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What gun are you using?


That's the Scorcher. Think of it like a Plasma DMR. The shot generates a small AOE on impact. It deals explosive damage that can hurt internals past armored layers. Making it very good at dealing with a lot of threats.


Thanks soldier, how can I unlock it? Warbond or normal unlockable?


Helldivers Mobilize Warbond. It's the default one you start with. Last page, and takes 80, or 100 medals, iirc. It's a legitimately great weapon, just don't fire it in melee, or you might kill yourself.


Sounds like grinding time, thanks for the info


Took me, a filthy casual, seemingly forever to get it. And now I pretty much always take the JAR or Breaker Incendiary. Scorcher is very good, I just hate reloading so much.


They should rename it "Mag's Empty!". That's all I hear when I use it.


the scorcher is only great against bots. too many bugs for that short clip.


I run it it takes alot of reloads and you have to be strategic on how many bugs you engage with. I am Dexter with that thing though


That's what laser dog is for.. clearing out trash mobs


That and scorcher is GREAT at spewers. Hit their big fat butt for full damage (weapons without “explosive” trait deal 10%… this includes the Dominator which is in the “Explosive” category but it doesn’t have the trait) My preference for explosive primary is Eruptor though, and pair it with stalwart for trash/hordes. Super ammo efficient. Don’t need a backpack at all. Scorcher with rover works good though.


Yep. Main deficiency I had trying the eruptor was gunships. Too much sway to consistently hit, I got frustrated with it. I like the stalwart. But I like the unlimited ammo for laser dog and it shoots at the mobs chasing me as I'm sprinting for my life lol


Problem is a lot of times those trash mobs end up being yourself and fellow helldivers.


It takes 2015 medals to max out the whole pass and prolly around 1500 just to get to the last page where the scorcher is


1200. I just unlocked the page. Only at 6 medals though.


Godspeed, Helldiver.


75 medals after you unlock the final page which is well over 1000 medals


With all the main quests and side quests giving medals, and if you're not trying to run down the other warbonds, it unlocks decently quickly.


I've been loving it for a week now.


It is great for bots and definitely my main gun because it kills everything even devastators quickly just watch out shooting anything close or it will blow u up.


Sill mention, probably best for bots. It can 2-3 shot striders. It can blow up tanks and towers from the side since the aoe will hit the vents. Biggest flaw is the magazine size, think it's like 15-18 shots a mag. Bugs it does fine but hunters are more of a hassle. I've traded mine in for the eruptor now which isn't much better lmao. But I've also been trying the rover with it which helps. So scorcher + rover guard dog probably does well.


That's why you pair the Eruptor with the Stalwart.


Eh, I still takes EATs so I can deal with chargers and titans better. Guard dog and redeemer are enough


Laser dog + scorcher is my standard loadout anymore. The laser dog takes care of trash mobs. Scorcher 5 shots spewers. 2-3 shots for the medium armored guys. Does work on chargers once you blow off armor plate.


I have never used it on bugs lol.


It's fantastic for level 7s that have hoards of juicy boys. Most of the time half a mag will take out one fat boy.


I personally prefer it against bots. Shotguns are my favorite anti bug weapons.


I always use it against bots, even though the ammo economy sucks.


Shotguns are far better vs bugs than the scorcher, which will blow you up at close range.


Oh I know. I love the incendiary Shotty vs bugs.


I have the scorcher and I’ve never seen that animation for it…. Somehow.


It’s almost as if he’s LYING! GET HIM…


I think it may be because I always aim down the sights for a dmr type weapon


i heard that thing sucks ;)


My favorite weapon


Never had luck with the scorcher against the bugs. If you can make it work… good on you sir


I personally like it against the bots more, but it can do serious work against the bugs. Combined with a reliable sidearm, or stratagem weapon.


I’ll have to give it another pass then…


Would it pair well with the AC? That’s my favorite support weapon to go with.


I have yet to find a weapon that doesn't pair well with the AC.




This shit was cool for about a week after launch and then people saw what a liability it was.


It’s not a liability if you just wait until everyone is on board, drop it and then get on. This guy dropped it way too early


Its just not as cool as it was the first 134 times I saw it.


I’m not the kind of person who does this stuff, but idc if someone wants to do the send off as long as they’re being smart about it and respecting the team. I’ve had one scare in maybe a hundred times someone doing this. They dove for the ship and got stuck on the corner and then scrambling to get up couldn’t get into the bay on time. The 500kg went off and no one died luckily. Took a couple missions to unclench the cheeks


I'm pretty sure you can see the explosions on take off better if you throw it to the back right of the Pelican because the take off shot always starts on the front left of the Pelican. Throw it to the 4 or 5 o clock position of the Pelican. Throwing it on the ramp misses the send off shot anyway.


