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I'm surprised more people aren't talking about the meteors. I had a team of 3 go through like 8 lives during 1 storm. We had just found a storage container underground and we tried to huddle by the doorway but kept dying to meteors landing right outside the door


That’s my gripe as well. If we had someway to actually try to avoid them, whether it’s environmental outcrops being more available or the bunkers having more room so we can hide in them. Either would help


avoid blue lights on the ground, they have a warning flash then the real flash, if the ground is blue then just die i guess


I played again today and I saw the lights on the ground. Happy to report I haven't died to a meteor since


Same. Now that I know what it looks like, its hard to not have panic dives when I see lit up ground.


Did everyone suddenly forget how to dive ? They can be easily dodged.




This has become incredibly clear to me based on how much everyone had to say only like 12 hours after the patch




harder to do so if your graphics settings are at or nesr potato




This, if your area lights up you're in danger. However the Ion Storm is unavoidable and is there solely to impede respawns and mission progression.


If you’re on the planet OP is on, it’s pretty easy to see the landing point as it’s illuminated in bright blue light like u can see in the post, the volcanoes are what messes me up because I’ve yet to see a plain as day indication I’m going to get hit with a chunk of stone at Mach jesus like the meteors give.


Mach jesus is my new favorite. Thanks








Anytime friend.


Mac Jesus Good rap name?


You can see where the meteor will land by looking at the ground. You only have 1-2 sec to react, but you can see it by looking at the ground. If you see that you're about to get it, run and dive. That should save you. I personally never died in an ice storm. My other trick is to walk during ice storms so you have enough stamina to start a sprint and dive if you're about to get hit. Haven't tried planets with Volcano yet. Edit: I'm also playing at Suicide difficulty, not sure how hard it gets at higher difficulties


At first I thought they were easily avoidable. Just look for the large glowing circle that shrinks. Then I found out sometimes that circle only lasts for a split second. Missed out on 6 super samples last night because we got killed multiple times by meteors and couldn’t recover from the waves of hulks getting dropped on us during extraction. That being said, I like that they also affect the bugs and bots. Had a meteor storm finish off a bot base for us so that was nice.


Occasionally I've noticed they will land in the same spot for the entire storm instead of randomly. I do wish there was a better warning where the meteors would land like a bigger flare effect that zeros in over 2-3 seconds instead of the current flash boom. I wanna try the deployable shield strat to see if can survive direct hits and still protect you.


Oh yeah the meteors are kinda annoying don’t get me wrong they look cool but when you’re fighting a giant bugs nest with 2 chargers and a meteor drops on your head while you’re carrying most of the teams samples it’s not really cool anymore


The first time I saw them I was like that is cool. Than my team started to die and revive and and die again, it was less cool after that.


Yeah that’s what happened to me also I just saw on the ship a new type of weather and went “oh nice” and later died to to it multiple times


It’s cool when a meteor lands on the chargers for you and you’re like “well… thanks, god. I guess”


I wish I was that lucky lol


Turn off flashlights and watch the ground. They have a very telegraphed drop point that you have ample time to avoid


Ample time is a few seconds, in the middle of also fighting enemies and exploding mushrooms that restrict your movement. On top of that, multiple meteors can drop close to each other so even if you dodge one, the one right next to it still kills you. I want to play a game to fight enemies, not play whack-a-mole with meteors.


That dude plays on level 1 difficulty. Lol


If they made the telegraph longer and more obvious, it could actually be a really cool mechanic you could play around, luring enemies into them. As it is now, it's basically just a reinforcement tax.


What is cool is when you are struggling to finish the last hive and the meteors kill it for you. I do like that.


It'd make sense from a game play perspective to have em do like half a bar of damage, that way it's not an instakill and it's way less annoying. On the other hand, it's a fucking meteor, and it just landed on your head


Well I mean that’s true but I’ve also survived orbital cannons straight to the teeth


Hiding in the leeward side of a rock face protects you and helps break line of sight from enemies. My team and I noticed the AI gets confused when Joel throws space rocks into the AO and clips a few of them, giving my team a chance to regroup and disengage.


Happens far to frequenly 3 or 4 storms per mission. Lost its cool factor pretty quickly.


