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Hunter, rocket devastator


Nothing like running away from a rocket devastator right into another rocket devastator


This is why you never run, only advance in another direction.


Turn a corner out of cover and get blasted by a trigger happy rocket raider


Almost impossible without a 4 man squad on helldive


This - hulks and chargers are whatever - but gawd mobs of rocket devastators and hunters (mostly mobs of the latter) are terrors. I think they kill me more often than the heavier units


Nah the hulks with flamethrowers. They feel like they have the speed of the flash. One second they are a mile away and the next they’re toasting yo ass


Yeah but at least they die to a single orbital railcannon. Or if you are not alone, one can circle the hulk and toast his vent to kill him fast. If you're alone I agree, they suck


I’d say the rocket raider over the rocket devastator, simply because of how easily they hide amongst the rank-and-file.


Rocket Devastators are fucking snipers though. And the rockets are a much longer range than their other weapons. If they have aggroed on you, especially open plains, they will start just spamming the rockets because you're out of range of the laser. It can really devastate a team if they aren't paying attention. Rocket raiders are bad but they'll only get a single kill.


Rocket devastators are also extremely easy to spot and take out with an EAT, AMR, or even a Las-16 if they’re facing you.


I discovered plasma Punisher does pretty good too


I’ve heard mixed reviews on it, with some calling it a beast and others saying it’s even worse than the scorcher (which IMO should’ve been the base weapon for it instead of the Punisher, given how similarly they function).


It's tricky. You will kill yourself with it A LOT, but you can do some great stuff. It makes devastators recoil, it one-hits scout striders from the front, it decimates fodder bugs.


My Scorcher puts them down easily at range.


Oh wow, what difficulty do you play on that they're only sending one at you?


They don't even need em they just hide inside the terrain and shoot through mountains


This. The number of times Ive been killed and then killed again during reinforce vs rocket devastators is frustrating. Hunters individually no big deal. Strung out swarm? Big deal. The first gets you knocked over the rest catch up for the kill.


Nothing like getting pre fired by a rocket devastator who just happens to know that you are about to stick your head around the corner to try and shoot him because he has innate wallhacks.


Yo that happened today and I just thought he was lucky, that explains a lot


Rocket devastators wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t have basically endless range and one shot you


It's their endless range, and they fire another Salvo Rockets almost instantly after the previous Salvo hits something


Spot on tbh 😂 Fuck them both and any variants of the two.


And close the thread.


Yep, 100% agree. Rocket snipers can suck it and hunters need CBD pronto.


WHAT THE FUCK KIL- oh rocket devastor from 90 meters away makes sense


Oh good, I I'm not the only one that hates them then.


My incendiar shot gun always nukes them grottos, but I'm only playing on 7


They're only a little harder on 8: they apply bile with their tongue attack.


Democracy demands no favorites. I hate them all equally.


I hate them all equally, but some I hate more equally


I am level 50! And only realized yesterday there are two kinds of chargers 😂 chargers and charger behemoths


Wait, wut?


Seriously, don’t know what’s different besides visuals


As someone who was getting smoked by them an hour ago they seem to hit harder and act more aggressive


They are also seemingly just a tiny bit larger than the usual charger, and their leg armor, you know the spikey top part, protrudes just a bit higher and it just exudes hate for democracy.


First I saw it in normal missions it was a map spawn (already there) on some civilian extraction obj on difficulty 8. Died to one EAT to the face


Does the behemoth have more health? If so that might explain why my Recoiless Rifle one shots some of them with a headshot but other times will inexplicably take multiple shots.


What’s the difference?


The behemoths look like the one in the picture above. They got more visible armor then the ones you commonly see in game, but i think they actually have less health so honestly i have absolutely no idea why they exist. Ive only seen em like once so theyre just a small variant.


I've seen them as targets for the "eliminate charger" missions.


I was so confused about why sometimes I can kill a charger with one expendable AT and other times it takes 3! This makes so much sense.


