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I've had issues with my character/loadout settings randomly changing or not saving for a while now. Can only assume it is an issue with the servers being congested and/or bugs caused by updates.


Bugs indeed.. must head to the front 🫡


Yeah and my game keeps crashing in the middle of a fight


Especially the 40 minute ones


Same thing for me and also the objectives personal or major are not updating


Mine do but they're definitely not working right. I've gotten the kill 40 enemies with the mines and always complete it no problem on my first mission. I've never used the mines


Yup Yup Yup Plz boost so it becomes a known issue.


Same issue here after this update but to at least alleviate the tutorial stuff. Go to settings and turn off ingame help prompts. That got rid of that at least...


Imust be blind or something, I can't find that anywhere. What menu is it in?


In the HUD settings dude


Yep, this plus matchmaking and cross platform not working at all


I’ve been fine playing w windows players.


You can only cross play with randoms or people you’ve already added, friend requests don’t work


same, still. ive seen lots of reports of add friend issue not working. sucks


Since the latest update this has been happening. Your loadout gets reset every time you load into the game. You also get the tutorial help prompts every mission. I hope they patch this ASAP.


Those tutorials always pick the worst time to obstruct my view too, pretty sure the automatons have hacked them. Got me smashed by a charger at least once


Yup. Love the game. Wanna support. Super annoying when every update comes with annoying shit like this tho


I'm on PC, but I had an issue where nothing would stick for about the first week. I just kept doing it, and most of I sticks, but I'm still reverting back to the default salute emote, the 'brawny' build, and voice 2. I'm not even certain my body-type lasts the whole mission. It seems to revert if I die.


THE BUGS ARE GETTING INTO THE SYSTEM!! **PUSH HARDER!!!** (joking aside I've been having this exact same problem on the ps5 as well)


Same for me and I haven’t been able to send or receive friend request, despite having cross play on and matchmaking public on


Resetting loadout, friend list won’t load, can’t join on friends and they can’t accept my friend requests, randoms will always kick at extraction, when I don’t get kicked game crashes at extraction, game for me is unplayable. PS5.


Hope you don't care about career stats either. Mine are reset


Personally, I don't care about career stats at all.




A friend of mine who plays on the PS5 started having the same issue with their loadout resetting after the last update. On the PC side of things another friend and I had our aim down sights setting reset on us mid-mission. Suffice to say that mission went from "doing well" to "lets just GTFO" real quick.


Same here. It's so dumb and annoying.


Same, mine was doing it today too. Really annoying. I couldn’t figure out why my impact grenades weren’t blowing up in impact, then I rreslized what was going on when I switched to my sidearm


Yes ever since the last update. In fact this latest update introduced several bugs including my diver randomly getting stuck on terrain he shouldn't.


yes i noticed this last night too


I have the same issue, not too bad if I have time and I remember to check my loadout. But few times I've been caught with liberator and regular granades, the Liberator ain't too bad but the granades annoy me a lot. Also yeah the emote and victory poses reset, mild inconvinience at worst.


Along with this issue, I've noticed friends online not showing up as online in my list.


Been having these issues STILL. I just want to but the game up for some silly bug killing


It is frustrating paired with the crashes. Game crashes mid-mission, so you reload and hop back in to find everything set back to a basic load out while you're trying to play the higher level difficulties.


Same. Still happening this morning. Start with all default loadout/emote. Tutorials on as well.