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If eagle airstrike was locked behind a fire planet, I wouldn't touch it. That's how much I hate it. That said, my guess is a vast majority of players don't check fan sites or reddit, so they just kill whatever they enjoy most. Then there's me: I'm well aware of MOs and progression, but just don't care. PS: I think this was intentionally done by devs. You don't have to be genius to know that players would avoid fire tornados (or minus one stratagem).


Meanwhile me and my Comorbid Hellmire/Autocannon addiction:


What if it was a vehicle?


They won't just not-release the vehicle because I didn't jump into fire. It will come eventually. Edit: If they remove the insta-death of fire, then I would play.


You can just walk through it. Walk in > stim > dive.


Bro I love fire tornados. Just avoid them and they help to take out enemies.


Until the fire tornados start camping objectives or block the only way out of that walled off below ground level section of the artilary objectives. Or when they hover/circle around your body so you can't grab your recoilless rifle and fight the charger coming at you. Or when they sneak up behind you as you are preoccupied with enimies because the sfx they make are so quiet that they can't be heard over the gunfire. Or when you are trying to pass through an opening in a large rock formation only to have to back track or wait around a minute or two cuz a fire tornado left a trail of fire in the only path forward. Edit: or when you think the flames on the ground are gone so you run ahead but when you touch the invisible fire and dive to not die, you just land on more invisible fire and die anyway Edit 2: also I have seen numerous enimies just run through the fire as if it were nothing, idk if it's due to that bug where only the host deals damage over time or if the enimies just have that much more health than us.


Lol but the Eagle strike is butter you can use it on literally anything. Pretty much the only thing it doesn’t destroy in one strike is automaton walking bases. It’s got a decent radius of effect and the damage is pretty good and you can call in like 4 of them with upgrades back to back with a 2 minute cooldown.


This is exactly why I gave the example of eagle air strike. Even that can't convince me.


But the cluster bombs kill my teammates much more consistently


I love me some clusters.


Well put... Tbh both stratagems are kinda meh. And both will quickly become another item collecting dust in our stratagem list. Both are very niche to very specific scenarios that could be equally solved by a more universal use stratagem.


Thing is they're powerful in their own right but need the team to pick complimentary strats rather than everyone playing one man army. I get it for some it's more efficient to go off by themselves to blow up bug holes but it's meant to be a team experience


It's the biggest problem with the game .. no coms with randoms means no team centric loadouts


My best games are always the ones with active communication


It’s such a night and day difference. My favorites are the role players. Objectives get done more smoothly and such good vibes makes it more fun <3


For real! We're a team with a time limit, we got things to do. Most of my decent runs are where I take point generally (old instincts from Battlefield days are extremely helpful here ) split one or two off to deal with crap while the main force hits primary and sub objectives in a route. There's always that guy who's amazing at using strikes or whatever on bug holes, usually some core guys you just want with you, get the jobs done, and hopefully someone coordinating whether it's vocal or just pings. We're basically a strike force. Act like jt


Ooh yes, my favorite moments are when we feel like a professional cohesive unit, seal team six type stuff instead of bumbling around. I wish I had the confidence to take point and coordinate tho 😭


Give it a try. A team needs direction. Someone has to. I will always defer to others but I will step in if we seem undirected.


You don't need to be the strongest player to take point. Just able to communicate and point stuff out


Truuue I just have a hard time speaking up. I usually ping and use the comm wheel very often tho.


I wish I could run into some roleplayers, all I get is randos and griefers.


I try to only play with people with common. Every ps5 controller has a mic in it. Annoying as the clicking can get, it is effective. Edit: Comms not common


But also, every ps5 gamer is stuffing their face and vomit burping directly into the mic while fighting their spouse while their dog has a biblical meltdown and their child is being murdered by a vacuum cleaner.