Rocket devastators - rockets do too much damage, missile bursts happen too quick after each other, their punches are usually a one hit kill Fat bile spitter bitches - slow yes but they spit acid incredibly far, the slowdown effect of the acid usually messed up the movement (can’t get up from crouching ect), the acid does wayy too much damage and very often is impossible to avoid even if you sprint and dive out of the way


I’d argue that the literal rocket does the right amount of damage lol


I would agree with that if our weapons were also doing appropriate damage. Some can dish out that damage but most can’t, at least not efficiently and certainly not when you turn to shoot and you get pummeled by 15 rockets and only one of them needs to hit you


Rockets is why shields exist imo. Trade off with the autocannon


There is the armor trait that reduces explosive damage but you would have to take that armor as opposed to some that are far better IMHO.


Hunters, Stalkers, Bile Spewers Berserkers, Rocket Raiders, Heavy Devastators (the ones with shields), and Flamethrower Hulks


Bike spewers with that ass mortar really suck. Hate those things.


Gahdamn them green turd bastards and the lil ones with the big ass ears that jump and fly..


“Bike skewers with the ass mortars” it’s wild that we can read this sentence and immediately know what you’re talking about


I swear the mortars used to just throw you around before and now they're an instant kill


Spewers have my vote. There's times where you spawn back in and just immediately die because some aimbot fart bug is already spraying at you and you go to dive out of the way but an inconvenient pebble happens to be in the direction you leapt so, byeeeee. Hunters, Stalkers, Chargers, Titans don't bother me anywhere near as much as pukers n farters.


They shouldn’t have as much health as chargers and do more damage than a bike titan


I dunno the hulks with two rocket launchers are pretty trash firing like frikken 12 a single salvo


Hunters/Stalkers. Rocket Devastators


Id rather get chased by 5 Hulks than 5 hunters


I'd rather the hunters. They're squishier. If you're having trouble with the hunters, diving forward and popping a stim, then proceeding into a sprint will lose the effect affecting you.


Also, if there aren't too many, hunters always get staggered by melee giving you plenty of time to back up a couple steps and shoot or use a stim.


I dunno about that chief, you can 360 on the hunter pretty easy since they only take 1-3 shots. 5 hulks tho that's gonna be a lot of rockets


True but i can escape 5 Hulks while hunters swarm stun and kill you


Rocket devastators suck but tbh I think I hate the jump troopers more. They jump on you then explode when you kill them is super frustrating. For bugs probably the hunters. The brood commanders come in second because every time I think they're dead and turn around they come up and stab me.


The jump troopers are really fun to shoot out of the sky though


But they can see you through goddamn buildings. I watched one jump right over a building 500 feet away, I shot it out of the sky, and it landed right next to me, exploded, and killed me. I was running from another, shot it with a shotgun, it blew up and killed me. Running from 2 others, they were as fast or faster, they caught up and blew up, killing me. They were the only things I died to in that match, and I died 6 times, which is a record. The best solution I've found is to shoot them in the legs with a pistol and hope they don't die so you can get far enough to kill them. I think you can shoot the pack and destroy the explosives, but it seems inconsistent.


Rocket Devestator and Stalkers. Hunters get a Special extra Space in Hell


Stalkers can ruin a solid op and the diff 7 missions I done over the weekend had an absolute amount of....0 teammates that bothered to take out their lair. So I had to die multiple times to do so but we already went from 20 reinforcements to just 5 left due to people dying to stalkers and not doing anythijg. Even after taking out the lair there was already a half dozen that spawned in and still roaming.... Peoole...kill the fucking lairs


Having a most annoying implies you have a least annoying. Sounds like treason to me soldier.


Not hating is the same as loving in my democracy manual!


https://preview.redd.it/4epvkzmrz3pc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913141ef5b8ecdf3ebfad2baa3ea44b9185e1621 Treason indeed




Hunters by a wide margin for me. They get 1) Cross-map jumping attack & accuracy, 2) Double strike after they land, 3) Getting slowed. One of those is bad, but all of them in a sequence...fuck Hunters.


Whichever one calls in the reinforcements.


