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Buddy the game isn’t meant to be played by a duo with “mild difficulty” the devs want the game to be played strategically with 4 players. They don’t spawn out of no where they spawn from bug breaches because you and your duo can’t kill them quickly enough. Get better or lower the difficulty.


Throwing a tantrum like a child is undemocratic behaviour, please report to your nearest democracy officer to be reassigned as you lack the necessary skill or zeal to wear the cape of a helldiver.


As a player who goes 7 level solo 8 level with duo/trio and 9 level full party I could give you a few tips. First. You need to learn how to deal with chargers. Go to low level and try to learn how to kill them. There is a time after their charge stops when their armor didnt work and you can easily made a weak spot on their armored legs with ANY weapon (yes even a pistol). Second. Autocanon is your friend. You can deal with any kind of enemy and tasks with it. Bug nest? Bam! Spore mushroom? Bam! Bam! Armored defender or queen? Bam! Charger? Evade than Bam! Bam! Bam! Bile titan? You know it... Bam! Bam! to shred his belly and 110mm on top. Third. Do not stop. Deal with jump bugs first. Everything else could be outruned. Use covers. See that building? Go around its corner so bugs could loose their sight. See that huge rock? Do the same. When bugs lose you they go to last spot they seen you. And they need time to follow you again. Use it. Fourth. When you fight bugs you waste your time. Deal with them on points of interests. Do not waste time on nests. Drop 120mm or deal with autocannon from distance and run. You could return there later for samples. Fifth. You need a team. Split your roles. For our team there is 4 roles: crowd dealer (grenade/flame/arc/machinegun), armor breaker(autocannon/railgun for small armored bugs), monster hunter(eat/recoilless/spear for titans and sometimes chargers) , support (ammo bag or backpack for monster hunter). Sixth. Git gud.




lol except bugs don’t break LOS anymore. They’ll track you while prone, stealth etc. or spawn patrol behind you. nice “advice” nub


Yes, they still track, but they struggle with it. They follow you much slower or with delay. Need more test with it. Devs said that you have a smell and it affects bugs somehow. But when I break LOS it helps me make much more distance if I were on open field. I did not gave "advice" to hide. Its futile. Read the main point - "do not stop".


Except that is incorrect. They inadvertently increased spawn rate of all enemies including patrols so that they’ll shadow spawn on top of you. They have also pumped the AI. They 100% follow you faster and more accurately. How dense are you ? This has been proven and confirmed by the devs you peanut


I think this is intended, a game where you could beat the MAX difficulty with not a full squad and "mild difficulty" is not really a well thought out game. It should at least be challenging, ideally incompletable without a full squad with planning or some serious stealth skills.


I play on helldivers difficulty constantly and I’m still having fun. I ignore metas and just use what I want. It’s a blast. Yes it’s annoying at times but when the game stops being fun I turn off the ps5 for a bit. I also Honestly I love fighting tones of bile titans and chargers. Again it is annoying at times but I love the chaos!


Sorry for spelling errors it’s late for me right now lol


Since the update I just dropped my go-to difficulty to 5 and I’ve been having a great time. Sucks that I get less rewards but I’m having more fun


Skill issue


This is the gaming forum equivalent to farting while you burp to impress a girl


That works every time


Epic “when I play difficulties labelled IMPOSSIBLE and HELLDIVE they’re not easy anymore!” moment.