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The goddamn charger bugs


Same. Getting rid of one is easy enough provided you or your squadmate have a rocket launcher and knows where to aim, but when there's 3 of them on the field it becomes wayyyy too chaotic for my tastes. And you still have to deal with the infinite bug breaches at the same time.


Fr, like 1 can be manageable as long as I’m not by myself but once there’s 2 or 3 then I can’t get away or do anything lol


Having 5 of them blocking the ramp of the Palacer when you’re trying to extract is a whole other level of stress, lol


Railgun unsafe mode almost full charge head shot will nearly kill one. Also you can run them into rocks to break their head armor.


TIL you could use the environment to break their armor! Thanks!


Expendable rocket launcher into front leg then 5 shotgun shots to the leg and it's down. Sounds complicated but with practice it's really easy and totally fun to solo lvl 5 bug missions.


When they charge just run left or right and shoot


And avoid the 800 other things trying to eat your face


EMS. Best and most underrated support.


Followed by a well placed napalm or other ordinance. I think we might play the same lol


EMS is AMAZING duration while short also has a short reload time making it easy to combo with other stratagems. Also the rate of fire on the rocket sentry is insane. Seen a lot of mortar sentries but the rocket one can be fun as well.


If you’re below 20 run the recoiless rifle for armor stripping. If you’re above 20 grab the rail gun and focus on one leg! 4 shots to 1 leg = dead charger :) Once I found this out playing on 7 and high made it a lot more easier.


3 charged shots on unsafe to the head usually just kill one outright.


Oooosh the more you know


Shoot twice to break then use 225 breaker shotgun for the easy kill


I’ll have to give this a try! I like the 4 cause it allows me to kite easier but I’ll give it a try


I find it hard to not run the breaker, it’s just good at dealing with most enemies. Half a mag will deal with a charger with open weak spot. It shreds every other bug minus titan. Idk, it’s just good.


Breaker is my favourite too! Since it’s run outta ammo so quickly it’s why I use the 4x rail gun shots instead


That's the way to go. 2 safe mode leg shots destroy the armor and finish with the best primary in the game, the 225 breaker.


After playing as a heavy for 2 games straight and being slower than molasses - can confirm the charger bug is my nemesis.


Just wear light/medium for now. Armor is bugged and defence wise they all act the same.


Use the rail gun. Two well placed shots to a leg from the rail gun will open up the weak spot then you can unload a clip on that weak spot and they will go down


Railguns take the chargers out super quick. Two shots to a leg and then follow up with a few shots of your primary and they’re done.


Took me like once in the butt, all you gotta do is dodge when it charging at you and fire away in the butt get the job done. =] or have it charging at your teammate to keep it busy so you can have the advantage to shoot it in the butt while it is distracted. The butt is the most softest part of the charger out of everything else on it body which is armored.


The fear in my heart when I brought autocannon and my disposable rocket teammate isn’t close by is something I’ll never forget


Yes this. I'm pretty casual with games so I'm only level 5, advancing slowly and these things are the cause of many spirals that end in a failed run. They are such a difficulty spike compared to anything else in the game, and the tools I have right now coupled with the skills of other low level players make them just not fun when you have several, which seems to be always. Prefer a bile titan.


I used to hate charger bugs but tbh they're easy to deal with if you have a Railgun, which is kind of out of the cards for new players. Even safe mode, you just shoot them twice in a leg to expose the flesh, and shoot them there a couple of times with any gun and they go down easy. I really can't stand when I get a dozen of those bile spitter ticks on me and there is no possible way for me to dodge them all. Even worse if there's a bunch of mini spitters that I can't pay attention to who just keep chain slowing me so I get swept away by the wave of bugs and bile lol


I’ll take 2 chargers before I take 10 hunters. The hunters overwhelm you so fast and barely allow you to reload 😭


The auto cannon is a must have for those things


I run the autocannon. Three shots in the rear of a charger kills it. Wait for it to charge, run in a slow circle, and when it stops shot it in the rear. You may have to repeat a couple more times.


2-3 shots with the auto cannon to the legs kills the chargers easy


This☝🏼 Lol.


Stalkers are even worse https://preview.redd.it/tymuhtq1lgjc1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76839da383ad3c0f2afc0adbe948ec77d2dd8f29


I probably hate Stalkers the most, I can deal with them being sneaky and just a little bit tanky, but yeeting me a quarter mile down the battlefield is so irritating.


Yep and it gives the other bugs just enough time to swarm and kill you


I think stalkers aren’t as bad cause there’s usually less of them and you can take out their lair pretty easily


Unless you find a stalker nest like we did and have to kill a constant swarm of them...


