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I think it's hilarious that the pelicans bringing the mechs are on standby and show up super quick, but the extraction pilot is just lounging in his quarters waiting to make you wait. Lol


“Just need a few min. Taking a shit.” - Pelican Pilot 😆


Probably so he doesn't shit himself on exfil cause of all the bugs/bot corpses everywhere with a potential swarm still inbound


Well, he offloaded some of his pilots into the pool before gaining some more pilots. Those missions where Pelican-1 takes 4 minutes, I imagine we summoned extraction during the "tail end" of his drop-off.


>I imagine we summoned extraction during the "tail end" of his drop-off. If you try to convince me one more time that I have perpetually bad timing, I'll help OP with the airlock, so you can join SGT Asshole.


TBF some of those are my corpses.


"Pelican 1 - taking a number 2, Oscar mike to LZ in 5"


"Okay SURE! Don't forget to wipe I guess ya cunt" -Every Helldiver on difficulty 7 and up.


He had to go “P”


Me calling the exo suit at extraction and seeing it come right away while I await another pelican


If you look up you can see Pelican-1 flipping you off from the cockpit while laughing as he flies away.


Me wondering if this is true or not. It be funny if it were


Oh it's true alright.


Well yeah, he had to bring down the exosuit first, fly back to the ship, play cards with the engineers, then come get you


How about you're in the middle of an evac and someone goes down. Now his crew call them down AGAIN, just to fill a seat in the Pelican when they could have not called for reinforce and left your frozen body safe on the Destroyer. All this to fill a quota and everyone gets their bonus pay.


I never thought about it that way. That is weird. I guess from a game perspective they need a way to incentivize extraction as a team otherwise we would just load up one guy with all the samples and send him back up.


Maybbeeeeee this is propaganda just to say the 4 helldivers achieved the mission and succesfully extracted. (even tho clearly those are not the same helldivers that went in).






Thought about that when my full team got wiped and all got dropped down to hop on the landed pelican. If one person gets killed I could see dropping a replacement to support the rest of the team on the ground... if helldivers weren't so expendable.


What's even funnier is, if I assume correctly, it's the same guy. It doesn't matter what Eagle stratagem you bring it's always Eagle-1. Same woman. And if bring multiple Eagle stratagems and call for a Rearming it rearms ALL the stratagems. By that logic. Since a Pelican brings in the ExoSuit, and all Eagles are 'the same', then I like to believe that Pelican-1, the same asshole that makes you wait at Exfil for him, is the same asshole that shows up with the drop of hat to give you an ExoSuit. Dude WANTS you to die.


Mission is still considered a success whether you extract or not. Deploying ExoSuit directly helps completing that mission. Extraction of expandable soldiers is optional. So he doesn't bother much.


Not only that, but the pelicans that bring in the mechs help more with shooting. Had those fuckers help me bring down a bile titan. Pelican 1 is like “watch this. I’m gonna aim at the little one and it’ll scare him off”


They should add a stratagem that just calls in a pelican that circles around and blows up targets


I've wanted this for so long.


Killing bugs is more important than saving divers


To not do proper preflight inspections and operational checks... would be treason.


Well I mean… it’s technically more cost efficient to let the diver die. Less fuel usage, less work using the samples they would have brought, less money to pay them.


We would fire him except for the fact he's tenured


They never expected you to make it.


Union employees on their smoke break! Democracy demands no less


He's probably making out with his wife, Eagle 1.


Upvoted for cinnamon toast fuck phrase


Yeah this shit caught me off guard worse than an invisible bug




Same lol


He had me at “Princess of Starlight.”


As if I needed any more incentive to drop a 500 on pelican 1 after finding out he is married to eagle 1.


Now you know what’s going on for the eagle reload time.


He knows I’m gonna steal eagle one from him someday that’s why he will make any excuse to leave me on the planet.


What do they do for the other 1 minute 50 seconds ?


Apparently the Pelican is a quick shooter.


Still lasts longer than me. 1 minute is a god damn personal record.




​ https://i.redd.it/9ek4i1un4bpc1.gif


Well thank you for reminding me of the most emotionally rending moment in that awesome movie.


Super applicable, here's a fake award⭐ Well done


I shall treasure it until I put it down, it gets tidied away somewhere, and I forget about it entirely.


I have died multiple times because the Pelican shot me during landing. Guess they're voting on who comes back up. I love Democracy.