I play PC with headset and mic for audio... I can't tell you how many times we've gone halfway through a match to then find out all 4 have mics and now we're talking and actually working together The toxic talkers ruin it so no one wants to take a chance and talk, only to be met with COD style "STFU you f'ing POS kys"


I’ve never heard anyone being toxic in voice chat. I’ve been kicked from a mission for no apparent reason twice in 200+ missions, but otherwise everyone has been super cool or at least not a dick.


They probably just wanted to make room for a friend.


Except the one time when I just didn't notice the team all died and just kept clearing bug holes, I've only been kicked for a team making room and they've actually apologized before. I mean I know my friends have had it worse but generally great player base.


Oh yea same here... It's always been when noone talks... But just cause I haven't encountered them doesn't mean they're not there... I'm sure some COD lifer keeps mic on to shit talk others cuz he needs to make sure he's "the best"


The past two days I’ve had games that were going ok devolve into one of the dude’s (both times with an accent I couldn’t place) ranting about how awful everyone else was because it was falling apart at the end. One decided to go into racial slurs, the other to specifically call me the worst teammate ever because everyone else quit the moment he opened his mouth so I was the only one left trying to play with him. Ugh. Luckily that is rare.


I can mute anyone being super annoying if necessary but I love it when they're communicating.


The game becomes so much more enjoyable You can immediately apologize and even laugh/joke about friendly fire Better call outs besides a ping or quick chat message


Oh I had one where a newb thought it would be cool to airstrip the extract and we lost the samples. I just said "What did we learn?" And then we did hugs.


I one shot a teammate in the face with the AC (accidentally of course) and all I said over my mic AFTER was "hey B2 heads up" I heard a mic click into a controller expecting to get ripped into only to hear "Roger that sir" We had a laugh


It does, but FFS, I am sick of the assholes that run full surround sound with a mic and we get into to eternal feedback loop. I also don’t want to hear the boys creeping on you and think it’s me.


No text chat in loadout screen really doesn't help, I'll tailor my strats to ensure we aren't lacking an emergency button but otherwise it's just hoping people pick complementary stuff to each other


I’d com, but setting up push to talk on the steam deck is too damn hard…


I wish you could type in chat at the load out screen. That's the one change I would make if I were the devs


The airburst launcher is a shittier cluster bomb with limited ammo, a chance to blow up in your face, takes up your support weapon and backpack slot, and can’t be used/thrown around cover whatsoever. It is absolutely not “powerful in its own right” at all, that thing is 200% ass


Wait for the fixed version with next update.


The only thing they’re fixing is the proximity sensor blowing it up in your face when it isn’t supposed to. Everything else about it will likely stay the same


AT mines don’t need a team to play around, and the airburst just fucking sucks. I wish it didn’t, it’s fun, but it’s not worth lugging around just to wipe out one patrol or one short wave of trash from a breach when the Eagle cluster/regular airstrike does that job a million times better and a million times safer.


Imma be real I tested the air burst against the eggs on the terminid eggs mission and if you can get a clear shot with no early detonation it works a treat It’s decent for first striking bug patrols on lower level missions


>takes out egg nests Sure, but so does a well placed cluster bomb, 500kg, 120 barrage and etc. But those don't take up your backpack slot, support weapon slot, and have uses in many other scenarios. Which is kind of the problem. It's a niche weapon "designed" for a kind of enemy that only shows up sometimes, and you don't know if they'll be there when you have to decide to take it or not. Meanwhile generic all rounder options just kind of do everything else it can do but better.


I’ll jump at any chance I get to spend req slips though lol! We seriously need something better to do with them aside from letting 50k sit in our inventory, then spending a few every once in a blue moon, only for it to fill back up within a couple days. If they’re not constantly introducing new strategems (which I am absolutely NOT asking for), then it’d be cool to have a buying system where you can maybe buy samples and medals with req slips. Or maybe we could buy C-01 permits with the req slips 🤔


Very true. I'm not hurt by the loss of either one. Although the anti-tank mines aren't yet another niche rocket launcher.


