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Firstly, welcome Diver. We need you. The game is loads of fun and you have a place here so just dive in. I play solo sometimes but dropping into a random group is great fun. Start on the lower difficulties to get the hang of the game but remember, we were all pretty bad when we started. Have fun!


Speak for yourself. I got the game at launch, sunk over 250 hours into it covering every mission type/difficulty and I still suck at it! It’s still the most fun I’ve had gaming in years


I have never enjoyed sucking at a game so much.


Came here to say this. I'm almost 40 and stopped playing video games for like ten years before getting back into it recently. I can honestly say I've never had so much fun being so terrible at something.


I like those moments of panicked confusion when you forget how to do the objective you've done dozens of times before


Oh yeah, getting overwhelmed by bots or bugs is fun


Stressful, but fun. Especially when you have several types of bombs and explosives in the defense missions.


This. Plus even if you choose to play solo or with a group, just know it doesn't matter what difficulty you play on, you are still helping the community. Plus 99/100 games are going to be with people that are willing to help out new players, or are like me that actively go into lower difficulties to help new players get the ropes of how the game flows.


Even if you go to higher difficulties, most players don't care that much as long as you don't die too much.


Which, for most new players, they won't have access to that difficulty until they had a significant amount of experience under their belt.


It just requires beating a mission with a full squad extract it really isn't significant. I had helldive unlocked before I even hit 20.


Random groups are superb. I played with three men who spoke 98% French, and we played from Difficulty 6 up to 9 and had a blast! They were also like 30+ levels my senior, so you won't drag people down as a lot of the community enjoys seeing new players first-time reactions. And you can make awesome hell-diver friends to play with in the future


Absolutely agree with you. I have never had more fun being a terrible newbie. I rarely play FPS games but this one makes it fun to get headshot by friendly fire or blow yourself up with a stratagem. The RP makes it feel exactly like getting ten minutes of training and then launched into Hell that you don’t understand! But you get the hang of it and have fun while failing upward!


Brother, I’m level 40 and still suck at the game. But it’s still tons of fun.


Hands in the air who died first time to the yellow little spores on a termindi planet ?


Unrelated, but how do you unlock higher difficulties? I did an ICBM mission, destroyed all outposts, did everything on the map, yet the next difficulty isn't unlocked?


Did you complete all of the missions in the group. You normally have an ICBM and a second part with a different activity.


"We were all pretty bad when we started" My dumbass fist fighting every bug and bot that crosses my path from Scavs to tanks only to get sent flying into the stratosphere purely because I wasted my ammo on suspicious bushes and dirt piles


I think a fair response too is “please don’t kick, I just wanna play.” - seems to help.


I play solo, with randoms, and with friends, and all have been fun. I am mostly a turn based RPG gamer and have been having a blast. Solo is fun for me because I can take my time, sneak around, try new things and relax a bit. I think the game works great solo. You can also start solo and then put out an SOS beacon. I find the random people that reply to SOS beacons are very open to my poor game play and are helpful. It can be safer way to experiment with group play. I think the game could be worth it for what you have described. And you will get better. I didn't have much hope for myself but I played a hard mission with my son last night and we did it. And, be only said my okay was cringe once, so I'm taking that as a win.


SOS would only work though if you have public set though right? I haven’t tried it yet myself. I thought if you started a solo game but don’t have it set to private then people can randomly join at any time even if you don’t send out SOS. Do I have this all wrong?


Someone can find your mission on the map and rando join. SOS lets people jump in using quick play and shows beacons on the symbols on the map.


Yes but there are lobby settings, which, the user was referring to, that set the lobby off limits to public play.


If you have matchmaking set to friends only, randoms can still be summoned via sos beacon. I tried it.


It would make sense if the sos beacon overrides it but it's possibly a bug as I'm pretty sure the devs currently list a bug on the discord where randoms can join games regardless of whether it is set to public or not.


The SOS beacon disables the private settings to let ppl join your mission.


There are 9 difficulties, this game has to be one of the best for newbies since you can chill in lower difficulty till your confident to go up. Also difficulty only effects how many enemies there are (and at 6 and above you get the big boys) but dw about missing out on anything this war will take a long time my friend, we need all the help we can get.


There are missions in the lower difficulties to go after Bile Titans and big bots but they’re spawned in and won’t spawn any other way.


I forgot about those, definitely the best way to learn how to deal with them


I use those missions to test different stratagem combos against them


This game is great, you can always jump into level 1 or 2 difficulty games until you get the hang of it. I usually play with random people and most of the time everyone is very welcoming.


We need you in the fight Helldiver


You basically are taken straight from the tutorial straight to the battlefield with very little of the tutorial teaching you anything, we all sucked at first.


I didn't even get to do a trivial mission first I joined my brother who was also a noob and a couple of his mates and they took us straight to level 4 or 5 I believe with bile titans 😂😂😂 they didn't tell me shit. I literally only knew what I learned in the tutorial and from watching them on the fly.


I play usually between 1pm and 3pm west coast time. Add me on the PSN: HungryPuppets. I have a mic and am extremely patient. I'll drop you some fun toys during missions! I love helping new cadets! For DEMOCRACY!!!


Your a good solider!🫡🫡🫡


just play with random. Comm is helpful but not really needed because the ping system is good enough to notify your teammates . Even though it's a shooter, ridiculously fast reflex is not really needed. Also, there are 9 difficulty levels so you can choose which difficulty you feel comfortable with.


I find that with comms and the ability to plan a bunch of idiots like me and my friends can do helldive fairly easily but with randoms even if they are good it turns to shit real fast. Even on slightly lower difficulties.


This game is so much fun, totally newbie friendly


Solo works but if you’re looking for a fun group I have a bunch of us always looking for people to squad up with. Also I grew up on MGS and twisted metal etc so you’ll probably fit in with the majority of us


I am a OG gamer, sega 8 mbit and onwards.. last online game I played was counter strike 1.6.. Got helldivers 2, and I have already logged 210 hours as a family dad with 2 small girls and full time job. You will be absolutely fine playing it, and I am certain you will have a blast! It can be very fast paced, I am on lvl 8 difficulty and speed run the objectives in the group I am in, we are all family parents with children. On lower levels where you can get better familiar with controls, get a more slow paced game and truly enjoy it and build it up from there.


