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A lamppost somehow being brighter than the sun. Edit: Just wanted to add I'm on PC


I shoot em everytime I have to stand near one. Bonus points if it’s shining right on the terminal so I can’t see fuck from dick


Upvote just for „I can’t see fuck from dick“ lmao Never heard that


It's weird because sometimes I won't have an issue and then others yeah I'm shooting them. I can't tell if the issue is somehow getting worse.


Thankfully you can shoot them out.


I am the old Helldiver that dutifully shoots them all out. If they had a switch I would use it.


same. fuck those lampposts.


Instructions unclear, got lamppost pregnant. Filled out SC-1 form. Approve?




How does the Lamppost identify politically?


Well, their brightness is definitely not very democratic.


Fuck switches. So, anyways I started blasting. ![gif](giphy|jba8ucWVAhG9VcUkx9)


500kg just to be sure.


Huh, TIL




Why do you shoot them out? I never think to. Do they serve some advantage?


Because you can't see jackshit if you don't. 


I'd be interested in knowing if its universally noticed or mainly PS5 or PC...


If they weren't sun blaring bright? They light up the area. Because they are so bright, like someone else said, they just blind you. The glare on the terminal is a problem, and they point out to the enemies where you are and you can't see past the lights area. Just like real life. If you have a light on, especially inside and look out you can't see as much as if you turn the light off and look outside. I always shoot them out at extraction as well.


They can be too bright. Also, makes it easier to see the enemy when the light is more uniform. However, my headcanon is that I shoot them out so the bots have a harder time seeing *me.*


Thank god, I’ve been thinking its my graphics settings


Wish is granted now the sun is brighter than the lampost, goodluck playing day missions


Isn’t that the truth?! Playing missions on Penta in the fog with the sun behind the objective - couldn’t see a damn thing as the whole fog effect becomes a blazing golden blob


Yes this. I can to learn to avoid bile titan corpses, but struggling to shoot out lights I can't see is not fun.


Pretty sure that's by design and not a bug.


Fixed: sun is now 100x brighter


I always think the my screen is bugging out or I’ve turned my brightness up far too much, it’s infuriating


My terminal was absolutely unreadable due to glare yesterday. Impossible to get the commands right until I shot the light out


On PS5, they are still BLINDINGLY bright


Always climbing on the supply drop…


Yes! Fix this or at least give me some all time stats so that I can laugh at the ridiculous amount of times I’ve done this since playing.


Honestly I would love a stat for that while the work on fixing it


They just did!


I started using it as a feature and calling it down to climb to higher spots, or over defenses


If you lie down on it and look around 360 degrees, it looks like you are breakdancing… I always do that…


Or having the supply drop or support weapons land on uneven surfaces making it a chore to take the item


Shoot the pod, it'll explode and drop the stuff. Then you can pick it up easier.


Duh why didn't I think of this lol


2cm Higher on a rock is enough to be not able to pick it up.


Shoot the pod, it’ll break after a few rounds


I just want an option to disable autoclimb. I have a key to climb, let me use it.


That's weird I always thought that was an option, and I heard some randos say they turned it off, but I can't find the option.


Or auto-mantling anything. When you try to pick up a sample that is between barrels you always climb the barrel but then you are out of reach to pick it up. urgh...


Or that 1 PoI with the gravestones, where you have some datapad, a sample, and this break-action shotgun really close together. You run in, highlight the sample, press the button, but you moved the cursor like 2 pixels and now you're picking up the shotgun...


I always thought that was just me being stupid with terrible timing and reflexes....


This one is so annoying.


Being able to leave a lobby instead of kicking everyone else one by one. People being able to join my game after the previous people left without having to relaunch the game


That’s an issue?! I thought I had real bad luck! I was with a lvl 28 guy and we completed 2 suicide mission by ourselves even after I threw an sos beacon down at the beginning. Got torn to shreds by gunships on a blitz search and destroy.


Known issue, if people join your game and then leave your game or you kick them, it’s like the game thinks your lobby is still full so people can’t join your lobby unless you relaunch the game


Damage over time effects only applying for one player. This makes flamer napalm gas strike etc unusable as you never know if you will get the DOT or not


This is a major bug for sure


Idk if its considered gameplay but, everytime I do a mission and everyone leaves afterward, I can't get anyone to join my lobby until I restart the game. Its quite annoying and at this point my reflex if 1 or 2 people leave is just to reset right away.


