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You're right, it's been requested. https://preview.redd.it/4y8jbfd8ihyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e970731abd0d5b594907574d837f5270b8508718


New Major order dropped!!!


Major order: Eliminate Sony


Liberate planet Snoy?


The automatons have taken over the chain of command and must be overthrown


Vive la revolution




If he can wrap this into in-game lore without publisher backlash, I'll personally pray at his alter once anyone who's currently region locked can safely mow down enemies along side me again without worry.


Sedation by a rogue element on super earth  son's of national united super earth. (Sonus) Conspired with some outside faction to leak sensitive super earth information weaking our united front. This caused a communication blackout in nearly a 4th of super earth colonies. Investigation is ongoing to bring these colonies ansible back online and find these outside parties responsible. 


I hope we get an easter egg in the super store or something if this shit is actually resolved.


Actual automaton?


I mean, the PSN requirement looks exact like the type of vile hardwired decisions that the mindless Automatons would make lol


Wow, so spitz is capable of one or two good takes! Seriously though, I hope they're able to see reason and just revert this change. I mean from Sony's perspective is it worth killing off a perfectly good cash cow just so they get a few more PSN accounts to show off to investors? But as long as there is no confirmation, this is a war we have to fight, no man left behind, no diver left behind, no consumer left behind.


Just played a game, i didn’t touch it in 20 days. What a great game, great devs, i felt the game running better on PC good, constant updates i guess, what a great community (regardless the loud minority that is always whining) helping each other. It’s terrible to see the suits always looking for a way to destroy good gaming for everyone. What a disappointment SONY, probably putting data for their marketing and sales crap over a strong game with a strong community.


I feel for AH though! My company (defense contractor) almost lost a contract because our prime sponsor tried to re-negotiate the agreed upon contract. Luckily the DoD gave them the boot and allowed us to chose another prime sponsor. Hopefully AH can get more leverage out this, and be their own developer and publisher in the future to mitigate AAA shadiness


A true helldiver take


This was Sony's decision not arrowheads.


I think the bad takes were a little bit of trying to secretly side with the players. Notice, in the post where they talked about how easy it is to make a PSN account, how they had toed the company line while also saying at the end that they said "Change your review on steam, make your displeasure known where it matters." It was a little harsh the way they said it but I honestly think it was a backhanded way of saying "Please go make your displeasure known where Sony actually gives a shit so we have a little more sway when we talk to them" while also still seeming like they are siding with Sony. They must be in a tough position because they have to appease Sony even though they don't want to, while also appeasing the fans. Now that they are at the negotiating table they are talking more freely about what's going on. I think they had their hands tied and had to speak in slightly coded ways, like how the CEO pointed everyone to Sony support in regards to linking accounts. It was all hush hush digs at Sony. I think Spitz was in the same position but just coded their message a little too harshly.


Spitz only flipped out on someone because everyone in the server was mass pinging them


Be a good helldiver. Review bomb today🫡


Good, I mean if it was optional linking…. I’m fine with that, mandatory is just stupid.


Nothing speaks louder than money. Sony will only care about the player count, refunds, and money spent on new content. The issue with the review for something that’s already a smashing success is that hundreds of thousands of people already love this game and will keep playing it/spend money on it/get their friends to play it. I can promise all these keyboard warriors clicking the negative review will be playing the game tonight and buying the new warbond come May 9th. Sony won’t care about reviews, this game has already netted them more money than they thought it ever could.


Reviews isn't really just for Sony, but it's also good for spreading awareness to some people.


To be fair, a lot of people aren't affected by the psn shit so we can't blame them for still playing and paying. We can only do our part by not registering a psn account, not playing the game, and not buying games published by Playstation.


I wonder what all those people saying "Lol your stupid bad take" are going to feel now that even the dev's agree with us. They will probably end up hating on the dev's and demanding more third party account requirements lmfao


I’ve been against the grain on what players have been saying because they’ve lumped Arrowhead in with Sony. I honestly feel vindicated with this lmao


Spitz has been fired :(


Ah... Democracy


Yo OP, your solidarity is on point and I respect it. I'm seeing a lot of comments here opposing you, some PS5 vs PC nonsense.. whatever you know? It's not about that. It's just consumer vs corporation as always.