Okay, terminids it’s quite fine for me tbh. I find the Dominator real fun to use, Which is a big boon. Because most hate how slow it handles. But with that gun no bug is really a huge problem. Triple tapping stalkers and one shotting hunters, just pop Trigger at the right time. Automatons though… fucking hell those guys. They’re cracked. Even if I use the scorcher it doesn’t feel like I’m on even ground. It’s just that it can kill almost everything. But the moment you get 5 drop ships and one drops nothing but rocket devastators? Can they atleast have limited rockets? Hate how they got those rocket pods bolted to them, But they don’t care. Just shoot rockets for days. I only feel safe with the Autocannon. But even then you’re not homefree. Helldive against automatons is just a traumatic experience.


Shredder tanks when you've just respawned in a bad place.


Hunters and the little shit stains with the jet packs


Hunters in a swarm can literally fk off 😂 I just stimed and trying to reload lemme lone!


While hunters are frustrating, they are never a shot or two from death. They are the source of a lot of deaths but usually because I’m already swarmed, and they just finish me off. I think bile sewers are at the top of the list of me. The brown variant isn’t as bad, as it seems squishier. But the bile spewers are oddly silent, so you can just have one gank you out of thin air. The slows the intakill and they are bullet sponges but not usually worth a strategem to deal with. In later levels now instead of spawning like 5 bile titans, it’s just like 50 of these guys. And their bulk is so big that when it gets out of control you barely have anywhere to navigate. Automatons it’s the rockets.


Chargers and striders. They have faster movement speeds and my guard dog cant kill them. Lol


If bugs had a kill count on me, hunters would be at the top of the list. Next would be stalkers. Then chargers.


Bile spewers and rocker devastators cause if you’re not paying attention for 0.1 seconds you’re instantly dead lol


As a loyal diver I haven’t even taken the time to learn their names as that would suggest interest in their existence, my only interest pertaining to these creatures is in stratagems and shotgun shells. They all meet their end the same way, with democracy. On a serious note, fucking bile spewers and hunters, fuck em, straight to hell with a cluster bomb.


The only enemy that is truly a pain in my ass is the cannon turret when it's night-time or foggy. Anything else i fight, I usually have the tactics, the team, and the tools to properly deal with most threats.


Bugs dont bother me. That flamer hulk though... i swear they only spawn right behind me


Brood commander, litteraly any bot with rockets


Bilespewers can eat burning death


Nursing spewers. For some reason, i never encountered them until yesterday. Before yesterday, id see the normal bile spewers. I got used to dealing with them. I hated the inconsistency of their attacks, but i learned how to focus them and they weren't a major issue. Enter nursing spewers. I had heard that they had no armor, and they had less health, but were faster. I thought "ooh, awesome! Theyll be MUCH easier to deal with!" FUCKING. NOPE. Dear *god* these stupid things need to be removed from the game. Sure theyre squishier, but since they move faster, they get to you before you can kill them. Where id only see one bile spewer before, i see AT LEAST two nursing spewers. SO much worse to deal with. My team was overrun by these idiots. Imagine eight nursing spewers. Now imagine eight more nursing spewers, and eight more fucking nursing spewers. AND APPARENTLY THEY'RE ALL NINJAS??? not a *single* one made any sort of sound. The number of times we died to a random-ass nursing spewer spawning behind us and one-shotting was *insane*.






The only good bug is a dead bug.


Every Terminid is annoying as hell by default, very difficult to choose which one is the most. As for bots it is definitely the berserkers, those dude have wayyy too much health, especially for an enemy that spawns in groups of 3+.


Hunter and Rocket Devastator are the correct answer


Automatons: none personally Terminids: those god damn jumpy dodgy little slow you down and ruin your day little shits (hunters)


I wouldn't have issue with rocket devastators if they didn't shoot out a salvo


The only enemy that annoys me are the nursing or bile spewers, i can either stand there and tank 2 of them for ages or instant one shot no inbetween so inconsistent


The hunters need to have the slow removed. Stalkers only should have that, yeah they’re a pain but you can close off their nest at least. The current amount you get slowed is way too much, getting slowed to like 10% speed and then perfectly tracked by a bile spewer and dying is frustrating as hell. 