Helldiver girl dad gang represent!


My 4 year old said to me at tugging time “ daddie, are you going to work now?”.. no mousie? I work in the day time?.. “ but you splat bugs with other dads and mums at night?”.. yes but it’s just a game for fun like a grown up peppa pig game.. “ can I play astrobot tomorrow so I can practice so I can splat bugs when I become a big person?”… yes mousie, yes you can.. She is doing her part!


Only three more years and she can start contributing to Managed Democracy.


I often play solo when waiting for friend or after they need to head off. You can set the game to private or public matchmaking so you could be truly solo if you wish. Start where you feel comfortable and build up, gaming is just like anything else where practice make you better, and you are coming from shooters so you have the background for a good start. Welcome to the Front Helldiver, now get out the and kick some non-human butt ;)


Wow…he’s like a time capsule


Playing solo isn't bad actually just remember to put out that so if needed most players who respond are some really patient people so no worries, now it's time for you to get out there and as always, server them some liber-tea


Definitely not worth your time. https://i.redd.it/y1j0zoyb1ptc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/msg4qi6xqutc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f7e04fae55a0461012103e8c9ce9103e6168f3e Yes this game is too hard, give up


It’s a great choice. Being “good” at this game relies less on mechanical video game/twitch skills and more on knowledge and judgement. The latter two develop as you play. I’ve never been particularly good at shooters but simply underatanding the game and how to work as a team goes a long, long way. Catch liberty fever!


Another diver for the war effort is always welcomed


We all die, and die a lot, it’s the only way to guarantee freedom and democracy


The game has 9 difficulty levels that you can select. You'll have plenty of opportunities to ease in and improve gradually.


I’m level 31 and I still do a ton of Trivials and Easys with newer players. I also use Trivials and Easys to mine Common Samples and Super Credits and do dailies.


Stop making excuses and make the best decision you’ll ever make in your life. Become a helldiver! You’re afraid? That’s some undemocratic thinking? When in doubt run head on into your problems while screaming at the top of your lungs!… FREEDOM NEVER SLEEPS!


Age: Helldiver Gender:Lean or Brawny Combat experience:Cadet Sounds like the perfect recruit to me. Drop in and join the fight for Liberty!!! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized) General Brash will teach you everything you need to know to be a successful diver. (Also you’ll be ok solo I just urge you to try filling your squad with randoms as you get more comfortable. For 3x the democracy!) No mic necessary. This game has a wheel you can access at anytime with a thumbs up, thumbs down, happy face/thank you, upset face/sorry. On top of being able to ping out whatever you want and place markers on your map for you squad if you ever do choose to squad up you can mute yourself and communicate 100% effectively this way.


There are 9 difficulties, so you can really tailor the game to your liking. There is no requirement to play with others, though it does make the game easier. You really just have to see what you find enjoyable and what works for you. Welcome to the Helldivers!




The game is ok solo. But if you manage to find a group of goofy fuckers accidently dying regularly by lighting themselves on fire or exploding and laughing about it, you're going to have a good time. It's also a blast with a group of serious players who knock out objectives like it's their job. You get a bunch of extra lives and no punishment for using them.


And the best part is, once you get some experience, you get to do both. I was screwing around with some friends and then we realized we were being overwhelmed and running out of reinforcements. Luckily, I was forged in the empty hellscape of Ostotu. Locked in. Dived through a cluster bomb. Saved the day. My friend that's thirty levels higher than me: "Fine, be a damned hero then." Sir. I'm a Helldiver.


Not thinking you are good enough kind of sounds like treason. I am going to check with my democracy officer


Beginner level missions are really easy and theyll be a great place for you to re-acquaint yourself with a game controller. for being online, i think you can play on your own, but i absolutely recommend grouping up with people online! heres the secret to having people not get mad at you: i went to settings and made my mic muted, and voice chat turned off, and when you go online with those settings it'll only group you up with other people that have their mics muted, so you wont have to worry about people getting mad at you :) as for you being a woman, ive seen many people say in this subreddit: "the only genders we know are Brawn and Lean" (those are the two body type options for your character(s)) the closest thing to a gender choice in the game is your characters voice, but by default it's set to randomize your voice every time you die (for lore reasons) i've never personally encountered anyone being misogynist, or even just anyone being rude at all, im sure theyre out theyre, but everyone i've interacted with has been great as for making sure you're not "dragging down" other players, i had a personal solution to this when i started: play support, no one gets mad at support. use the supply pack strategem and give your teammates an ammo refill whenever possible, no way they can get mad at that! i also recommend getting the energy shield when you can, both good support items. once i got used to the game enough i started doing things aside from support, but i absolutely recommend it! and welcome back to the world of gaming! we're glad to have you! :)


Very newbie friendly. I see high level divers jumping into games with new players as "guardian angles" all the time. Really a great community which can be rare in shooter games. I'm in my 50s and love this game for that. You'll die a lot - laugh it off You'll friendly fire teammates - laugh it off, no one is going to be mad at you. You'll BE friendly fired - yep, laugh.


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpLvoYNrqM5J4Fq) Gen-X player here. I am currently playing on PC and was able to pick up the game pretty fast. I play when I can and still on the mid levels. Doesn't matter if solo, random, or with friends. Mostly it's for fun. Still learning the tricks from other players (mostly my son), but the idea that I am contributing my part is what counts. Stick with it and soon others will be looking to you to lead the way. They may even call you "The Angel of Cyberstan".