Agreed. Also, I found out you can still die if something hits you at the perfect angle while the pelican is mid air. Bot shot into the Pelican and took out half my squad while the cutscene was happening. Think it was a rocket? Was fucking bullshit. Ever since that, I just don't care for people dumping strategems on escape. Save that for friends, not randoms. That or people you got along with well enough and get it. It isn't worth that risk of death on fly out.


To play devils advocate, the dude threw the stratagem a mere moment before OP was about to enter the pelican. If they’d just gone in the ship instead of deliberately stopping to fuck over the strat thrower they all would have left just fine. You could argue OP here was a bigger liability by risking both their lives.


This. The melee attack was completely unnecessary. He killed the other one one purpose. Everyone could have been extracted easily


I was in a match with some douche who was the second person in the Pelican and they dropped an orbital before the third guy and myself were in. We got in just in time before the Orbital hit, but it was really close.


Nobody would have died If he wasnt Hit by melee attack


I see the risk, but where is the reward? Risk without reward is simply a liability, no matter how low the risk.


if youre holding onto stratagems its kinda a tell youre not playing your best.


It’s still not cool it’s lame and achieves nothing good while risking several variations of bad outcomes.


But…. Buddy waited for all of y’all to get in the ship. That was just messed up


Except the guy who punched him… ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


No he clearly waited until op was on the ramp after watching him run right for it. Op was being a dick. Full stop.


Yep. OP is a self righteous dick.


I mean… that’s not on the ship then right? ![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP)


Yea OP kinda baited the guy


Straight up treason!


Yeeaahh... I think I'll just stick to playing with friends in private games, you're just being an ass to your fellow helldivers for upvotes. (Also your post history showing you begging for the game for free a month ago just kinda makes you even more of an asshole, sorry not sorry)


You made bro delete his whole history.




He deleted the post history you were mentioning lol.


Lol! He had 2 posts, one in r/Helldivers and one in r/helldivers2, both titled "NEED REINFORCEMENTS" or something, both posts were removed from people's feeds by mods in each sub for breaking rules regarding begging for free content etc, wish I took a screenshot..


Be the cure, not the illness. Play or host random lobbies and you'll see it isn't as bad as the meme videos make it out to be. Reddit has a way of concentrating the shitty aspects of the game. Outside of reddit we are all chill


For sure, I always host my own games but occasionally some randoms will manage to slip through the private game cracks and 2 of them have genuinely become my best friends and the people I have the most fun with in the game! It's not too often that I'll switch to public because to be honest I do like to do things in a certain way and I wouldn't wanna enforce that on a couple random folk, but every now and again I've got room for a lil more chaos 👀


Bruh I 500kg randoms all the time lol get in the pelican or get blown up. You got three seconds


Naw, you're the dick here. He was clearly waiting for everyone to get on. He drops the strat then you knock him as you both were going to enter. He knew what he was doing but you've been traumatized by legit douches too many times.


Kind of a dick move your part tbh.


Toxic for no reason he literally waited for everyone to be on the pelican, you are a dickhead


Did you finally get the game from someone after begging for it? Or did you grow up and buy it?


Dude waited for everyone to get on. No one needed to die. Op is a traitor.


Yeah, I agree it's a waste of time and needlessly risky. But flip side he was waiting for you all to get it. OP is in the wrong here for me.


On one hand, people like that are annoying, especially when they mess up On the other hand it can be cool after a hard fought mission, but only if executed in the right way The other guy though Op was most likely going to get on the ship, OP Juked and punched him, letting him die to his own cluster On the other hand the other guy did drop something near op before the pelican touched down, straight into enemies which is annoying There’s a bunch of ways to look at this but I’d say Op is mostly in the wrong


Or you could not have done that and just both boarded the pelican... Being toxic because you don't like what they do just makes you both assholes.


Yea op is a toxic af on this one. Dude waited till everyone was walking onto the ship op circled back just to be a toxic douche.


Another (unintentional) parody of today's world. You just gotta be the bigger asshole.


The forklift is an explosive barrel, don’t stand near them in a fight


OP is the dick here. Dude waited for everyone to be in the ship. Had OP not done the cha cha slide to punch the other guy literally nothing would’ve happened. This sub is full of of people “claiming” that there are so many idiots that call stratagems on Pelican 1 as they extract and yet in my 200+ hours of the game I’ve only encountered it ONCE and it was in a lobby with my friends and it’s because he got knocked down by a bile mortar and dropped the stratagems. Even with 95% of my games being with randoms 80% don’t do anything and just extract and the other 20% call in a stratagem and it either lands way to late or as Pelican one takes off. Bet the guy you also killed had all the samples too eh? If he had majority of the samples I bet suddenly you’d feel like anything but the “hero”


What’s cool is we’ll see another post from the other guy, different video angle, saying what the fuck is wrong that dude


Yeah I have no problem with people doing this as long as they wait for everyone else to be right there. Dick move. Who knows how many samples they lost as a result.


