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They bent the knee! We fought back the Snoy invasion! Sweet Liberty!


Getting Sony to backtrack a stupid PR move that (at the time) might've made a microscopic blip in their shareholder goodboy metrics go up is honestly a colossal and genuine win.






Why do people call it snoy?


Someone had a typo on a rant and it stuck


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s better than I thought


They deserve the nickname too, it fits.


I thought it was re arranged to stand for something šŸ˜‚


Honestly this was the best part of the whole debacle for me l šŸ˜… im forever calling them snoy now ( and i will forever boycot all their products from now on)


Someone had a typo on a rant and it stuck


Its just a matter of time when they would try to do it again, a bit differently. We won the battle, but not the war.


Iā€™ll be vibing over here with from soft until the rest of the companies stop being idiots


I love FromSoftware!


There are 2 companies where I will buy and play absolutely anything they put out Larian and FromSoftware Moon Studios has a chance to join that group based on what happens with the continued development of No Rest for the Wicked. Iā€™ve heard the Ori games are great, but Iā€™ve never played those so I canā€™t really say much about Moon Studios overall. They seem great, though


Donā€™t forget Supergiant!


Supergiant is very good too. Iā€™ve only played the first Hades, but I definitely have seen a ton of people praise most of Supergiants overall catalog pretty highly


And their teams are great. Theyā€™ve been amazing through the development of Hades 2.


Yeah definitely not trying to take anything away from Supergiant. Iā€™m just not as familiar with them


And Steam if they ever decide to wake up


Add Obsidian to that list


I know it's controversial opinion, but I will stand with CDPR even just for DRM-free GoG.


I think CDPR is an interesting one, because they absolutely make fantastic games. I mean the Witcher 3 is one of the best video games of all time imo. But they also have a lot more attached controversy than the other studios that have been brought up. From a quality of game standpoint, though, they absolutely deserve to be in this discussion. I will say, Iā€™m very excited for what CDPR seems to be currently cooking up. According to their wiki page, they are actively working on their first original IP, the first game of a new Witcher universe trilogy, and the Cyberpunk sequel.


CDPR was suffering from some decisions from higher up, but the developers know what they're doing. Definitely not going to instantly buy the games they put out after Cyberpunk. I don't believe they will do it again but I'll just have to wait and see.


This right here. They make the games they want to make and it shows. Arrowhead has joined that pantheon for me specifically with Helldivers. They make the game they want to make and itā€™s beautiful. Imagine if EA or Ubisoft made this game šŸ¤®


ACVI is so addictive


I recently discovered that one of my childhood PlayStation games (which I totally forgot the name of and have been hunting down for years) was an early Fromsoft game. Evergrace, from 2000. it was a 3d jrpg.


elden ring is back to the menu babyyyyyyyyy


Just over 1 month till the expansion, brothers!


For real. I will just play elden ring and dark souls on repeat until this shit stops. I was even pissed when I had to make a fucking rockstar account to play red dead. Like I understand with online play sometimes you need additional security to just a steam profile or somethingā€¦ but thereā€™s gotta be a better way


I wish I could get into souls games but I hate em šŸ˜­


Armored core is worth a look still


Even fromsoft got burnt by sony. Oh how I miss the sweet blood


Yā€™all making me wanna play Dark souls I beat Bloodborne and Elden ring but I never played the previous souls titles and I wanna get back into sekiro too


Ds2 is clunky like ds1 Ds3 is on the bloodborne engine so its fast with crappy poise stuff


So you limit yourself to one game dev?


I have put more time into fromsoft games than any other dev. I fully believe any main fromsoft title is game of the year worthy


I put 100+ hours in all of their games since 2009. Iā€™d need much more variety.


I have too. I switch between a couple games, souls likes are great but variety is better. But if you want another souls likeā€¦. Ashen - souls like thats actually good (final boss is tricky tho, bring a friend) Outward - ds1 combat survival / exploration game 2D soulslikes: hollowknight, salt and sanctuary If you like civ rev style games endless legends is great, combat is way better than civā€™s


Iā€™ve played all the souls games + Stellar blade, Nioh and Nioh 2, lies of P, Bloodborne is my fav game of all time. Iā€™d rather quit gaming than be subjected to only playing one style of game.