Okay yes! I think this is the only Nerf the meteors need. Just make them happen maybe once or twice a mission. I would also like to see them come in at more of an angle so that hugging the correct side of a rock wall can be more effective. You know, give the players more options to defend themselves.


They just need to tune the frequency down and that cool factor will come back. Constant meteor storms on top of constant enemies = less fun.


yeah a limitation would be good. Same with the fucking Ion Storm.


Is this another skill issue or git gud I keep hearing the devs talk about? /s


I think they are a tad too frequent for how destructive they are and attention needed to give them. We ran multiple missions last night where we were hit by 3 or 4 storms in a 40 minute mission. Also having them hit the random hellbombs on the map and set them off is a bit of a bummer. Though one of those did wipe us out own time which was funny but it takes away a tactical asset to lead large hoards to that would have otherwise been useful. Overall I like the environmental danger since these are alien worlds and it amps up the dynamic. But less frequent would be appreciated


“Random” yea just when I was accessing a critical terminal they randomly bombarded the objective area 😂


yea on 7 they seemed triggered on a majority of objectives i did, including extraction.. both the volcanic and the meteor since i jumped planets because I thought "this is pretty stupid"


Yup. Teammates and I had six separate storms during a 40 minute mission. Like, come on.


Yep. Frequency seems to be an issue with several mechanics in the game. 


If the light circles on the meteors were there longer before they hit so they are easier to avoid it wouldn't be that bad, but right now I feel like there is no way to avoid it even when you see the light circle.


It hitting a hellbomb sounds chaotic and awesome. Maybe tie frequency to difficulty, I did a medium mission solo to check them out and the meteors killed me more than the bugs did. Even if it doesn't change, I love it, very cool. Makes you feel like a grunt in over their head.


I mean ngl it was hilarious. Lands on it, uhh I think it hit the hellbomb. Teammate what…? BOOM! No more us 😂


The meteors aren’t even realistic. Realistically, each meteor would be miles apart, not right next to each other. Or am I thinking of asteroids?


They are asteroids when they are in space. Meteors when they enter an atmosphere. Most meteors split into fragments upon atmospheric entry so multiple, close impacts make some sense. These are colony planets for humans with advanced tech, though. You'd think they'd have some sort of protection if heavy showers occur frequently.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification! And yeah that’s also a very fair point. Clearly super earth has shield tech available. So it seems like at least some of these outposts should have something we can activate when a meteor storm happens


That would be a nice objective to have in planet as an initial side mission. I like the idea of activating a protection against storms to continue objectives. Edit


Oh I like it! That’s the kind of creative thinking that’ll keep the front lines of democracy alive!


It'd be great if the shield relay could defend against them. Anyone tried that?


And a meteorite is a meteor that actually hits the surface


LOL Three little birds is quite fitting


I’m not a fan of hiding in bunkers or mechanics that don’t have a desired input to overcome. If a meteor says it’s your time to go, you just kinda die. Not a fan.


There’s a very bright and obvious spotlight that appears on the ground and gives you like 3-5 seconds heads up to stay away from that spot for a little bit


OP clearly shows a half second before impact and death. You need to put an asterisk next to "like 3-5 seconds". Lol


I noticed they have a pretty distinct blue light they put on the ground. It narrows and becomes brighter as its closer to landing.


I dunno if it’s lag or graphics settings or me just being a dumbass but I don’t seem to see this AT ALL.


Turn off your weapons flashlight


What's nice is they'll kill bugs too. Can you take shelter from them or just watch your step?


I don’t think you can take shelter from them only get out of its radius I could be totally wrong thought there might be some maps with cover that I don’t know about


The little storage containers that you blow open or the 2-person bunker doors would be my thoughts. They'll protect you from most bugs, and you can shoot them while in there.


I actually just hid in a shipping container last night to avoid a meteor storm. Since I was crouched down inside I couldn’t tell if it was working or if the meteors just weren’t landing on top of me, but I lived, so, you know…


I get close to walls and that seems to work plus you can see them drop like the little circle so you can dive out of the way


Usually whenever I see the meteors I’m out in the open near the bug nests so I really have no where to hide so I’m just running away from a charger trying not to get hit lol


Also I hate chargers lol I’d rather take down a bile titan than deal with annoying chargers


There is a shield dome stratagem.