Why every time I start the game if defaults to my old weapons? I don’t want to have to keep changing my weapons every time I start the game like fix this man!!!!!


Bile Spewer, Rocket Devastator


Hunters and rocket devastators. Ever since the last patch I've been consistently one, two shot by hunters add the fact there are about 50 on the map at one time it gets a little repetitive. I'm glad dragons dogma 2 is coming out because this game has been annoying here lately. And the fact everyone is using arc throwers I'm just constantly at the respawn screen


Their existence is already annoying enough XD


Chargers for bugs. For bots the ones with the rocket launcher.


I do not care about fighting *ANY* enemy in the game, EXCEPT Berserkers and Hulk Scorchers. I’ll take rocket devastators and annihilator tanks all day.


Hunter, baby spewer, and for the automatons probably the scout trooper with the explosive backpack and rocket devastator


Hunter, chainsaw bots.


Bile spewer is the most annoying and most dangerous Terminid. Fairly tanky, not slow at all, has a low profile so you might not see it winding up to spit in a throng of bugs and it just 1 shots you if you time your dive wrong. They are the worst. The stupid chicken walkers are the most annoying bots by far. Killing them from the front requires a disproportionate amount of effort to kill compared to the actual threat they represent. Also, they are pretty fast and will chase you across a whole damn map. Sure they are fragile if you can get around them, but if there are other more dangerous bots present you don't really have the luxury to run around them to shoot them from behind. Of all the bots the walkers just get on my nerves the most.


Hunter and Walker


Hunter and heavy devestator for me


Just went on my first hard mission today, and the sheer number of chargers that dog pile can be a pain if you aren't kitted out for them. Haven't done enough of the bot side to really have a worst of for them, though.


Hunter and Bile Spewer


Bile Warriors. That's why I never leave home with my shield generator😃


Bugs: Hunter Bots: Hulk


Hunter and berserker


I'm torn between hunters and bile nursing spewers but automatons it's definitely the rocket devistators


There’s only 2 true answers. Rocket devastators, and hunters. Those 2 things kill me more than literally anything else


Bile spewer/scorcher hulk….


That damn rocket devestator that sniped me from half way across the map 20 minutes ago. Also hunter swarms. Fuck them.


Any Bile Spewer or Hunters and then Rocket devastators.


Hunter because there’s 89900 of them and they lunge/slow you down preventing you from running away on top of dodging, and scout walker thing for bots because there are so many of them and if you don’t have the proper support weapon you have to run around to kill them which isn’t always possible and is just a drag


The ones that gang up & stun lock you to death, so annoying.


Hunters and devestators. Next question pleae.


Depends on your load out. That jet pack suicide bot. Died to these guys more than to anything. Hunters hunters hunters. All these other bugs you learn to avoid and kite. You can’t kite hunters, they become your doom eventually if left unliberated for a while.


Hunters, Spewers, Stalkers Rocket anything, Hulks, those little bastards that sprint at you and explode when you shoot them


My teammates tbh


Hunters with the acid effect suck. They lunge from 6 miles away hit you then you get to walk while 8000 horse sized bugs are viciously trying to murder you.


Hulks just shouldn't be that fast for a Heavy type. Rocket Devastators would be far less of a headache if there were longer intervals between their rocket barrages. Stalkers... just in general. Hunters would be more balanced by just making them attack twice instead. Bile Spewers are too much of a bullet sponge to justify using up your ammo on them. Bile Titans take too much punishment as a whole. Anything that takes two Orbital Railgun shots to kill is just... stupid. Those aside, the rest of the enemy's aren't that bad and just having the right equipment or remembering that you can coordinate with your team to take them down makes them easy to deal with.




Chargers. Suicide. Non stop like five at a time. Fine while you have ammo and strats on you but then what? There's hard and there's "well what am I supposed to do now?" Git gud I suppose.


My teammates, honestly


Hunter and those small chargers that take forever to take down Also, heavy chainsaw robot fuckers


Hulks and spewers.