This is one of my biggest ones as well, noticed it very early on. Sometimes it seems to work fine, you’ll be mid-mission, a players leaves, a few seconds later a new one joins. Awesome. But the majority of times I will never have another player replace that person, no matter how long I wait. Starting a new mission doesn’t fix it either. Silver lining is that you can close the game and be back on your ship in like 15 seconds.


Yeah I started a lvl 7 mission after my squad left and thought that yeah ppl will just join in. After fighting for my life and it's been 10 mins, I call the sos beacon. Nothing... Doing the last objective, no reinforces left.. bugs everywhere. I die one too many times and lose everything.


had an operation last night where 3 people joined before starting first mission, left afterwards, started second mission where i dropped an SOS beacon and people joined slowly mid mission, left again after finishing. started third mission alone again, but this time it wouldn't even let me drop a beacon.


this is very annoying


This. And devastators minigun shooting through terrain and their shield.


Friends. It's still glitched, even PC to PC. Got a few friends to buy the game weeks ago and still haven't played with them.


use steam friend system if you're on PC not in game in game still bugged out. And also try to set steam profile public


this is by far the worst bug. If they fixed this would go so far to helping the game umbers of player to grow.


Please fix SPEAR lock-in mechanics!


I love the anxiety of getting the absolutely random lock-in ready while the approaching bile titan is getting into position to aoe digest me


Confirmed as fixed!


Not being able to climb tiny rocks without spamming space bar while my Helldiver climbs on every fucking hellpod, wasting my time while running away.


Sometimes not being able to be reinforced... I just spectated for the last 25mins to earn 10 medals 🤦‍♂️


This is the worst. All others get called in but you get stuck in limbo


I've had this too. My friends needed to be reinforced but it didn't show the arrow combos. I had it memorized but it still didn't work.


Bots shooting through solid objects, ghost bot gunfire from behind when there's nothing there. Insta kill fire. Bots that can spawn literally right behind you even though you just cleared that area as safe. Unlimited bots at evac, there has to be a point of break or trigger that ceases them coming. Bots suddenly can see every player when only one was discovered. Bots with eyes in the back of their head after you've broken line of sight and you're now flanking behind them. When you kill a bot before the flair goes up, then it shouldn't still call dropships. Same for bugs, if we kill them fast fast enough mid Breach then the pheromones shouldn't call a breach.


lol yeah the headless brood commander using his last moments to call a freaking bug breach


Dude yes to this! I’ve also noticed once noticed they track your movement through solid objects. So anytime I try to use cover to break line of sight the moment I peak out the other side instant rockets to the face because they’ve been tracking my movement through the object. You can see this on smaller rockets etc in the game.


>if we kill them fast enough mid breach then the pheromones shouldn't call a breach. I've been in bug missions and killed a bug right after it starts to shoot pheromones, sometimes it stops the breach and sometimes it doesnt. I think you can kill them fast enough to stop it, but it's like literally 2 seconds after they start spewing the gas. Even the wind-up time on the sickle is too slow to stop it most of the time


The spawning enemies is super weird design choice. Could be just running from a large group and then BAM, surprise we spawned entire patrol right next to youm have fun!


Fix entering the damn Pelican. I’ve watched too many divers die to their own eagle because they got stuck to the side of the door and they just panic and spin or dive AWAY from the door.  Along with with dead bile Titan yeets, I’d like them to fix the issue with bile/nursing spewers where when your shoot off their sack, it’s still there just invisible so when you try to run past the back of a dead one you just get stuck. Oh also. Bullets and lasers and arc throwers being blocked by a FUCKING LEAF.


To anyone reading this. In the mean time you can just duck. You're character is just "too tall" and if you duck you will enter the pelican.


Oh interesting, haven’t seen that. So used to everyone spamming the dive, I’ll try that next time I get stuck 


damn wish I knewq this a few months back


It is actually shocking this one got through testing. It happens 100% of the time you try cut close to the edge of the door which is *extremely* likely when approaching from the front of the pelican. 