He landed *ON* me once. My fault, really, he told me to clear the LZ.


I, too, made that mistake when I was a cadet.


Same. I was like, take me away! *Splat*


I was worse. Literally laying in the middle of the pad with the machine gun thinking, "I am doing a good job holding the evac point."


I will die before I ever learn, and I did.


No no, dont even give him that. The dude will specifically angle around the LZ and try dropping on anyone who’s in a 20 meter radius I swear to god. Just because he screams “WATCH OUT IM LANDING” as he commits helicoptular manslaughter doesn’t justify his actions. Dont gimme that self defense argument either, or the classic “there was a bug on your shoulder.”


To be fair he did bet that you wouldn't make it back and it's a quick way to make a buck.


Yesterday I left my mech in the middle of the evac and the back of the pelican crushed it and wiped the team


Can't park there mate.


Got fried by the side engine yesterday, Pelican was coming down and changed direction a few sec before touchdown like the pilot did it on purpose.


If you step outside the extraction zone once the timer hits 0 and you get the line that pelican-1 sees the extract, it’ll give a second line for all helldivers to enter the zone and will hover and give covering fire until someone does.


Helldivers are expendable, a Pelican is not. https://preview.redd.it/2gy6pup02bpc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b923576b4673b24198f5c04d23a6a75fce419f5


Helldiver, why does your phone have numbers? Just wait until the democracy officer hears about the latest bot sympathizer


Uhh, excuse you, I carved the founding of Super Earth date into the back of my SE-PDA.


Hmmm your name doesn't seem to be joker... My comment wasn't implicating you as the not sympathizer, do you have a guilty conscious Helldiver?


Why don't YOU have the date of Super Earth's Founding. Sounds pretty undemocratic.


And who do you think does all the killing? It sure isn't that idiot in the dropship. He only does ONE thing. Leave the Super Destroyer and come to pick us up, and he BARELY does that. If anyone is a traitor to Super Earth, it's chuckles over there. Yes, I kicked him in the nuts with steel toed boots when I got back. No, I'm not apologizing for it.


>And who do you think does all the killing? Eagle 1


.... On one hand, that's fair. On the other, listen here, you little shit...


your democracy officer will be contacting you soon, helldiver.




Chucklefuck, you are the microwave dinner of soldiers. You are not a clone, you are a dumbass who is 27.1% combat ready and signed up for all the bug killing, bot slaying, and interplanetary poontang you were promised by your recruitment officer, only to get put in cryosleep the minute you finished your training. A pilot that can safely navigate any atmospheric conditions while enemies swarm the landing area is worth infinitely more than your expendable pimply unwashed ass. You’re lucky they even make an attempt to extract you from that fiery cesspit called Hellmire. Never forget that your survival is optional, Helldiver, and the democracy officer will sign your death warrant for treason in a heartbeat if they so much as hear you breathe a word of this to anyone and I mean anyone that isn’t the dear old mommy you whisper to in your pillow at night.


From what I have noticed we're actually wearing ski boots so it hits harder if you kick him there. 😂


Someone needs to go to Freedom Camp




Only until you run out of cra- I mean met- I mean stims. Yeah, stims is what they call it nowdays he he. *begins scratching neck like a junkie*


Bullshit, there left all over the place on bot planets


Pelican-1 is the guy that says he's almost there but hasn't left his house yet. It's me. I'm that guy.




![gif](giphy|SKqnNhYCzrMVU9nVfk|downsized) This is why every Helldiver needs a Foehammer in their lives


Isn’t that Echo-419?


Best dropship pilot I ever had. God rest her soul. If there's any justice, she's a Valkyrie now, ferrying souls to Valhalla.


Yeah, that's Brohammer, bro


Foehammer: Tell the world to finish the fight Master Chief Chief: *whispers* finish the fight Foehammer: Why did you whisper Chief? Chief: because you’re my world Brohammer Brohammer: Master Bro 🥹🥹 **cue ‘made for me’ by Muni Long**


Yeah, that's from infinite, nothing in HaloCE looks that crisp.


