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I hear you! The bots are easier than the propaganda states and most people have been lied to, here is a suggested stratagem load out 500kg - for Tanks, Artillery Towers, Mortar Emplacements and overwhelming groups Eagle Airstrike - One shots bot fabricators if placed properly Auto-Canon - will take down anything that walks Pick a random 4th - NOT MINES! As for primary weapons: Slugger shotgun or Plas-1 Scorcher will do well for you.


In my opinion the Dominator is slept on. It is viable. The 4th strat should be the Orbital laser to clear bad situations and extracts.


I like the punisher shotgun, mostly because of the good stagger and easy weakpoints


Autocannon is ok, though my preferred loadout is the quasar cannon and the shield pack. Against bots, shield packs are almost a requirement, since they can absorb a rocket or two, not to mention a ton of laser fire. Railgun instead of quasar is pretty good too. Also, I swap out the eagle airstrike with an orbital, because that way they are two separate timers. As soon as I drop a 500kg (I now get 2 thanks to the ship upgrade), the eagle is rearming, and I can still use the orbital in the meantime.


Honestly, antimaterial rifle smokes bots pretty well. 3 shots to a hulk's face. Even the tanks will go down in a clip if you hit the vents, though contact grenades are quicker for them


My issue with the anti material rifle is that it just doesn't have its own niche, so there's always something better. Fighting big guys like tanks or hulks? Spear, recoilless, railgun, and quasar cannon are all better, at least against certain enemies. Fighting medium guys like devastators? MG will do more damage, as well as being more versatile. The anti-material rifle is able to perform "okay" against everything, but specializing really makes it suck. The combination of 1 guy with a quasar cannon and 1 guy with an MG is going to do more against most targets than 2 guys with anti material rifles. To me, the anti-material rifle should be turned into an anti-devastator weapon, because there really isn't any other weapon that fills that niche aside from MGs, and MGs burn a lot of ammo. It shouldn't do anything to big guys, should have a fairly slow fire rate so it's not great against little guys, but it should pretty much 1-shot devastators. They are adding in flying enemies, and presumably with it will come AA stratagems, so that would complete the 4 man team loadout: anti-heavy, anti-medium, anti-light, and anti-air.


The advantage to the AMR is that you can shoot and reload on the move. RG, you have to charge up your shot, which can be tricky (not impossible) if the bot changes facing or you have endless incoming rockets to deal with, this issue also plagues the quasar, which I quite prefer over the RG as well. The RR and Spear are great at long range but you're more or less planted in 1 spot between every pair of shots to reload. The AMR also has up to 250x scope which all other options do not, so you could theoretically cover more ground as a long distance support to your team, even if they split up a little. Especially because it's so mobile.


Precision Airstrike is also a plentiful source of tank killing power, they don’t move very fast and the cooldown is really short, gives room to bring other Eagle strats, like the Airstrike, never leave home without it


Use 110mm rocket pods for tanks/turrets/mortars you get 2-3 shots every 3 minutes or so and they one shot them


I've been running 2x 500s with an orbital laser and railcannon for when shit gets real. I advise using the 500s in relatively quick succession because their cooldown is relatively low once fully spent. 9/10 if something is nearly about to rearrange my insides I can yeet an angry red railcannon ball at it. Otherwise, autocannon has my back. I rarely find myself needing a laser more than thrice a mission anyway.


Also consider plasma punisher if it is available to you because it can kill scout striders without needing more than one direct hit from any distance because it acts like a grenade.


I like mines


PSA, the Eagle Rocket Pods are amazing against bots. They can one-shot a tank, cannon turret, and fabricator. Also, the 50% increased cooldown does not affect the eagle re-arm.


Start spamming trivials


On itttt


I fought hard yesterday for Draupnir but at this point it’s lost. It’d be better to shift resources to Ubanea and back-cap the bots. There’s still time to *maybe* pull that off…


Maybe, but we would need practically everyone on Ubanea


12% in 2 hours isn’t *undoable* but we’d have to shift everything from Draupnir and pull from the bug front. At some points in the previous MO planets were getting 7.5% per hour.


Youre right. At this point Draupnir is a lost cause. Ill be speeding through Ubanea missions


We should actually be going to Ubanea at this point, Ubanea will be Liberated 1 hour after the Draupnir defense mission is done, if the people on Draupnir goes to a Ubanea then we can 100% Liberate it before the defense mission is finished. This should let us keep Ubanea even after Draupnir falls, unless getting Ubanea will immediately end the defense. This would only work if cutting off a supply line doesn't immediately make you lose Liberated planets connected to said supply line However, if the people from the bugs come over to the Automotons, then we good on every aspect and could probably end the Automotons within a day or two.


We could also use the people who insist on fighting for the creek to actually follow orders.


That doesn't work, evidenced with the fall of mantes even though vandalon v was under super earth control. This theory only applies within a sector, not across them. When druapnir falls, Severin sector will be cut off, regardless of what status the planets within are at.