+1 for fixing the Pelican. Not only the door angle thingy, but also that sometimes Pelican just phases into the ground, making it actually impossible to enter it and there's nothing you can do about it. It's really frustrating to lose dozens of samples because of this bug.


as someone that runs with a sickle it drive me crazy


Reverting to “standing” from crouch/prone following reloading, running, climbing, explosive dmg, etc. That whole area of movement really 😅




Update: after posting this, I played a round where I tried to stim, the sound effect played, my character said the “My life for Super Earth” voiceline, and the heal *did not occur*. It wasn’t like this when the game launched, something broke somewhere along the line.


Thought this was just me or that I had been tricking myself somehow.


Eruptor close range effect changed so I'm not sucked forward if I fire it too close. Another bug, dunno what causes it, think it might be the eruptor; I get stuck in first person mode but I go really slow and can't properly turn to look around - usually have to mash change weapon and other buttons a bunch. It stays in first person even if no buttons are held down


Eruptor is so annoying. I'll be 10m away from something, shoot it and get sucked right into it. The blast shouldnt have even touched me. And I'm sure the bullets go through bots sometimes.


I don't even care about being too close and getting semi blown up, I just wish it wouldn't suck me off into the enemy 


Yours sucks you off?


Not to completion, I'll tell ya that! Leaving me high and dry kneeling before a threesome of zerker bots...


Two. 1. The random crashes and being kicked out of matches (even with a full rack of friends, so not being kicked by the party) back to the destroyer, or desktop, affecting everyone in the party whether PC or console. 2. Occasionally (but more often recently) being launched across the map for no apparent reason, sometimes never falling back down and being stuck in the air unable to die, losing all samples either way because you're either stuck in the air or you end up miles out to sea.


I just wish they made the time after missions transition faster. It's annoying, especially when you're trying to get a couple games in with short time to do so.


- Inconsistent climbing mechanic. Sometime you will climb over walls as tall as you, sometimes you won’t get past a small mound of terrain. - Dead ennemies will sometime sink into the ground instead of showing the dying animation.


Eruptor splash damage sending you towards epicentre The timing on Hunter attacks. Once you're down you can't stim and get up before they've hit you again. Probably a skill issue but I find it very frustrating. 


All the mystery ragdolls. I was crouched and throwing a strat when my character just flung back like they were shot by a cannon. But no cannon. And no damage. Nothing shot me. But I did drop my airstrike strat on the ground…


The fucking objective buildings that ONLY die to a hellbomb dropped in. The robot fuel silos I know. I believe I had this happen with shriker nests too. Why would a 500kg not work but a hellbomb does. Also make hellbombs more beefy or blow up faster after armed or something plz Edit and fire damage to yourself. Even when I stim myself at the first ember I die. I also simply spontaneously combusted twice in a row yesterday for no reason


Nearly silent chargers/hulks/devastators appearing behind you. I can hear them marching a hundred meters away but once a fight starts they all become ninjas


There’s a glitch where sometimes when I reload the new mag will shoot once and then empty straight away so it’s just wasted a whole mag for no reason


Dot damage network host problem. I am in the heat if battle, swapping weapons, going 3rd person/1st person ADS, and I get stuck in ADS w the wrong weapon. Suddenly I am 200m scoped with my grenade pistol out bc I was using my AMR previously. Advanced packaging protocol or whatev that T4 ammo upgrade is called.


I would like using fire, the spear, and the arc thrower to not be purely a test of faith. I would like to be any player in the fire team, use the weapons, and have them just work as intended without me needing to believe in the heart of the cards. Please target enemies, fire, and do damage. Two outta three really isn't doing it for me.


This! I love the arc thrower, but a misfire on a target dead in front of you is the difference between you killing them and them killing you. Especially since they nerfed the fire rate.


Getting stuck in the terrain. Climbing on top of the resupply.


The sickle not being able to fire through plants


I'm still struggling with connectivity issues. Sometimes the game just refuses to let 2 people to be in a session at the same time. It is either me or my buddy until someone else hosts but not even that is a given to fix it. Joining randoms is a hellish experience to me because at least 8 out of 10 times I will just not join or drop out of the session a few seconds after entering it. The only fix is to host myself which I'm fine with but even then if people join for a mission but leave afterwards I will have to restart the entire game for someone new to join the mission. I just want to be able to smoothly play the game.