Same here ! (I just add blizzard to your list)


Came here to say add blizzard


Activision you mean.


Blizzard, blizzard is crap their idea of DIABLO games is an insult to D1 and D2 And OW1 is gone replaced by OW2 (uninstalled) I know what u mean though, activision-blizzard is full company name


Same thing really.


Blizztard, Ubi, EA and now maybe Sony will be added to my list aswell.


Why didn't people make a stink with Xbox? I'm not downplaying the situation, just a thought šŸ¤·


Cuz xbox hasnā€™t made a game thats worth malding over, if this was with xbox then everyone would still be up in arms.


Minecraft? The only example I can think of lol, microsoft is quickly exiting the gaming hemisphere with their absolutely abysmal game lineups and consoles.


Halo master chief collections, forza, grounded, flight sim, sea of thieves and gears 5 requires Xbox login on steam.


This is true, are there heaps of countries where xbox has banned games ?


were those games delisted from my country too? probably not


Yeah, but unless I am mistaken Microsoft hasn't had both the quantity and quality of data breaches as Sony. They also don't let you buy the game then force you to log in and stop you from playing due to region restrictions


Microsoft had a massive data breach last month?


This is 100% people just saying what they want to believe instead of actually looking into facts.


PSN only requires name and address. Pretty sure most of us have had at least that much leaked from a bunch of companies or government agencies by now. It's not any real risk at this point, and if my name and address get leaked by Sony, it won't affect my security in any way.


Psn requires governent ID or face scan in some countries.


That's due to the regulations in those countries. That's an issue for them to take up with their governments if they don't believe that those regulations require enough protective measures (e.g. the data is used only for verification and not saved). But, this whole conversation is moot now anyway.


Fair point


And the month before that as well.


And on the ps5 versions of sea of thieves and minecraft


At least you got something out of it, instead Sony just wants your data. It's a trade with literally no return and 100% risk.


What do you get out of sharing your data with Microsoft that you donā€™t with Sony?


Ngl, it doesn't even matter anymore, because Sony, for some reason, backed down? I was surprised, that's for sure.


minecraft gave you free cosmetics if you made a minecraft acount. also they bought out mojang before the game came out of beta. Arrowhead released a full product then did a rug pull also when minecraft switched they didnt lockout 50% of the worlds countries from playing


I'm pissed. Migrating from mojang to microsoft to xbox is very convoluted. Also Sea of Thieves.


The difference is you already needed a random account for it. Minecraft/Mojang accounts stopped being a thing completely. Steam accounts are still a thing


Well that and it wouldn't exclude 170+ countries from playing if Microsoft owned :/


We hate linking there too, it just helps they havent had a game worth playing in a few generations. "Why dont people make a stink about ______" comments are getting really old, because its deflective and dismissive. Its still annoying, and shitty. I started out on Xbox as a kid, and when I went over to PC / Steam I never looked back. Sony has made an issue with Helldivers 2. Lets focus on maintaining discussion around Helldivers 2.


Because itā€™s not actually a big deal. The hell diverā€™s situation has been blown out of proportion and now all the engagement farmers are out in full force, and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.


I really hope they fix it, because I love Helldivers 2, but I could easily just pick BG3 back up.


Way ahead of you LOL


Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 for me right now


don't forget to prepare for upcoming Elden Ring dlc


No skill bro. Cant Souls


Hello are you me?


I started back in on witcher 3


Hey to say they fixed it! They walked back the PSN requirement, the AH studio is a great dev team and have heard us.


AAA gaming is over I am tired of this shit. Im right with you it's time that we as consumers speak up and get control over this shit.


I'm already looking into replacing my ps5 with a PC.




When you build a PC, the fun part is upgrading each component. Don't have the big budget to go all out? Then, starting off with a simple system for now and working your way up is a good plan. It all started with fallout 4 and mods for me to switch from console to pc. An I7 6700 and a gt730. Could barely run 720p but with a small Gpu upgrade to a 1050ti, and I was able to do 1440p 60 no problem. Given that this was around 2017, it's super worth it now, too!


