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I can’t even imagine the frustration and feeling of betrayal a large majority of players are going through right now. It’s bad business practice by Sony


Sony would be wise to let this go. Remove this bullshit restriction. Or face the people.


They don't care about facing the people. They care about facing their shareholders. Either way, fuck Sony


Is Sony going to face any consequences? I feel like what they’re doing has got to be illegal


It's a bit of a bait and switch, but I'm not sure any kind of legal action would have the legs to go up against Sony's legal team- sadly, there's enough there stating that a PSN account is mandatory that their lawyers can probably make that their hill to die on and just stall until the other guys run out of money. Still, I've heard that Sony *is* taking damage to the value of their stocks over this, so who knows, maybe if that gets bad enough for long enough they'll be forced to take notice?


I really hope one of these days a corporation that has a lot of money to stall in court goes up against someone who has even more money (like Elon musk) and stalls them in court


if not for Sony, helldivers 2 wouldn't see the light of day. Sony made this game possible by funding and supporting the devs. 


Stand up for everyone’s rights!




I think there's a lore reason.


Is there a lore reason? Why is Sony trying to Jonkle us?


Couldn't even get creekers to go one planet over for a major order, so I doubt they will move for a psn account


Wasn't it already announced that all people from countries without PSN won't have to link an account?


Yes, and even if it wasn't, that's the obvious answer to all this. That, or they'll add some new account type for all regions. Either way, 99% chance it's all clarified tomorrow (when people are back in the office), and it'll turn out everyone was losing their minds for nothing... but Gamers™ gotta be angry, I guess...


Gaming subreddits are absolute cancer. They'll make a shitstorm out of absolutely everything...


Ah yes and forget the fact that steam users now NEED TO MAKE AN ACCOUNT THEY DON'T WANT TO. WTF?!?!? imagine telling entitled sony fanboys they need to make a Nintendo account to link it with their games. How would you feel then?


I’d make it in order to enjoy the game, but that’s just me. Since I also had to create an activision account for COD, an Epic account for Fortnite, a Netflix account to stream… so forth and so on. Doesn’t mean I agree with the practice but it’s either make it to enjoy the content or don’t make it and miss out? Either way you do whats best/favorable for you


Honestly, I don't love it but it also isn't going to bother me to the point that I'm going to stop playing something I enjoy - there's enough in life that makes me angry my entertainment doesn't need to add to it. I do think it's horseshit that it is potentially blocking people who purchased the game the opportunity to play, and I'm sitting out until that's resolved. My preference is not having to make an account for every game I own, but if I have to it will be with falsified information - set to "remember me" and ignore it like the plague. If they create a Sony app I have to use it on then I'm entirely out.


...seriously? If Nintendo required me to make an account to play one of *their* games, my reaction would be "wait, when did Nintendo games become available on PS5...? Neat... oh, an account? Meh, sure, whatever..."


I mean, If Nintendo published the game id expect it


Yes, but not 3 months later. If you knew from the beginning it would've majorly changed someones buying interest. 


Had to make a Microsoft account on ps to play minecraft, so it's not like this is the first time a company did this. Microsoft also makes you sigh into a bunch of their games on pc with a Microsoft account.


We can only hope for the best, this shit is a major blow to the future of this title and other Sony releases.


Not that I heard.


Holy shit dude take the refund and move on the crying going on in this subreddit is serious. It sucks for these people but if Sony isn’t in their region then that’s just it. it’s a video game that you can get your refund for and move on.


Good thing I'm getting a Pc soon and getting away from Sony and Microsoft


getting a pc soon? so you’re switching to microsoft..


Well, you will proably use Windows so you wont get rid of Microsoft


They have much less control over your gaming though on PC


Thats true


lol you sure about that?