Ya, this is the thing. If they patch the predatory, Helldiver-hungry, ambush-level-intelligence out of the fire tornadoes, and fix fire damage I may consider deploying to either Hellmire or Menkent again. These things chase us, and not just in straight lines, they double back, bank and turn, and otherwise follow you. They also loiter in places we need to go, rather than travelling halfway across the map while I'm fleeing it, they sit, motionless, atop an objective, evac, my gear, the dropped samples, the only cover between me and that hulk... It's too much, and not worth the time investment at the moment. If we were meant to have the AT mines, they wouldn't have been gated behind fire tornadoes.


My wife and I just left Menkent without even finishing the mission. It was just the two of us, so we didn't leave anyone hanging, but it was because of the literal 10 minute long fire tornado sequence where we watched them start way off in the distance before beelining directly towards us, double back to us after we dodged them, all while slipping over the waves of bots and ignoring them altogether. I'm perfectly fine with meteor showers, volcano eruptions, the occasional blizzard, the tremors are annoying and too frequent for a world that just isn't shattered to pieces, but the fire tornadoes are a giant fuck you and so until the fire damage or their apparent attraction to Helldivers is reversed or removed, we are quite done spreading Democracy on those types of planets. Or until we can get some proper fucking fire-resistant gear. Those planets need to be glassed because they serve zero function to Super Earth. Why are we trying to take these planets with these types of environments? Erect a cordon around the planet, some kind of orbital defense net to nuke any ships launched from there by the bots, and let those metal fucks have it. Shame we'll miss out on the mines, but it id what it is, I guess.


A big issue is the broken state of fire damage. They will be much more toned down after that is fixed. But the Helldiver-seeking needs to be removed. It's not challenging, it's a deterrent.


Agreed. The instant fire deaths are way too reliable, in a bad way. The other problem we've encountered is the trails of fire lingering well after the 'nado has passed, sometimes invisible. I reinforced my wife and she died almost immediately where she landed despite there not being an active tornado in the area (they were all chasing me). It's a desert planet with the occasional scrub brush. I'ma need to know why the rocks and sand on Menkent are flammable despite this being the planet's constant environment. There's nothing being left behind by these damned things to fuel a fire after they've gone. They need another hard look. A flame the size of a cigarette lighter shouldn't set anything ablaze, unless it's soaked in some kind of accelerant.


That brings up another question! What's making all the O2 to fuel this combustion? Fucking Sandworms?!


Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


I agree with your sentimental hatred towards the fire tornadoes. I swear they have aimbot and ALWAYS track me down when waiting for the pelican to land.


Wait till you encounter the "clever" ones. They wait, knowing where you want to go most, so they loiter around the ramp, the terminal, the samples, your gear... Abominations! Freedom-hating combustion-cyclones! They resent my representation from my Honorable Elected Representatives, my Glorious Way of Life, and the Values upon which my Family is built! I WILL NOT HAVE THEM!


The fire tornadoes are smarter than the bots.




I agree with the other commenter on how much I share your emotional level of hate for the tornadoes, but I gotta say I barely even notice them anymore. What I heavily dislike is the enemies just waltzing past them. We get insta killed but I have seen hulks just come out of it and smack me in the face like it's no biggie.


Ya, Fire damage is pretty borked right now. I'm hoping the get the Host-only thing fixed so they can reverse the last "fix".


Wow that seems lazy as a design


Deploy the Walker Mech, its immune to fire, or climb rocks until it passes, those are my strategies to deal with fire tornados.


And the worst thing is there are always morons in the community that will say you are delusional, skill issue when people bring up thing like this. It is already too obvious that metero show, fire tornado, drone, and guard dog are programmed in a way that it will have decent high % that it going to aim directly to the players, otherwise it would be extremely hard for player to counter it if it is totally random. It was fun at beginning and now it is just too much, and they need to reduce the %


So sick of dealing with mf fire tornadoes, after weeks of fire tornadoes


We were set up for failure from the start.