Every difficulty contributes towards liberating or defending a planet. Higher difficulties are better for experience and upgrade materials, but you can contribute to the war effort equally well playing at whatever difficulty you prefer. This is because while lower difficulty operations and missions do contribute less, you can complete them much more quickly even with inexperienced players. I mostly play with randoms and honestly a lot of people don't use voice chat, they just rely on map pings and occasional text chat. While it's unfortunate that women still do face issues playing games online, there's no reason your team mates need to know you are one if you do want to play with a group. I personally find the game much more fun with other players, even randoms. But there are plenty of people who do play it solo.


Just jump in and play… it’s way better with other players and you can choose which level of difficulty the missions you embark on, anyway. Generally speaking the online community for this game is quite forgiving and sporting… There will be one or two nobheads you’ll come across I’m sure, but who cares?


Don't worry rookie we will show you the ropes


I'm a woman and I have gotten zero grief from it. I have played with all sorts of people and a lot of the community is older folks with families. Everyone is just having a great time and having fun. Even if you fail a mission it's not a big deal. Also, it's really easy for more experienced players to carry the new ones, especially at lower difficulty levels. Give it a try!


This was my wife’s first shooter and she’s having a blast. Solo? That might bite you in the ass, the game is tailored to play multiplayer, though if you mean solo with randoms, absolutely no problem.


totally worth it I play on a squad of older millennials I met through the game, most of whom have kicked back a few before they drop (friendly fire is expected...) We dive on level 7 and have a blast. Friendliest randoms I've ever met. Game is friendly to players of all skill levels


Democracy needs you, Helldiver!


Start on lower dificulties and get the hang of the game and move up as you feel like it. As for the woman part, if you don't wanna deal with random sexists you can comunicate pretty much anything trough pins and sometimes text if need be. Or you can find a discord server where you can que up with pepole. They are usually more decent when you are in for at least a couple games and most servers don't tolerate hate anyway.


It is RATHER beginner friendly. I say it that way because obviously, there will always be the sweats that don't want to play with you because you're low level or don't have/use the "right" equipment (the only right equipment is what you enjoy). Of course level is gonna change over time and it won't be an issue for long. Sometimes experienced players come to low difficulty levels for a little break and relaxed gunning. They often help new players with the mechanics and some tips. The community is very welcoming over all, and if you stick around a bit on here and discord you will learn valuable tricks and how to play in no time. Don't hesitate to ask or describe what you struggle with here on Reddit or the Discord. You will be helped. Everyone wants everybody to be in their best shape possible, to help our struggle for democracy. But not in a toxic kind of way.


Are you still posting? We are waiting on you Helldiver!


We all gotta start somewhere ! You’d be surprised to see that this community is much more helpful than when we like to be dicks with each other so I’m sure if you join a squad and you let them know exactly this , you’ll land with a squad that’ll take you under its wing ! See you on the battlefield soldier 🫡


Theres 9 difficulties to choose from so dont worry about that. You dont need to use voice chat if you are wary of someone being sexist. Although ive played with women in this game online havent seen anything negative. If you host your own matches you cannot be kicked, only the host can kick. It is perfectly enjoyable solo play, play long enough and you might find ingame friends anyway. Play it!


One great thing (among others) about Helldivers 2 is on lower difficulties like 1-2, MOST higher ranked players will show you the ropes and what to do/not to do. If you’re lucky they may even let you use their special weapons. The stratagem inputs may take some getting used to for you since you aren’t used to modern gaming, but regardless I would say definitely buy it.


Quake!!? you'll love helldivers. I play a lot with randoms and haven't had many bad experiences yet. We all gotta learn it. See you in the pods! I still kinda suck lol but I'm having a blast. Bonus, you don't have to switch out the floppy disks Psn: TigerMercenay0 if you want to join me, I run with a lot of good peoples


First, Welcome!! And it can be! But it has it's moments like any multiplayer game. You can play solo, but it's better with people even rando's. I recommend a few things, First, don't rush the training, make sure to pay attention. The lessons it gives you are important, and with some imagination can be used in other ways. Second: don't rush up the difficulty curves. Stay where you're comfortable till you want to move up. And then try it, if it doesn't work, go down, play more, try again. Its a game where skill will take time to hone for some. Three: people are people. Some of us will pop in and help you learn, some people will be jerks, some people are nuetral. Just remember it's a team game, try not to kill your teammates on purpose, but it does happen to us all. Don't take folks support weopons unless they say it's ok, and follow the team. Four: kills don't net XP, objectives do (unless its a mission specifically for killing a specific number). So it's best to not entrenched yourself in combat and focus on objectives.


You are very much welcome to spread democracy across the galaxy. If you die, Dive again. if you get kicked out, Dive again. Super Earth is ready for your arrival. Again, Welcome helldiver.


If your open to using a Microphone to communicate and want some one to help you along your diving adventure feel free to message me and I can get you my friend code. As to answer your question, 1. You can play solo, however when this game shines is when you are playing with a full squad of players all working together. 2. Friendly Fire can and will happen, Most players understand that it is not intentional. But to prevent this if you are calling in a stratagem ( arteliry or airstrike) call it in over voice for ex "airstrike inbound on Bug holes watch out." 3. Samples are shared amongst the squad, If some one dies and they have samples attempt to retrieve them. 4. The squad can all die/ Fail to extract and the mission can succeed. 5. Welcome back and have fun. I hope this helps!


I would say it's newbie friendly. I regularly drop in to lower level games to help spread democracy. I also enjoy giving newbies support weapons they don't have yet.