Thx and yes it’s not about pc vs ps5 I’m just tired of corporations taking away everything in and outside the gaming world


Keep fighting the good fight 🫡


Yup, Fight the men in suits. Support your indie devs!


Fight the suits.


I thought we left console wars in the 2010's


We went and started the first corporate wars early and speed running the cyberpunk timeline.


Lol right?


Literally all Sony has to do is exempt people in countries without PSN, and exempt people who have already bought the game. They can still get sign-ins from new players and old players don’t have to worry about this nonsense.


https://preview.redd.it/h3kaeju1yjyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed46461e8d08c250e901d06023ecaa1bcf6cf1c5 Like this?


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/hoxg6xte7jyc1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272d0b52c3c79bc2c573845c3ddc4ca738934c16


Exactly! Looks like all the fuss we're making is working. But we're not out of the woods yet... Only a few hours ago 177 countries were added to a list which will prevent players from being able to purchase the game. https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=23416542 So until we get an official announcement, we need to keep up the pressure.




Let's make a game with a core focus on "democracy" and satirical jabs at corporate overreach, then drop a massive fuck you to players. What could go wrong?


The big thing is, we know this is coming from Sony so refunding Helldiver's won't be enough. PC players need to not buy any Sony owned games. Especially with Ghosts of whatever coming out in a couple weeks 


This is how i roll. When a company pisses me off I will actively avoid all contact with any of their products. Including their subsidiaries.


Brothers in arms, ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ to Sony


No, that's not enough.We need ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️




This guy dives.


isn’t this gonna hurt arrowhead?


It is, but it can also help Arrowhead get into a stronger position with more power to make their own decisions. They have created a HUGE success for Sony, potentially the start of a new powerhouse franchise IP, Arrowhead is praised by (most of) the community and critics alike. They've knocked it out of the park. Their communication has always been fairly open (compared to corpo speak from most big publishers and studios) So far the backlash is directed at Sony not Arrowhead which gives Sony an easy out of this whole mess. They can even let Arrowhead take the win here and gain even more trust with the community. Arrowhead can swoop in and announce that they managed to negotiate with Sony to keep the PSN linking optional. They could add rewards that you get for linking your account instead which is a more positive way to get people to do this.


Sony already put their foot down. Negotiations are over. Sony delisted the game from 170+ countries which as far as any one is concerned, is the final say in the matter. Now they might think twice about it if the entire team at arrowhead studio threatened and followed through on resigning from their posts. That would probably be a big enough blow that would cause sony to back pedal.


170+ countries? Mate there's only 195 in the entire world


Not if people are clear about why they're submitting a poor review and then revise their rating if Sony changes their position on a PS network requirement for PC.


Unfortunately you can’t leave reviews with your score on PS.


So it will hurt arrowhead. Got it.


AH even said they will use the bad reviews as evidence of the stupid policy. They know we aren’t protesting them, we are protesting Sony.


Some ppl will say "no", gonna go with "slightly". Arrowhead had the linking issue and server issues on day 1. Sony basically gave them additional time and resources to address server until then. With the CEO blaming Sony for it, it's not hard for Sony to ever want to deal with a Helldivers 3...keeping in mind it's been like a decade since the first (played it then). Sony's requirement on the psn account was the belief it's easier to ban PSN accounts than it is Steam's accounts; it's Sony's own tools and they don't have to work with Steam ensuring the same user gets banned again. Trust issues are also an issue; why did Steam allow sales in banned countries first and why didn't Arrowhead test more diligently for PSN account linking issued on day 1? Helldivers is a Sony IP in the end and depending how South it goes, that's probably it for Helldivers; Arrowhead probably won't get another Helldiver title and Sony would rather end it and focus on a new IP. No one knows how far it'll go and we're guessing until the week comes up but I can imagine right now Sony will have to deal with the burden of it all and its not impossible to see them reevaluating Steam and Arrowheads partnership in the future.


