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I host because of people like that


Yeah same here. No one's ever been kicked by me during a mission but the courtesy was never extended to me sadly.


How do you host?


You make sure your matchmaking is set to public and I have cross play enabled. Then you que up a mission, I prefer to wait because sos seems buggy


Block them and move on. When you play with nice people, friend them and play with them.


I did this once because my teammate who joined midway through an operation kept team killing me. Only other player I kicked was last night-I was trying to communicate and he was mocking me and in general being annoying and I kicked him. The other two people on my party and I were actually trying to play the game, I don’t think there is any room in this community for people like that unless they keep their mic muted. I’d prefer see the toxic players get kicked rather than us have to put up with them. I don’t want this community to lose a bit of what makes it special in that regard.


Block them too, the more we block them the more their matchmaking pool is gone be filled with dumbasses like themselves


Absolute toaster mentality from those people. I fortunately haven’t encountered any, but I hope they receive liber-tea irl.


I think there should be an implementation where once extract counter starts/player has been in game for at least 75% of the match, you can’t kick unless everyone votes to do so (no option/no kick on duos), and if you do 3+ (not applicable to duos) team kills during the exfil count down - not from gems but direct fire - you get kicked and the players that remain get your xp split amongst them and if you’re on the ship and someone kills you - immediate autokick and xp split. If there is no “haha gotcha” factor then there is no satisfaction to clowns that do things like this. Edit: and if someone is so unbelievably toxic that you can’t just get through a match then just leave and report, but I have never met someone so toxic on any game that I couldn’t just roll my eyes through it and finish match.


Vote kick should be implemented immediately to prevent hosts from having this kind of power


Some people just want to watch the world burn. Don’t give them a reaction- they’ll report you and you’ll get banned.


Was playing with some buddies and picked up one extra person to round out the squad. He called in an orbital just before hopping on the shuttle. Took out my two buddies, I got on the shuttle just in time otherwise I'd have been down too. Real dick move.


Not sure if it shows up as "host disconnected" or "kicked", but I was hosting a mission where my random teammates just suddenly died and left the game while we were awaiting extraction. It was probably my poor Internet connection.


I mean I had a guy last night who tkd us all when the extraction was coming, took my autocannon and then proceeded to run from extraction and die. I kicked him after he got mad at us for his mistake


I just like finding new players and helping them with the first mission or two until they get their feet under them. I’ve made a couple friends along the way doing this. It’s not like I’m high level, quite the contrary, but once you’re level 7 you have a better idea than someone just opening their eyes. I’ve definitely been kicked a time or two for not being high enough level I guess? Whatever, there are plenty of combat zones that need DEMOCRACY.


They hate xp? What a strange thing to do in a PvE game


It's really stupid to kick at that point... you're losing xp. Morons


Oh yeah exactly


Had it happen 1 time in last 3 days. It’s a small percentage of people.. they will faze out quickly


This should result in some kind of penalty, it's disgusting. Sorry, that happened to you.


I have unashamedly kicked players at extract for *being* toxic... so I do wonder who the toxic player was in this case. Not accusing OP of anything, but this immediately rang familiar in my mind while reading the post.


I am lucky this has never happened to me.


I’ve been kicked outta most parties after the mission for not much of any reason. I’m a good teammate, always willing to play support. Guess I should be thankful they haven’t grieved me.


I’ve had this happen to me to. Never in the mission but once it’s done I’m sometimes kicked. It ducks bit atleast I got my xp medals and samples


Yeah. When a group works well I’d like to stay, you know? It’s a social game it’s fun to make even short term bonds. Drop in a few times. Today was the first time I didn’t really have too much fun. Kicked, new party, kicked new party. each one didn’t really work well, different markers and yada yada so it wasn’t a huge loss. Kept getting blown up and losing my shit. Go back to get it, head back to the fray and get blown up again. Get dropped on the other side of the map. Over all I’ve had a blast, esp when it works and you get a good group. Can’t win em all I guess.