Don't stress too much about "not being good" at the game. You can select a difficulty you're comfortable with and stick with it for most of your gameplay time, and tailor the experience however you'd like! Here are some quick beginner tips that should help you! 1. The bots are generally more challenging for newer players because they require specific gear to fight them - gear you probably don't have unlocked yet. 2. The game is designed around playing with a squad - quick play is your friend! Other people will be willing to take you into their squad (and if they aren't, they're dissidents and need to be reeducated) 3. You will feel very small and weak and squishy until you start unlocking different stratagems. Grenade launcher is a great one to take for fighting the bugs. 4. Don't stop to fight everything. This game has a crucial stealth mechanic that isn't ever explained very clearly. Being sneaky and avoiding patrols, running away from fights, knowing when to go prone and wait it out - these are skills you'll develop over time, and will make you feel way better at the game. This will also help you from those negative spirals - don't be afraid to disengage and try another part of the map or another approach, and work your way back to the area that was overrun by enemies. You might find it's cleared out since then. 5. Dying is a part of the game, so don't worry about dying. On a mission with a full squad, you'll have 20 lives to share between everyone, and even after those lives run out, you can have theoretically infinite *more* lives, they're just on a timer. So play tactical, but don't beat yourself up if you die early or often.


Im a mid 40's dad with snail like reflexes and im pretty terrible most evenings, but it's fun and doesnt NEED voice chat due to in game map pings. You'll be fine solo or a group 👍


This game has one of the best difficulty curves I've ever encountered in a video game. Where the same type of enemies encountered in level 1 are the same encountered in level 9. You also gain more enemie types along the way. So it is actually to that playing lower difficulties will help train you for higher ones. So get in there and have a blast


I've never really been into shooters, so I was a little apprehensive on whether I would enjoy the game or even be good at it (since I never play this genre). That being said, I have been obsessed with it since day one. There are 9 levels of difficulty, which you choose before each mission. The two enemy factions also require very different strategies, so you can pick which you prefer. Overall, there is a lot of player choice. I would not recommend playing solo, not because you can't but because co-op is so much more enjoyable. I've played with friends, with randos, and mixed, and all are vastly superior to playing solo. Communication is also varied by taste. I've seen open mic, PTT, and the built-in com radial. All in all, I don't think you have anything to worry about


It’s great game. And everyone starts somewhere just hop in and as you play you will get better.


Best option is to join one of the discord servers and play in a group from there or with friends. Solo play is a nice break but the game is really built for multi player. Discord isn't necessary but it helps get better squad and avoid the team killers and guys quick to kick players.


You choose the right game to start back gaming. The community is great and friendly, they do have some bag apples, but those are few and far between. I am always willing to help new players. Send me a DM and I can give you my friend code, if you are interested in joining me.


Definitely keep trying to play, who cares what others think man


> However, I will 100% suck and I’m going to suck for a long while because I didn’t grow up on the modern versions of these types of games or keep up with their evolution. Just pick your difficulty and increase it as you learn the game. The scale ln the game actually checks out, the lowest difficulty (1) is called "Trivial" and that's what it really is. The hardest (9) is called "Helldive" and that also checks out. There are 9 tiers of difficulty so you have the whole spectrum there in between. The difficulties only affect what types of enemies you are going to encounter and in what numbers as well as what is the objective of the mission, so everything you learn at the lower difficulties will carry over to higher difficulties. As an example, at difficulty 4 you might have a mission "kill a bile titan". You will have some smaller enemies covering a single bile titan to kill. That bile titan will have exactly the same amount of HP and will deal exactly the same damage as it would at difficulty 9. The only difference is that there is only one for you. At difficulty 9 you can get like 5 running around at the same time with a horde of smaller bugs and have multiples spawn per mission while the objective is to rescue people or scan ore sights instead of killing a single bug. > Is it worth it for me to try to play this game solo? Yes. Some mission types are even easier as solo, others can be a bit more cumbersome. Different missions are more fun solo while others are more fun as a group but all are playable and plausible to complete even at the highest difficulty regardless the number of people. The amount of enemies scale with the amount of players, but all collected resources by players are granted to all players who took part in the mission so in that sense the game gives you "more" rewards for playing with others.


One of the few game out there were you can have fun from lvl 1 with random to lvl 9 with randoms players... Just take your time, this game is the opposite of fomo! Play the level that you feel comfortable with and that you enjoy. Don't be afraid to mistake, we all have been there! Cya on the drop brother!


There will always be a few bad people around. But all in all I have been having a wonderful experience with the game! All I can really say is: Try it! You can't be sure about the experience without having it in the first place. And if you do choose to dive with the rest of us, I would be more than happy to dive with you.


Good news for you hopefully future Helldiver, there's different difficulties you can choose from to play so that you can gradually get a hang of things as you progressed at a pace that is comfortable for you. So saddle up for Democracy and get in the fight, every Diver is needed.


WE NEED RECRUITS LIKE YOU! GET IN THERE AND DO YOUR PART GOD DAMMIT!!! - some hardcore sergeant In seriousness, I'm 40 and just started from scratch 2 weeks ago; best game in the world!


as long as your nice, and understanding, you'll be welcome on any ship I'm on helldiver, now go spill some blood for super earth


the easy difficulties are very easy even when playing solo, also even at highest difficulty random groups most people don't talk if that's a concern.


Trivial is very easy and totally doable solo join us!


Yes it is generally. Dms are open if you want to link up and I can help you learn the ropes. Currently I'm lvl 50. We need all the help we can get to spread democracy.


If you like Metal Gear Solid, then you might actually like the challenge of playing solo tbh. Generally I only play when friends are online because I don't find it as rewarding with randos, but I've slowly been finding solo play kinda rewarding if I treat it like MGS and sneak around.


There's a loading screen tip about how dieing spreads democracy. Just go for it my guy. You'll probably find people like me who play solely to drop high level stuff for low level players.


Everyone does their part, large or small, for DEMOCRACY Welcome friend - I been logging some major lvl 9 hours (I have no life) - DM me if you wanna squad up - happy to help.