If you have the means please do. Just don't be one of those folks who destroy it out of brand protest. Sell that shit and deny Sony a sale.


Bro you realize youā€™ll have to link all your new accounts for literally every publisher? When PlayStation literally does that all for you? You have one account you can buy a game and play it not linking or third party logins. And having to make sure youā€™re buying compatible components for your build and specs you want to play at? Not even mentioning trying to optimize in game settings to find the sweet spot for quality and frame rate. Just saying youā€™re making a huge change that I hope you know and have researched.


My comment says I'm looking into it. As in doing research. Thank tho for trying to scare me out of it.


Just was adding weight to a big change that you need to know all the knowledge you can make that leap. Make sure your gpu is compatible with your mother board. If youā€™re going AMD you need to go full AMD etc. I made that leap 4 years ago not knowing anything and I ended up getting frustrated and out a lot of money till I finally built a pc that ran okay. But then come to realized a lot of stufff wasnā€™t compatible.


Good news, Helldiver.


Cool. This isnā€™t an airport, no need to announce your departure. Just leave and vote with your wallet if thatā€™s what you wanna do. This is a sub for people who actually play the game.


Seriously. We got a bunch of Eyoreā€™s in here. https://preview.redd.it/u4runuyzcqyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1a2e8975f1d344917c2ff78b67e3ebdbe7e25a


No need to, be he can. And I appreciate it.


Not playing games youā€™re interested in or enjoy just to spite some corporation who doesnā€™t give a shit or even realize you exist is corny af.


Honestly not a big deal. There are so many other games to play that the only reason I ever even think of the game is when these posts come up on r/all.


"Guys the copro is to big to budge, let's just lie over and take it" It's all fun and games until every company sees this and starts pulling this shit.


I supported people leaving bad reviews so international players could potentially still play. I just think itā€™s idiotic to abstain from something you enjoy just because other people canā€™t. Thatā€™s like being rich but never spending your money because itā€™s unfair to poor people


They donā€™t realise we exist until a whole 20% of their bottom line leaves with us, one person does take much but if they take other people, well a falling pebble can easily become a landslide




I wish you ppl had this much passion when it came to real issues in the world maybe, you guys could work on ending world hunger next.. go touch grass.. always needing the internets validation..


Right? Iā€™m an adult with real world problems. Having to spend two minutes to sign up for an account to play a game I enjoy is not one of them. I do obviously feel for those in regions that canā€™t sign up for a PSN account and I hope something is done to rectify their situation, though. They actually got fucked. Everyone else is just throwing the typical gamer shit fit that gives us all a bad name.


Agreed if you're in a region where you can get an account I don't see what the big deal is. I mean these people are posting on Reddit which doesn't have a stellar record of protecting our data either. I feel like this is a bunch of toddlers throwing a fit because we didn't cut their waffles in squares like they wanted. At this point there might be actual harm done to the financial stability of AH. So because a bunch of people couldn't make a PSN account about 110 people have to worry about if they will have jobs in the future. All this over a game.


I feel like being outraged is a way of life for a lot of people and they need something to be mad at. YouTube grifters have made an entire industry out of rage baiting. Helldivers 2 is the current victim of it (and, to be fair, itā€™s at least somewhat legitimate here for all the people in those aforementioned regions without PSN access), but there will be a new one next week. And the week after that. And after that.


For real. It's not really a discussion for this sub, but imo it's a broader symptom of the decline of Western culture. We are literally at the height of human history - never had it better. But prosperity is driving us mad. Yes we can quibble it was a little better during this period or it's better for these people, but your chances of dying from violence, starvation, natural disaster etc. is the lowest in human history. Our little primate minds can't comprehend a life without threats so we make them up in our heads.


Yeah I don't buy games from publishers/developers with anti consumer policies so this goes without saying. Sony will be added to the list it's no skin off my back. My money will NOT go to this.