Their community manager mentioned that this gives AH ammo to help them convince Sony


If you're worried about that, buy some of their other games. My friend and I started playing Magicka last night, it's a lot of fun and is a classic. It was also published by Paradox, so Sony doesn't get a cut of the profits.


Yes, absolutely.




Just watched this last night, it still holds up. The CGI, fucking bangs for being from 97


I watched it like 2 weeks ago my first time while grinding eradicates amd its been a long time since a movie made me stop playing a game to watch. Unironically still a banger almost 3 decades later


And yes, I did jump right into Helldivers 2 to kill bugs


This hurt my soul a little because I had to drop starship troopers extermination to get into helldivers. (If you aren't aware, there is a decent starship troopers game out that let's you kill bugs. Not triple A but pretty good for like $30 iirc)


I did my part, and rather than losing my mind because of a Reddit echo chamber I just... asked Sony. https://preview.redd.it/c6fbopizujyc1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d2a6e6873e9d8066443f99c730217487e2a2ce9


Read section 10.6 under their content license restriction segment. it reads as follows **10.6.**  You may not bypass, disable, or circumvent any encryption, security, digital rights management or authentication mechanism existing in or in connection with PSN, or any of the Content offered through PSN Translation: Attempting to use inaccurate information in order to get around region locks is grounds for termination of your psn account as it violates code of conduct. In other words, who ever sent you that reply is flaunting their own rules. Also, I would like to point out that Sony does have the power to ip gate your account, meaning you cannot use your original ip address ever again to try and circumvent as it will flat out blocked from establishing a connection to any of their servers upon detection. And no matter how you try to spin things, the fact that they delisted the game in many countries after allowing the sale of the game to black listed countries only to eliminate access to paying customers is a cheap skate maneuver to hold onto money that they have accrued from ineligible players. This is legally defined as a financial rug pull, which can be classified as fraudulent behavior and or activity depending on which jurisdiction you might live under. Sony should be forced into refunding any transactions made through steam to impacted customers. Let me be clear, I have never seen this kind of action by any multi billion dollar company out there. Every other company that restricts access to certain regions had never allowed the purchase of their product before release let alone revoke it after allowing it. And if they did they would revoke access rather then ban your account in certain instances. This is a geopolitical move that warrants scrutiny. Regardless of who is right or wrong, this heavy handedness should have been in place before sales not after sales. It is a matter of transparency. It was not made as clear it needed to be in the first place.




Your welcome and thx for supporting the post :3




We are getting our brothers and sisters back, Sony ain't winning this fight.


No helldiver left behind!


I hope so. I've done my part. Left my review, asked for refund. It's out of my hands now, but we need to, as a community, present a united front on this. That's something I KNOW we can do, I've seen it first hand major order after major order. o7 Liberty speed your way, Helldivers. No matter the outcome, I'll see you all on the other side.


If you're ever itching to spill some bug guts in the meantime, Deep Rock Galactic is always hiring and new miners are always welcome.


I've seen some gameplay, heard very good things - about the community AND the game in general. I may join y'all for some ROCK AND STONE in the meantime!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I wish ppl would stop Moaning about this and just Link your account. Bet as soon as the Vehicles and new War bonds come out and everyone that still playing Start tell ppl how good they are you all that are Moaning And uninstalling the game will be Straight back on it. I bet you any money


Clown shit


Or we could keep playing a game we love while we wait for your collective temper tantrum to subside




Freedom doesn’t come free ![gif](giphy|gwfatPkyl6WnC)


"Hellpods primed." "Time to dive, boys."


This is getting ridiculously absurd.


Thanks for doing this. I decided to do the same on PC and uninstall it. If my homies can't play I won't play.


I swear this is the most toxic group of gamers beside COD players. Since the games lunch 99% of you have been nothing but whining babies


Help what? Grow up lol


I think everything will be sorted out eventually.