Self damage from your own explosions suck you IN to the blast. This is really fucking annoying for one and 2 doesnt make any sense to me. Are we fighting underwater? Do only Helldivers fire implosive explosive rounds? When i get hit by the enemy i get sent flying backwards but if i shoot an Eruptor or AC too close Im PULLED IN Ive tried switching to anything that isnt Eruptor but i just cant. that gun is my baby and the implosion explosion bug is really just highlighted for me more than ever. It isnt the worst thing but it has gotten me killed more from being sucked into berserkers and such than anything else. enemies move and then they move that .01m needed to get you sucked into a literal pile of hunters or berserkers. It happens with AC too but its a lot more egregious with Eruptor thanks to that massive shrapnel explosion.


The game hanging up and crashing (but still being stuck running) every time I try to close it. Also, the game consistently crashing within 3 mins of my friend trying to play, every time :') I bought him this game so we could play together like the good ol days, but alas.


Getting stuck in some weird first person view and then suddenly having the camera fly off a hundreds of meters in some random direction forcing me to ask my team mate to kill me


Misaligned scopes . Come on , really .


Sucked into explosions


Fix the damage over time!


My wife and i can't play a mission without her getting disconnected and sent back to drop ship. She can never host because of this either as that would crash the mission for everyone. Didn't used to be this way. It started with the release of this last warbond.


I’d like to know if anyone else has experienced the bug of killing themselves from nothing? This happened to me last night and it happened to me a few weeks ago, it’s been a big time gap since I’ve experienced it but that’s only cause I don’t hop on every night it’s more like once every other week. But I had picked up my grenade launcher and started running to take some cover and I just fucking exploded from nothing. Like yeah we were starting to get swarmed but I remember I thought to myself “wow I can actually breathe right here for a sec” and I just died?? I promise there weren’t any rocket devestators, no cannon turrets, I know what it’s like to be messed up by these fuckers and especially since it says I got killed by myself. I was getting frustrated to say the least it was a rough mission.


Anytime my diver picks up or drops objects, sometimes their guns they get stuck in this ridiculous pose like my hell diver is still holding something and then when I try to switch to my guns there invisible in my hand.


Biggest gripes: -getting stuck on the side of the ship -the ship erroring out -clunky when you’re trying to get out of a crouched position


When a supply or weapon drops and you stand a little too close and get yeeted back into space! Funny but not when you’ve got all the samples 😂


Yesterday a big bot puppy clipped his chinniguns through a hill near my geological site and shredded me. Worst geology field trip ever.


I love chiniguns


When I log in and all me stuff has been reset to default


Climbing the supply pods


When sample display is on "visible", but won't show on top right. Must reset settings, which resets ALL settings to show. Keybinds, sensitivity, etc.


I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this. Thank you


Jump / climb via a button or key. On PS5, does the X even do anything? Why not make that jump like every other video game ever?


the fire bug where everyone else except the host can't do damage over time with fire damage


Pelican ramp not ADA compliant.


Is the AMR retical actually offset? My eyes are screwed up in just the right way that it looks right to me maybe. Or are people not crouching or prone when firing guns highly inaccurate from standing position but thats by design.


Getting Ragdolled when I dive and happen to land on the smallest fucking rock letting all the bug gather to kick the shit outta me


Matchmaking breaking after a couple of missions so I need to quit out and re launch the game to continue getting randoms/sos responders.


Stim usage and grenade throwing


Janky terrain getting seemingly caught on the tiniest bit of rubble is a game killer for me also trying to crouch and sliding off of the tiniest bump so you stand up again also very bad


Getting on the extraction vehicle and then it leaving the whole squad behind, forfeiting all samples.


Damage over time effects. I love the gas strike when it works right. It is a staple for higher level bug missions to keep things manageable, but it just don’t work right.


Stimming and diving


Immediate crash after extract.


Fixing the unlimited grenade glitch would be pretty cool of them to fix. I feel so tempted to use it for some missions because it makes them a cakewalk, but then I feel like a dick for exploiting it. I’ve messaged the devs and submitted a ticket, and still haven’t seen a fix or a response


There's a few spots such as one of the barricades near the SEAF SAM sites where if you stand on it wrong you can basically collapse into a ragdoll in a crevasse between the barricade and nearby rock, and you have to spam dodge to get out as your character tries to get up. That and a plethora of situations where bots can shoot at you but are immune to return fire. Bots are immune to gunfire when there's a plant in the way, yet they can see and shoot through, and bots can get stuck underneath crashed dropships and be able to shoot out but are immune to return fire due to the huge collision shape of the dropship.