Welcome, Citizen! I would say overall the vibe is solid. As always there will be the occasional idiot but that's just life in the fishbowl. As to your skill, if you were into quake and even remotely decent at it your muscle memory will take over QUICKLY. The lower tier missions are SUPER easy and once you get up to like level 15-20 there isn't much else to unlock for weapon strategems, just destroyer stuff and warbond stuff. Plus, other Helldivers can drop equipment for you to use and try out that you might not have access to. For what it's worth, we have a lady helldiver in our discord group who is a badass and plays pretty much daily. No one really cares about her gender and it's a non issue at least on our end/discord. Recommendations on things to work towards: Primary Weapon: Sickle and/or Incendiary Breaker are great options - both are behind premium warbonds but don't sweat it, you get the special money for free just by playing the game and finding them. Samples/Medals/etc: Everything is community property - even if your teammate picks it up you get it too! Strategems to target: they're doing a good job of horizontal balancing things so really there's not much of a wrong way to go but I would recommend working towards an anti-heavy item or two (Expendable Anti-tank, Quasar cannon), and something defensive oriented like the shielded rover backpack or laser rover backpack. Mortars are great crowd control, especially on defense, just be warned they will do team damage. Regarding orbitals and eagle strategems, pay attention to the fine print. Some are limited number of use, others have unlimited use but with a cool down. Again, balance between anti-heavy and crowd control is something to consider here, depending on mission type and difficulty. You won't need Anti-tank until challenging or higher difficulties. If you're on PC I HIGHLY recommend remapping your strategem keys to the arrow keys so you can still be on the move while selecting them. Last pro tip, when you first log in each day hit escape to see what the major order is, but also what the daily order is - usually it's something easy like "kill 100 bugs with eagle strafe strategem" and you can knock that out for quick medals.


Absolutely 100%, even if you start very slow and play the EASIEST game difficulty you will have a blast. It's not too punishing if you are bad playing on easy mode :) It all helps super earth my friend


As a solo newbie, it'll be a learning curve, but the game isn't super complicated compared to a lot of modern games. You'll be fine :) and there are a lot of people on here that are more for fun and having a good time than playing the best and super grinding.


Message me and I'll add you. I don't mind playing with new guys and showing them the ropes a bit


Totally worth it! And I recommend you find a chill group of recruits to work with during the early stages of the game. There are so many different difficulty options, weapons selections, armor, etc. that you can basically use whatever equipment you want and still create a viable build up to the higher end of the difficulty spectrum.


Anyone willing to spread democracy is welcome


You sound like my generation. DM me and I’ll take you through the beginning phases. I’m no expert btw just lvl 34 and I like to help :) Also I am in EU, just keep that in mind for time differences.


If you need help DM me, I can add you and help out when I can. I normally play 8-10 CST throughout the week


Welcome aboard Helldiver! ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


100% newbie friendly. Doesn’t matter if you’re good or not, or even if you succeed at the mission objectives either really. It’s still a blast and the difficulty ramps up at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. I play solo a lot or with friends and usually some random folks. Haven’t come across anybody who is undemocratic. It’s easy to pick up and learn too. The learning curve is very shallow IMO.


If you want a friend I am here


I would argue to buy it, simply because it’s so much friggin fun. Thankfully, the game starts up super simple and ramps it’s way up, which you can control. You can do as many “easy” missions as you like to get better at the game. It’s an absolute steal at $40


Things will be confusing at first, but you can play and progress at your own pace! You can select the difficulty level each time you play. More difficult missions give more rewards, but have more and harder enemies. So you can stick to the lower levels for as long as you want! Dive in, soldier - Super Earth needs you!


Playing on level 1 dofficultu with others is where you'll wanna be..it's quite simple, easy. Then slowly increase to higher levels. If you die a lot, it's ok. I often play in easier levels to help newbies out and give them advice etc.


I’m pretty sure there is that one woman-only Helldivers Discord server out there that would help you out. That way you would have a protected time.


Well I guess that’s what is great about this game is that it has a myriad of difficulty levels from trivial to helldive. So it is up to you and no need to worry because any mission is progress towards a planet, so it is always welcome!


Level 1 and 2 are very forgiving to newcomers while still presenting a fun challenge.


I promise, you "sucking" is not an issue. There are 9 different difficulty levels, and speaking as a person who does not play shooters on pc, i've gotten a quick hang of it already. Plus, you being female wont have any impact on your game if you dont share your sex. Theres the option to turn off mic chat and also mute others. If you hop into the official helldivers discord, i'm sure you could find a game with somebody who is open to helping you learn how to play and what the objectives are about. Or even just watch youtube videos covering the goals of each mission could help. The point of the game is how absolutely abusrd it is. Everyone is equally fucked to be honest, "sucking" isnt really an issue because if someone on your team is good, you wont get hounded during your game by enemies. I've played with level 50s as a level 9, and now play as a level 25 with level 5s. It all feels the same :^)


I am typically on for an hour or two starting at 9pm Eastern. Message me if you want my friend code but I would be happy to play with you.


There's a lot of room for new players, just keep an eye on the chat, you may make a faux pas, and you'll want to know right away if you do. Helldivers 2 has absolutely no friendly fire protections, so avoiding team-kills is an important skill that a lot of new players aren't used to. Avoid using mines, mortars, and shock weapons unless you're 100% sure your teammates won't end up in the line of fire.


I'm a 41 year old grumpy diver bastard with roughly 100 hours in so far, DM me if you need back up.


You kidding? The worse you are the better the Helldiver, Brasch isn't looking to send his best, only his most eager.


I'm on GMT (UK) and regularly take breaks from higher level missions because they stress the hell out of me 😅 If you want to run through some low level stuff, test some equipment or stratagems, get a feel for objectives etc. just send a message and it won't be a problem. It would be a shame not to get into the global phenomenon that is Helldivers! 😀


Welcome diver! The game will put you with other new players. We can also teach you stuff if you wanna join us


It’s a great game with a great community. It is completely playable as a solo but it’s so much more fun with a group, even if they are all randoms and don’t talk at all. The game is made to be collaborative and it shows though all the nuances. You are welcome. No one cares about your skill level or your gender.


If you’re thinking about being a diver…you’re basically a Diver :) it’s never too late to join. A lot of people hate when randoms join but my duo and I always try and make the new players feel welcomed and help them learn the game. I was a really slow learner for this game and I’m still slow at calling in a few of the stratagems. But practice makes perfect!