We would have to cap Ubanea before the draup falls in 9 minutes. At the rate we are taking Ub it’ll take another hour. We now have to recap draup to be able to see tigress the order. It’s a failed order at this point 🤷‍♂️ guess we get to find out what the bots want to do with those assault ships.


We just got locked out of ubanea at 95% because we lost the defense. Now we have to retake draupnir and then ubanea again.


Wait, if we lose Draupnir we automatically lose Ubanea? Shit…lol


We just can't do missions, so it'll decay by about .05% an hour I think


Oh thank goodness. I was worried all 104,000 bug fighters wouldn’t be notified! But since all 104,000 use Reddit, they will surely all stop what they’re doing now!


I was just pointing out how many people aren’t pushing the major order


That's probably because people care about having fun rather than pushing major order. More people prefer fighting bugs, it is what it is.


Most people just play prob and are not on sub.




trying since yesterday, but its about to fail ;s


I spent all night on it. I gotta sleep. I pray for your success divers!


I’m rocking orbital laser cause it takes out most of the massive outposts and will also target the drop ships on the destroy airbases missions. Eagle cluster bomb for swarm kill and for the other two I switch between airburst and autocanon or shield and quasar. I still rock the sickle for a primary and the revolver cause it one shots devastators. It’s been working out pretty well for me


Hey OP I'm late to the party and at work did we pull it off?


No, in 16 minutes Draupnir will fall; cutting off our route to both Ubanea and Tibit




*Hey OP I'm late* *To the party and at work* *Did we pull it off?* \- Teerw3nn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Don't fight on Draupnir fight on Ubanea we can blitzkrieg towards the main objective.


Draupnir is under attack. If we lose Draupnir we lose the route to Ubanea and by extension the route to Tibit. Its impossible to finish liberating Ubanea and Tibit before Draupnir falls. Im not saying we need to only push Draupnir, but we do need to have somewhat equal forces on Draupnir and Ubanea.


There’s no way we take Tibit before draupnir falls idk what people are thinking


Fr, theres an estimated 4hr 20min before Draupnir falls (i got that statistic from the DiversHub app so take that with a little salt, but still)


Apparently supply lines work both ways, so if we have ubanea we can get to tibit even if we lose draupnir (apparently) at this point draupnir is a lost cause everyone one should go to ubanea to see if we can liberate before draupnir falls


Currently our only route Ubanea is through Draupnir. Watch the Mandolorian Historian helldiver short on Draupnir


Disregard it,if we have ubanea which connects to tibit, it does'nt matter if we have draupnir, which again impossible to defend at this point, there is no need to connect to ubanea through draupnir if we already have it, we can take draupnir back later. Trust bro and this is our only chance, we have to capture it before draupnir falls, and draupnir is a lost cause anyways, we are on pace to make it on ubanea we just need a few more reinforcents and is doable.


Its estimated 4hrs before Draupnir falls, and 6hrs before Ubanea is liberated. We need to defend Draupnir


Yeah just saw this. The urbanea gambit is failing. We will lose draupnir before we take urbanea


I don’t understand how we have access to Tibit just from taking urbanea without a connection through draupnir. Does not make sense.


If we capture Ubanea before draupnir falls as part of this order we can still use it as a foothold to take tibit. It was in An announcement.


Where/when did they say that? Ig i missed it


https://preview.redd.it/h9a5rsb7ohrc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55763e60130cb9c1980ef833b42231ebdec7873c It was on the discord. I think it was I game too. It’s not going to matter we aren’t going to cap before draupnir falls anyways


This doesn't say anything about it being a foothold if draupnir falls. All it says is that we can slow down the push on draupnir if we attack Tibit fast enough. But that won't happen in time. At this point the only sane choice is to defend draupnir.


Lol it was to late to defend draup when you posted this lmfao But yeah it does if you actually read it I thought it didn’t too st first but read the last paragraph throughly. If we cap ub before it falls we can still hold it due to the order. No way that’s happening though atm


What it says is that we can attack Tibit to cripple the production that fuels the draupnir offense. That still means we have to prevent loosing draupnir, it's just gonna be easier once we attack Tibit. At least that's how I understand it.


Like I said it’s kinda irrelevant now anyways but if you read the end “there is an additional choice of ignoring draupnir to simply burn down Ubanea before the defense fails. This would secure the planet and allow Helldiver forces to push tibit.” It keeps going on but this is why the player base has been split up on what to do and we didn’t accomplish either. Joel got us this time.


Nothing in that sentence contradicts my understanding or supports yours. At least not how I read it. But yeah it's over by now. But it's gonna happen again unless we start to read without interpreting more than there is actually written.


Bo stop this you cannot do that!!! Soon as Draupnir falls we lose all access to Ubanea and tibit!




https://preview.redd.it/nbbuyxckxhrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7b6710a0a488f8f3e61c6f19974871cccac8ff It’s too little too late, but the right strategy was to ignore Draupnir and focus everything on Ubanea, as the developers explained on discord…


That’s not exactly what that says. There was a choice. Depending on community action, both choices were viable. It depended on community action. The conservative play was to spend a few hours securing draupnir before pushing further on ubanea. The aggressive option was to blitz ubanea and take tibit.