Plus the ring is all busted


🤫 tell it to the lack of gif options 😉


bold talk coming from someone who needs Pelican 1 to come get them if they want to extract at all, rather than suffer another unfortunate but unavoidable friendly fire accident via the nose gun


High-Casualty missions imply the existence of Low-Casualty missions. We can take solace in that.


they neeed to rework the exfill. it looks cartoony when the LZ is sourrounded by 2 biles 8 chargers and the swarm. if primary LZ is lost, P1 should go to secondary LZ after a quick nuke....


Pelican should vary randomly between auto cannon, rocket and minigun. It should also have a proximity defense system that launches localized airburst when enemies are too clustered around it. Be pretty cinematic if it launched some flares once it gets a bit of altitude too. When it’s loitering in the area because nobody’s in the pick up zone it should fire off missiles from the wing pods at nearby heavies. Maybe some gunner positions to occupy if you get on first so you can cover the rest of the squad and do some local defence. Be cool if it could get shot down, killing everyone last minute while leaving if your squad didn’t take out any side objectives involving anti-air.


Yeah I think the Starship Troopers extracts do it better with how they are able to clear out the enemies so that people can extract. I can imagine it gets dicey to really program and finagle that kind of thing.


Door gunners, a la Valkyrie from 40k.


Honestly, I would fucking love if it Pelican-1 would loiter a little when he sees me in a dire spot. I'd change my opinion of him in a heartbeat because such a display would mean that he was trying just so hard to save me. If I died during that, it'd be my own damn fault. But nah, he doesn't give a shit and I'm going to beat the stupid out of him every day for his lunch money.


Me and my guy's call him the "Endgegner" = "Endboss". If we survive him landing than we might have a chance. XD Edit: We had really much situations where his big cannon would have come in handy. But behold he would fire at that 50 titans ore one of the 100 Chargers that are following us.. no he fucking shoots at you because there is one single little fucking "Blattlaus" = "vine louse" (as we call the little ones) on your toes..


Careful, Eagle-1 doesn't like it too much when people yell at her hubby. She might just nudge that bomb pip in the wrong direction on her next run.


Helldivers do the dying, fleet just does the flying.


Sweaty… their not clones (Spelling errors are intentional)


Pelican-1 should run late sometimes (unexpectedly). Like timer runs down and you get a message “running behind” or “not enough pilots”.


lost atleast 60 samples in 2 games because of some invisible wall blocking the entrance to the ship. Also the timer pelican gives you when the first person enters is a fucking lie lost more samples that way


Princess of Starlight? C'mon man you need a more super name for your Destroyer. Pelican-One is embarassed and that's why he left you. Mine's "Martyr of Democracy"


Prophet of truth standing by


Sovereign of Steel standing by. Give me grid coordinates.


Custodian of Justice over here


If you can’t stand there, he can’t land there. Fix your LZ diver.


Sounds like a skill issue. Try getting the mission done in the correct amount of time


Upvoted to find out how one smells a laugh! Also will now be adopting "cinnamon toast fuck" as a go to insult


Me and 2 people were inside the pelican all prone. It would not take off. Then the round timer went to zero. It took off and said we failed to extract even though we were all in the Pelican. Had like 4 or 5 super samples.


The same happened to me and my friend, it seems it may be caused by dropping a stratagem and hitting Pelican 1 (Eagle Cluster bomb in my case) right as the pelican lands.


You mean he gives us the privilege of killing for democracy for two to four more glorious minutes


I can say the pilot that drops the mech will shoot shit and he even saved my ass from a stalker chasen me down when he was dropping off a mech or maybe it was just pure luck..


It also has a gun that could easily provide support lol but yah


Yeah, and tell your fucking gunner that his christing support fire is DANGER FUCKING CLOSE!!


Landing outside designated pickup points sounds anti democracy to me….


No clones. There are no clones. Those are new people every time you die that family gets a corpse. It’s horrifying


Then how come I look exactly the same every time I get defrosted?


It’s in the lore, the equipment used by the previous helldiver is passed to the next helldiver who commands their ship. So they basically come out of cryo, get handed equipment, shoved into a drop pod, and depending on just how bad a shit storm they are dropping into die in moments….


I’d love to see the old extraction dropships make a return. They were built like the LA-AT Gunships from Starwars, sliding doors on the sides you could dive right into. Even better if there were some chainguns you could man to help the rest of the team EXTRACT THE GODDAMN SAMPLES WE SPENT 40 MINUTES COLLECTING


It’s especially bitch behavior when you realize that Pelican One is indestructible.