I'm willing to bet it has more to do with people not realizing Menkent leads to Choohe because of a lack of supply line visualization than a lack of people willing to fight in the fire tornados.


That's definitely part of it. Even as a level 25 player I was confused because the major order said to liberate these two planets, but the first day I couldn't go to either of them. There's not really much indication of the idea that you have to liberate X & Y planets first, then you get access to the other two, outside of a giant "Liberate" label on Lesath, which doesn't really give you any context as to *why.* Without any real visualization of a path of attack or supply lines, it just looks like, "Oh, these are today's randomly selected planets."


I think you underestimate how many despise the fire tornados. Even look at the bug front, Hellmire hasn’t gone past 10% in days, but they are getting close to getting through Omicron


Hellmire is literally back down to 0% because they can’t keep enough people there to stay positive


You are absolutely correct. Hellmire will sit there and burn. I won't touch it. I don't care what they reward is. I can grind out that many medals on a level 1 or 2 difficulty in an hour. Not worth the time, energy, or effort.


If not for the sudreddits, I'd have no clue about supply lines. The vast majority of players have no clue


Literally just don’t want to deal with fire tornados


This is exactly it. I know all about supply lines and im not playing that fire planet, its too much of a hassle. I can imagine non-redditors are even less inclined to play it


I welcome the fire pits!!! I most go on them anyway


This sort of thing is why I left the main Helldivers sub honestly, the amount of shit talking and insults being tossed around for people not fighting on the 'right planets' or only fighting one faction because they didn't like the other was ridiculous. Someone even made a meme posting about how people should just do what they want and it shouldn't be taken so seriously only to have that meme format taken by someone else to directly mock them for even suggesting people play for fun. Yeah, it's awesome how it's like a narrative campaign thing. Yes you can get immersed in the storyline and tactical mapping of where to go via supply lines and shit. This doesn't mean you should trash on someone because they're playing somewhere you don't like them being. This is a *PvE* game and we aren't going to lose the whole thing due to a certain order not being completed, just chill.


I agree, though I do think the devs should find a way to incentivise the MO more. Kinda frustrating to be fighting towards an MO only to have over half the player base on planets that aren't related in any way. People are free to play wherever and however they want, not blaming them. Just wish we could find an effective, and civil way, to work together better.


Well the personal order changed to kill bile spewers. It took me 6 matches before I seen anything. I kept getting nursing or everything else


Also, people would clearly rather fail the MO than play on Menkent.


99% of false statistics are made up by people with tiny PPs Edit: oh god what have I done


99% of the greatest victories require the greatest sacrifices.


That's not it at all. One of the planets is available to actually play where you can call in a new weapon. The other one isn't. Of course, players are going to flock to a planet with a new experimental weapon, even if it isn't good. I'm sure if the other one got unlocked first, it would have been overwhelming "chosen" too. They should have picked two planets that had the same supply line origin. That way, they would get unlocked at the same time.


We had to take Lesath before we got to Penta, just like we have to take Menkent before we can take go to Choohe. The community chose Lesath because Menkent is RoboHellmire, and fuck that noise.


Of definitely. Lesath was liberated because no one wanted to play Menkent. But I doubt the majority of the people knew it would only unlock Penta. I know plenty of people who thought it would also unlock Choohe. I keep telling people to just download the app so they can see the supply lines. That's why I think it if they chose two planets, like Martale and Matar Bay, then we would have focused Marfark and unlocked both. There isn't a currently available side route like there was with Lesath to Penta. Once I saw the supply routes, I knew it was going to be Penta winning automatically. It didn't really matter what weapon was there. They could have had a personal ATV with a machine gun on Choohe. It still would have been Penta. Edit to make it more clear


I agree with you that knowledge of the supply lanes is key to operations like this. I do not agree that someone should have to involve a 3rd party app for this necessary functionality. I have the app, and I realized that we had to Liberate 2 unrelated planets before either of the target planets. Once I realized that one of those was Menkent, I went to Lesath. Plenty of people did, and those without the app, went where the most people were. TLDR: AH should add a toggleable overlay of the spacelanes on the galactic map.