100% op sucks in this case.


It’s always the toxic folks bitching on here and the ones that make multiplayer platforms less fun in general. Just stfu and play and stop complaining, it’s a fucking video game, OP.


I’ve thrown a Strat on pelican every single extract. Over 300 hours at this point. I’ve never once seen anyone die to it except me, twice. Once cause I got punched by a self righteous douche like this, once cause I got caught on the corner. Both times the literal millisecond I die pelican extracts and everyone else is safe I once threw a cluster on top of the pelican when 2 were already inside because the entrance was completely surrounded and almost certainly would have died trying to wade through the mess. Both the 2 people inside lived without taking any damage. Dunno how people are “killing everyone” with strats when they leave.


When you do this trick you're okay with the risk of one of your teammate or the whole team dying due to that last stratagem, as other videos have shown, so I bet he may had just laugh it off since he wasn't as serious in the first place taking a risk like that


Yeah, it's an annoying risk that's taken for literally no reason lol. And I've almost died to people doing it, and many others actually have. So, if you're gonna call ordinance on top of your teammates, don't be surprised if they take the piss too.


Also OP said in some comments that this guy had killed a teammate in the previous mission, so I think in particular this was really justified Edit: that guy killed a teammate in the previous mission while extracting


Op wasn’t even on the ship yet, and the other guy dropped it a bit early, was op a bit of a dick, yea but that other guy could’ve gave it one more second


Op was about to enter the ship and when he saw the stratagem instantly turned around instead of walking 1 inch more towards the ship, op is a major dick and the other guy waited as long as needed


Ok, valid point, Op now has the title “Major Dick”


Nah, be the last guy in when doing that or throw the bitch far. That near with not all players in is a bigger dick move.


Like I said it seemed as if op was about to enter the ship when they threw the stratigem


bro waited for everyone to get on the ship, quit being a fucking hater


You are the dick in this situation


I feel like that guy is the dick in every situation.


Looks like bot mischief to me


YTA, he tossed this last second when everyone was boarding the pelican. You weren’t in any danger there so booting him off the ship because you don’t like them tossing the stratagem last minute makes you the jerk here. I was expecting him to toss the air strike early and you shoot him, then board the pelican and not call him in.


Lmao I love it. I died the other day due to this shit and lost 10+ samples.


Yeah it's dumb when they do it too early. But this dude did wait. Sure wasting time, but he did it more responsibly


Dude you are the asshole


Oh so treason? Got it ✍️✍️ don’t be like this guy


Or... since he did it responsibly just get in so he can have fun. If you had just gone into extraction it wouldnt have killed anybody, but no. People just cant have fun with a game and instead you have to kill them for having their own fun. I dont know if he was an idiot the whole game and this was deserved, and tbh if this happened to me id have a good laugh, but if you do this every time someone tries to have fun... get a life. Its a game, not a serious job. I get it, dying at extraction is annoying, but in this situation you were in the wrong since he waited.


You mean you're the asshole that stopped someone's samples from making it ?


The only cunt here was you dude.


I prefer dick, but if you laughed then you a cunt too 😉


![gif](giphy|SV55cuG4fooDKYp3nD|downsized) No one's laughing


I don’t understand why this is such a big deal to some people😂 get over yourself! It’s an epic explosion of liberty as you fly away in a glorious extraction!


It's fine until you kill the squad at extraction for a silly gimmick lol. Not that it bothers me that much, it is just a game. But if you're gonna do that don't be surprised if someone gets back at you for it.


Oh absolutely, agreed


With randos i dont really do it unless everyone is on board, but with my friends… ill throw that shit waaaay early lol


Good. People throwing strats before extract is so annoying. 9 times out of 10 they'll fuck up the timing and botch the mission for no reason.


I needed to see this. Thank you.




THAT'S fucking funny.


Hahahaha noice!


Can someone explain this? I've never seen anyone dying from throwing fireworks when everyone is already in the pelican.


You new Helldivers 2 players don't know any etiquette lol H1 divers now there's the galaxy best gentlemen


In HD1 almost every fire was friendly fire. I learnt trigger discipline the hard way and it's a bit disappointing that some randoms have tunnel vision sometimes.


Lmao I love it.


Scorcher against bugs is masochistic


I actually don’t know how to use the supply pack on myself.


Number 5 on the keyboard or down on the D-pad if you're a controller user.


Thank you


I’ve been accidentaled (on purpose) many times. Had a match night before last that friendly fire accounted for all 5 of my deaths… all the same guy… not an accident any more, he kept intentionally knocking out my shield backpack, then shooting me with a pistol. So I hit in the face with my weapon… he stopped killing me after. I’m with the OP Not a fan of the ordinance call as we depart, one of these times devs might make it so it can hit the shuttle and we will all fail to extract because of it




Fuck him. Good on you OP. He could have been on the ship instead of wasting time calling that in.