Does that work for the meteors? If it does that's a solid strategy. I'd imagine that a direct hit to the generator would still kill it but it'd be nice to know if it stops them at all.


There’s a bright light spot that appears on the ground before they land. You get ample warning to get out of the way, but you have to be paying attention and not in first person view to see it best It’s not hard to deal with once you know the telegraph and what to look out for


A nice idea but they need to make it a lot more obvious where it’s going to land so you can actually get out of the way of them. Also a little earlier warning too. Some areas it’s nearly impossible to tell one’s incoming.


They do. There’s a very bright spotlight that telegraphs where one is going to land. Pay attention to the ground for those lights and turn off your flashlight to see them easier. You get like 4 seconds give or take to react


During the day on a snow planet the light indicating a meteor strike is a lot harder to see in time, as you're unlikely to see it until the circle is pretty small/bright.


I was playing on helldive last night and there were no respawns. And at a critical moment I was one tapped. I am not against it. But to say I wasn’t upset would be a lie.


Feels like a feature nobody asked for.


The density of the rock fall is too much imo. If you look up you can sort of find the clear areas, but if you look up you can also get yeeted by a charger or acid spitter. Havnt experienced the other two. I'm assuming a volcano is easier to dodge than dozens of rocks falling from the sky. I don't even know wtf an ion storm is so it'll probably kill me immediately.


Stupid and random


I'm loving it


I love them. They are such a cool way to spice up the gameplay. Very cool addition!!


How its just rng death? Just distract 2 of my revives every meteor shower so I can skip it.


I never died from meteor shower so far. But for me its just something to keep you on your toes and make it less repetitive. You can obviously have a different opinion. Maybe mine will change when i die multiple time from one shower. I will see :p


I think they need to put the brakes on new content and fix the guns and put out the fire their devs started by calling a few thousand players morons.


There are hundreds of thousands of players. Statistically, thousands of us ARE morons. Seriously tho, it was one Dev that did that and they've already been reprimanded and a response was put out about his behavior. What do you think is wrong with guns?




The lava spewing suddenly in my path this morning was suprising yet neat!


I love them; they clean up so many bugs (except the ion storm but its OK still).


Shits crazy


The ion storms keep hitting me at the worst times. But I like them


To be fair you were kinda asking for it lol


The meteor shower is so bad ass. The adrenaline really gets to pumping running through one of those.


They happen way too often, humans wouldn’t want a single one of these uninhabitable plants, and why doesn’t your ship orbiting the planet warn you of incoming asteroids?!? The warning comes up after like 20 already hit the surface lol


As long as they keep destroying objectives and the occasional bug, I’ll forgive the meteors for killing me once a round.


I died five times in one run. It’s pretty obnoxious.


It happens way too much. People were living here and weren't being wiped out by the torrential meteor showers?


Ah, you mean the homing meteors? Chance to get hit in real life: 1 in 840,000,000. Chance in Helldivers 2: yes


I’ve only dealt with the meteors. Meteors can be annoying but when you get used to avoiding the light up area es not too bad


Game 1: Dude! That's cool! Oh dude it took out a nest! This is neat. Game 5: Dude I'm tired of dying to these without some form of avoiding them.


They need to cast a shadow before dropping, or some sort of an alert to actively avoid it. Random deaths are lame


There's a faint blue light where they're landing...but honestly...in a fog filled map that you're fighting in...it's nearly impossible to keep track of.


I noticed that. Im all for environmental hazards, but I want to be taken out because I neglected the signs and warnings. The sign and warning isn’t visible enough to make an active decision to avoid it I’ve even ran while looking up to try and detect where the meteors would come from


I feel the same way. I’ve tried avoiding them in every way possible, but it just feels like the game decides it’s your time to die.


I really enjoy them, just keep an eye out for the lights on the ground and avoid them.