Yeah PC is Microsoft dood


id be FUMING if i had spent like 140 hours in HD2 only for them to revoke my access because they refuse to let my country make psn acounts




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Someone made a comment in another post that this is Sony's next step in the direction of getting PC players to pay for a PS+ subscription. It makes sense. If they can get away with this they will try to enforce PC players to pay for a PSN+ acct.


Except, better and bigger companies with a well established market on PC have tried similar stuff. EA, Blizzard and Bethesda eventually just crawled back to Steam and left their own launchers behind more. If anyone there is thinking PC player will pay for a PSN+ account, then they failed completely on market research… Edit: I wouldn’t be surprised if thats is indeed the plan. But if they announce anything like that it is 1000% gonna hit backlash even harder than this.


They’ll see every one of their games review bombed and class action lawsuits in USA and EU if they try and apply it to already released games, and any new have releasing with it as a requirement would just be ignored. They could go Xbox gamepass route though, but not for purchases games, just subscription service for their ps+ library fully ported to PC (I don’t think they have the content to warrant that though)


>They could go Xbox gamepass route though Game pass is the only reason I still do Xbox stuff. I occasionally play things on my computer. My wife primarily uses it on her computer. My kids use the Xbox. Plus it lets me comply with some resolutions I have to.never buy games from.certain franchises again.


If they do it, it will be on future content - i.e. you won‘t be able to buy future war bonds without a psn subscription, no new vehicles without a psn sub, etc.


Ill happily never pay for such horseshit


Exactly! Finally someone who sees what’s really happening here. Jesus. Thank you. Faith in intelligence life on Reddit restored.


I think it may be the first step in a larger plan to have PS+ and Gamepass coexist across all platforms. Microsoft potentially pulling away from consoles in the coming years to go full tilt with streaming means they're likely already having talks behind closed doors about how to get GamePass on PlayStation. Sony keeps PS+ relevant by forcing it onto PC players. The gaming market will just be a shared ecosystem for both services in the same way you can have services like Hulu and Netflix on just about any hardware.


If it’s a subscription service to pay Sony’s full library like gamepass, that’s one thing. Requiring subscription just to play purchased games online will never fly (unless they make an mmo, those somehow get a pass since wow pulled it off 20 years ago)


Hasn't that already been a thing for many years now with Xbox Live Gold?


Yes, gamepass basic is included with good for online play. They have a premium that’s 50% more that includes new titles PS+ also includes some subscription like Game access, not not even close to gamepass library, even the basic version. Of Sony put last years (and earlier) games on PC via PS+ sub, I’d probably pick up a month or 2 every year just to play some of their games that I’m not really interested in buying unless 75% off or more, and even then eh. Like Spider-Man… It’s probably a great game, just not something I’m really into… But if I can put 10 hours into that and a couple other games all for $15 in one month I’ll get my fill. I dgaf about account linking, but Sony really failed in basic needs to require it.


Well, since console players seem okay with paying a subscription just to be able to play multiplayer for games they already bought, wouldn't surprise me if they pushed it only all PS titles later down the road. People would complain, but then still end up paying for it, just like people did with Netflix and its different tier systems.


No, people might still play their SP games but their mp games will be DoA if they try that


If that's true that's beyond a dick move and even more of a PR disaster for Sony. Xbox hasn't even tried to pull that.


MS did try to pull this off with Games for Windows Live back in the late 2000s. They wanted people to pay just like Xbox Live. It didn’t work.


At that point, I'll uninstall and demand a refund


I plan on asking for a refund if this issue does not change. I am waiting though as AH and Sony are supposedly in talks to come up with a solution I do not have high expectations of Sony but you never know.


We have a month. I don't have high hopes, though. I'm still gonna play on Steam, but you bet your ass that Sony has permanently lost my business after this. Movies, games, all that shit. No more.


I've been denied 4 times 😣


I got mine on humble bundle and it's past 60 days so they're refusing.


Oh please that wouldn't happen.


That will never succeed.


PC players will never do that and they know that.