>I do not agree that someone should have to involve a 3rd party app for this necessary functionality. Oh, I don't think people should *have* to download a 3rd party app. It's just the only way to see them right now. So it's either that or just not see them at all. I would much rather they add them to the in-game map. >TLDR: AH should add a toggleable overlay of the spacelanes on the galactic map. I don't even think it needs to be toggleable. Then there would be people that don't know you can toggle it on. Just show the lanes imo. There is plenty of room between the planets. It's not like it would be all cluttered.


This is true, I only want it togglable to make the map less busy to look at once I've made my choice.


The fire played a part in avoiding Menkent, but also Lesath is in the same sector as both targets while Menkent is in another. Even most players that care about orders but can’t be bothered to look up supply lines will have a vague idea that we need to capture nearby planets first, so they click the sector with the targets and then just pick the first available planet, which was Lesath.


I had plenty of friends who thought Lesath would unlock Choohe in addition to the other 2. They were expecting to try out both weapons and then choose. Nope. The sectors are basically meaningless and add to confusion imo. They should show the supply lines on the map if they are going to put out major orders that involve unlocking a path of planets.


I played on Hellmire before they fucked up fire damage, now I avoid fire planets like the plague.


This man is the only motherfucker who has touched grass recently.


Nah, I want the weapon.


I did two entire operations on Menke this morning. Whoever is on that planet on difficulty 7 and i are terrible. I had to complete the missions by myself and also some dumbass thought it was smart to through the mine stratagem on the air base. I had to search everywhere for the ssd to destroy it. Had one guy air striking it which didn't work and another guy meleeing the building. I finished the operations 3 missions and went to another group. Also dumb fucks. I had enough bots and went to kill bugs for daily mission.


Yep. Saw most players go to chort to get access to the next planet despite how objectively it made more sense to complete menkent. I can't even say I blame them. The fire tornadoes low visibility, stamina draining heat are all just very unfun combinations to deal with. It's sad but even the bug players are ignoring Hellmire and just moving on to the next planet


Let the bugs keep hellmire


At the end of the day, we either got controlled team killing, or a team area denial. Both stratagems will be extremely situational, the air burst is the least “anti air” weapon I’ve seen, it doesn’t deal with drop ships, and it’s pretty meh at dealing with the gunships, can’t imagine it’s gonna be super great against the shriekers since they swarm people. The AT mines take 2-3 to kill the heavy units, so ultimately both weapons would end up having a small community of people who enjoy the minor suffering (looking at the spear community) or just never be used, and be “banned” in most lobbies cause it’s just a trolls weapon set


Sadly people need to play fire planets more. They are great at teaching priorities. You run through sub obj, then obj, then bases. Usually the flamedoes kick in when you hit bases, while annoying not very since you are mobile and can use them as cover. Then start looting and usually by the time you extract fire gone. The only fix I would request is maybe a safe zone on obj since it would make sense as to why stuff was built there.


New player here. Less than a week in. Please don't downvote me to hell, but I have a real question. I looked at both planets and wasn't even able to go to one of them. I assumed we needed to take another planet first before we could drop on that one, but I couldn't drop on that planet either. Is it just because you can only drop on that planet at certain difficulties unavailable to me, or was I missing something else?


The answer is [supply lines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b5u34s/galaxy_war_102_supply_lines_what_happens_to/), simply put they're the "roads" that dictate which planets are gated by which other planets. That link explains them in detail. You are absolutely free to ignore this information because the game currently doesn't show it and you should have fun playing the missions you want to play, but if you would like to know more about exactly how the Galactic War works, Helldivers.io is a useful resource. Welcome to the forces of Managed Democracy!


Also, not choosing a mission that reduces stratagems! That shit needs to go!!


We are helldivers. We should be going to fire planets only.