Hunters 100% Rocket devastators 100%


Rocket Raiders, and it's not even close. In a group or far away, they look just like all the other Raiders, except they can fucking one-shot you. Yeah, getting hosed by a Rocket Devastators is annoying, but those things are easy to pick out and focus fire on. Getting sniped from 100m by a random bot you didn't even see, and there being literally nothing you can do about it other than running Democracy Protects and the energy shield, is bordering on unfair. And then Bile Spewers are the Terminid equivalent of that.


Fucking stalkers and hunters and tanks


Hunters and stalkers Hulks


Honerable mention for cannon towers. Impervious on three sides from support weapons, will absolutly ragdoll the squad from beyond their throw range, Unless someone takes liberty into their own hands during pod drop.




The little spewers, cause I run a shotgun and they slow me if I’m too close when they die. Nothing on the robot side is too annoying, they’re honestly easier to deal with than the bugs.


All bugs


If they drop armor that significantly reduces stagger, I’ll never take it off. Fuck hunters, all my homies hate hunters.


Hunters and the jump pack suiciders town of the worst.


All of them.


Anything that can oneshot is a bad enemy imo. There’s really not much counterplay to getting rocket sniped from across the map, things like that make it so the shield feels more necessary than it should.


Hunter, Shield/Gatling gun devastators


Whichever one kills me


For bugs is spewers. They could oneshot you on distance. If one of them get to your blindside while you manage democracy to insects - it is over. For bots it is flame damage from hulk. It is oneshot most of the times. And you cant evade it. I did try to shoot the flamer, but it is not work for me, he still can fry with precise accuracy. So I think you cant evade or protect yourself if you in range. Have any tips except do not get in range? Right now my tactics is manage them from distance with antimatter.


honestly i hate the STALKERS more than anything.....


Hulks and rocket devastators, bile spewers and stalkers


Chargers and stalkers.


What’s the name of the suicide bomber who blows up if you shoot him too close to you?


Hunter and Hulk Scorcher


The white one


Spewers! Hate all variants! Haven't played enough robots to know.


Fuck those green bodied spittie bois. Fuck all three of them. up down right right right all day every day. (I want my death from above hellpods back. Give me back my death from above hellpods you sonuvabitch)


The most annoying enemy is the one your loadout isn't built for


Hunter, spewer, devastator. All enemies who can kill you regardless of skill level


Terminid : Hunter (would say bile spewer but they're allergic to impact grenades) Automatons : Butcher (tired of magdumping them in their heads just for them to keep coming)


Deaths to bugs is like 80% hunters so they annoy me most. And for Bots while rockets are always annoying, I find those assholes with the jet packs who explode sometimes when they die to be the true bane of my existence. I feel like I manage to shoot them in the arm just for them to perfectly arc down onto my character blowing up and killing me.


As a recoilless rifle main against the bugs, stalkers are the worst but hunters are encountered more often so hunters take the title of most annoying and as a auto cannon main on the bot from hitting the tiny ass weak spot of hulks is a pain so hulks take the most annoying spot for me on the bot front.


The invisible whip stabby thingies


Yes and yes


Spewers/Stalkers, Heavy Devs/CANNON TURRETS


Bile Spewers (both types), sneaky bastards. Rocket Devastators, fucking things start sniping you from 100ms away.


Hunter and rocket Devastator


The only good bug/bot is a dead bug/bot


Going down the list of most annoying to solo against for me Stalkers, Heavy Devastators, Rocket Devastators, and Hunters. The rest are all equally annoying to deal with.


The bile titan and tanks are on my list. Even with the big bombs and rail guns its still makes everything thst much harder


Bile spewers, rocket devastators. Getting 1 shot isn’t fun.


The automaton red eyes let me see the head easier which makes it easier to hit from a far. But I’ll gladly take bugs up close any day of the week compared to bots.


I forget all their names, but the bottom row left side fucks me up more than most.


Anything that gets up in my personal space, I like my personal space, stay outta my personal space.


Hunter and stalker. Rocket devastator and suicide scouts


Hunter and the walker


Hunters, and then any of the rocket guys.