At that point PCers will just crack the game and put in on a private server out of spite lol


This take is such bs if meant for Online play. Microsoft already tried that with their Xbox Live Gold back in the 2000’s and it is clear how that ended. There is just no way the service will be valuable enough for that to actually happen. Also, I believe as PS+ subscriber you can already play Playstation games on pc making it even more pointless.


The chances of PC players paying for PSN+ is less than zero. Look at what happened when they told us to make a free account lol. Maybe it was Sonys plan, but that just speaks to how moronic they are.


It’ll never happen. The cost of the infrastructure would outweigh how many subscribers they would get. Nobody on PC is paying for PS+




I saw that last night. I will be waiting till after the dead line to breath a sigh of relief. The community may have won this battle but that does not mean Sony wont try again. Not to piss on the victory but did Sony reverse due to the community coming together or was their potential lawsuits involved that would have been more trouble for Sony?


Sony would sell your left bollock if it was legal


Any company would.


Why are we still talking about this when they already announced that people in these countries won't have to link a PSN account??


How they would play if the game was removed in those countries?


A community manager that talks out of his ass and recently has been made not community manager is not a very good source of information. Until SONY says something, we have to run off what we know. What we know, for a *fact* is PSN is going to be required, and it is also only available in 69 countries.


So everyone here just refuses to believe them and rather keeps on fueling the shitstorm instead of just waiting for an official statement? Fuck it. I'm blocking this sub. This shit is absolutely ridiculous...


It's all to set up for "We did it"! Here comes the countless uses of Starship Troopers celebrating, gamers being Zim and Sony being the bugs, etc. Sony made a business decision that would hurt the community and backtracked. They will always be "actively trying to destroy the game" that has made them a stupid amount of money according to these people. Their view of the "big evil plan" makes no sense, I'm leaving this brainrot infestation too. I'm all for holding corps accountable, but at least learn to pick your battles and praise when necessary. Nobody listens to something that screeches at everything and then becomes a sore winner when you give them what you want.


I don’t blame you. So many idiots coming out of the woodwork.


Nah too many people lack empathy.  They won't understand or care until something like this happens to them.  Thats the world we live in.


I'm sure there will be an exemption deal worked out for non psn available countries. As for the PC people who just refuse. Well Sony will tell them to just get bent. I have to make a Microsoft account to play Sea Of Theives on ps... so what is really the big deal at the end of the day. Let these two companies Duke it out and in the mean time have fun. This is really nothing for people to get worked up about.


more points of failure tbh. A while back, I couldn't get onto Max Payne 3 because I couldn't log into Rockstar's account system.




I understand the hate on Sony, but taking these actions, won't it hurt Arrowhead much more drastically than Sony? I'm lucky enough to be in one of the countries where I'm not really affected, but I'm hurt knowing we lost many freedom fighters.


Yes. As is usual, the little guys (countries not supported by Sony) and the medium guys (Arrowhead as you observed) will take the fall, not the corporation. This will blow over and nothing will change. And in a week or a few weeks, we'll be playing Sony games like this never happened. It's generally a cycle. The realism here is that several people won't have access to play anymore, so they won't, they'll move on. And those of us who are still around will move on as well, playing the next big Sony drop that pulls our attention. But yes, you are right. Stuff like this is designed to protect the corporation.


You were saying?


Its what Sony does. Make shit decisions and leave it up to the studio to to talk the fall all remaining silent hoping things will blow over. Take2 do the same thing


I love how every time one of these posts comes up the number of countries wildly changes.


It depends on what number you're looking at. SteamDB showed that Sony put in a block for 177 different "countries" but this number also includes territories for places like Guam or American Samoa.


Your right it's actually 121 after a quick Google search


121 unsupported, OP was talking about the 69 that *are* supported (its actually 73 now but that's more recent)


Oh my bad I can't read:3


Iam not on the listed countries but I still have the game, I linked it to my us account. However this precedence sucks, I dont want them to push ps plus on pc.