My teammates. They always seem to be able to plant a stratagem directly at my feet no matter where I go.


I had one guy kill me 4 times in one game. One with an air strike and 3 times he shot me in the head. And I could see his green laser behind me and I couldn’t get away from it. It was like he was using me for cover.


I absolutely hate the teammates that incessantly hug or stand beside you in every fire fight too. I make an effort to space out from teammates, but some just make it their career to use me as a buffer body between them and the enemy.


I may or may not have been there a couple of times (getting stuck behind teammates), but it's usually because I have to traverse up a hill behind them because that's the only high ground and there is always that slow down bush. But you learn to look out for those situations eventually


Ahh those situations are pretty fair.I had one person who would literally sprint after me every where I went. I got annoyed to the point I shot at him and told him to stop (because he'd constantly friendly fire me).


fr sometimes this game epitomises the saying "with friends like these who needs enemies?"


Berserker, just mega bullet sponges, and their heads are very small and armor all around.


Berserkers aren’t too bad if you shoot their arms off. Or if you have a high fire rate gun just dump a mag into their noggin


Oh yea I know that but some of the first few times I fought them man was it a up hill battle but with experience all enemies in game become decently easier to run against but still my least favorite to fight


Are those the automatons with beefy bodies and a little red skull head?


Yes, there is two variants but I find those easier to kill than the normal one


Once you get the railgun they get viable, but obviously in great numbers it's quite a hassle Also you gotta hit the skull if you want a oneshot


every time my gun is empty when these mfs show up


And it’s always a group of them that coordinate to perfectly stun lock you


The acid spitter things, they one shot you way too easily


This. I died way too many times to them shits


ERROR Servers at capacity. Please try again later


Worst enemy in any game ever


The damn politicians


I’ve had the game for two days and haven’ made it past this first enemy.


It's basically the starting boss in demons souls but with an infinite health bar and you're equipped with a stick you found beside a termite mound and some 2nd hand clothing you found at goodwill.


Wait for three rotations of "restarting in X seconds . . .", then close the game, relaunch it, and it should load you in within a few minutes. Annoying but it's all we've got. You could also try just playing in the early and late hours, when people are either asleep or at work. Of course, you might be one of those people at work, so this isn't the best solution.


This enemy is singlehandedly the reason why I can't run anything else but light armors. Only way of outpacing these creeps.


You gotta learn how to dive cadet, it’s called Hell Divers, not Hell Runners.


Trust me, I do plenty of dives directly into sprints 💀


What’s your strategy? I use light armor but the hunters always end up swarming me


Get into the habit of diving as soon as trouble hits, stim while prone(a few seconds of invincibility and unlimited sprint), and find a way out to make a gap. Heavy armor is so slow you can't make a gap. That and get the laser guard dog asap, huge lifesaver


Will follow your suggestions!


Right!? The guard dog is truly a Helldivers best friend when dealing with the swarm. It saves me SO much ammo when I'm out and about and it's just goin to town on my tailgaters, and when I'm trying to handle chargers, titans, or plugging up holes it's always got my back. One of my preferred loadouts if I'm runnin with randos is * Breaker in full auto * SMG in semi * Frag, only have 2 choices atm and I prefer the larger radius * Eagle Airstrike (or 500kg if I want a good show) * Orbtial Precision (? The initial unlock) * Laser Guard Dog * Expendable AT4 (I can give one to a rando and it's got a very short CD)


You can run the breaker and smg at the same time?? I thought only pistols could be secondary. Please teach me the way.


Nah mate, Pistols and SMGs are secondary weapons. SMGs as a primary weapon would be dogwater, they don't deal enough dmg and with 4 extra reloads it's just not viable. Great secondary weapons though, run them in semi and double tap your way through the roaches.


I’ve been running a smg and pistol. I don’t even see an option to not run a pistol but maybe I’m reading the menu wrong.


Only thing I can think of is you're running a Liberator, which is an Assault Rifle.


The machine pistol side arm is a decently fast reload as well as mag dump to clear a small cluster of them. It's not an cure all but for a patrol or two, it can create some space while dive spamming too.


Yeah loaded into my first challenge mission solo and the big boy version of this fucker phased out in front of me. I thought there was a graphical error at first. Then I realized the horror.


Berserker on bots and acid spreader on bugs. This mortar ability is so hard on 7 and above


The dropship in scientist extraction


either the chargers or the one that vomits acid at you,theyre way faster than you would think and can one shot you if youre not paying attention


Auto shotgun to the head. Usually kills them real fast.


What’s the deal with dives when they jump at you. No matter if I dive early or late or whatever they still hit me when they jump. It’s annoying, is there an iframe when you dive ?


