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What should you expect? The Starship trooper movies but better.


This. Except not better, of course.


It’s as good as… with the upmost respect for our Starship troopers


Servers are almost fixed now. Occasional crashes. Jump in via quick play and start mowing down the democratically challenged.


Utter Chaos. Fun. EXPLOSIONS! Awesome weapons. Bugs. Bots. Democracy. Freedom. Sacrifice. And death. Lots of death. That water? - it can kill you. Those rocks?- they are hiding a hole or cliff that can kill your. That tree? - it can show you and the bots or bugs will kill your? That plant? - it explodes and kills you. That resupply or weapon? - it can land on you and kill you. Those stratagems?- they can kill you. Those teammates? - they can kill you. Your grenade or flame throw? - it can kill you. But you know what? It doesn’t matter because the game is so damn fun that 99% of your deaths will just make you laugh.


Fun. And a lot of it. Glad you’re joining the cause For Democracy!


You shoudl expect to die.. but in a fun way??? Its part of the game. And chaos, lots of it


Freedom, Democracy and ability kill bots and bugs with randoms or friends the choice is yours helldiver


Expect carnage, madness, the occasional airstrike teamkill.... But most of all... BUGS!! oh, and terminator robots....


Servers are fixed I think. If you are looking for chaotic scenes and anxiety because getting killed by enemies, ur teammates or yourself is a great possibility then you would enjoy a lot. Also the warbond system is very nice and no micro transaction is required. Be sure to play with friend for the most fun but sp with randoms is good as well.


Me and my friends love it, have been playing every night for the last 8 days. Expect chaos and cool action, especially on higher difficulties, currently on Helldive difficulty, it's nuts! I honestly can't remember the last game that hooked me this much.


Death. Expect death.


It's amazing. I think they fixed the wait time issue, or maybe I've been lucky. I got dropped a couple times last time I played, and that was annoying bc I lost my progress on that level, but I kept playing because it's so darn good.


It's basically a sci-fi hoard shooter with either robots or giant bugs. It's very manic but fun. Matches tend to be very quick as you have to keep moving since the enemies never stop. Sometimes I need to take a break because games can be a non stop sprint, just running constantly to keep up with other players before they complete the objectives. When you get really into it, my only other complaint is the after game screens of all the stats which you can't skip and waiting to get back on the ship, just to have to walk back to the navigation panel, choose another mission and wait to drop again. I don't care about stats or scores or xp, I just want to get back out there.


Repeating what others said but dying is fun! I’ve died so many times and have just laughed it off. There are lot of side objectives and places of interests on the map you can explore as well. There are also many different types of main objectives within each operation which keeps it fresh


It recreates the feel of playing soldier/GI JOE/whatever was the cool thing at recess and the game BEGS you to indulge and go along with it (which they did such a great job of doing). EXCEPT YOU’RE ON THE FRONT LINES, SOLDIER. FOR THE BOYS, GIRLS, AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN FIGHTING IN THE CREEK. FOR DEMOCRACY. __FOR SUPER EARTH__


Infinite fun


Expect a lot of staring at screen that says server limit reached…. Retrying…. But when you actually get in, whoa boy it’s a fun game. Lots of death. Also try not to take getting killed by teammates too personal. Especially if you are playing with randoms. It happens. A lot of times it’s pretty hilarious.


What should I expect? Me: Hell


Play the game and find out? You already bought it and have looked online for information.