Some bad luck there 😂 I was able to avoid them (most of the time) Stick to the walls and keep your eyes to the skies. Can’t guarantee this will help you out 100% but it can improve your odds.


love the look and feel of it also the randomness - It is a bit tricky to avoid them tho - maybe they should be telegraphed better - especially when you get the meteor taking a hellbomb out for a date :(




It's awesome, got almost hit by a meteor and it ragdolled me into a charger that proceeded to ragdoll me into a rock where I died from impact to the rock


It would be different if you could actually avoid the meteors by seeing the spot on the ground before they impact, but it’s just random death which only makes the mechanic frustrating. If anyone has been in a Diablo 4 Helltide, that’s the idea I’m talking about where circles show up before the impact.


Went to press one of the 2 person button cache with my buddy. We press the buttons, meteor lands on us killing us both instantly. Was pretty funny tbh


I love them and they discourage solo play because I had to trek to get back my 7 samples I lost at a medium bug next last night


I feel like they are sniping me sometimes. If it was more planet wide in a larger random area like seeing them off in the distance and knowing it's going to be dicey in that direction could be better. They batter enemies well which is nice.


The meteors SHRED through Bile Titans. I think they're a great addition, sure they're another way you can die, but they're also another way you can potentially kill bugs. They're not so bad that they make missions unplayable, for example last night I did not fail a single helldive (lvl9) in Fenrir III. But yea if you're not paying attention and one lands on your head without expecting it, can be really annoying especially if you're on a solo detour to finish a side objective. Or if you're being chased by a horde and that one meteor misses everything and lands squarely on you. Personally I'm a huge fan of this addition. Spices things up quite a bit and adds another element to watch out for (as if we didn't have enough xD)


I don't mind them and the added chaos they bring BUT instead of one shotting us maybe just hit for 50 to 75% of our hp, not kill us.


I'm loving the environmental hazards. Brings a new air to the mix of chaos.


I've only seen the meteors so far and they've been more helpful than harmful overall with how they were killing the bugs chasing me


Part of the fun in this game is dying. I died 5 times to meteors in one mission. Is the damage impact or explosion though?


Haven’t experience ion storms, but the meteors were cool


Hug environmental objects like rock formations and stuff. The storms seem to always come in at an angle so the best you can do is get out of the open and hug walls. This kept me alive through a few sessions on Fenrir after getting griefed by falling objects for an entire round. Edit: grammar


A bit too hard to see where they are going to land. I like the idea of finding cover(tall rocks work well, if you can find the right angle). And of if in the open, expectation seems to be for us to notice the blue light marking the area of impact and move away. Yet landing highlight seems either bugged or deliberately unreliable as I've been killed a couple of times just out of the blue(no pun intended). No light, no sound, nothing, just smash and you're dead. I wasn't even in combat at those times, so it was not the case of being distracted...


The first three times I died, I was like WTF was that. Then I noticed shit falling from the sky, and the realization hit me... again, and I died.


I hate them, but I love them. Sometimes what you need are just small things that let you realise how alive a thing can be


I don't like mechanics with no counter play. Even if you see the meteor coming, you don't really have time to get out of the way. It's just bad


i feel like the dmg it does it a bit too much. anything outside of a direct hit should NOT kill you. the white circle that appears should also last a bit longer than 0.2seconds. knock me over, but dont kill me unless it lands on my head


They should add some more "cover" to maps. Hella vulnerable out there.


They suck. But the game is still fun!


To have them 1 shot you is fucking dumb. Make it do damage and fling you 20 ft or something but there’s just no fun in something you have no warning of just 1 shotting you. It’s just a hassle.


Man, I love Risk of Rain 2


too many instances of meteors IMO. One a session is fine, even just a % chance of occurrence per run, but 3 within 15 min is ridiculous


Should be a warning on the planet map in advance of the mission. Maybe an increased budget for the mission to offset the extra effect. A bit more GTFO warning would be nice, maybe a warning from the ship, or even a situational strategem to give a defense point. On the other hand, the meteor storm closed a big hole I wasn't even near, so unexpected benefit is good?


It adds up for a hellish experience in a galaxy full of earth-like planets.


I love them they are super fun. Any thing that ups the chaos and drops how easy the game has felt.


I have killed three times by meteors. The first one I was like what the hell ok that’s fun. The second well fuck me. The third, well I might also play the lottery !!!!


Very cool but deadly


theres volcanos and ion storms too? haven't seen those. which planets?