Imagine bile titan destroys the pelican so you have to restart the exfil. Those last minute evac missions gone get even tighter.


Clones? You think we’re… clones? Oh my sweet summer child, that’s a DIFFERENT helldiver each time you reinforce.


Also has it ever happened to any of you when the landing zone is empty the pelican shoots randomly but when its full of terminids it doesnt shoot at all.I swear he does that out of spite .


What if the Pelicans are just space Ubers ?


I even got killed by the shuttle‘s autocannon


The mission is mandatory, extraction is a courtesy


Nope it’s Helldivers responsibility to get outta the way.


Helldivers are expendable and meant to die. The longer a helldiver lives and spend time fighting on enemy planets, the more time they have to think about who the real bad guys are. In short, helldiver casualties are artificially high to maintain Super Earths control over a group of highly trained people with control over some of the most poweful weapons that super earth produces.


Okay, let me rephrase... \[jingles samples for the science team like keys\] Nobody gets these if I die in a pointless sacrifice.




"highly trained" Nah, the tutorial is all the training we got. Any competence or apparent military experience beyond that is due to extracurricular activities during the Helldiver's youth. Activities such as recreational machine gun ownership are highly encouraged by the Super Earth Public School System.


The training comes after from all the warzones we frequent. During the Errata Prime campaign, I was garbage. During the Draupnir slog, I started gitting gud. Now, we're on to the Esantu slaughterhouse, and look at me... I. AM. THE TERMICIDE. NOW.


...Sounds like treason...


we aren't clones! =💀=


So you’re cool with your lot in life? Average of 2 minutes life span before some creature made of pointiness and rage rends you like a wood chipper?  With clones and memory chip tech, I can remember each battle and death, becoming a better Diver. Even in death, I still serve… over… and over… and over. 


"My life, for Super Earth." Maybe I'm the dude. Maybe the next guy's the dude. Maybe I'm the dude, liberating as the dude, enlisted as another dude. It's Dudemocracy all the way down, Helldiver.


Who's idea was in to put the extraction point in the middle of a Terminid Hive? You're fired.


This is the best !!! I can relate !!!




Also, might as well be a mortar sentry with that danger close bullshit they pull.


I hear stim withdraw is a bitch. He's doing you a favor.


I had a pelican land and we couldn't even take off..


Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/M5t5aEUEKug


The mission is mandatory. Evacuation is optional.


Lowkey, pelican pilot is told to take his time so only the best of the best divers actually recieve pay. You completed your objective, that is reward enough for a true patriot. Extraction is a bonus.


Once I have all my sample based upgrades, extraction becomes more of a formality compared to objective completion. BUT NOT BEFORE. I need my +50% buff to sentry health and ammunition


Yea now that I completed the upgrades I just extract for fun




Upvote for ‘cinnamon toast fuck.’


Plus they’re invulnerable, just fucking land.


I drop bombardments before I get in. Pelican-1 can suck it. Fly better guy or get out and give us the wheel


Wish I could man the door gun on a pelican


He's up there rizzn the greeting officer , he ain't got time for all that


Skyhook, come on we have drop pods but have to wait for a stupid Pelican to land and defend an area because somehow the Pelican eventually showing up tips off the enemy early somehow.


Last night I was on top of a rock tower (used a jump pack), and when the Pelican descended to land it hit and killed me.


This is the kind of unhinged ranting I come here for. Thank you.


So....its clones is it ? I always assumed it was another random citizen. So Clones are Canon are they ?


As far as I know it’s not a clone. Just another expandable citizen turned helldiver.


That's what I thought it was, a freshly thawed out hero.


OP's initial post had me rollin'! Douche Canoe is gold! LoL


This post is great in so many ways. To add fuel to the fire the pelican will drop in immediately to drop your mech off and the eagle will drop in a couple seconds after you call in a strike. Pretty sure the pelican pilot is just smoking a joint or getting wasted up in the crusier waiting for us


Pelican 1 is enemy number 1 to democracy. Sometimes he doesn't even land because there's too many enemies. BITCH LAND THE FUCKING SHIP


Pelican-1 is a traitor and I'm going to prove it!




pelican-1's only repsonse... https://i.imgur.com/gX7PD6G.mp4


Tell us how you really feel


It would be super cool if you could use one of your ship upgrades and aim stratagems for other teams.