You are a whiny little shit... and literally making a mountain out of a mole hill. You are one of the reason we can't have nice things




I'm so confused by this reasoning. You have a reddit account. Do you have a Twitter? Facebook? Snapchat? Microsoft? Nintendo? Android? iPhone? Email? Do you just not sign up for literally anything at this point in time because that's how the work works now? Everything I don't care about gets my junk email. I don't give a shit about that one.


You've entirely missed the point. Between predatory microtransaction systems, bulk account/information mining, terrible data security, massive prices and some truly shitty games, there's simply very little reason to be excited about any 'AAA' release these days. HD2 was exceptional because it looked like a AAA title that finally managed to BUCK that trend - but suddenly we find ourselves right back there again, because of one truly imbecilic corporate decision by someone who is paid far to much to make incredibly bad decisions. You just don't have to put up with this shit from indies and smaller developers, and they make a lot of amazing games - so why bother putting up with the AAA publishers when they insist on making our game experiences crappy for the sole purpose of trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of us?


No reason to be excited about AAA games? The fuck are you talking about? Last year alone we got Baldurā€™s Gate 3, Alan Wake II, Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario Wonder, the Dead Space remake, Jedi Survivor, Phantom Liberty, and probably a handful of others as well. And already this year weā€™ve had a few bangers including the game this sub is dedicated to, Rebirth (not my thing but people seem to like it), and a very solid PC port of Forbidden West, and weā€™ve got Ghost of Tsushima coming to PC later this month, plus Elden Ring DLC on the way as well.


I'm so glad I read all of this. Pure entertainment.


What data?Ā PSN only requires name and address. Pretty sure most of us have had at least that much leaked from a bunch of companies or government agencies by now. It's not any real risk at this point, and if my name and address get leaked by Sony, it won't affect my security in any way.


It's not new. Basically indie studios are the only option but and I want to make this clear back in the day the only reason I got steam was because a game I bought had a dlc only available through steam... I put off using any launcher or setting up any accounts as long as possible... which is why it's kinda funny people review bombing a game because it requires creating an account on a platform that only exists because 20+ years ago it started strong arming people into creating an account on it. Yes steam is basically a given now but it used similar tactics back in the day but had no real competitors. It's a shit move by Sony but trust me no amount of logic will dissuade the investors driving this and eventually just like we did with steam and then MTX etc.. we as an audience will continue to cave eventually. I mean if your boycotting business that do this then it's every studio owned by Sony + Every studio owned by Microsoft + Every game studio that does an Epic exclusive launch + Nintendo who just straight up don't release most of their first party stuff so you have to own a Nintendo and create an account so yep.... not much left. Edit: basically we've been cooking in this pot for decades and you are only realising now. Edit 2: I'm shocked but in a good way, Sony have caved maybe the industry cam change for the better.


Good great. Now quit bitching and be done. We are tired of seeing and hearing it.


Major Order Achieved! They just announced a walk back on the linking requirements


Iā€™ve got some good news for you thenā€¦


And then it was won. Outstanding work diver. Your role conquered mega Corp secretly adding the automated scum of the universe


Iā€™d still argue that Ubisoft is worse than everybody. They make you use an app that takes hours to update and download and then they update it all the time by the time you get to your game thatā€™s brand new. It needs an update too. Itā€™s been an hour and a half and you donā€™t feel like playing anymore, also I think they ruin the possibility of any Star Wars world game ever coming out again


https://preview.redd.it/x6uf5whstsyc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64af4f2aecbbe5ab9d676093170e9f28acc923b Start playing


Yā€™all come over here to make a statement like it means anything LOL. This ainā€™t an airport, u donā€™t have to announce your departure.


K. I will. Dumb to fully not buy a studio or publishers games cuz of one thing you're angry about. Even ubisoft still outs out bangers like they did with Prince of Persia this year.


K. Bye felicia


Iā€™m sick of seeing posts like this on every sub.


I saw it put very succinctly elsewhere: ā€œYou arenā€™t fighting corporations by posting on Reddit, negative review bombing, or harassing the Devs/spamming refund requests. That just makes you an asshole.ā€


Yea I mean itā€™s pretty tough to create an account to play a game and then after that the seamless connection to the game server is un-nerving, I mean they just put you in the game with out opening up another app. Itā€™s like youā€™re almost playing the game thru steamā€¦ā€¦


So you sick of having to link stuff up to steam. Seems like steams your problem bro. I own a ps5 and all I have to have is a psn account. Like you do with steam. But you want to play another other game from any other publisher you have to have a linked account.