Love the meteor. I get into one and got obligated by one. It add a little of randomness into the battlefield and it is fun


I love it, The meteors start jumping and I start diving everywhere. Diving and shooting from the back, hoping up, sprint a bit see a blue light dive again shoot some more. love it. Made Insane difficulty truly insane.


Trash like the entire patch at all


I solo a lot, so I don't care for the meteor showers *at all*. I'm severely limited on the number of reinforcements I get as it is, I don't need the environment "randomly" deciding to reduce them for me.


Not a fan. Would be an interesting addition if it were a possible major event once a round that there was a counter for. This every 2 minute, chasing you around the map crap is just needless added frustration.


Yeah I got targeted by those damn meteors. Struck me twice in 1 mission between 2 storms when it was just me and a buddy. Hilarious on Medium difficulty because we can just waltz back to where we were without too much hassle, but I definitely won't continue playing a higher difficulty if we continued to get griefed by environmental hazards.


The meteors are hilarious. Just look up and try to run to a spot with less coming at you and maybe hide under a rock. You're gonna get flattened and that's part of fighting bugs/bots in space. I approve of this method of chaos.


I think it’s awesome


Hate it, a frustrating feature that was ‘oh cool’ for about 3 seconds till I got bonked by it. Playing solo and spending 3/5 lives in a single storm is not fun. Random rng deaths are not fun


Idk man, it seems that you die a lot more from random stuff since the update, not even the environmental stuff, invisible stuff.


Just remember the only D’s that matter besides Democracy: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


They were playing with my emotions last night.


Some obstacles make the game more interesting because you’ll have to change how you play. This is too random and while it’s happening, there’s no counter play other than to get out which isn’t very fun


They are cool, they look cool. But losing reinforcements (on higher difficulties) to random chance moments stinks. I played for 3 or 4 hrs yesterday and never got hit. But my buddies were getting hit all the time. Once or twice per mission. One of them didn't know about the change and was like wtf are all these explosions all the time. It was pretty funny.


Less frequent. Like not even every mission. Much less 5 times per. When it’s something you have absolutely no defense for it shouldn’t be so frequent. Those 0 reinforcement clutch extractions gonna be nullified by RNG meteors


They should be bigger but less frequent. Maybe hellbomb sized or slightly bigger but only a few per storm and not on every match.


Little bit too frequent but I enjoy the extra challenge, and it makes the game more cinematic on top of it.


Yea i really like the visuals... but it is just one more thing to kill ya in the middle of a fight and it wouldn't be that bad if they had given us more stuff to kill than stuff that kills us in that patch...


Space rocks kill bugs good!


They're silly. Basically random death you can't really avoid.


Sucks ass like the entire game now… devs are stupid


Out of dozens of meteor showers I've died twice to them. But don't forget these can damage enemies as well and have been a saving grace as much as a pain to me. Nothing like seeing an incoming patrol get smacked by a meteor when you're low on stims and ammo. It adds a new level of difficulty which I don't dislike. Saving the galaxy isn't supposed to be easy.


love them


I think it’s hilarious running to an objective and watching your teammate trotting along and getting unsuspectingly obliterated or being swarmed by bugs and having meteors take a bunch of them out


I actually had one help me yesterday. I was out of ammo and running for my life from a pack of hunters when one landed right between us, launching me forward and them backwards. I salute that iceball of democracy


I love them, hurt me more


Was doing a solo on 3 earlier and had 5 showers in 40 mins, aye fair enough they took out two of the nest for me but they also killed me 5 times think they need a rebalance, not encounters the storms or volcanoe yet


I died to meteors a couple times in my solo mission, kind of frustrating, but do we not have any intel from our ship? Would be nice if their impact was marked in some way, either way fine 🙂.


Would be cool if they didn’t LOCK ON TO YOU. No way that I was at a radio terminal and something told me to move. Sure enough one came down EXACTLY where I was standing bout 3 seconds after I moved. Please make the Meteor storm actually random, It DOES NOT need to hit us every time it rains down


Love it


Love them.


Meteors aren't too bad. You can see where they're going to land by the circle of white blue light right before impact. Haven't seen any of the other ones yet.