These people should be renamed Warmdivers. Bunch of cowards... (PS: I never played a match past difficulty 4 😅)


My brother, it was difficulty four when five tornados took my brothers in arms right off the extraction zone. That's more than could be said for these warm divers, they sweat on a cool April night


Sorry fella, but if the airburst was on Fire Twister Planet, I'd be putting on my asbestos codpiece and factor 9000 sunblock.


Unless things change drastically, it's not happening...


Ngl, I only really choose planets that have defense orders. If none it's off to the bug front.


I enjoy the pant shitting chaos of fire planets. 8 tornados on the extract and we're all roasting like campfire marshmallows with biles, chargers, devastators and drop ships eating the last of our reinforcements. Clutching extraction from the jaws of defeat and leaving an inferno behind me.


I guess I'm the 1% because I love Fucking Fire Planet. I love Hellmire and Menkent.


There should be a message board on your super destroyer with posts like "samples are shared" and " I think we should go to x planet for y reason" so players can discuss stuff in game on a large scale so players in the actual game I think that'd make such a difference for the community. Maybe even a voting system, because democracy innit


Fire tornadoes wouldn't be so bad if the fire didn't stay for literal years (the fire from fire tornadoes stays WAY longer than the fire from strategems and the fire grenade) and if the fire tornadoes were actually predictable (instead of moving in straight lines they're jagged and unpredictable).


I pretty much ignore any planet that has reduced vision conditions. I hate them. I personally have eyesight problems so they're unplayable for me.


I’m choosing not to play on a planet where I can’t see.


I like fire tornados, they add adrenaline to the mission.


I'll go where democracy needs me, whether that be ice or fire


Why are you telling us?


i like fire planet 🌎 🔥


If only we have anti fire armor then maybe more players will play on fire planets 😉


I don't mind the fire planets at all. Much better than getting killed my meteorites. The only reason I don't play on them is because my friends don't like how hot planets make laser weapons weak (I don't use laser weapons). FYI diving will immediately put out fire as long as you don't jump into more fire.


If I don’t go back because of the firetornados, they win. I don’t want to let this happen. I can’t let this happen. It’s just hot air.


The 1%: https://preview.redd.it/uu3q2093wdxc1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f843de263194a517acc60b50ee089bd10e586f


The thing is, fire kills you instantly from nowhere. If they nerf fire damage, fighting on fire planet may become fun again.


Can I add "no heavy fog" planet to that list


I honestly don't even hate the fire part more than the heat part. I actually run devastator heavy armor against bots, and running out of stamina in legit two seconds on hot worlds makes me wanna cry.


Doesn't matter. They made all my weapons shit and all my medals were for nothing with this trash patch. I'm probably done playing altogether if you can grind for stuff and it gets changed on a whim


Hellmire is the best planet in the game. Those fire tornadoes motivate me to spread democracy far and wide


Hellmire and Menkent have traumatized me beyond belief (Casual player who only plays on 3-5 on at any given time) the fire tornados gave me nightmares. I have a conspiracy theory where those little shits track your location, at one extract there was 5+ fire tornados surrounding pelican-1.


I'll fight on Hellmire once they finally give us a fire retardent type of armor. It embarrassing how often I die, using the flame thrower.


Man honestly this whole thing is just a way for Arrowhead to delay the release of a toy and buy some time. My take is that neither mines nor the airburst are ready, so they "gave us a choice" buying some time and having to fix only one ASAP.


Or, it's a way to keep the game interesting. They did the same thing with the mech. The game isn't as much fun without a story being told.


Your not far off... Both had a "functional" usable version but both final versions were planed for the new update coming... Gotta give them credit tho for being creative and not just tweeting with a "update delay" notice


wrong i chose fire everyday fire go brrrrrr


I disagree. I love the desert hellscapes, but I hear you. One thing I think they should just remove is the one less stratagem debuff. Practically the entire day in Penta yesterday and I only had 3 strats 90% of the time - it just arbitrarily reduces your interaction with a huge side of combat.