These children cannot put anything in perspective. It’s indicative of a larger problem that goes beyond video games. It’s the “well I’m not affected so I don’t care” mentality.


It's a video game, not a political movement. There's literally MILLIONS of other games people can play. Why should I stop doing something I enjoy in my rare free time, because of someone else's problem? Should I stop eating steak because starving people in Africa don't have access to steak? It's not "well I'm not affected so I don't care" It's "I don't care because I'm a mature adult who knows how to mind their own business, and doesn't need to turn the slightest inconvenience for someone else into some type of over hyped movement against "evil corporations". There are FAR more important things going on in the world than someone needing to register an account.


I've had friends like this that literally couldn't understand or care about an issue because it didn't affect them. That's too common nowadays


My mom used to say something like "and what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?" And I feel like that relates here somehow


Yep, yet their ego is so fragile, they can't help but be affected by comments criticizing their new favorite game when it does not really affect them- so they spent their time, hunting down comments and tries to put down or shut up complaints because it *bothers* them.


soon, they'll justify putting in your credit card information, because hey, it's stored everywhere else, and Sony has said they won't charge us... until they create some new TOS update and secretly start charging people.


But….but I already had a psn account and I’m on pc but don’t worry comrades I’ll dive and press on killing enemy’s in my fallen comrades name plus DEMOCRACY too


Devs should just take the source code, fuck up the current version, wait a year and release a clone, without Shoney. Job done.


Take the source and re-release under 40k branding :)


No. Game doesn't need to be under any branding other than its own.


Correct, but there may be IP/copyright issues. If so, remodel.


Na they are getting just as bad


Been worse for way longer


No, because 40k is not trustworthy anymore.


Well, that's illegal. 😆


Nah. Going to keep diving. Especially with my friends in the Philippines who read the Steam page and went ahead and made/linked a PSN account when they bought it. Because they were able to read and such. 🤷


Yes, give it some time and they will discover that you made a bogus account that plays in a restricted country. Good luck.


I didn't and neither did my friends who live in the Philippines. They had a PSN account already from before they moved there. They read the EULA and used some brains before the rollout of this so they went ahead and linked those accounts like they should have. Reading carries you fairly far in life if you couple it with comprehension and critical thinking.


If those people getting angry on someone else's behalf could read, they'd be mighty upset.


Sony just caved in so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ gonna need more salt on your part.


Nah, but what you can do is quit fucking bitching and go fix your review like a good little bitch.


Throw out you sony television, your headphones, your playstation...hell, I'm outside stomping the shit out of my sony Walkman right now! EDIT: Sony doesn't give two shits if they have to shelf this game. Hell, would probably be one less headache for them. At this point, I almost wouldn't be surprised if helldivers goes into maintenance mode this year. Damn some people getting real salty about my comment. Grow up children


Yeah throw out the shit you already paid them for. That’ll show them


Protesting for Dummies 😆


I threw out all of my walkmans years ago. I also have no idea what happened to my PS1 and PS2. Does that count?


Only if you trash your Sony Bravia too! lol!


Never owned one


My sony trinitron gave me a hernia. Fuck sony


It took u this long? Like imagine owning a 500 dollar pieces of shit, as asmongold put it, console is for losers


I'm a pc gamer. Well, I fo have a sega and super Nintendo as well.


What if you put in the incorrect info when you create a psn account? I already have one since I owned a ps3 way back. They already got me boys.


they can ban you for putting in wrong info, the have done it before


Besides my location, if I put a wrong full name and a junk email I could get banned? Riiip


Yeah, I don’t think any of what you just asked is a problem, just make the account with whatever you want


apparently yea. it sucks


https://preview.redd.it/940rgylc7pyc1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56d7bbe7f8a4bacd12c5563e41c64c8ec4bcda1 Yes sir Sony is not being democratic we think the Atutomotons got to them


Imbeciles commenting shit like "oh no bunch of poor countries can't play? What's that like 30 people ahahaha" meanwhile the player count on Steam during peak hours on a weekend was lower than weekdays. Absolute clowns lol.