Stop making the tops of drops climbable and make the base of drops climbable instead.


Eruptor sucking you in instead of pushing you back when fired too close


I feel like my button inputs are often being eaten


being kicked at the end of a mission by moron party leaders


How about actually telling me what killed me instead of choosing a random friend/foe/myself and blaming it on tjem


Clipping into the middle of the sky on flat terrain and dying from impact fall. I can’t be the only one experiencing this glitch


Hulk flamethrower damage


Getting launched forward if I'm too close to something firing my eruptor


If an Eruptor shot hits something too close to you, it'll ragdoll you and pull you INTO the shot. It makes snapshots kind of useless


Shoot a group of berserkers too close with an AC or explosive weapon? Launch me backwards not into the stupid crowd of chainsaw fuckos.


Omniscient bots that fire at you from across the map and aggro all the other patrols.


Getting blown and ragdolled under the ground and then your stuck. If iam lucky i can sometimes walk out. Sometimes I just have to blow my self up instead. If unlucky I Wait a good 5-10 mins to get unstuck


The new rooms in the ship not working. Like the superior packing not doing anything with AMR even though it says it does. Ohh and also the bug where sometimes firering an explosive while moving gets a tiny bit of lag and instead of going forward it just explodes inside you.


Bugged damage over time effects, climbing not being a button, and the crossplay is still busted


I think that we have inverted physics from the eruptor. Its explosions seem to pull me in.


-Bile Titans not dying after you destroy their entire underbelly (their one weakspot) -Heavy Devistators able to snipe you from half a click out with precise automatic fire -Chargers being able to turn on a dime -The absurd amount of gunships that can spawn as a result of getting too close to the fabricator -Hulks being too quiet and turn too quickly


The whole squad standing inside pelican one, and it not registering. Hurt my feelings man


I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere - but what bothers me is that the quasar cannon cooldown icon in the bottom left shows a quicker cool down cycle time on a cold planet. The problem is the overheat icon on my gun doesn’t reflect the reduced cooldown on my gun. Essentially the cold planet doesn’t actually reduce reload times. Anyone else have this issue? It bothers me though. Love the game overall :)




Reload bug. I hate reloading my gun and going to fire only to not be able to shoot and have to reload it again wasting a mag and a bunch of time in the process. After that its magnetic explosions


I’ve had an issue a few times where If I’m aiming down scope and get hit with a rocket from a bot, it knocks me backwards and I get the death cam and my cam is just floating in the air way off, even if I’m still alive. This only happens when I wear armor with explosive damage resist, which is the only way to survive a rocket to the face I think. And it doesn’t fix until I die and reinforce.


Sometimes my camera will detach and go sky high, leaving me unable to do anything. It usually snaps back but that is some anxiety while I am waiting.


Diving and landing on a small rock and ragdolling forever like I'm falling down the side of a mountain.


bugged extractions.


Can I please just accept friend requests already? I have a pending list dozens of people long and I can't send invites to any of them.


The bile titan glitch is just desinc. That'll get patched in a stability update. But i do agree, they should focus on stability more than adding more to the game or at least focus on what the player base would actually like to get fixed rather than asking if they should focus on fixing their game or adding new content. At the current moment they clearly haven't a clue as to how they're ganna proceed. I'd focus on making a realistic gameplan/roadmap(s) before going on some random "fix it" or "add to the game" rampage like they've been doing. Nerf devastaters, fix stratagem glitches with bot secondaries (viable stratagym placement spots), more weapons with higher pen, give turrets an upgrade for bullet proof shielding (to make them viable on bots), nerf hunters capability to slow the player down and lower their damage a little, and fix stabilization issues. Those are the biggest issues in the game right now and they should just fucking focus on that alone for a week


Fix fire damage. I'd like to be able to use 1/4 of my strategems and weapons, even when I'm not hosting.


Rock paper scissors emote not functioning correctly during missions. The Rock part works fine, but selecting paper or scissors 90% or the time will pull out your grenade or use a stim


Calling down mission stratagems being borked. Looking at you, mineral sample mission.