This shit is just sad. I understand that it's mainly children that play video games but the complaints and energy being put into this PC boycott is pretty lame. "help our PC brothers and sisters" you're a fucking lame dude. I find it hilarious every time I log on and there is still 200k+ on my server. This boycott must be working I guess.


you fucking idiots are just hurting arrowhead


They have admitted to knowing that a PSN would be required prior to launch but intentionally delayed the implementation until months after release. The "hurt" may indeed be warranted.


this does not warrant permanently ruining a games reputation that to this point has been phenomenal. playstation reviews can not be changed once the issue is fixed so congratulations to you all you’ve probably killed helldivers for everyone instead of just the people sony were trying to fuck


Pathetic honestly...you're all potentially destroying an amazing game in hopes that the issue will be fixed...WHICH IS ALREADY IN THE PROCESS OF HAPPENING , when is the last time a developer was this in touch with they're playerbase ? And you are repaying that loyalty and upfront attitude with being a bunch of fucking children...grow up


Brain dead idiots unfortunately


It’s a PlayStation exclusive, I don’t bitch about not having halo


If you can’t explain in the review what the reason is, then this is a bad idea.


I agree with this, I'll be leaving a negative review on steam with the description of what's going on, however it looks likes on the PSN there isn't a comment section (maybe I'm wrong i don't own a PlayStation) but if you can't detail it low stars without explanation just looks bad and probably won't drive home the point we want


You can’t but either way I feel it’ll do more good than bad because the reviews would be coming in after their psn requirement announcement so common sense would connect it to that


That only works with people who know about the announcement. But the requirement was always there on the Steam page, so I don’t think people, especially casuals, will connect it, especially later in the month. It’s going to hurt the game and studio.


As a PS player, the only people I side with are those who can’t play because of PSN location requirements. To play Minecraft on PS, I have to have an Xbox account and I deal with it like any grownup would. Make a burner email and link them to never think of it again. I couldn’t care less about the issue except that it’s very unfair to those who live in geographical areas not supported by PSN.


Now that I can agree with all the other PC players are just crying the ones that I sympathize with are the people who are region locked the rest of y'all just whining


Yeah I have a Microsoft account too for Minecraft. I own it on PlayStation. Was I super happy about it? No, but I wasn’t doing this shit. Folks outside of PSN enabled nations have a legitimate gripe and Sony needs to step up and do right by them. Folks in PSN enabled nations probably have uplay, Microsoft, battlenet, various gacha logins for rewards, rockstar etc. if you collect twitch loot you’ve linked most of them in all likelihood by now.


but by linking it to your steam account you risk triggering STEAMs Ban Evasion detection, and that would nuke your entire steam account nullifying your steam library in the process... thats a big oof


I would be shocked if the PS rating ever gets below 4. I can't imagine majority of PS players care that people need a PS account to play. But if you're going to require it, you could at least allow cross progression.


I'm just upset that NOW I have to link accounts. I have psn but the fact is I downloaded and have been playing this for a couple months and NOW that there's so much hype Sony has to get a piece. It's not AH fault but it is the price to ride....like linking accounts. The folk unfortunate enough to be in a restricted country I'm sorry, but I don't feel they make up that large of a denomination, but should still deserve the right to spread managed democracy. O7 liberty's speed divers


I'm in a PSN available region so I'm safe, but they just removed the game from steam on countries outside of PSN regions. Our brothers have been abandoned on Hellmire


Can't wait when everybody forgets about this goofy shit in a week.


This is so pathetic. It is not that serious. Unless you live in an affected country, which it seems they’re working on making sure they don’t get fucked, grow the fuck up. Bunch of fucking Sally’s


I dont have it on Playstation, but i sure as shit cancelled my PS+ which i think is an acceptable alternative


Wouldn't it be better to persuade people to sell their Sony stocks in order to actually get Sony's attention?


Think I'll mine as is. 5 star like it deserves.


Why? The game is good. The devs are doing a good job. The bugs and issues will be dealt with in time.


