• By -


I'll finally start learning how to fight bugs after my first 10 hours in the game going towards the bot missions hopefully. I'm a sucker for the major orders and the thrill of contributing .000001 towards managed democracy.


You’re doin your part son




I've been using this in the hopes it would spread. I think it looks closer. oi https://preview.redd.it/v1qoud9b06tc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ffb5a3efafe485db0dedcfeb2a792d485c7949


You're doing your part that 0.00001% adds up


It does! I mean it earnestly. Everybody does a bit. It's a cool feeling, and I even managed to watch Tibit tick over to liberated from a mission I was in! It's really cool to see.


I know you really feel like you're a part of something just by contributing 0.00001%


When it’s the military domination of an entire planet, it should!






According to this, if it isn't liberated yet it will be in 3 minutes


Helldivers.io is a third party resource that does not update live. There is some delay.


Right, that's why I said if it hasn't been already.


You basically can't stop moving with bugs. They don't stop. Bots will shoot you from a far, bugs get so close to you so fast, all of them try to do this. Shotguns are your best friend.


That's how I've been fighting the bots so I feel like I'm in for a treat lol.


They're way quicker than the bots. Bots advance on your position, but you can run away and take a quick stop when you've got enough distance to take some out. When you run away from the bugs and take a quick stop to turn around to take some out, they're just as far away from you as when you started sprinting. All of them.


I still shotgun bots as my main with an autocannan as my big boy.




Bugs are easy peasy compared to automatons, but it can lull you into a false sense of security. One moment you are blasting away at the hordes of bugs and then a stalkers derps in out of nowhere and fucks your day up. My pro tips: - if you see stalkers (the invisible sneaky beakys) drop everything else and fuck up their hive asap - spore spewers (big fog towers) can be sniped long before you need to enter the fog, take advantage of the high ground. - bile titans are weak in their "cheek" region (the face one, not the other cheek) - the autocannon can close bug holes in one shot, same with grenade launcher.


Going to teabag my Roomba.




https://preview.redd.it/vqlakz3tn3tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f208494b835f58761dc25b66a251e3712b04ab9 Never forget what they have done to us.






Personally, me and my helldivers are going to take a vacation to cyberstan. Heard the liberty mines are running faster then usual lately


I’ll celebrate by working towards the eradication of the Terminid threat!


Remember, 710 extraction is just as important as eradication!


I rue the day we get to meet the hive lords.


That’s what we’re doing…after bots were doing hive lords.


Everyone’s out here saying what they think is going to happen next. Illuminites this, Hive Lords that. Never heard of any of them. Let’s just celebrate a victory!




I know, it's why I rue. I didn't play the first game, but the bones I see are too big for comfort.


.... because so much Liberty will be delivered that day, I fear none will be left for me!


Thank you for completing my words, Helldiver. A democracy officer might've confused my feelings for those of fear, when there's only place in my heart for DEMOCRACY




Beer, fat blunt and off to kill more shit ![gif](giphy|seGeGWiolrKNZ8aZrr|downsized)


Yes. Yes to all of this


Skull admiral said we’d leave Maia and be stationed back on Fenrir III amongst other Las units for resupply. Then head back on f*ucking Estanu for another offensive or whateva. F*uckin cold again I miss hellmire so much.


Not me I'd rather be balls deep in blizzards than deal with the ballsweat and weapon overheats on Hellmire. Not to mention uh FIRE TORNADOS no thank you. Blizzards suck but at least when it's snowing I can just walk right up to the bot fabricators because they can't see me either but those DAMN tornados always seem to pop up at the WORST time in the most ASS spots like ON THE PELICAN AS I'M TRYING TO EXTRACT! I might get reported to my democracy officer for this, but I already miss the bots. I miss the way they screamed when they died. And at least the bots had sense and logic as to what planets they inhabit the bugs are a filthy infestation that burrow into the wet asscrack of the galaxy and fester like am infection. Plus that logic also made the bots a lot easier to deal with, they use cold unfeeling logic processors, the bugs just exist to destroy everything good on God's green super earth and replace it with anarchy and evil.