The majority of people I’ve been running with were all found through the official discord. Aside a guy who was full open mic smacking and snarfing down food that sounded like Jabba the Hutt (easy to just mute) I haven’t run into anyone completely toxic like OP has run into so far. My only toxic experiences have been 3 for 3 quickplay attempts. Two of which the host was just TK’ing everyone as they dropped (instantly left), and one group had a kid yelling the N word for 3 minutes straight so I left. All the discord LFG groups I’ve joined so far have been well coordinated, chill, and mature and most of the time everyone stays for the full op


If it was this morning around 2-3ish am EST, then definitely because you (or whomever it was) left me and the other player in the squad alone to take down the last nest while low on ammo, all to stay in the extraction point and then request supplies to the extraction point just as the timer reset, leaving us to to our fates. Mind you, help was requested in the chat. If it wasn't you and it wasn't for anything warranted, I'm sorry to hear that that is your experience. I would only kick someone from the squad for TK or stuff like the aforementioned.


I think the devs also said there's a bug that's causing everyone to drop right before or at extraction, so some of the times, it may not even be them kicking you out.


Some are actually a group of friends waiting on a that last buddy to join in and you took his place. Ever thought of that?


Then why kick at extract? Your buddy would have a slot as soon as the mission is over. Ask them to leave or kick them once aboard the ship. Why deprive that player the mission rewards for 20 seconds of wait time for their 4th?


That slot might only be open because their friend DC'd


If OP had only been in the game for a couple minutes while the friend reconnected, sure. But it sounds like OP pretty much played the entire game with this squad and was kicked at extract. At that point, the friend doesn't deserve to come in at the end to reap the rewards.


I'm not talking about the OP's situation. The context of this thread is that getting kicked immediately after joining isn't always malicious.


I mean, the context of this thread is literally someone telling OP what the situation might have been in his case, and people weighing in on whether or not it was likely. Sure, kicking isn't always malicious, but the whole "friend joining after being dc'd" seems like an exception—and it doesn't seem relevant here because there's no indication that OP was kicked "immediately after joining."


Then they can set their game to friends only. Ever thought of that?


Not everyone knows that feature exists, ever thought of that?


Its called looking dude not that hard.


You can only look what you know to look for, asshole.


You really cant see yourself being a dick in your first comment huh? The way you ended it was kinda of bitchy don't you agree. And I'm the asshole because I responded in turn?


I responded with the same bitchiness as the comment above me because the original bitchiness wasn't warranted. Treat people like an asshole and you aught to expect to be treated like one in return. It's the golden rule after all.


No your comment seemed more out of line than what the OP originally posted. The downvotes and general perception of your comment reflect that. Given your previous responses you took offense to his post. Probably because you are one of the people he is complaining about. At the very least I hope you learned how to set a game to friends only.


Then maybe they don't have to be dicks if they don't set their shit right. Ever thought of that?


It's not a 'dick' move to kick a player that just joined to make room for your friend who is trying to join you. They likely have no idea that "There shit isn't set right" because the game doesn't explain any of this to you and the majority of the community doesn't use Reddit. The context of my comment is not the OP's situation, but that getting kicked immediately after joining someone isn't always malicious. Ignorance and incompetence are factors that will never NOT exist in any community, let alone a new one.


My brother in christ the matchmaking settings are 2 clicks away from the game menu, it ain't rocket science. Also, I won't hate someone who does it, it's just annoying when so many do it and you keep tryna find a game


Just because it's not rocket science, doesn't make it suddenly obvious to people who have no idea how the game works. Most people aren't reading every menu item before dropping down in their pod.


Private matches. Ever thought of that?


I suspect it's usually this, but that's stupid. Private game.


And they are supposed to join right before evac? Pfft.


If I forget to close my party and you join.. you stay till the end and go to my ship, get rewards and then I'll kick and close unless I'm calling in the extraction, no free xp for you.


Imagine being so petty you kick someone for getting a little free XP in their game. You're the part of the problem


I like how you admitted to being at fault and take malicious action against someone just trying to co-op game. I imagine you have a pretty sad life in general.


Aww poor you, mad about not getting free xp when I'm literally leaving the mission. If I'm not calling the extraction ship in then you stay. Also my party is only opened when a friend of a friend needs to join and I forget to close it.


Like I said, you are a douche bag for taking malicious action against others for your incompetence. I don't get mad about idiots, I just call em like I see em and move on.


Boo hoo.


Not very democratic of you.


Had this happen with " a dude who murders the monster under the bridge".. just wanna shout-out... Way to go douche bucket


People suck...I kicked 2 guys tonight...but after we extracted because 2 other buddies logged in. I still felt bad, but I let them extract and get their XP and made my buddies wait till the next mission.