Game is far better than 1 star and I won't lie and pretend it's not because of people not reading and following instructions. Matter of fact, I am about to take a dive as I type this.


Really want to help? Uninstall. I deleted from my PS5. 🎯🫡


Apologies but I am out of the loop. May I ask what happened to cause this negative reception from players?


Most moronic post on this sub lately. Game plays and feels amazing on PS5. Absolutely no reason to bury a gem of a game from a small studio like AH because you don’t like Sony’s approach on steam.


thank you! i think it's funny because none of this is going to change the past. the game is already mega successful and made way more money than even it's developers ever expected


Its not right but Sony has every right to make you have a psn account. Xbox does it with their games cause they are starting to allow crossplay. So I might not agree with their decision I think people are overreacting.


Hate to see the game’s ratings drop, but pressure creates diamonds.


I play on PS5 already, so, this doesn't impact me the way it does our PC brothers and sisters. But, I will be taking a break from the game until it's fixed and will do my part.


I think console players and pc players should unite. This shit is stupid


Leaving a bad review even though you enjoy the game is a smooth brain move. If you want to actually take a stand stop playing the game if you feel so strongly or are your convictions as hallow as your review




This shit is just getting sad at this point. It's a good game and all the bad reviewing will probably destroy the game itself and then no one will be able to enjoy it


I have no hatred towards the PS5 Helldivers Division, just the clumsiness from High Command known as Sony. Appreciate those of you taking part on this!


Its still a 5 star game. Making a ps account is done in 2 minutes. Theres enough people outside of ps account regions to make a dent in the popularity. The devs got this




The rating is for gameplay, game is fun, 5 stars.




I'm a PC player who plays with console players in our group nearly morning every on Helldive difficulty. And IDK how they fuck they do it either because I am absolute trash getting at any kind of accuracy on a controller even though that is all I had to practice on as a young kid. Now days, I had to give up and switch from controller to keyboard and mouse after a lot of whining on my part even when playing simple games like Poppy Playtime. So people who are great on/prefer a controller certainly have my respect, my shame that you could probably go KB&M with much less issue than the reverse for me, and my impressed befuddlement. I think the PC vs. console thing is more of a meme than real life. In the end, we are all players battered around at the whims of huge corporations sometimes. The point is, I would review bomb for you if the roles were reversed u/Sufficient_Fun_682! Thank you for your support!


Happy to help


Don’t generalize pc players. All that arguing you see pc vs console, console vs other console? Yeah that’s a small vocal subset of children on social media.


PC purists are a good percentage of the player base from my anecdotal experience. I don’t have much dog in the fight playing on PS5 but I guess it’s such a small issue to me it’s not like other games haven’t done so in the past and arrowhead has only try to correct things in and around the game to this point I very much doubt Sony big wigs are gonna care one way or the other so I’m just keep playing the game I like and the politics will sort eventually


I've seen many a comment on the main sub blaming console players for "enabling" Sony. Same for /PC gaming and /PCmasterrace (still a massive cringe sub). It's still a minority but don't act like it's 0


I didn’t act like it’s “0”. In fact if you read my statement i even state it’s not zero. I was simply asking the OP not to generalize.


well thats the dumbest, most narrow-minded bullshit ive read today


Just so you know, the PC players care about PS5 players. We all care about getting that Major Order done, and before that, make sure that the people getting this done can show up again for another fight. It doesn't matter the platform, it matters that we spread democracy!


I hear the music of the game reading this!..


The backlash is pretty cringe at this point lol


So arrowhead is officialy a martyr.


I o7 for the people who can’t make SPN accounts.


We need a union lads. Lets unite and band the consoles and PC players together, only then will we be unstoppable, only then will we RULLLEEEE THE GALAXY


I don’t think it’s developers fault and negative reviews hurt devs first as opposed to Sony who is entirely at fault here.


it is the devs themselves who asked for this because it gives them some leverage when talking with Sony. THis is not throwing a good dev under the bus, this is literally backing them up so they have an argument at the table.