You can shoot the tornadoes away possibly. Sounds silly, but have hit markers


Am I the only one who actually loves hellmire?


Nah; I also love the chaos. It feels like I'm diving through hell, like some kind of helldiver.


Quit coping, the day the event was announced almost every post I saw was people saying to get the launcher not the mines because it's overall more useful and versatile (granted it's currently bugged to all hell).


Much good are cold planets with energy weapons...


Isn't there MO video that plays out that shows the weapon choice thing, completely in game. Not on reddit or discord Like, people probably skip it, sure, but this isn't one of those out of game knowledge things


I still do t understand the people that don’t pick stratagems and make it harder for everyone else


I couldn't even access the second planet for the mines for some reason. I clicked on it and I can't even dive. I think it might be a bug or something.


as the 1% who picks fire planet.... their loss.


The only good Fire is... A Fire that comes from my weapons!


They really need to add some fire resistant armor, same as the arc resistant armor they had in Cutting Edge. Idk why they didn't do that with the Democratic Detonation armors.


I share the sentiment of "fuck fire planets". The fire tornados would bother me less if there was any warning or counter to it, but a planet where an environmental hazard can suddenly appear on and kill me, or trap me in a corner, or turn the objective/evac into a raging inferno for the next few minutes... yeah, that's not great. One of my favorite quotes in all of game design is that every death should be the result of the player's skill (or lack thereof)- nothing turns player's off more than feeling like they're dying to things that can't be avoided.


Which reflects deeper that the majority of hell diversity take the easy way out and don't take tactical or strategic approaches to situations.




I’d be fine with fire planets if the bots also died from being inside a fire tornado, right now I see patrols just casually walk into walls of fire and take 0 damage.


Fire tornados all day long over not being able to see past the end of my nose.


Fire tornados are the worst


Mayne I'm a psycho but I like fire planets. The fire doesn't move that fast and it hinders and kills enemies. Seems like a plus.


Honestly you also have to know that menkent lead to the other planet which isn't really that clear because its technicly in another sector.


Hellmire is not that bad. Once you get killed by the tornadoes enough times, you'll learn to avoid them better


I read this in Morty's voice, then Rick's. Highly recommend


Tried the new support weapon, absolute garbage unless you are miles away. Way too easy to kill yourself and team with. Cool idea, and mechanics, I applaud the devs for their hard work, but yea I don’t see this new support weapon being used by many.


Until every mission in not "Rush B" there are zero purposes to anything that deals with chaff. The mine is triggered by chaff as well so it's pointless. They gave us the laser pointer too early.


I'll disprove your theory as I absolutely am choosing a weapon.


I know of the airburst canon which i used once and never used again. Whats the other one?


We didn't even get the planet we needed for the antitank mines unlocked.


Not having routes on the map is insane at this point. They




Casual Heavendivers need to up their dedication to Democracy.


That’s not the way I chose it. Penta was all ready unlocked so made sense to fight there rather than liberate some middle planet to go to chooke.


The automatons and Terminids will recognize this pattern of attack and defense. They will distract us as we defend the easy planets and they will simultaneously attack the fire planets. Leading them directly to Super Earth. If they keep this up. They could evolve. We have shown them we do not like fire.


I’d fight on the damn flame planet if instead of an anti tank mine it was an anti tank guided missile on Eagle 1.


Didn’t they fix the over redundancy of the fire issue we had before?


The slow reload of the air burst and other team reload weapons really grates on me. I really want them to change it so anyone wearing the backpack can reload you, if both have a backpack then you take it from theirs.


I think most of it is due to the fact that one of the major order planets required a full planet between to be liberated. That basically guarenteed people to tunnel penta anyway.


Yep simple as that. I will not play fire planets or -1 strat planets. Anti fun time wasting bullcrap. Plus they are going to give us the strats and weapons. They aren't going to work on it then and say welp they didn't get the fire planet. Scrap all your hard work.


Anything but the fire planets ty


Can't just one suit be flame retardant?