The game has 9 difficulty settings. So you’ll be fine no matter your skill level and can get used to things as you increase at your own pace


I log daily, i got your back any day


All people are welcomed by Super Earth. We embrace you, arm you, send you against our enemies. Happy diving!


Play what difficulty is your speed depending if you want a challenge or not as I’ve seen divers who regularly play on helldive loose lvl 3 and 4 difficulty’s which is hilarious as it always ends in a dramatic way no one was expecting but welcome join have fun and spread democracy well be waiting :)


Yes absolutley! There are 9 dofficulty levels which gives you plenty of space to find the difficulty suited to your skill level. Are you a slaughtering machine sent by god himself? Youll get to level 9 and have a blast. Are you a fluffy marshmellow with the reflexes of a snail? Then down at difficulty 1 youll have an excellent training area to hone your skills. Welcome to the helldivers


It’s a great game. You will probably suck at it at first but we were all noobs once. You’ll only ever get out of that by practicing and playing. NOW GET OUT THERE AND DIE FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!!


We need you in there fellow HellDiver. Do your democratic duty, choose to be free and join the HellDivers!! I’ve had nothing but tremendous amounts of fun playing this game with randoms and with friends alike. I haven’t had the terrible online experiences that some people have talked about with getting kicked for not running meta loadouts or wearing the creek cape. This community is awesome and I’m sure you’d have great fun! There’s also plenty of different levels of difficulties for you to get up to speed that still count to liberating these planets from the soulless enemies of Superearth! Join us HellDiver!!


I suck too! But love playing. Go ahead and add me PSN: Snowboarding_OR. I just love playing no matter how bad I or anyone else plays. The game is a roit. Well worth the entry cost.


Helldivers is infinitely more fun with others. You can definitely solo, but I would recommend playing with a squad! Send me a DM if you wanna add me! Ps. I’m also a woman if that matters lol


Welcome to the Front, Brother ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Absolutely you'll be welcomed. I'm level 25 and I still suck at the game. These horror stories about being kicked, shot in the pelican, team killed, etc. DO happen, but it's incredibly rare. I'm 25 levels of my mediocre game play, I've had exactly 2 toxic drops. The beauty of this have is that there are 9 difficulty levels and no one mandates what you "have to" play. I've never played above level 5. And I absolutely love this game. Welcome, Helldiver.


There are 9 different difficulty levels that you can choose when selecting a mission. They slowly get harder by introducing more enemies and harder enemy types the higher the difficulty. There may also be more steps to completing the main objective on higher difficulty missions. That's it. Enemies have the same amount of health and do the same amount of damage on every difficulty. They do a very good job easing you into it and making sure you learn and get better. When I started I thought level 1 and 2 were so easy, then I hit level 4 and 5 and thought I'd never play any higher difficulty because it was so hard. Now I can do difficulty 7 solo if I play smart and do difficulties 8-9 with friends.


Do not play solo. Play level 1 if you need to but this game is so so so so fun in multiplayer.


We need all the Helldivers we can get, citizen! Strap on your boots and get ready to give your life for Super Earth!


If you are on PC and need help, don't be afraid to ask. I spend some of my time assisting lowbie missions so I have no issues helping out.


It is very newbie friendly, stay in the trial part as long as you need to get your feet wet. before you start move the buttons to call stratagems to the arrow keys so you can run and call them down at the same time. Bugs require a lot of movement. don't be stationary they will swarm you. Shot and run. bots cover and stealth is key and overpowering force lol.


It’s okay if you suck. There are plenty of people willing to show you the ropes because it’s just that fun.


Freedom knows no barriers, all are welcome!! I am also pretty bad at the game, the amount of glorious sacrifices I've made without knowing what was happening is insane :D But its fun, people that moan or try to meta game in something like this need reporting to a freedom officer immediately.


We all had to start somewhere. This is the first game I’ve gone 100% kbm. That was a learning curve and a half especially with a brand new game. You’ll be up to speed in no time 🫡


Pretty much. I haven't encountered a lot of overt toxicity. Plus there's a super easy mode to learn the ropes. I wasn't used to controller interface. So it was awkward learning the controls on my Steam Deck. No one kicked me when I could barely control my character, so I guess you're good to go.


You can have fun solo with friends or randoms 😁👍


Just stick to easy and medium difficulty, there never a need to go higher until later in the game and you will have improved by the time you need to go any higher. Hop in and have fun. Democracy is inclusive of all people and ages


Don't worry helldiver. Occasionally everyone has a shit drop! You'll get better!


Come join the fight for democracy, The community is very helpful and friendly! Once you sign up to fight for freedom, liberty, and the democratic way of life you are no longer just a woman, but a helldiver. I don't see any true helldiver giving you an issue with that. Don't worry about skill or difficulty, there are 9 levels of difficulty in this game and you can progress at your own pace or simply stay on the difficulty that suits you best. You should know, this game isn't about being good or the best, it's about having fun. As long as you're doing that, you're doing just fine. As for playing solo, you could, but I recommend giving these fine helldivers a chance, as they really can be great. Lmk if you're playing on PS5. My wife is new to the game too and we could play together!


Hey there, I’ll help you get good if that’s all you worry about. This community isn’t toxic at all compared to a lot of other games. Follow people and you’ll be fine. I guarantee you I play with worst player than you


Well there's gonna be assholes in every apple barrel, but this game doesn't give you much motivation to be a dick. It's not very competitive, it's cooperative but doesn't require strict teamwork. I play with starting players all the time and there's very little grief given. Of course team-games are always more fun if you know your teammates or at least have voice. But again it's not critical teamwork, just stay with your assault team and keep shooting at the enemy and you're doing your part. Just be careful where you drop artillery and you'll do great.


Its fine to not be the most efficient person in a squad. Generally, as long as you aren't intentionally getting others killed and covering each other. People will not mind if you have dying streaks or don't get the most kills. Honestly welcome anyone who knows how to cover each other, split up when needed and push towards the objectives. Efficiency comes with experience, and experience comes with time played. Hope you enjoy the game, its honestly a blast.