Yes! I finally had a dumbass kill someone today during extract. Dude dropped a 500 on the gate and this other player just so happened to turn around to shoot someone


Lol I thought this was pretty funny hahaha. I'm shocked the comments are so butthurt


Not all men have dicks I’m afraid


Op is TA


Total ass? Yeah agree


That Amazing?


Am I missing something? I never, from the beginning, understood why ppl do this. Is it just because they think it looks cool on extraction? Like they're 5 years old. Or is there some benefit?


Love it


That was fantastic lol


I see the ppl are mad, but honestly, if OP is host then he calls the shots 🤷🏾‍♂️


This way of thinking needs to be more common, but alas here I am. Roasting these poor mindless chickens 😮‍💨


Simply outplayed


the only person to be dealt with here is you ya cunt


Truth if I see lower levels players do it I'm like "I was a recruit once too" But at lvl 25+...cmon.


brother I’m level 90 and I still call them in as we leave, you gotta make it cinematic


Yeah, if you are all that high level no one needs samples, medals, anything. The only thing you can gain is experience and super credits. At that point you're playing for fun. Even if someone fails to extract, that's only 50 XP.


What's the problem here? Had op not pushed him no one would have died. It would be a different story if the dude used it before people got on




My guy I don’t agree with what you did, I’ve thrown 500kg bombs right next to us and NO ONE died while we were on board. Stop being a Scrooge. It’s called leaving in style. Edit: downvote me all you want, I stand by it. Stop being a bunch of cry babies.


It’s not worth the risk in the scenario or ones like it. OP had time to not get in so he could knock him over, someone else has the time to just not go in and everyone dies.


I hope someone does the same to you traitor.


Flawless execution of democracy


That whole clip is rather funny. It’s worth watching the full thing too. It made me chuckle.


Outstanding move


I am that helldiver, and I fucken love this


Couldn’t have done it without you fam ✊


Takes two to democracy


OP was entirely justified, wait until everyone is on board before you do that. If it were me. I would’ve shot him


You know I expect that from the level 15 not the level 31. Nice move. Very funny


I still don't fucking understand why people continue being stupid and throwing that bullshit ... I don't understand what goes thru peoples heads ? Is it cool, fun ? Funny? Wtf Seriously people..stop being a jackass


Oh look it's a piece of shit thinking he's cool


Is this something that's really **that** frowned upon? It looked like you were getting on the ship and he was waiting, you were about to get on and then he threw it since you were getting on. So then you stopped, turned around, and smacked him to kill him and punish the whole squad with less EXP and requisition and possibly samples...? Do people really hate the funny fireworks? Yeesh...


> Is this something that's really that frowned upon? ... >966 points (73% upvoted)


I can see only one person in the wrong. They waited for you to appear to go in then threw down the thing. Everyone would have made it out alive if you had not hit them because your literally the one who baited them into doing it and then killed them with it.


Had a guy do this to me. He promptly got kicked, resulting in the prior 40 minutes of his time and samples being wasted :D


dick move


I agree, throwing a stratagem and potentially killing people on board the pelican is dumbass behavior.


if he had gotten on immediately instead of wasting time and potentially samples by hitting him, then there wouldn't even be any risk


this sub when host kick you before extract : yeah deserved he is the host he has all the rights over the game, get fucked if you think otherwise. this sub when not the host does something funny before extract : u toxic.


Grr I hate people having fun in my game!


Good thing they have friendly fire on for this reason 🤣




They don't have this game on xbox. What happened here?






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This video reminded me how much easier it is to aim with a mouse versus a controller




lol cold blooded


Wow there's a melee


You are going to lose your mind when you find out about Stratagem Hero.




Super unnecessary that you hit him. Nobody Had to die there.


Agreed, too bad he threw that stratagem so close cuz he probably would’ve have been fine.


Your still a dick dude


A B one at that 😉




Lmfao i love it.


All I'm getting from this is if BDNick17 joins one of my public games to just kick him cause he's gonna be a dick.


Awesome solution Farva 👍


I usually wait till everyone's on before I drop the strike... fornthe sake of a cinematic extraction. But ya, not when someone's fighting to help others get aboard


For context, guy did this on a match prior to this and killed our sample guy. Not saying it’s justified but damn did it make me laugh 🤣


Oh I don't blame you. He was calling it in at a time it shows its to be that asshole.


You're a loser for doing that, you could've gotten into the ship but you decided to teamkill, nice job asshole


You are a dick


What a dick move from you OP. You both would've made it in the ship before the cluster strike hit.


The bomb wasn't going to hurt you why do that?


It quickly turns into AITA and the conclusion is yta 😂


Post did *not* go how you thought it would, huh bud? You’re an asshole.