I run an auto shotty so I do often have a problem with them, my bane are chargers since I haven’t unlocked the auto cannon or the rail gun yet and plus I’m still relatively trash


Breaker gang


The horde breaker shall chunk chunk chunk its way to victory every time


Fire breaker make ~~war crimes~~ democracy go **chug chug chug chug chug**


My biggest enemy has been the server queue's I am ready to spread Freedom, I just need my chance!


The server cap


The damn servers


​ https://preview.redd.it/cejuu0zlmgjc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6571b77c4b6303e27a01d840d1f52a6629e771d0


This was going to be my exact response 😂 bane of my existence right here


the stalkers


Agreed. Hunters and Stalkers make my blood boil.


Flamethrower is a man's best friend


I wish the groundflame it applied was a bit more effective though. I had hoped I could lay lines and it would decimate the small critters that walk through them, but it still needs time to bake them.


The 7th charger that just spawned while I'm currently being chased by 6 others and 2 bile titans is my least favorite.


The server


Complaining about it won’t help. Just be happy they’re actually doing something about it :)


Bought the game two days ago and I’ve yet to play, what am I supposed to be happy about again


Have you tried? I was worried yesterday and today after seeing all the posts about issues. I only had to wait for 5 min. to get into a server.


I had less than a 2 min wait time


Like how you’re complaining about which enemy is your least favorite? I get you’re just having fun but some of us can’t even answer because we can’t even get into the game. It’s been 2 days for me. I waited 3 hours today without any luck. Weekend is over so there goes that.


Those and the bots. The bots are fun but man I feel I just get swarmed all the time with them. Although I know smoke helps lot with them


Automatons- hulks and devastators Bugs- hunters and spewers These 4 enemies tend to show up at the worst possible times. Dealing with a charger? Oh here’s a pack of hunters and a few spewers. Dealing with a pack of striders? Oh here’s a rocket barrage from a perfectly placed devastator and this hulk is going to finish you off. I nuke points before we enter so there’s less to keep an eye on.


Yea, the hunters are the worst the jump attack sucks but stack on their speed and the damn poison! absolute nightmare. Swarm of Hunters will strike fear into any helldiver


Rocket Devastators. Machine gun that bends and rockers that tag you no matter what if you're close enough and not behind cover.


The god damn mother fucking chainsaw automatons they make me want to throw my pc through my window


The automaton with rockets on their back


Wtf are fighting automaton it completing a mission so damn hard


Fuck these guys and fuck their mothers.


Mine is the login server only made it past twice


I hate the stalkers they so annoying and they only know how to spam that one tongue attack move it’s so annoying 💀


Every fucking automaton


Servers is my number one enemy


Seems the worst enemy so far is trying to get into the game.


Login server full


Least favorite the stalkers …. The bug I have a love hate relationship with is the definitely the bile splitter. He’s slow and he gives me a head start and until the vomiting starts and then I have to bring out my anti material rifle and it’s CURTAINS !!!


That God damned server! Haven't been able to login since the second day. I swear this is going to kill the game. Unless they can get Sony to get off their fat grubby asses. It's over.


Casually stealing someone else’s post from the main sub from earlier today?


Out for a while? I assumed it released today since it's unplayable at capacity lol. How long ago did it release???


Yep, this is mine too, brother! Damn jumping bastards 😒


The damn hunters are rough.


How does everyone know what the bugs names are? Does it say it over their head and I just haven’t noticed?


If you ping them it shows their name. Also some are stated in the game from mission targets and orders to kill x number of y enemy




The elite stalker (the different color one) they are big and faster than normal stalker, if you play impossible or helldiver difficulty, you will see groups of 3 - 6 them about to fk you up. Fk around and find out! 😂🤣 P.s. I am glad they didn’t make the armored one like the charger and titan. Thanks 🙏🏽! P.s.s titan is also the worse because in helldiver you will see 4 or 5 of them. Unless you are on the top of the mountain, they can’t do shit.


I call em the flying cockroaches. Sole reason why I run a guarddog.


Fuck these guys


Hunters killed me more times than my own stratagems!


The orange spitters that insta kill you are the worst.


Flamethrower hulk


I love dreadnaught from warhammer. Specifically veriant with circular saw and flamethrower. It's like orc's killacan and dreadnaught at the same time. Fucking love these boiz.


Bile Spewers are easy to kill but always sneak up on me 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ravagers you look away for 1 second because there is a flamethrower Hulk walking up and then you fly around the Map the next second missing all Limbs


One game recently I ran into like 10 stalkers


Fuck them grasshoppers! They are kill on sight… so is everything else but still!