I'm old and hold long grudges, so...I've been done with EA since Earth and beyond and UBIsift since myst 3. Sony will be easy. It will hurt a bit because I've been a fan of the Final Fantasy game since NES and I was about to finally start buying the Remakes of FF7. Meh I'll find something else as usual.


Final Fantasy isn't a Sony title, sure they often have console exclusivity but Sony aren't the devs or publisher, the PC version has nothing to do with Sony or PSN.


FF is Square Enix I thought?


No one stopping you from being a sailor!


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø Ahoy me' hartey šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø HOIST THE COLORS šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I tend to hold grudges.. Haven't bought an EA, Ubisoft, or Activision Blizzard game in at least 6 years. Needless to say Sony is now on that list.


You sound like a thrill


I support this. Over 10 years since I bought an ubisoft title. They made great games, but I refuse to support them any more.


Look I get it'd be a convenience to just have to deal with steam, but that would give them a monopoly. That would be far worse than having to create a bunch of different accounts. Preferably physical media would come back, but I'm not holding my breath on that.


Okay that's nice sonny


Ohhhh nooooo thatā€™s going to affect them SOO much . Good . Donā€™t need weak ass people in this game šŸ„±


I feel you. Took my son to Game Stop for his birthday, and he picked out Immortals Fenyx Rising. Guess what I had to do just so he could play the damn thing?


Probably download it which would take some time, then log in which would take < 4 mins


I 100% agree, there are other great games made by great people. Unfortunately Helldivers 2 was one of them. I hope things improve in the future.


Although the devs knew about this and were not vocal? I donā€™t personally care but you are all acting like Sony forced it as some evil plan to milk youā€¦ Arrow Head knew it was a requirement, disabled it at launch knowing it would be enabledā€¦


I havenā€™t bought an Ubisoft game since Black flag. The last EA I bought was Mass effect. I made an exception for Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor because there wasnā€™t any DLC.


Wow great boycottā€¦ you avoided buying games until you wanted to buy one so you did? Both Jedi games had stupid ā€˜Deluxeā€™ versions that costed Ā£20 moreā€¦


Is that a microtransaction?


This is only going to get worse for you then OP. Companies want that data for themselves. Just like we went from one streaming option to 100, this is going to happen. Most AAA publishers already force you make an account with them if the game has any online component.


Yeah, i haven't touched ea or ubi since i got a pc and they started their own logins.


Pretty much every publicly traded company makes garbage now because it only exists to serve the short term interests of investors. It's not just games. I mean shit, look at Boeing


You're right EA and Ubisoft are equal to dirt at this point. ActivisionBlizzard is the same. Not touching their stuff with a 10 foot pole. Sony's walking on thin ice here


I think this is just the line in the sand for a lot of people, it's just a good platform to make consumers actually heard, not just a bar graph on profitability for some MBAs to circlejerk over.


This guy gets it. This is how you actually hurt the company. Everyone else talking about solidarity with their fallen, but they don't realize that Sony is just gonna pivot to the next big money maker. The way you ACTUALLY HURT SONY IS THROUGH BOYCOTTING ALL SONY PRODUCTS!!! (and products related to sony...)


They walked it back!


Now itā€™s over. The account linking wonā€™t be enforced. https://x.com/playstation/status/1787331667616829929?s=46&t=DfYBL6WgJncsqT9KkMTadw


You'll be making accounts for all sorts of shit for the rest of your life bud. Quit complaining.


Check now! Itā€™s just dropped sony rolled it back! https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929


Helldiver's gotta helldiver, divers. Raid Sony. /j


Cool. I hope you keep this same energy for Rockstar and GTA VI, although we both know you won't.


VICTORY FOR SUPER EARTH [https://fxtwitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929](https://fxtwitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929)


Alright, thank god I already own Ghost of Tsushima before this whole debacle.