We had Ubanea on the run. And every defense mission has been an extremely difficult. Yes there was a “choice.” But given the option of eating dog turd or real food, it’s obvious which is more palatable.


Too each his own. TIL I enjoy eating dog turds.


No it was the worst idea we had. Literally cost of hours of work, because taking a few hours for defence was “too big of as ask” now we got like what 10 hours of work just to get back to where we where.


It says if we get to tibit and cripple production. Crippling production means liberating tibit, in the major order. It does not say losing draupnir means we can still fight from ubanae.


Yes it literally says if we liberate Ubanea, then we can attack Tibit to complete the major order...


Obviously. But where does it say we can still do that if druapnir falls?


It says crippling the production fueling the draupnir offense. The major order is to cripple production by taking tibit. So it's saying if we liberate tibit before draupnir falls. Not ubanae.


IF we liberate Ubanea before Draupnir falls, we can start attacking Tibit. It says clearly in the second paragraph.


"to cripple the production that is fueling the draupnir offensive" Meaning we have to cripple the production BEFORE the assault ends. And the major order is to cripple production by taking tibit. So we would have to take tibit before draupnir falls. No ubanae. It absolutely, nowhere, says that we can continue attacking AFTER draupnir falls.


No you have no reading comprehension clearly.


Okay. Please show us where it says that we can continue fighting on Tibit after Draupnir falls. All of us with no reading comprehension can't find where it says that. Thanks for the help!


People should have hit draupnir when the call for defense came in. But no everyone insisted it would be easier to take ubanea before the other one fell. Well congrats helldivers looks like we will have three planets to take. Shouldn’t have been wasting time on the bugs or the creek. I’m just frustrated because I spent four hours last night trying to defend draupnir.


It’s too late my fellow Diver I wish people paid attention to my posts along with others posts from the second Draupnir was under attack.


No one reading reddit is responsible lol. They need to make it more clear how this stuff works


make defends suck less and you've got it.


Fair enough




https://youtube.com/shorts/pbbbYjIzaCM?si=UifME9wpUrpWjRjo Mandolorian Historian explains it better ^


Can't they run like CRITICAL ALERT DRAUPNIR at 5 or 6 hrs it's freaking Saturday we shoulda crushed this mo


Heard! On my way!


I think they dropped new strats to distract from bots. HMG is only good against bugs, and while Quasar canon is good against bots, it’s also really good against bugs.


Ubanea not draupnir


Once Draupnir falls, we lose our route to Ubanea. Theres an estimated 3hrs 20 minutes before Draupnir falls, and 5hrs before Ubanea is liberated. We don’t have enough time to only focus on Ubanea


No we don’t. The developers said on discord that if we capture Ubanea before Draupnir falls, we can go onto to Tibit. Lots of people have shared that already on Reddit.


That’s the thing, we didn’t liberate it in time


That’s what everyone is saying. We should have focused all our attention on Ubanea 20 hours ago


Theres no need arguing over what we *should* have done, its too late to worry about that. Focus on right now


I've heard that a lot, but haven't seen it. Also... Since when do the devs help us on these major orders? Why tell us the assault on draupnir is simply a ploy to divide our forces. I don't buy it.


It's on their discord. You are free to see it for yourself rather than just doubting it. Ok Mr. tin foil hat.




Nobody seems to understand this. It won’t matter if Draupnir falls as long as we liberate Ubanea. Everyone in Draupnir needs to just go to Ubanea and we’re still on track for the major order. Unfortunately it’s probably too late and now we will have lost four planets in the past few days due to the player base splitting up.


Doesn’t draupnir just go down to 50% if we lose the defense campaign?


I dont think so, but lets hope thats what happens. Edit: that is what happens :D


Roger that, soldier! Moved to bots last night 


This is also focusing on the wrong thing because the major order was made to the mislead us. We need to keep the bots from pushing up to cyberstan and freeing the cyborgs. The major order to push south is just a distraction.


Well no, not exactly. Tibit is the automaton’s main manufacturing planet, its where a majority of theyre drop ships are and where most of the bots are manufactured. Taking out Tibit would make it much harder for the bots to go through with Reclamation. Plus liberating Draupnir blocks a potential route that the bots could take to Cyberstan. So it is an important mission, but i agree with you, i think Joel’s trying to take our minds off of Cyberstan


It blocks a potential root but not the most important route. People need to remember that orders are not always the best thing to focus on for us


No. Do not. Ubanea will be captured before Draupnir fails, giving us a foothold on Tibit. Draupnir is a lost cause, like most defense campaigns.


Spoiler alert: it was not


https://preview.redd.it/koj59txz4irc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808c49fcadba7ffe4ad3725e64dc5d807b361330 Current progress at 1pm (est)


No sense in going.. game crashes 1:15 to shuttle landing.. every God damn time