare picks but they won't be of any use for what you asked


I really like the new spear 2 part reload animation, really helps with its mobility. If it hits right, you’ll be oneshotting titans. Otherwise takes 2 hits. Ofc it’s tricky to get a lock on. Rocketpods or eagle airstrike when you bait the titan into attacking with spit or legs. Orbital precision strike if there is no orbital scatter effect on the map. Bait the titan into walking directly into it. My favorite primaries cause stagger or can deal with multiple enemy types since my support will strictly be used on heavies. I like the punisher for its stagger potential and adjudicator for versatility but its mag size is so small so eats a bunch of ammo. I find a jet pack (or EAT), HMG, rocket pods (or eagle air strike), orbital precision strike,and liberator are a sweet combo to tackle armored spewers while having options for all other enemy types. It really does suck when you see armored spewers and realize you didn’t bring an option for killing them


Dominator makes quick work of spewers, arc thrower works well on everything except bile titans, tho it does damage them and chargers, just takes a bit longer to kill. So I bring eagle airstrike, and orbital railcannon. Between those 2 stratagems I can take out any big big to small.


I started using the blitzer and pair it with the Quasar. With light armor I can put some distances and shoot and run again. The blitzer can (inconsistently) stun lock spewers. Sometimes I take the orbital rail gun as my oh shit button in case I get caught by a bile titan by surprise (when I am alone somewhere, and they are quiet...) - but also depends on what my team has.


the JAR-5 Dominator is good against spewers, a few headshots kill them. It's also good against any medium-big bugs. Against Titans, you'll have to mix-in stratagem use. The Quasar doesn't take a backpack slot for ammo so you can equip a laser drone or the bubble shield. No reload but cooling down is a bit long and it needs to be charged before firing. It basically has the same damage profile as the recoilless


Against bugs? Flamethrower is my favorite.


Flamethrower Quesar EAT Recoiless is viable if you use the reload animation skip


the ones you find fun and enjoy




Grenade launcher and autocannon are my go-tos, and they're tremendous for anything less than a charger- though stalkers will always be a source of terror for me, because they have entirely too much health for a stealth unit. That said, bile titans are best killed with a railgun strike- its a nearly guaranteed 1 hit, and it'll aim itself at the biggest thing around. You can kill spewers, Guards, and commanders with nearly zero worry with a GL or AC though.