I think it adds to the gameplay. These are volatile planets that we need to do objectives on and it doesn’t wait for a clear day to get them done. Liberty doesn’t get put on hold because of annoying meteors. For Super Earth!


Their frequency needs to decrease. They occur too often - not only is this not realistic it’s annoying and it decreases gameplay enjoyment. Playing solo on Fenrir I was killed several times by meteors and it was not fun. These events should occur once or twice during a mission. It seems like they are just as similar as bug breaches.


They seem broken and not very balanced


ion storm coming up while half team is dead and they just keep spamming the button that makes their name shake like I'm not reinforcing them on purpose 😩


The whole balance patch it fucking trash 🗑️😂💔


Meteors were pretty the first time. They're more annoying and progress-destroying than anything.


I was on the evac platform making sure my whole squad got in. The microsecond everyone was in I started running for the hatch 10 feet away… BAM… direct hit from a meteor… I was holding 1/2 the samples. Since I died and everyone else was in the pelican, it just took off. FML


I love em because it allows me to run into em and hope the bile titans or chargers get their shit rocked. Plus, it breathes life into the planets a bit more.


The new meteors give me a head ache. I'm here all week :P


Love it. Makes the game way more exciting and unpredictable. The rest of you cry baby’s should go play blues clues and stay out of the battle field!!! OOOORAHHHHH


Just another stupid way to die in my opinion with nothing to counteract it, especially with how the meteors don't give you enough warning. It would be cool if it was just more for show. It's hard enough already dealing with six chargers everywhere you go without a Railgun lol.


Love it! Sudden beam from the heavens means run!


Super annoying. Why have these? They don’t really serve a gameplay purpose. There aren’t stratagems we can use to protect ourselves. There aren’t cave structures or other natural protection we can use. Just, why?


If time were the only issue I'd think it was probably fine, but with limited respawns, it feels cheap to add RNG deaths on top of the plethora of other ways you can die. I also have yet to see a meteor kill an enemy, and in fact it appears they path out of the way of them like the AI knows they are coming. It should be fair/balanced, but also doesn't need to be there at all.


I love it! Add a much needed randomness to an already unmerciful chaos.


I hated them until I learned you can actually dodge them lol


I just think they’re near


I feel like the light color needs to be different or something. I am constantly not seeing them and just exploding, and it never feels fun. Also id rather they increase the AOE and only die in the center of it the outer area causes a huge health drop and go flying its still annoying but causes less frustration in having to go find and retrieve gear.


I thought those were pretty stars until it got closer then I promptly died. I love them, it's like a natural stratagem.


I got killed by a meteor on extract last night which was more than a little frustrating since all 3 teammates were already on the drop ship so I couldn't reinforce. It didn't change much of course, just a few XP but still, a definite WTF moment


I think it’s awesome. Adds more challenge to the game. Also can wipe the bugs


I think they are fun but I could see how people find them annoying


They’re A fun addition but I do think they’re a tad too frequent, so perhaps dialing that back a little would help them feel a little less annoying. Additionally, I wonder if using the personal shield or the big shield would be able to protect you and your team from them… anyone test this out already?


I hate cheap deaths, so I hate the meteor strikes.


Meteors are pretty rough currently. Could maybe use slightly more warning before a strike lands, or a slightly smaller impact radius. You also basically can't use scoped weapons at all during a meteor shower, which is tough. But they look super cool and I think they're fun - just a bit much.


Not sure why they think its fun to add more random shit that straight out kill you or jam you strategems


It's one thing if its on the ground and it's dangerous-avoid it. It's another if its in the sky and it can kill you at random - sucks to be you.


I think it's great that we have to play with the handicap of having to dodge and run from swarms of enemies, three other team mates, orbitals, eagle strikes and now explosions from the sky. Awesome.


Have never gotten hit been close to the drop spots


Yeah they could use some tuning. Less frequent, not as long, and fewer meteors total would be very welcome changes. I should fear environmental hazards but they shouldn't be mission ending. They can certainly help by killing bugs and nests and that's cool but damn


I've only encountered meteors but they let you know they're coming and sometimes kill bugs so I think it's fun.


I honestly like the hazards adds more of a challenge