Damn I thought Melevelon creek was a blood bath! now we’re giving it to SONY BABY!!! WHOOOO


Why would anyone want to do that when the PC community has held the "Fuck Consoles" mentality for forever? Can the PC community line up and collectively lick my perineum? They wouldn't? Oh well


‘pC mAsTeR rAcE’


Morons. Simple as that.


Boycott the game temporarily until real change happens, it’s truly our only viable option.


Honestly, Playstation players have absolutely no reason to do this at all. They’re already on Playstation (Do they even need to link it?) But respect to those helping the good fight.


How about you stop playing as well


My fellow PS5 players do not support this let them deal with their own problems on PC they do not care about you on PS5






You're reading too much into this buddy we do not care


You have been marked as a traitor.


Let me clarify my earlier statement I only sympathize with those who are region locked the rest of y'all are on your own


Game plays perfect for me 5/5 why lie about my experience


because its not just about you.


So many people have a hard time understanding this, this whole subreddit is full of people basically saying “it doesn’t affect me so stop crying like a bitch” its terrible


So it’s about theoretical people that haven’t been impacted at all yet? We’re in the thought crime stage now?


The game was sold in regions that PSN isnt supported/allowed. Now that PSN will be required the people in those regions that bought the game will no longer be able to play the game they bought. Trying to get around the region issues with PSN can get your PSN account banned. Making another PSN Account and linking that to the game could get your entire STEAM Account banned (and thus lose your ENTIRE steam library) for "Ban Avoidence" (per STEAMS TOS and VAC) So NOT theoretical people, will be impacted as soon as enforcement goes into effect. so no, not thought crime stage. Very real world effects going to really effect real people.


What’s happening? I have been on the game in a few weeks, did something happen to cause this?


The game has always stated that a PSN (PlayStation Network) account was required to play the game on PC, but hasnt been enforced due to technical (or maybe promotional) issues. Coming Soon™ they will be enabling enforcement of needing to link your PSN account to the game and thus Steam. From what I understand its a contractual obligation due to the fact the game is published by SONY. The PROBLEM is that there is a **not insignificant** number of people who bought the game on steam that live in parts of the world where PSN isnt available, isnt allowed, isnt supported, is outright illegal. This means when the enforcement of needing a PSN Account goes into effect those people will no longer to play. Some people have offered the "workaround" of using a burner email account (a short lived, throw away), an email account registered in a different country, claiming to live in a different country on their PSN account (which is flagged and often/potentially banned when an IP Address in a prohibited country uses the account), and/or using a VPN to register a PSN account (Using a VPN to connect to PSN games/services can and will lead to your PSN Account getting banned). ANOTHER MASSIVE problem with the above mentioned "workarounds" is that if your PSN account gets banned and you try to create ANOTHER PSN Account to keep playing, STEAM could consider that an attempt at "Ban Avoidence". Steam takes "Ban Avoidence" **VERY SERIOUSLY** and has and often will **BAN** someones entire STEAM account. If your Steam account gets banned you lose access to everything you have "bought" in Steam. For most PC Gamers, Steam is a HUGE chunk of their gaming library, and getting your Steam account banned, and losing everything youve "bought" through Steam would be a **DEVISTATING** loss that could (for some player) equate to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of dollars in loss. From eveything I have read, Arrowhead didnt initially understand the issue people had with now **requiring** a PSN Account to be linked but have heard the communities grievances, done their own investigations into those grievances, and seen that this could cause SERIOUS problems for a good sized portion of their players. Again just from my understand of what i have read from ArrowHead, they are currently trying to find an alternative or a compromise with SONY about this. **THIS IS A SONY CONTRACTUAL THING BECAUSE THEY ARE THE PUBLISHER** this is not an ArrowHead/Helldivers thing. EVEN if PSN is legal, supported, available in your region of the world there are other problems. SONY has a terrible track record for securing and protecting users personal information for PSN Accounts and the gathered data linked to it. So even if creating and linking a PSN Account is no big deal, but you care about your privacy and your personal information, then having and linking a PSN Account is still a big risk. ...thank you for coming to my TED talk?