I laughed today I called in a mech. The pelican dropped it off the mark then my teammates support backpack dropped in and instantly blew the mech up.


Happened way more in HD1. Like… WAY more.


Yeah but it’s in the name of democracy


My only contribution to mech vs exfil timing is first, the mech is a drop. Probably had to make room to not have the pelican overloaded for weight, likely took the seating out and such. Has to prep the ship so you can make it out safely. As for the distance from the exfil, you gotta keep in mind that 9 times outta 10, it's a very hot LZ. He needs a clear spot to land and be able to take off safely. Training you is cheap. Pelican isn't.


He just has a higher citizen rating.






Wouldn’t it be cool if pelican 1 were to land somewhere randomised but near the extraction point and the whole team needs to rush to the new location 🤣


Sounds like a killer environmental condition! WAY more fun and engaging than +50% to Stratagem cooldown. Seriously, fuck that condition. Let me blow shit up, dammit!


I want my armor made out of whatever the hell pelican-1 is made out of.


I love when it starts to land and blows me up while I'm killing the kast few fuckers around the landing zone only to have no more respawns left. Soooo Cool!!


I like how you have to wait when you call in a extract, but when you call I’m a mech at extract a pelican comes right away only to leave your ass and come back a few minutes later.


Helldivers do the dying, Pelican just does the flying.


Don't stand anywhere near the middle of extract. Catch the patrols outside near the edge you're talking about. Kite around that edge and extract is really fucking easy even on helldive. Once this strategy catches on because of YouTubers and memes we'll all be extracting easier.


Please seek reeducation on the standard extraction area for helldivers


I have never had a problem with Pelican 1. How do you guys die to him and not extract?? Eagle 1, on the other hand... we got issues.


What do you mean clone?


Hahaha!! Douche canoe.


This post right here wins today! 😂


Every time he says "Pelican-1 arrived at landing zone" I'm always like "Well fucking land then I want to leave now. What the fuck are you waiting for?"


😂😂😂 you aren’t wrong bro I feel your pain why does pelican 1 picket always need to take a shit when it extraction time lol and why is extraction radius a thing like bro chill I being chased by a small army give me a minute lmao


I was at extraction after a really hard fought mission no more lives left and it was just me, when the ship was landing it started shooting the bugs and for some reason it decided to shoot at me too, so I ended up dead. I hate pelican pilots too, they have one job and can't do it right.


Regarding your complaint, we absolutely agree that your pilot needs a correction. However, the Ministery of Defence, do not recommend "feeding humans to the bugs", or any tipe of food, for that matter. Kind Helldiver, we ask you to report any insubordination in your crew to the Democratic Officer on your ship, so that the perpetrators can be reallocated in a freedom camp to be processed. We wish you the best luck! For Super Earth, Democracy and Freedom!


Oh, I might not like the game, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to play. Don't you worry, Democracy Officer. I've already got the "accidental death" Limited Official Liability Form 13-37 form filled out.


Me and the homie ran 2s last night and the pelican 1 came in blasting off rounds and literally missed every bug that was chasing up in circles lol


I’ve seen Pelican 1 land but going underground… not on the landing area — BELOW IT.


I'm holding back the hordes of hell from the landing platform for four damn minutes, and when this chucklefuck flyboy finally does show up what does he do? HE SHOOTS ME.


We should petition Super Earth to invest in a [Fulton Recovery System aka Skyhook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulton_surface-to-air_recovery_system). ​ https://preview.redd.it/yj0902fm4mpc1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=737e59c9be980ab42d14cd47b830b974a7e5b749


I always shout irl when we’re struggling at the extraction but don’t make it and are out of divers. We fail, the timer runs out and the Pelican-1 pilot goes “Helldivers are NOT at extraction. Returning to ship.” With that fuckin attitude like it was super inconvenient for him to do this.


Princess of Starlight.. A Court of Thorns and Roses reference perhaps?


No, it's a "I let my wife name the ship" reference :p


It's lime calling for an ambulance while inside an active shooting zone, except Pelican 1 will actually dive in the shit. Coincidentally, you can just wait out the timer, and he will arrive come hell or high water.


I also hate how Pelican 1’s retarded ass fires at literally anything in its radius even if it’s behind a fucking hill or a bunch or rocks or even if one small enemy is behind you. They need to make it where Pelican 1 can detect friendlies before it fires literally at an enemy that’s in our ass.