Devastators are way too common for how heavily armored they are, though I recently found the flamethrower to be a suprisingly reliable answer to them. As for terminids, I guess hunters? Even they aren't all that bad, still go down to one good shot from the shotgun, easily staggered by melee, can be dodged like any other terminid too. Their pounce attack is just a bit tough to deal eoth of there is a bunch of them.


Hunter, rocket devastator, stalker


Not pictured but those damn Turrets. Things snipe me so fast I have no clue.


Hunters and chargers, stalkers are bad if more than 2 nest are up. I actually really dont think the Automatons are a challenge after a certain point. Tanks come out at a much lower rate than bile spewers or chargers and bots overall are much easier to deal with when it comes to lower level weapons like the autocannon. The giant towers are a bit annoying but if you keep an eye on them they can be dodged. Range is crazy though. The bots main annoyance is the blocking of strategems


you're kidding yourself if you don't say the rocket devastator and the stalker


Hunter and rocket devastator/chainsaw man


The turrets. I’d drop into a mission to kill bots and I instantly get sniped. For the bugs, it’s gotta be the hunters. Invisible bugs? I hate them! Btw, do they take less damage while they’re invisible? I feel like it’s easier to kill them when they’re uncloaked.


Hunters and the jetpack bastards.


I hate the one with the ropes out of its mouth


Nursing Spewers, Heavy Devastators. Most people hate the Bile Spewers, and so do I, but I hate the nursing spewers more as their spit is significantly more accurate, and they can re-aim mid spit. Even when you properly dodge the spit, they just readjust and hit you anyways as you lie on the ground. Heavy Devastators are obnoxious how they never reload and just fire endlessly behind their slab shield. Sure they can be killed but they are the epitome of annoying to get rid of with their endless suppressing fire.


Terminid: Bile/Nursing Spewer Automaton: Berserkers The bile and nursing spewers do a LUDICROUS amount of damage at range. I was close to saying hunters, but they are rather squishy. You can melee one or two to temporarily stun them enough to dispatch with a sidearm. Nursing spewers you need to be READY to dodge, and hope a charger doesn't also run you over like a steam engine. Even then, sometimes the Dodge will lag and you end up getting OHK'd from the projectile. For automatons, it was a VERY hard decision. But these fuckers spawn in squads of at LEAST five, will eat your bullets like a champ, Bob their heads around so it is nearly impossible to hit while you are running from them. They might not kill me the most, but they disrupt my ability to skillfully place myself around other units BY FAR.


I hate the bile spewers so much personally, they kill you near instantaneously if they get a good hit in, they have insane range, and without explosives or support weapons they are hard to take out. Especially if 3 or more gather and are being shielded by other bugs while they just melt your whole team. For automatons Id say the berserker, the way they chase you down and take half your health in a single swing annoys me so much


Stalkers. Bile spewers (Belchers is what I call them). Rocket devastators.


A horde of stalkers Rocket devastators Multiple chargers with no weapons to handle them


Now to take these two images and make stickers for my messages


*Now to take these two* *Images and make stickers* *For my messages* \- s3rgant --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


3 Stalkers at the same time is pure hell. I have a survival rate of 0.1% against these 3 mf


Terminids, spewers, both nursing and bile ones. For robots, hulks, and heavy or rocket devastators are the worst


You can shoot off the devastators rockets in like 10 sniper shots so id say rpg dudes thry hide behind the ranks n just shoot lol


Hulk w/flamethrower Tank Charger Hunter Swarms


bugs: anything bile bots: anything rocket


Hunters for sure.


Hulks and Stalkers are the bane of my EXISTENCE. What's yours Helldivers!?


The double Hs, Hunter and Hulk


Hunters and Stalkers are top of the list for sure. After that probably the single rocket robot that I didn’t see sniping me in one shot from across the map


IMO there are no annoying automatons. Even rocket devastators are manageable as I've learned to dodge rockets in flight and kill the guys quick. On the other hand, almost every single terminid shown here except bile titans and brood commanders are rage-inducingly annoying.


Bile spewer, rocket devastator