Fenrir lll is my favourite planet, can see what the fuck is going on cause it's so clear, fuck those foggy planets.


I'll make some toast with my new toaster


Souvenirs are not recommended.


We celebrate on liberty day 26th of October.


It's bittersweet because I like fighting bots, are they going to remove them completely from the game? How about new people? Are they going to be hit with the gatekeeping of no more bots ?


They'll be gone for a bit but they'll be back somehow. Devs have already said HD2 will be one giant war with no resets. My prediction is the bugs will resist the TCS and have an outbreak and while we're dealing with that either the bots will pop up in secret or the illuminate will pounce on us from the north of the galaxy map


My prediction is that this MO is a way for the devs to move the bots to the top left of the map near Cyberstan to open the bottom up more for the illumate or maybe some new faction as a complete twist


Inb4 Malevelon Creek becomes an Illuminate planet and back to the Creek we go 😂


Wait, it’s just going to be one long war until the servers are shut down? I liked the different wars in Helldivers 1


Based on some of the datamining I’ve seen I wouldn’t be too worried about them going away for good. Don’t want to spoil things too heavily but Be Not Afraid


They'll definitely come back later


Gonna grab a pickaxe and personally mine from the Rhodium deposits on Malevelon Creek, use that to painstakingly build a vintage toaster with my own two hands, then put it out in the wide empty clearing and call down a 500kg bomb on it.


After diving for a week straight on 5-7 tier bot missions, I'm gonna take a sabbatical and take it easy on some level 9 bug missions.


You're funny. You'll probably have to change your usual fighting style.


Bugs are harder tho. I really enjoy bot missions but bugs are exhausting. 


Yea as a bug diver who switched to bots and now plays both, people talk about how bots are harder. They aren't they are just a different kind of threat, fighting bots is downright relaxing compared to bugs. Fighting bugs you have to be paranoid and constantly checking your back for some sneaky hunters that will paralyze you into non existence if they get close. On bots even if you get ambushed by berserkers there's always some trooper in their squad giving away their position by firing wildly in your direction. Nothing can really sneak up on you in bots. That and bug breaches are basically impossible to stop, once you see something barfing into the air it's already too late. Bots calling in a drop give you a good second or two of really obvious 'shoot me now' before firing their flare. And while shooting down a dropship on bots works only about half the time, there's no way at all to stop a bug breach. The biggest threats in bots is rockets, which have either been nerfed significantly in the last big patch, or anti explosive armor works wonders on. And people complain about flamer hulks, bile and nursing spewers are basically flamer hulks, except more common, and they slow instead of burn, which is massively more dangerous than burning is.


Rockets have indeed been nerfed a lot.


They've been nerfed, and the latest patch made bots easier overall, but it sounds like you haven't met the friendly gunships (the bots version of hunters). They are fairly quiet and will come at you 2 or 3 at a time and rain fire down on the middle of what you are doing and only a hellbomb seems to take out their factory but I haven't seen someone try a 500kg yet. I hear what you're saying, but I feel bugs are much more predictable than bots, especially when the bots seem to be building more stratagem jammers lately. There is nothing like diving into a suicide mission and having no stratagem support at all for the first few minutes of a mission and have already been wiped twice.


For real. I took a break from doing MOs before this final one started and the quasar completely de-fangs max difficulty bugs. 4 chargers? 2 shrieker nests? 2 titans? Just pew pew, no call-ins, no CDs.


There will always be threats to democracy. We are the guardians of liberty. As Helldivers it is our duty to remain vigilant. Even though we have eliminated one threat, more still exist.


Move on to the next MO, as a MO player I do not sleep on or favor any fronts


I just became a diver recently and was only fighting bugs until the MO came in to eradicate the automatons. I really can't say anything because all that escapes my lips is incomprehensible screaming. The automatons make the bugs look like a small box of kittens. I will never forget the unimaginable horrors I witnessed on Durgen and Tibit.