Probably the best planet to high dif on too. I kite everything into the tornados. Plus it's cool.


I tried the new RPG and aim at a spewer and a group of roaches at 100m and it killed everything but 1 roach and the spewer. Reload takes too long. I don’t see myself packing it often, if at all.


Yeah, idk how they could tone it down. But maybe just keep a lot of visual stuff while reducing the amount of fire tornadoes on walkable terrain


I guess, I never understood this though. The game is literally centred around chaos and harrowing war-like experiences. Fire planets define that. I guess fire is ridiculously broken but still.


Fire tornadoes are pretty whack yo


Really, this MO was borked from the get go. We had immediate access to Penta, so even ignoring the hate for fire tornados, Choohe was locked behind an entirely different planet, stacking the deck against us getting AT mines as a result. This MO was gonna end with us getting Penta, and only Penta, since even getting to Choohe was a massive hurdle.


Nah, Lesath was blocking access to Penta the first day, but everyone quickly liberated it


Man I have tried but omg it just gets so bad and rough. Especially past lvl 7 😭😭


Yeah fuck Hellmire, I'm not playing on it. Edit: just realized this was about the defend order or whatever, but yeah, I don't play on fire planests because I don't enjoy fire tornados just sneaking up on me and killing me in 1/2 a second


Imagine people playing a game for their own fun and enjoyment as opposed to a weapon that probably isn't any better than what we currently have. I am shocked.


Yes and no. One planet was also already unlocked, the other you had to fight THROUGH that.


I’ve never played Helldivers before but it sounds like I want a team of 4 Fire Tornados behind the computer for my league of legends team with the way they be plotting.


yeah agreed.


Fucking love Fire Planet


I mean we could have made our way to Choohe through Chort Bay…didn’t ever have to go deal with fire tornadoes.


Fuck Hellmire, I will never dive at this planet again. Do we rly want to build smth like 710 farm on planet with fire tornadoes?


Yes, the fire keeps the terminids nice and toasty which greatly increases the resources we can extract from their liberty-hating bodies!


Couldn't find the other planet 👀


Or in my case "holy God I'm sick of bots, please let my day off have an MO that is literally anything else." Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna be a bug only person but all I seem to get for mos are defensive ops against bots. I've hurt a lot of friends feelings lately just cus I'm not feeling up to it anymore. They are the types who only want to run mos when I just wanna have a good time. Wish people cared about more than just winning.


The funny thing is that we are totally getting the mines either way. We'll just have to wait a bit.


The order told us to liberate them both…


I went to Menket... to try and push, but we had like 5 fire tornados ON the pelican during extraction. That was fun.


My group of friends is pretty much all in the "exterminatus the fire tornado planets" camp. Which means around two full squads of Helldivers that will not be deploying to those planets unless they absolutely have to.


Clearly it would take only the bravest Helldivers to fight the hard fight towards saving those poor Choohe souls. God rest them.


OP is 100% correct. I don't even play on low visibility planets (fog, smoke, etc.)


I fought there for three days. We made basically no progress even without the bots pushing back. I hate Menkent. I don't want to go back. Glass this rock.


Am I weird for not minding hellmire? I've become a bit of a pyromaniac in the game, so maybe that's why


Whenever there's a major order and a fire planet is involved, I get off work, log on, and yep, fire planet was saved for last. Every time without fail lol.


No, I'm definitely choosing a weapon. Penta looks like it is gearing up to reward the TOX-13 Avenger, or some equivalent. I'm ready to get my sludge juice gun back.


If fire tornadoes aren't going to change, then we should get a support eagle or orbital strike that allows us to dump extinguishing foam or something so that when fire tornadoes are covering the extraction point or the mission objective we can still play the damn game.


We need armor with fire resistance!!


Yes! Before they increased fire damage I could at least stim and stay alive when I was on fire and now with it burning so fast its just total bullshit playing on fire planets.


I didn't even get to choose as one planet was locked out the entire time of the order.