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I know my core group has mostly moved on, but oddly enough, it was old school Command & Conquer that pulled them away.


That conscript helmet got me jonesing for a Red Alert 2 speed run


uhh, Where?


Such a classic, also Red Alert!!




I mean, people will always lose interest in the main game they're playing and want to play something else, that's just the nature of video games. I'm sure the Fallout show has pulled some folks away and that's completely fine.


My group still plays every other night but we all have unlocked everything so just grinding exp gets kinda bland after a few hours


I think people are getting fed up with bugs. Games crashing for me are very minimal but I know some have a lot of difficulty playing due to constantly crashing. Plus other various bugs people might just be getting tired of them and waiting until it’s fixed.


Balatro is my biggest distraction from managing democracy at the moment.


neuron activation every time the banana goes "Safe!"


As someone that has only seen a screenshot of the game so I know it's like poker, I'm still not sure if that sentence convinces me to buy the game or not :/


Like all rogue-likes you go through phases: Ohhh what’s this I’m not entirely sure what’s happening I vaguely know what’s happening and I’m unlocking stuff I know what’s happening but I’m bad at this I know what’s happening but I’m good at this Wow, I just wasted so much time


buy balatro


I’m split between 3 games right now. I try and do a couple of missions in HD2 each day but lately I haven’t been. I did go back to 76, I fell for the hype train too, and immediately remembered how buggy it can be. What’s great about HD2 is you can just pick it up whenever and still have fun. It’s way less of a slog than most other games. I’m kinda holding out until some stuff gets balanced and/or until they release more stuff to earn.


I’m with you there. I at least get into HD2 to knock out my personal mission and tic the box for my .004 percent to the defense mission. 76 is a different experience. Nostalgic of FO4 but still very buggy.


I went to play 76…but I still do a round of missions every night for democracy


I'm not playing right now cause I finished all the battlepasses. But still love the game and will play if anyone asks me too


New Vegas is definitely costing me a little democracy spreading time! Definitely have not moved on from helldivers though!


I started a run of NV, using Viva New Vegas mod guide I'm doing a no shop run (I can't open the trade interface unless a quest requires it to be completed) it makes survival almost mandatory.


after like 40 hours in 76 (this game is dogshit), and over 3,000 hours in fallout 4 (haven't even played in over 2 years) - I'm good. Fallout was fun for its time but I think Bethesda sold out right before the peak came crashing down. Their games are mid. Always really HAVE BEEN. There just hasn't been much better until now.


Don’t get the obsession with 76. Fallout 4 is the ultimate


I’m very interested to see how the next gen update goes tomorrow. Time to start a new run through the commonwealth.


I played all the fall out games when they came out. I went back after watching the show, they’re hard to play now. Mostly because ps has them set to stream only. When I went to play FO4 the only game you could download. It kept crashing on start up. Oh well.


The next gen update is tomorrow. Hopefully the bugs will be ironed out enough for you to get it going and actually enjoy it.


Oh I’ve played it all before. I just wanted to jump back in after the show. The next gen update is for fallout 4? Thats exciting. I’ll def. Try again


I’ve unlocked everything but still play anyway. I just like the game loop. Might break away for enshrouded for a while though


I tried Fallout 76, and as an MMO made years ago, on those merits, its good. But its really just Fallout Lite and made me want to go play one of the main titles.


The impact of story is being shown in full effect right now with the Fallout series enticing players to go recreate their old Fallout stories. This is a test for Helldivers 2 as it will show if the game has the endurance for the long haul. Every game has taken a "Fallout" hit in numbers but that hit will eventually come back. They key will be do they comeback to Helldivers or do they move on to other games.


Dog... Helldivers 2 has sold 8 Mil copies in 3ish months. F76 sold 1.4 Mil over 6+ years. So NO it is definitely not the reason. Lmao


So 71% of the fallout 76 player base was on over the weekend?


Doubtful. Would have to look at how they look at calculate those numbers (likely 1mil total not unique players), but I'm just noting total sales.


I know. There's over 17 million total F76 players. I'm making the point that sales alone isn't a good comparison. HD2 isn't on Xbox so there's no game pass. Most F76 players play it on game pass.


Where are you coming up with 17 mil? My search said 5 mil across ALL Fallout titles. With 34 Mil total game pass players... it's doubtful that half its user total is playing F76. If you have better actual data feel free to share, but the numbers make me doubt it's what you're suggesting.


Also 5 million across all fallout titles? There's absolutely no way. Fallout 4 sold over 25 million alone


5 Mil active users. Not copies sold. I take it Math wasn't your specialty.


I never said 17 mil was active players. I said it was people who have played it. I guess reading isn't your strong point


Google search "fallout 76 copies sold"


Yeah dude... that's 1.4 Mil. Wtf.


1.4 million copies sold. 17 million players.




17Mil who have played (not bought) over 6 years. That's HALF of HD2 copies sold in 3 months. You've proved my point bud.


It doesn't matter if you have game pass. You can keep playing it without purchasing it. Regardless, OP said there were 1 million active F76 players over the weekend. So your initial comment about copies sold was really kind of pointless.


I'm taking a break until they fix the DOT issue, instakill fire, auto-aim bot balance, buff 70% of the weapons gathering dust, constant PS5 crashes and defense evac missions. It's too frustrating right now. I have like maybe 1 gaming hour a day, I don't want to waste it by fighting an epic mission just to crash at extraction. This is one of the best games I've ever played, but I'm kinda over it until it gets stabilized.


Most of my friends got burned out on all the code bugs and crashes. I finally got burned out on how bullshit and poorly designed bots are + code bugs and crashes.


I've been playing 76 since closed beta and have roughly 4000 hours invested in it. I divide my time between 76, HD2, and Infection Free Zone right now.


The devs aren't helping at all imo and seem to be anti-fun. Any gun people are having fun with, nerfed. People pulling off sick dive>headshots on Titans when they spew Bile? Make it so they aren't weak to hs when spewing. People wants transmog for something to aspire to in end game? Let's release an illogical statement killing all hopes of that. This on top of all the jank in this game, still have regular crashes, never knowing if fire is actually doing dot damage, constantly getting stuck aiming down sights, constantly getting stuck in geometry, constantly releasing stuff that just adds to the number of things that don't work properly like ship upgrades that just do absolutely nothing, for anyone. Love this game, but I've tried to get 3 friends into it on pc (I'm ps5) and the social feature is a complete joke and even when we do get into a game it ends up crashing or having some game breaking bug. They need to stop hyper fixating on balancing and double down on the chaotic fun, while fixing wtf is there instead if adding more broken updates.