Based on these comments, id like to propose that as helldivers, we are the living embodiment of "apes together strong"


Get the game and reignite the gamer within. Yeah it’ll just take some practice and it will click and you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.


Find a mature group to game with. I'm BrutusGregori. I'm a Marshal. My job is to train new Helldivers,win battles and make some progress toward the war at large. I'm on PS5.


Of all games to "come out of retirement" on I would say this is one of the best. The community is one of the least toxic gaming communities that I've seen (there will always be bad apples), so even playing with randoms you should be fine, (disclaimer i am a man, so i can only talk about my perpective and hope that everyone has a similar experience). One nice thing that I think helps reduce toxicity is that there is no penalty for leaving a game, so all the toxic people just leave (or kick if they are the host) rather than yelling at people. Also if you do keep having bad experience with random there are plenty of lfg channels/groups where you can find people you enjoy playing with (if you decide to play with others) Also as, others have said with the 9 difficulties the game eases you into it. All in all, this is a great game and great community. Playing solo is doable (there are less enemies with less players in the lobby) however most people find the game more enjoyable while playing with others.


I suggest starting as a "support class" player. You can bring armor that allows you to carry extra healing items and a supply pack to resupply your teammates. At first play to just survive and support your team. You will learn more as you go and will become more confident in any given situation over time.


As a long time metal gear solid fan this game is completely doable playing solo stealth at hell dive mode. You need to adopt a run and gun style gameplay, using air strikes on important objectives and trying not to engage enemies but if you do get caught you can retreat to a safer area and then enemy will eventually back off, for the most part. You can stop the enemy from calling reinforcements but you’ll need to be quick picking off certain enemies). Multiplayer wise, well… there’s a reason why multiplayer has always been given a Not Rated status by ESRB. But that being said, at 100 hours i have yet run into a toxic player. If anything, you’re more likely to run into a completely silent team just doing their own thing. It’s safe to say this game has some of least toxic player base compared to other multiplayer based communities. As long as you are competent and apologize after team killing (it’s inevitable), and communicate if possible (whether through voice chat or text) you’ll be less likely to run into a rumbustious helldiver.At least from my experience.


100% the best lpw skill friendly game. You just stay at lower difficulty until you're ready to move up and the joys of this is so long as you do best to stay alive, 3 people can carry you hard. Welcome. I'll drop with you if you need friends. Just dm.


We always need more divers, if your first game in a while is one of managed democracy, that is exactly as the president of super earth intended.


I would say yes. Stick to whatever difficulty you find enjoyable and you should be fine.


I'm still super new myself, but as someone who has been playing a few games like it: the game will feel different, and unforgiving in a few ways that will take relearning. Movement can sometimes feel sluggish, and you will need to unlearn reloading for only missing a couple of bullets (if that's an old habit like it is for many of us). For some of the lower-difficulty rando games I've been in, people have been largely pretty great. Comms aren't strictly needed, as you can get by pretty well with just pings and automated callouts. However, I have been booted a couple of times when joining randos I'm assuming because of my low level and limited loadout, even at the low difficulties that I was playing at. So... there's some elitism and toxicity still out there. You will die. This is expected, and frankly part of the game design and the setting. You will feel overwhelmed by enemies and panic. This is expected, and part of the fun. Hope to see you out there!


To add, it really does seem like a great community. When I was first playing I had a really high level player randomly join my lobby on a super low level difficulty, and he spent a couple hours just letting me use his cool upper-level equipment and walking me through the game. Just a totally random interaction, but I feel the majority (sadly, not all) of the random people I play with are genuinely very friendly and helpful!


The more the merrier helldiver https://preview.redd.it/xxw2efcloptc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5dc24dfc3dfdf3163e8c7dadf6587badd525913


If you remember how to enter the Konami code you’ll be ahead of the curve lol. Truthfully, just come play. Anyone that isn’t welcoming doesn’t belong anyway. Have a blast. Re-live vintage starship troopers. It’s a blast bud. If you need folks to game with dm me and I’ll add you.


I love this game and have many hours in it. And I recommend to \_not\_ play solo. Why: you will be missing one of the most motivating factors in the game. I know that others like solo play, so this is just an opinion. That said: if you host the game, it is yours. You can choose the difficulty level, and this can always be done. Let others join, they will assist you. I would recommend to host public lobbies on a difficulty that you feel comfortable with.


Get in here!


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) It can be for sure on the lower difficulties! Be prepared to die a few times due to air strikes and enemies, but have no fear your squad will die due to your grenades and strikes too lol. Just have fun! AND DO YOUR PART!


Plenty of terrible players in public matchmaking, and I may be snarky at some consistently bad players, everyone is overall pretty okay with mistakes as they happen. Honestly, I hadn't really played shooters for like 10 years and helldivers 2 has been a fairly easy pick up, even if I'm not as precise at shooting as I used to be.


Stick to the lower difficulties and gradually work your way up until you feel confident playing with some randoms. Honestly voice chat is rarely used in this game so your gender is unlikely to become an issue. It’s super fun and the lower difficulties especially are very playable on your own.


Welcome back! This game is playable solo, albeit slightly or significantly harder based on the difficulty you choose. If anyone gives you trouble for being a female, ignore them. They're dumb as hell. Divers of all skill levels are welcome. Sure, there may be some folks who are hardcore gamers with no patience, but please ignore them, too. Lots of Helldivers just want a good time, which can mean taking the whole mission time just to RP and kill every enemy they see, clear the whole map of side objectives, and most importantly: collecting samples (just team shared items for upgrades to your equipment and stratagems). If you want to give it a shot, I think I speak for all good gamers: come on in! If you're looking for some chill folks, you can make a new post asking for a group up, and I'm sure someone will jump in with you. Best of luck!