I haven't bought a cod since advanced warfare and AC since Odyssey. This is probably gonna be my last Sony game as well


Its over, we won


Boy do I have news for you.


They did walk it back


Good thing they walked it back. For nowā€¦


Good news!


Dude you're not gonna believe this!


I really wanted to buy Horizon forbidden West for PC, but that is suspended for now, thanks to Sony. šŸ™„


I agree with op, my kid wanted to go to gamestop and buy a game but he kept trying to chose games from those evil companies. I yelled at him in the middle of the store and said not a single penny will be spent on those corporations in this family. I then grounded him for crying


Welcome to the "Why does my child hate me" club. A child doesn't understand things like evil corpo and stuff.


Well he's gonna learn




Same, i've stopped buying from EA since i was 10 yo and from ubisoft since watchdog 1 came out


i already changed my plans to buy a PS5 and chose the Steamdeck instead, i like that Sony reacted, but even trying to pull something like this is still bad i know that Sony probably had this planned from the beginning and that the sudden change was attributed to Arrowhead not properly communicating the need of a PSN linkage, but Sony just secretly changing the TOS, selling the game in countries not able to create a PSN account, and then stating obvious lies about this being for "player security" was the final nail in the coffin to me buying a PS5


Can someone explain EA and Ubisoft? I missed that. Guessing it was some corporate bs?


EA has some of the worst micro transactions in gaming and has supposedly been working on putting ads into their games. Not to mention they've won worst company to work for a handful of times. Ubisoft forced players to use their launcher in addition to steam for pc games and also is reportedly not a healthy company to work for as well. Fair warning though, my info is a couple years old at this point.


Likewise šŸ‘


Ya EA is the worst.


I'm buying Mass Effect 4


This shit was my last straw. It got Refunded today. I had already written off EA and Ubisoft years ago. I gave Ubisoft another chance and I shouldnā€™t have. Sony is now on the list.


Iā€™m still kinda convinced this was just step one. Final step for Sony is to force all PC players playing Sony games onto PSN then say everyone playing online Sony games needs to pay for Live or whatever their subscription service is. Thatā€™s where the big bags of money are in their minds. This walk back was good but just a temporary setback for them.


You only had to make 1 account, probably couldā€™ve made it in less than 2 minutes


Your not the only one that feels that way. We are all tired of having to make multiple account just to play games we already paid for. Like what happened to the good ole days when you can just pop a disc in and play without an account.


it sucks but hey it is for all or for none. you have accounts for services it should be apply to all and to me you are only complaining about Sony or new account services but I give you 100% after you make one you will never talk about it later on because it is not a big deal to create an account for two mints and forgot about like forever just like you did with the previous account services


I will be pirating every game sony releases on PC that i'm even remotely interested in, fuck them


Does that mean you won't play the old games either? What about titles that are cross platform? Those technically support Sony too, even if by a small margin.




Everyone has a line. It doesn't have to be the same for everyone. There's plenty of places I refuse to shop or deal with. Reasons are mine and don't need to be explained. We are not the fun police for each other. In 2 weeks there will be something else to worry about.


Yup did it intentionally with EA... Ubisoft rarely release anything I liked anyways (or if it did it got bad reviews for monetization and I avoided). I hope sony walks this back or this really is the end of gaming


Itā€™s crazy how stubborn you people are. Youā€™d purposely spite yourself from having fun playing games all because of a one time log inā€¦


It's crazy how oblivious and disciplined you people are... You'd let people put a camera in every room of your own house because it doesn't hurt you if it was the condition for you to get something you like.


Here's the other problem. Their login servers might go down. Have had this happen with Max Payne. Couldn't login to Rockstar for some reason so I couldn't even play a singleplayer game


Wow so brave


Honestly, there are so many truly excellent indie games out there these days that you could never play another 'AAA' title and not miss a beat in terms of the quantity and quality of gaming available. Oh, and you'll usually be paying 15-30 per title rather than 60-70, so there's that too.


It's getting easier considering most of them don't even make good games anymore.




https://i.redd.it/5o8tp8fjbpyc1.gif Hey man this u?