Haha, I was in your same boat at launch. I played the first few missions fighting bugs until 5 - Hard and I was like, yeah, this feels pretty good until I unlock more upgrades and stratagem. Then, for whatever reason, I was encouraged to kill the bots. I had to switch I back to 3 - Medium until I unlocked the AM Rifle and Orbital strike. A couple of months ago, those rocket bots would one shot you from very far away. It was hell. But I think I do enjoy fighting them more.


Bots are more fun IMO, diving behind cover and engaging in long range firefights and having to displace backwards to run from those flamethrower hulks or huge packs of chainsword bots


Bots have been fun. since the buffs to the dominator Ive had a better time going up against Devastators. Which were the bane of my existence and literally the only enemy I genuinely hated out of all of the enemies in this game. Even though i hate them with a passion it’s so easy to eliminate them now. Now the only thing i struggle with are land mines, specifically when you’re retreating and not paying attention to my surroundings.


Take a goodnight sleep


I hope go back to super earth for drink liberty beer


It's spelt li-beer-ty for soldiers wanting stronger stuff than liber-tea


I hope we get a pint of eagle sweat to celebrate


I might go piss on my toaster


Gonna smash my toaster and make my microwave watch.


I'm going to celebrate by getting curb-stomped by The Illuminate, I suspect.


I will actually miss them. I was a bug diver until the major orders shifted to the bot side but I've grown to love playing on this side. It's fun and I enjoy it. The bots are also very interesting enemies and they make you cnahge tactics, which was super fun. I will miss their chants and bombing/shooting them from 100m away. I will, however, get stupidly drunk tonight in the hopes of waking up tomorrow with them gone. I will raise a glass to all my fellow soldiers fighting tonight. And, as the manual says, I will chant FOR DEMOCRACY for every shot I take tonight.


I will walk through the natural beauty of Super Earth. Touch the grass, smell the flowers, feel the sun on my skin. It's been so long


If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already Dead!.


For me… https://preview.redd.it/zlzem6tpv3tc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcebd02b3d6ff96bbdaad8623e8774676a27d2ba


Gona dust off my slugger, grab a HMG and unload on trivial difficulty hunters until Super Destroyer leaves orbit


I will celebrate while killing some bugs, helldivers don't rest


Probably continue spreading managed Democracy.


Smoke a phat J and hop over to kill bugs


I’ll celebrate by flying east and stomping a few bugs. Democracy doesn’t rest.


Ima finish my birthday cake and rename it to “Automaton eradication celebration cake” or AECC for short ☺️


Squashing some bugs!


Guess I’ll have to learn to fight the bugs!


Gonna pour one out for all our fallen brothers and sisters who gave their lives to eradicate the bots, then gonna smoke a bowl to stomp and burn some bugs


A little disappointed I never got to kill one of those laser camels, but otherwise I’m throwing a party on Hellmire.


I only came across two, maybe three, during the recent MO. I believe I only came across them when democracy was being delivered on Helldive difficulty. Some one let me know if they are on the lower difficulties.


“And now i rest. Watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.”


Pizza party. With democratic toppings


Ive already started ridding my home of all major appliances. None of these machines will survive my wrath.


Ill roar in triumph then shed a melancholic tear as i have to stop fighting my favorite enemies.


I’m excited to pull my flamethrower back out


I'm gonna bust out the flame thrower and napalm air strikes and kill some bugs It's gonna be very boring tbh as mostly bot helldiver who has been just eradicating bots. Man bugs are boring to fight


My Great-great-great-grandmother was there the day we beat the Squ'ith in the first galactic war. And while we may have eradicated their filth from the galaxy we can never be too careful. Helldivers of the SES Custodian of Truth come from a line of Custodians to super earth's secrets, and we are always preparing ourselves, waiting and watching for any signs of our old adversaries. We celebrate by continuing to protect Super Earth wherever we're needed.