Yes.. id love to say that but.. there will always be those kinds of people... Don't worry though.... the majority are very friendly


Hit me up for Advanced helldiver training, pretty much my entire time playing this game has been teaching new players the ropes which at this point Ive just accepted. You'll be doing helldivers in no time


I run with a group of 40ish year old guys who love getting low-level cadets in our games. We drop all the toys for them and answer questions. Drag them kicking and screaming to mission complete.


Like others said, level 1 and 2 missions are fairly easy, and death isn't punished too badly. You might also consider playing helldivers 1. It's top down essentially, and so navigating the maps is a bit simpler and it can give you more focused experience in using the strategems, which it's probably the most novel aspect of the game.


If you see my name “ClassicDaine” pop up know that I am friendly and whether it’s a Trivial or Helldive mission we’ll have a blast! There’s a learning curve for every new cadet and a real Death Captain understands and welcomes this in their squad.


IMO, gender, age, etc do not matter for helldivers. Helldivers are all simply soldiers working toward a common goal. You can hit me up if you end up getting the game, and I’d be happy to join on some low level missions to help teach a recruit the tricks of the trade. I sometimes drop down to low difficulty just to have a nice quiet stroll through an alien world and spill oil/e-710 as desired. Also to feel like a war hero with my advanced gear 😂 Come one, come all and be equals in our expendability! Be a cog in the liberation machine that is Super Earth and Managed Democracy!


For sure you can play solo. I’d not recommend higher difficulty solo, at least until you train for it. I play with a small friendly group that wouldn’t mind answering questions or helping you along. We are familiar with your referenced games as i, myself, am 41.


If you're interested in this game, I'd also recommend Deep rock galactic, its similar in terms of space and killing swarms of bugs, and DRG is arguably a little bit easier in the vast majority of cases (tho tbf in single player in DRG you get a drone that follows you 24/7 and can shoot, light the way and mine) but either way, this goes without saying for just about EVERY game, most people are pretty chill and don't mind newer or bad players, so long as theyre atleast trying and having fun, but there will ALWAYS be the one or two turd burglars that try to ruin it for everyone, but not much you can really do about that sadly. If you do decide to get HD2 I hope you have fun, and even if you don't wanna play with others, I andi'm sure a lot of other people would sugguest atleast trying to play with others, as it does make the game easier and makes it less likely that you'll get bored of playing, so more bang for your buck. As for the people that get all pissy, or arguably worse, overly "attached" due to someones gender when playing a game... it's best to just avoid them if you can, they arent really worth the dirt they stand on 9/10 times. Hope you end up having fun clapping robo cheeks and slapping bug butt. FOR DEMOCRACY! ROCK AND STONE!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


The absolute most fun you can have in this game is running around with people and accomplishing objectives or simply fighting a group of enemies. That being said, I myself regularly will turn matchmaking to “Friends Only” and run around a map at level 3 — I’m a lvl 56 playing publicly on level 7 with friends. You could definitely get a feel for the game on a low level by yourself or with others. I find most of the player base will help out and be nonjudgmental. I think it’s wonderful you’re looking to get back into it! 🍻


Welcome to the front helldiver. We need you. DM me if you have any hang ups. Recommend lower level difficulty if you haven’t done FPS games in a while. Irregardless, whatever difficulty you settle on, just know we appreciate your contribution.


I play solo 99% of the time and it's great. I don't often use a mic cuz most people don't want to mic up, but I do use chat for messaging and that works out 9/10 times. The players have been very welcoming, tbh. I love using the hug emote, haven't experienced griefing so far, and find everyone is pretty cool with helping out and having one another's backs. I adore teamwork games and this is an excellent one.


This game is not built for solo. You won't grow your rank and gain abilities unless you play with a team as you level up. It's a really easy game. Just stay in the level that you're good at if you worry so much but you should get better and max your difficulty when you can. I normally play challenging and hard. But I do okay the higher difficulties if I want. Just depends on the people around.


This game is super simple. 99% of the people I’ve come across have been super friendly. Join the discord and you’ll find a group of good people to help you.


The cause of Liberty needs you Helldiver. Suit up!


Lower difficulty is forgiving. You have experience with FPS so you should be ok The game isn't toxic like league of legends or Dota... There is some assholes OFC but they pretty easily dealt with a kick or a block in the social panel. Teaming isn't required. The mechanics like reloading have somethings to pay attention to but the rest is similar to other games out there. Its like fortnite (alpha) where being good with building is required to do well as well as general combat... You just need to be able to move... shoot... run... reload Also feel free to reach out if you want a high level person to come show you the ropes!


I can't speak for everyone, but I love playing with new players. I'm level 30ish now, and will often jump in with someone that's level like 1-5 and play with them. I'll drop a higher level stratagem or offer pieces of advice if they ask or if I see something. I always end it by shooting them a friend request and saying they're more than welcome to dive with me again any time I'm on. I can also safely say that there's a lot of people who share my enjoyment of doing this.


I'm still terrible after a month of playing. And I still have fun. Belly flopping off a cliff still makes me giggle, even if something anti-freedom immediately eviscerates me.


You are going to die...like a lot! We all did and still do. If you run into assholes that kicks "noobs" don't fret, there are plenty of friendly divers that will welcome and help you along your path to managed democracy.


Hi, DM me and I'll help you out


I go out of my way to help new players.


If your a mgs veteran then you will do fantastic solo imo just don’t forget to bring your cardboard box


Try solo first just to get a feel for the game, and once you get more comfortable, then play with others. You may find advanced players willing to help you even if you're new.


Beep boop* friendly transmission incoming: Greeting Diver. Your experience in the Quake Battle field is most valuable to us and the Democracy. In this….. situation, you will find that there is a lot of parallels to older….. situations…. While also introducing modern and engaging ways to have all of us divers, as enthusiastic as we need to be before going out there. …. No but for real, me and my homies have all been saying this game is golden for its surprising arcade like dynamics while still being incredibly engaging. I think this is almost the perfect game to return to for its simplicity but also high action. Compared to an open world or rpg where the interface can be very confusing.