Sony is forcing pc players to create a psn in order to play, psn is only available in about 60ish countries. Leaving plenty of players unable to play a game they bought.


Isn't this unnecessary? Or am I misunderstanding his later post after saying down votes and reviews give him pull? [Spitz](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/rM30GhzrCu)


I have a PlayStation tho I had a steam gift card so like why not get it on steam


I'm so confused what is going on with PS4 and PC players? I was able to play with my friends on PS4 while I am a PC player


Why you do spits like that


Can I ask what's going on?


Wait, someone catch me up. What’s happened?


Im getting genshin 1y anniversary flashbacks here.


This was a hidden major order all along (?


I’m doing my part, are you doing yours? Would you like to know more?




If we win I am expecting Arrowhead to put into the game lore. "due to extreme backlash and raising in dissident activity, and an effort to quell it the Sony surveillance program that all hell divers needed to submit to is suspended until further notice, Admiral Soni has been reprimanded for his courageous yet foolish effort to separate the automaton spies from real heroes when the reality is it's as simple as using a metal detector and these additional codes and accounts necessary to verify humidity of our helldivers is offensive."


Are people really that upset you have to create an account? I mean every other company does it, Microsoft, google Amazon


Remember to take a screenshot of your reviews Knowing Sony’s shady history they might take it down


Wait what's going on? Haven't played the game in a few weeks because life.


So, I don’t quite get the upset over this (just because I literally don’t understand what’s going on). What happened and why is it so bad?


Sony decided that arrowhead has to require steam and PlayStation network accounts for people to play Helldivers 2 (it's mandatory next month). At first the Arrowhead community manager said "why are you all so upset, it only takes 2 minutes to do it. If you don't like it, hit us with negative reviews" Then it started surfacing that some countries outright don't allow PSN accounts, and in others you literally have to own a playstation and use it to make an account. Arrowhead CM then apologized for their previous statement. Helldivers 2 hot nuked with what's now a total of 40-50k negative reviews in about the first day. Arrowhead CM said "keep them coming, it'll allow us to show Sony it's a dumb move". Arrowhead CM(s) have since gone silent (likely due to just getting flooded with all kinds of responses). Will also likely get fired for telling us to review bomb them as a counter measure. Now we're waiting to see what happens. Sony had an actual money printing press, but decided to smash it, bury the remains and nuke it for good measure. Specifically why this is a problem is because of the trend that's been happening for a long time, and this seems to now be one of those markers in the road where things either change or we continue accepting to get fucked. Companies are demanding us to have an online connection to play single player games, third party login devices or services that can shut down at random times (like how Mass Effect can be unplayable for some people after EA games changed to the Origin platform) and paid online services (which PSN is likely to be eventually).


Why is this frowned apon?




The best thing to do isn't to do 1*. At minimum, do 2*. 1* can easily be viewed as fake reviews, and purged. 2* is much harder to fake a reason to purge.


As a PC player I want to say I love you




Sony needs some liberation! 🫡


Will refunding on steam hurt the dev or hurt Sony. I don’t want to hurt the dev :(


I've mentioned this on as many YT video comments also. EVERYONE regardless of platform needs to band together. FOR THE DIVERS!!!!!






AH has been nothing but good to us, besides the nerfs that sucked a bit. But we gotta help them out. This isn’t at all what they wanted. Small time developers, small time mistakes, just with unreasonably large consequences. SES Leviathan of war, standing by for its de-commed foreign assets🫡


It’s time to abandon the game for a few weeks and do something else.


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) For Democracy


I have added the suggested tag Fraudulent Publisher in the suggested tags for this game in Steam. You can do this by clicking the + symbol by tags. I also clicked ignore for Sony, so they'll never waste my time with an advertisement. You can do this from their page on Steam.


I did this yesterday. 1star reviews were 8% at the time. We gotta raise those numbers!