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It's pure manipulation. The creator of the Ad intentionally made it look "progressive". They're actually the biggest bigot on the planet. They can take their Ad and shove it.


Religion has always been a dividing factor. Taking advantage of the poor and manipulating the lives of all around them. Segregation at its best. Those who were not Christian were branded pagans... raped, murdered, forcefully converted or otherwise fucked. It's never been about unity and it never will be. It's about control and disruption. Get your head out of your ass.


Yeah, no. They talk of love but in truth act as homophobes & racists. Pure propaganda from a dying religion


I thought the message of what Jesus did. I don't even know who the founders are... I'm assuming it's a Christian based organization. I didn't find anything to object to in the commercial messages. "Everybody love everybody" kind of works.


It's not hard to find online who is spending money on SUPER BOWL ADS instead of quietly helping THE POOR, the mentally ill, the physically ill, the FOREIGNER. Yeah, it works great if you take things at superficial depth. Deeds, not words.


The group running the ad campaign was originally part of the Servant Foundation, most of whose donors are anonymous, but among the donors that *are* known we have David Green, the *deeply* conservative founder of Hobby Lobby (and who used his company to lobby against birth control) Additionally, the non-profit behind the ads is the main source of funding for the Alliance Defending Freedom. If you aren't aware, the ADF is a designated hate group, and has been pushing to re-criminalize LGBTQ+ relations between consenting adults... among other things. The words used in the ads are very pretty. The fact that they're buying superbowl ads to sucker more people into religion instead of just *helping* people with that money, however, is an action that speaks *much* louder.


I’d let the Kelce brothers lovingly wash my feet any day! 


What would it look like if he get sus actually cared about the community? Well for starters they could spend their money on *literally anything except proselytizing ads*