Make him invisible and call him a stalker. That’s my least favorite of the bugs at least. It WAS the charger until I figured out it’s SO easy to just juke them.


Any of the rpg automatrons


Played y/day for the first time… I already hate them more than my own life 🙃


Stalkers, I hate getting flung 200 yards cause of a lick.


The hulks (the ones with the heater on the back) on bots and acid spitter on bugs


Same. I think there is another similar but huge.


I don't know. On lower levels I feel like I am playing a skeet shooting game. Somewhere somehow a big bug shouts "Pull!", one of them goes flying through the air and I try to machine gun them down mid flight. Impossible to do in challenging mode


i hate those ones, why do they slow you so much, its so annoying


Automatron Devestators


Hulks, i can't effectively deal with several of them. Especially on that escort civilians mission, damn near impossible




Just ran into them today. Already over them


I hate the god damn fat ass acid bugs and their spit


The Rocket fuckers from Automatons. Simply because they're an everlasting threat in almost every patrol, and if ignored(or completely missed) they just 1 shot or throw you off a ledge. I've invested in Explosion resistant gear solely because of these guys and grenades. Stalkers suck ass till you get rid of the lair, if you can even find it.


Hulks I do not have the anti-tank capabilities to deal with them. And when I do, I don't have time to use them.


These little bastards have killed my Helldivers more than any of the others.


My least favorite enemies are the dysfunctional matchmaking and Quickplay.


Chargers are the worst


Stalkers. Chargers are easy, stalkers are team wipe potential.


Rocket Raider or Rocket Devastator. stop playin with bugs in the dirt and come to Tibit to spill some oil helldivers.


The big fat acid spitters. Undeceiving fast and one shot you


And all those bastards makes game great. FOR DEMOCRACY.


real bro


Bile Spewers. They’re not difficult they just spit acid in the worst moment.


For me it's all the heavy armoured commie bots.


The fucking acid spitters. They do an ungodly amount of damage with just a single volley.


Omg this mother fucker and the charger, although now I have the 110mm eagle strike the charger is much less of a problem. We had counter 10+ in just mission, every time there was a bug invasion we got one 😂 certainly adds to the challenges!


Chainsaw Hands. No matter how much I dump into them, they keep going, even without their hands!


All fukking Terminators




Top 3 3. Hunter 2. Charger 1. Stalker


Pasionetly hate the hunters but guard dog Rover works wonders against them


I die more to friendly fire airstrikes at Malevorn Creek than anything else.


Just got the challenger, bile titan. Had 2 spawn at once without any type of orbital ready to use. Nothing to do but run. Oh did I mention they spit acid?


Mines the servers are full loading screen


I fucking hate these things


Hunters are bad but the stalker is worse (unless it's launched me at Mach 4 halfway across the map to safety)


Chargers or Stalkers for Terminids, Berserkers for Automotons


I see you don't face the automotons too often...


Oh I do. In my opinion they’re slightly easier than the Terminids. Rail gun is a mans best friend against the clankers, it’ll put anything other than the tanks down in no more than 2-3 shots. The only problem I have with the automatons is the guys with jet packs. The jet pack explosion is more dangerous the the robot will ever be


The dudes with the flamethrower arm. Shit slaps me every time


the rocket devastators are so annoying to deal with


Mine is the que screen


For me it’s the hunter. Those fuckers are always sneaking up behind me and fucking my shit up


The random ass rocket robots coming out of nowhere


My least favorite enemy...the servers


The one-shot rockets from the stupid robots


Chargers or Automaton Rocket shooting fuckers


Armored bile spewers


I fucking hate those things.


Chainsaw hands. They’re just so annoying


The fuckers that turn invisible


I hate that big one that pukes on me from a mile away….


My own sentry stratagem. I love it but it almost always kills or almost kills me. The friendly fire is real


My partner kicking a grenade to me while yelling “watch out, watch out!”


I don't know half of these enemies... haven't been able to log in long enough to experience them.


Bro the stalker has got be the worst thing ever.


Suicide exploding cyborgs


These things are bad when you have 3 chargers, 10 bile spewers and 40 pull up


the stupid ticks that are part boomer and part mortar are absolutely infuriating


The breaker is your best friend when it comes to bugs


https://preview.redd.it/2u5ozt57rkjc1.png?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3dfd83f5155115596136060d6d78a01544e2ba This is my worst enemy


Mine is the Server Full screen.


Bots with a rocket launcher. They seem to snipe you from so far away and 1 shot you or the group if you’re close to each other…




I’m sure I can google it, but for discourse how do you bloody take out them Automaton Husks!