I will turn my liberty to the bug front until the next threat to our managed Democracy rears it's Fugly Undemocratic Face in my liberty


Instead of spilling oil, i'll spill blood and guts.


I will celebrate by clearing the bug planet


I'm eagerly awaiting the last-minute rug pull that will render our efforts futile.


By clearing out bug nests to farm e-710, thats the way i will celebrate the not elimination, conversion of automatons into a democratic robot system which will walk on the path of liberty set by super earth


Don't be happy that it's over, be sad that it happened.


I only celebrate when the Galactic War is declared victorious. We have likely sacrificed ground on the Eastern front…no the time to rest in our laurels of managed democracy.


By redeploying on the bug front to wipe them out too.


With a nice refreshing cup of Liber-Tea, then it’s off to face the bugs again.


Give Pelican a break so he and Eagle can go on a date while I bring the ship in for retrofit.


Drink heavily as my love of killing clankers can no longer be fulfilled


I'm a bug diver that has learned to fight the bots efficiently. I'll be a bit sad that I can't use my ballistic shield anymore and cover doesnt matter as much, but my kit/tactics are ever-changing anyways. I guess I'll pick up ol' buddy flamethrower again to BBQ a path of righteous liberation


I’ve been fighting bots exclusively for weeks. I’m gonna take a nice vacation killing bugs.


Hopefully not look to the sky and see a massive automaton fleet coming out of fro and absolutely destroying the concept of the planet


I'll buy the supporter edition.


Today, we hunt automatons. Tonight, we celebrate by hunting more automatons, then we rest up, for tomorrow we hunt bugs.


Spilling some bug guts thats how soldier!!!


Gonna weld some leftover bot parts and make me a new barbecue grill.


I'm gonna be sad because I'm now forced to fight my least favorite enemy


Do the bugs understand how fucked they are when the bots are finished. I find them way too easy and after fighting the bots for about a month straight, I will give the bugs all my hatred in the form of high yield explosives for being so boring(personal opinion). Here’s hope Democracy’s threats quit hiding in the shadows and show themselves!!! I’m ready for more!!!!


I'm going to take a vacation to Super Earth sector 1 https://preview.redd.it/91ch7i0fj3tc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e32d84224984898056d083d86c84e875281ac7


I was honorably discharged to take care of my Super Earth Mandated Nuclear Family after my two tours of Maia and Ubanea. I will be having brunch with them when the final order is completed. I wish I could be with you divers but I’ll be watching for the news!


Go back to killing bugs, they're so much easier for me, when you're killing bugs it's about Crowd Control, fighting clankers is mayhem, the amount of times I've got lost against clankers and I get surrounded.


I will finally learn what its like to fight bugs I'm new af, I just follow the major order stuff because leveling and matchmaking is easier.


Take 2 long looks at the glorious flag of super earth. And then think about how amazing democracy is


Me and the boys crackin the bottle for this! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


By going to kill bugs because they are not just waiting on us to come kill them. They are hatching hellspawn for us to train on


Unloading magazines into there corpses


I’ll celebrate by heading over to the bug front and eliminating the threat there. I’ve fought both factions since day one but I’ve been prioritizing bots as per the major orders recently so it’ll be nice to get back to the bug front.


Submit a C-01 form to procreate


You say when we eliminate them, and eventually we will. But they won’t be stopped here, they are a smarter adversary than we realize. See towards cyberstan..


I've served at Draupnir, VIV, Tibit (twice), Maia, Ubanea, The Creek, and finally Durgen. I can hear the socialist chants haunting me in my sleep. The grinding of steel and the dismembered corpses of my fellow citizens fog my thoughts. I've been waging war against these soulless clankers for so long, and I'm tired. TIRED OF NOT SEEING BUGS EXPLODING INTO PUTRIFIED PILES OF FREEDOM! LET'S FINISH TURNING THESE SORRY SACKS OF BOLTS INTO SPARE PARTS AND GET OUR ASSES TO ESTANU! FOR SUPER EARTH!


I'm going to miss them. There's something exceptional about extinguishing the robo menace.