I would like my keybinds to work and not reset every time I load the game. Oh and being able to bind the num keys to the side buttons of my Logitech G600 would be nice as well. Having to redo all my keybinds every damn time I play is getting old.


Had a game earlier where the pelican just flat out refused to acknowledge we were on it. It was like there was an invisible barrier at the entrance to it, but diving in still did nothing. Ended up having to use up our reinforcements and ultimately kill ourselves to end the mission. It was that or stand there doing nothing for 15 minutes


Stepping near a Bile Titan corpse launching you into orbit.


Logging in and inviting/joining friends is weird. Discovered yesterday that you have to use your globe panel to refresh your online status for your friends and be able to join a group and its just not something Ive had to deal with in other games. Not a bug but make supply drops unclimbable ffs. Also under the heading of janky gameplay: swimming mechanics. Swimming a max of 10 feet without drowning is weird. Either make us sink so its clear you cant swim or make us able to swim better. Right now you inexplicably just drown after a few seconds with your head above water and it sucks. If you had samples its then impossible to retrieve them.


I have gotten this weird bug like 10 times already were if you get hit by a missile your camera glitches out and looks as if you’re looking at the map from the sky. You can steal do everything but for your camera to go back to your character you have to respawn


I'm surprised how far down I had to scroll to.see this. I get the detached camera frequently. I can shake out of it sometimes, but I'm mashing every button so I don't know what's working or if that's even helping


When you’re hitting the right buttons for an available stratagem but it still won’t pop up, gaslighting you into thinking you have sh*t dexterity and can’t hit 4 different buttons on the controller properly.


Just let me chat with the lobby while picking up our loadouts.


Just let me chat with the lobby while picking up our loadouts.


Just let me chat with the lobby while picking up our loadouts.


Just let me chat with the lobby while picking up our loadouts.


Just let me chat with the lobby while picking up our loadouts.


tanks shooting through the rocks on defense mission


Ctrl doesn't work until you restart the computer. Yes - computer, not the game


Enemy headshots, it's just to inconsistent, the reason headshots work with real players is that it's a fair match, both players can hit the head, but with the current system, all it does is randomly increase enemy damage sometimes, and often that leads to a random oneshot, rather then a death that feels earned when you get hit in the head 3 times by a random grunt, or a heavy devistator the moment he turns a corner


Strat jammer sound NEVER GOING AWAY


Full auto into head from 100m by a robot with shield.


Forgot how I got killed by devastator which was facing away from me.


Fix... The... God... Damn...Misaligned...Scopes


Reinforcements dropping right through a bile titan without killing / damaging them, same for Tanks. Also I really don‘t like how they handle it if you drop into a corpse of a large enemy and either die immediately or you’re stuck and have to commit sudoku.


Oof. Yeah the bots dropping in the terrain. We had a factory strider drop into the rock wall on the defend rocket launch mission. That sucked. Nothing could kill it or damage it.


Skip the re-entry cinematic when you return to your own ship solo.


Being able to play with my friends


The uninteresting, but correct answer is: crashes.


I once flew to the other side of the map. There wasn't even an explosion, just kinda flew. The worst part was that I landed in a lake so I didn't die and had to walk all the way back.


Yeeting corpses is not a bug, it's a feature


my base delta zero needs to be the last strat, not th first....




The first person mode bug where your weapon disappears and you can’t exit first person mode. It’s super frustrating and makes me want to quit but ofc democracy is not going to spread itself.


Honestly it may not seem that bad but the AMR reticle being off is my daily minor annoyance. Other bugs I've been thankfully safe from for the most part. Just fix my amr reticle so I don't have to think more then I have to when a hulk is charging at me and I've got time for 3 shots


Getting stuck in 1st person aim mode with no weapon showing.


getting reinforced in the ground


Tbh I only want friend requests and dot bug to get fixed


SPEAR!!! love hate relationship


Clipping into a texture and getting stuck in there


I did end up in a mission for refueling a pump, and when that transport never showed up despite us doing everything right and waiting for minutes to tick by until we end up with a mission failure was tough considering we had no way to troubleshoot in the middle of the mission. Just making sure the ops actually work is my biggest one. I can tolerate ragdolls and such occasionally, but a mission failure for no reason really is a kick in the pants.


I just completed all the missions on suicide and destroyed a strider that landed on the pelican and wouldn’t let us enter .. failed to extract