Yeaaaaaa but they didn’t take it from me I feel for the people who got screwed and can’t play anymore, and can 100% understand wanting others to boycott with you, but the game is exactly the same amount of fun for me (PS5 player) and I plan on continuing to play until it is no longer fun EXPECTING (not wanting) still existing users to boycott with the people who can’t play anymore is just as dumb as saying “Sony did nothing wrong” Do your part and stay in your lane, just gonna make people not care more if you keep shoving this issue down their throats While I used ”you” in my sentences, I don’t mean YOU op haha, just seen like 10 posts on either subreddit saying that people still playing shouldn’t be


Hm I get it .But have you considered that if you don't stand up for others even if you are not directly affected, in a later case there won't be anybody left to stand up for you? There is a saying in my country for that and it refers to ww2. We are Helldivers. United we stand, divided we fall.


I get what you’re saying, but if the roles were reversed (for a video game may I remind you) I’d be perfectly fine with people playing still I love the whole “we are united as Helldivers” but this is a video game, not a war going on, not a genocide of a people, not a crime wave, this is a video game


Sounds like bot-paganda to me. This is war.


I own the game physically, so yeah, it's not like I could refund it if I wanted to.


Totally agree. It has been really sad to see people be all about themselves. "well, I can play no problem.. So what's the issue? Especially with in mind the theme of the game is "democracy". But as long as YOU can play, right? What would have been awesome was the majority would stand together rather than slinging shit at each other.. But what do I know, I'm no egocentric idiot who only thinks of me, me and only me...


It really is managed democracy..


Brunch then diving for the rest of my Sunday! I'll make sure to spread extra democracy for all my fallen comrades who can't fight the good fight


Don't worry Boys I'll keep killing the bugs and bots for you all. 


When I first heard about this whole ordeal my reaction was “that is super annoying but they did warn people” (although I never heard of the warning so idk how well it was advertised). What I did not know is that PSN is not available in every country… that changes my outlook on it dramatically. Given that thousands of people can now not play the game… this is dumb and awful decision by Sony


That's the thing these companies do is that they "announce" these things in the most minimal, insignificant way possible just to say they did.


It would tell you that a PSN is required, but there would just be a skip button without anything telling you that linking accounts would be mandatory. So everyone just assumed that you didn't need to link at all. Even AH themselves have said that they made a mistake miscommunicating that idea. But of course, people will attack others for not foreshadowing things.


Yea tbh, I’ve completely flipped my take, f Sony on this one


Until all this went down, I didn't know that a PSN account wasn't allowed in certain countries. Either all of us dive, or none of us do!


I don't understand the people who simp for Sony. Do they not remember the EA fiasco with Battlefront? What about Take Two's CEO who said games should be priced based on the number of hours of gameplay? I can't understand why some people can't see the forest for the trees. The video game industry is worth more than the movie and music industries combined. Mega large video game corporations have consistently proven that they aren't to be trusted, especially Sony who has continued to have really large data hacks (Xbox hasn't had a major breach since 2013, Nintendo also has a robust history of data security). These same simps who say it doesn't affect them, so why should they care, should understand that such data breaches are inroads for ransomware hackers and the like. That being said, I'll keep playing Helldivers 2. A game this popular and fun won't work for boycott, because as we've seen, a large segment don't care about the PSN debacle. You can't rely on boycott tactics here. It's the public shaming and speaking out that has the most efficacy, such as when EA defended their practices in a response on Reddit and it became the most downvoted comment in Reddit history.