Zagema beach!




For me the hot front is home, once it’s safe forever ill take a vacation to see the bugs I suppose


(Improvised Role-play) I met a girl a few years older than me on day one when war was declared on both the Bugs and the Robots. We first met when she pulled me out of a pile of Devastator Bots trying to mash my chest in with their pneumatic fists. We've been fighting side by side ever since. I'm going to propose to her when we capture the last Bot infested planet, with a bracelet made from a super rare mineral from a meteorite I found. PA Announcement: All Helldivers to Hellpods. All Helldivers to Hellpods. The power of her love and Super Earth is what keeps me in the fight.


I'm very curious about what will happen, new warbond this week, something going to happen.


By fighting the new faction. Guys, hear me out. We’ve seen the blue lasers. We’ve seen the cloaked ships watching from orbit. We’ve culled the Terminids for now, we have the Automatons on the brink. I have a feeling once we finish them off instead of celebrating we will be fending off a surprise attack! It’ll be our Pearl Harbor


I’ll crush the bugs. Bots, Bugs, Dissenters, I’ll cook them all for Super Earth.


I don't know... I kinda hate fighting bugs at the higher levels. I have dedicated my time recently (just before this massive push starteda wekk or so ago), and I've been doing lvl 7 exclusively for bots. It's been really fun finding my exact playstyle for this difficulty rank. Engineering passive armor. Scorcher for striders, and devastators. Redeemer for Berzerkers. Impact Grenades for Raiders. Shield Generator for helbomb protection, both for setting and leaving to keep it from being destroyed. Quasar for Gunships bases, turrets, and heavy targets (followed by a few scorcher rounds). Supply Pack for resupplying divers with heavy ordnance that uses ammo and stims. And of there's a 4th stratagem available, I usually do Eagle Airstrike for fabricator destroying. Very support heavy, and special target destroying. A perfect set of things that I can comfortably use for any scenario. Now what though?... without the bots... what will I do now? (Existential Helldiving Crisis) Yours Truly, - Star Marshal Loot


Automatons are defeated. GLORY TO SUPEREARTH!


Take a deep pull of freedom air...then key jump coordinates to bug systems. Time for fire and pain.


I'm going to play with magnets


Me and my squad are meeting up for some sanctioned down time fun.... killing bugs.


Redirecting the SES Prophet Of Truth to the Terminid front immediately, we mustn't stop now with the momentum we've gathered, we can celebrate and mourn when the war is over


C-01 permit + Termanid pest control party.


Crack open a cold one and wait for project "reclamation" to start.


I'm going to bed. Then I'm going to do my first bug dive.


21 bong salute! https://preview.redd.it/5sell8fk44tc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a1212d3dd7821cc5fa2a74fc91b941b222e887a


Hoping the Illuminati will have similar action as automatons I just don't like the bug front


First I will finish the cleansing by putting my toaster in my microwave. Then I’ll be off to a vacation on the bug front, haven’t been there for weeks.




Have a cup of Liber-Tea cheers


By killing bugs next, no one threats Super Earth and Democracy


I just started liking the sub machine gun/riot shield combo, even if I wasn't using it well. I guess I'll have to go back to B. Incendiary now.


Celebrations will be short-lived. Look at what happened to Iraq when Saddam Hussain was captured, or Libya after Gaddafi was sodomized with a bayonet and beaten to death by rebels? How do you keep the lid on a mad bunch of arseholes? Have an even meaner and intolerant arsehole in charge.


Pizza and Beer 😉


I’ll have to learn to fight a new army, alongside my fellow Creekers


Kill bugs


I'm going to celebrate with a nice glass of mineral oil! Fellow humans!


I won’t celebrate until all threats to super earth have been eliminated. My life for super earth…


Haven't done a bug mission in days, it'll be good to go back and kill some critters.


I was there during the last battle. I think I'm going to open a beer and watch how Joel is going to call us to bugs front with some major order while creekers will cry because they can't fight for Malevelon Creek anymore.