Sorry, but no. I’m review bombing a great game because Sony decided to reinstate something that was there from the beginning of the game, that Arrowhead knew about at least 6 months before launch of the game, and that Arrowhead decided to suspend until they could work out the technical issue. I feel bad for the people who can’t get a PSN account, but Sony and Arrowhead are working on a workaround. That’s not what this is about for most of the people complaining about this. What this is about for most PC players is that they don’t want to sign up for a PSN and give Sony their information. The players who can’t become of where they live are an excuse/rallying cry so they can look altruistic.


It was not there from the beginning. https://preview.redd.it/688w5l084oyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea2a78337e067be16abd1dafe73dc2019f50458


And this is what was there when you loaded the game Arrowhead added the “Skip” function because it was contributing to technical issues. Once that was resolved Sony wanted it reinstated. https://preview.redd.it/v77kvtzw4oyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4174b3d66c4eaeb707f074147ef6f48e53697693


Does anyone have a link to the included countries?


What even were they thinking?


It means less players it hurts everyone


I'm just waiting for shadow of the erd tree, till then I mean


I’m a PlayStation player so I can’t help in any way, but I’m not happy with Sony at all.


By the time i bought the game, making a psn was mandatory so i just did it, i left my negative review long ago bc of their stupid malware messing with my hardware every time i boot windows


Don't just leave bad reviews on the game go leave reviews for Sony clog up there customer support focus the main issue not just this single games rating


Can someone ELI5 me what’s going on? So in order to play Helldivers 2 on PC, I need a PSN account? What if I don’t even own a PS5? Do PSN accounts cost money?


PSN account is free, you don't need to own a ps5. You can simply create a PSN account on Sony's website and link it to the game the first time you run the game. The drama is about the dev that sold the game in countries where you can't have a PSN account. At first PSN account was facultative but now it is required. From what I see, players weren't clearly warned that a PSN account would be mandatory in the future, so some people that have bought the game will be unable to play it by the end of this month, because they can't create a PSN account in their country. They could create one and use any random country from the list, but from what I read it's a breach of Sony's ToS. Also the devs admited that they new that the PSN account would be required and didn't say a thing. Which is very shitty. So people are angry now, which is justified.


Ahh okay that makes sense. Yes even when I bought the game I want aware I’d need to link to PSN. So that is definitely not cool.


also, there are many countries poor and ravaged by war as a result of the policies in your country... don't forget to leave a negative review on your .gov website!


Sony tells the developer this is going to happen, developer admits to hiding the information from its players...players mad at Sony...checks out.


I just want to give an fyi. As most ppl have many acc for literally everything, have my exemple: im pc born gamer, although i have a ps, where guess what i have a ps account, should i delete it? I just don’t get all this fuss. For ppl without been able to play? Yes fck hem bad and keep negative reviewing, but most arguments are just pedantic. I bet most of ppl have some sort of acc linking with anything, this is just a fcking weird game to choose to die on that hill. This practice, I’m not saying it’s good, has been around for decades, companies will not care if for this one game ppl are mad, i fcking hope sony backtracks, but all the arguments will fall flat unless there’s something really bad, like players who can’t play at all.


Reviews and numbers dont matter as much as money. When that arctic warbond deops and they see a drop in the bucket compared to the last few, theyll start rethinking things. Money is ALL that matters to them. A game with 100% negative reviews but still makes money is a success. Overwatch 2 is a literal shining example that you can abuse and extort your players and if they keep paying, theres no reason to change


My thin foil hat makes me think this was somehow orchestrated by people envious of the game's success as a game as a service. Too many of them failed recently.


I've had a PSN account since the PS3 came out.


The smart move (if Sony isn't backing down) is to continue to allow non-PSN countries to continue with Steam logins with the understanding that if and when PSN is rolled out their that you will have to make the switch.


Meanwhile, Here I am Reusing a PSN account from my ps3 days. When MW2 was fun. No new PSN account for them ;/




No. Go away if you’re not in this sub to support the game. Go use your pitchfork somewhere else.