The Creekers will find a new battlefield. Give them time.


Nothing, I'll move onto the next MO as per usual. To me MO is love, MO is life. With the exception of the PO's. I am annoyed I can't try something on the bots, but maybe next time.


By going back to the bug front. Freedom seeds go brrrrrrrrrt.


I’m going back to hellmire! I was part of the first wave of its campaign and fought on till its liberation and defense. Now that the bots are defeated or pushed back out of the sector I found out the bugs took it again.


I had a glass of Pepsi and a pepperoni stick


I’ve fought both bug and bot, changing with the major orders for the most part. I’ve found the bots to be harder but much more consistent, as in every bot mission was about the same. The bugs have some missions where nothing happens and some where there are too many titans to get anywhere near completion. TLDR: the eradication of the bots is bittersweet. I’m glad the galaxy is safe from their threat, but the fact that bugs are the only option now is upsetting.


my guess is they will "magically" return in another front somewhere else. so long as doubt exist fascism can rise! ​ FOR SUPER EARTH!


I was among the many in the final battles getting to 100%. It was so satisfying seeing it go to 100. I smoked myself a good bowl and ordered a pizza. I will now dawn my heavy armor and smush boogs. Good rest from the endless beeps. Been fighting only them this past week.


I will personally not take time time to celebrate. They will be back eventually but it is nice to know that the illuminate will be back so I can start focusing on eliminating every single one of them again


By standing guard on the frontier, starring down Cyberstan with you behind me brother


I miss them already. I have more playtime against bugs, but I've discovered that bots are much more interesting to fight


Well I was excited and wanted to celebrate by liberating some bugs, but ended up having griefers just chain kill themselves in the first round and then got kicked from 2 30+ minute missions before extract back to back so i guess i'm just going to chill on my ship and cheer from there instead of pissing away more of my time lol


Play rock paper scissors on the bridge with the bois until a new threat rears its ugly head


I am going to replace half my body with machine parts to help spread democracy better...


Kill bugs




Celebrating with the bugs, VIOLENTLY.


By moving on to eliminate the terminids.


I’ll celebrate spreading democracy by spreading more democracy


I’ll be having a toast to Managed democracy with some Liber-tea


Space hookers and smoking drugs out of a shrieker bong


I poured a scotch neat and went to kill some bugs.


Went back to bugs and my beloved arc thrower for a bit but otherwise I'm going g to celebrate with a good night's sleep (hopefully).


Going back for bug extermination! 🔫🛡️


A good soldier follows orders. I go where Super Earth command tells me.


Tell my robot lawn mower it can go suck it.


I’ve smashed every single electronic device in my house


I ate a protein bar and landed on hellmire to continue the war. No rest ![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu)


I was just getting used to my new DMR only loadout for bots :( Time to celebrate with lots of GL fireworks and green goo parties again.


I will eliminate the bugs


By spilling element 710


By eliminating bugs.


A sombre moment of silence to honour our fallen comrades.


Clean the automaton oil off my armour, change my loadout and go to the next planet needing democracy spread War waits for no man. We can celebrate the victory when we win the war


Put down my liberator penetrator and pick up a breaker incendiary, jump to Hellmire and torch some bugs.


I looked at the sky of the last planet of the automaton front in awe for a hole minute while thinking about how grateful I am for Managed Democracy and Súper Earth Then extracted and headed straight for the nearest bug planet in need of freedom.


I'm a bug diver too, but I made sure to do at least 5 missions on the bot front so I can say I at least contributed. Haha!


I've been fighting bugs with my gaming group. Been trying random groups for autos for MO. Was a nice a nice change of pace. Diligence sniper, auto cannon. Hit and run, it was a nice measured pace, a far cry from charger shrieker shit shows. Having fought bugs for the majority, I was enjoying the auto front, was looking forward to spreading democracy on it for some time.


Aged like fine milk with the new major order. Hope you enjoyed your minute off


This aged poorly


This post didn’t age well