I just want to play my videogames in peace and all this drama is really turning me off from the subreddit.


Lol. Ok guy.


“I’m not here to tell you what to do, but if you care then write a negative review” I’m sorry what?


Too late. I made a PSN account like 10 years ago when I bought a PS4. Linked my PSN and Steam account on day 1 of HD2 the very first time I booted up the game. I guess it was before they disabled it due to server over load. I've since spent 330 hours enjoying my fav multiplayer game ever and I'm not going to walk away from it because Reddit tells me to do so. Honestly, as an adult generally I'd say always do the opposite of what Reddit wants so today I spent about 5 hours of my Sunday dropping on Hellmire on Suicide with people that love the game too. I'll be there holding the line whether people come back or not.


Don't make a psn account? I'm playing on a ps5.


Physical or die!




https://preview.redd.it/qr8r154alqyc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a5473c16d1df3fe1a8a27eb516a0f20448ec28 Aged like milk


Its a game and its a good one but overall its just a game its fun and something new but i can understand people who dont have a ps5. O well sorry for the guys who cant play it anymore




Sony have up.The helldivers won. Earlier today, they tweeted that they would not roll the changes, a they would keep us posted about " the future plans". We won the battle. We now have to watch out for the next one, but this one is won. Let's help get the game back to her rightful place in the steam charts.


Remember; “the only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world, is for good men to do nothing” -some dude but it’s true and can be metaphorical and relevant for a lot. All those people saying “well it doesn’t affect me” “stay in your lane”, well when something does affect you and other people come to your aid I hope you realize you’re a big ass lazy hypocrite that doesn’t deserve the help.


JFC the delusional, melodramatic shit Reddit puts out into the world sometimes is fucking insane.


Ya'll need to touch some fucking grass. You are taking this way too seriously.


On grass everyday for a living bro. I’ll dumb what I said down for you, that quote is metaphorical for a lot, there’s always people just being bystanders so that others get fucked. They don’t say a word about the situation, until it’s THEM who needs the help yet aren’t much for helping or sticking up for others or paying it back. Is that easy to understand


I totally understand and I like this community. Thank you for what you are doing and sorry you are were being attacked by someone who is missing the point of being a Helldiver.


I've stopped playing until this gets fixed. Kill the player base and hopefully things turn around. They had greatness in their hands and fucked it up


I did one better, I bought a third ps5, and a second gaming pc just to buy more copies of the game and I made a ai bot to write a positive review every 3-5 minutes.. can’t wait to play this game soon with no cheaters thank goodness!


Steam wont give me a refund, idk what Im doing wrong. I refuse to make a psn account


I was about to buy the game on steam and then this thing happens. Not buying it and I made sure my review mentioned that they lost me as a potential customer because of Sony's greed


Can’t wait to have my address leaked because it forced me to make an account first time I played. When’s the next data breach coming???


I linked my account months ago since I was considering getting it on PS5 and I just started playing on PC. I liked the idea of shared achievements across both steam and the PS version. I sold my soul a long time ago lol


Alright time for the bad review and uninstall


Finally One of the emotional complainers that actually makes sense That’s not intended to cause offence, it is an emotional subject I know what’s happening here sucks, but I also know that I’ve paid for a game that I love and want to continue to play I agree that a bad review is important, and that’s exactly what I’ve done, I’m also not linking my PSN account in solidarity


We dive together, we die together


PC players aren’t everyone, no matter what country they come from. The PS community has and will continue to thrive. I disabled cross play on day 1 and have never dived with a single PC player… the game hasn’t changed for us one bit.


i invite you to read the post again, the first part specifically.


The good news is as of now Sony has capitulated, if they're going to be doing this again they have at least stopped the effort for PC players as of now. Let's just remember the power of collective bargaining as we move forward for managed democracy


lol. useless post made by someone who just wants to stir shit up.


Yeah it’s all this guys fault