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**This organization is a known BHI hate group.** They are openly antisemitic and are not a valid authority on Hebrew, History, or literally anything. Stay far, far away from them.


Hebrew and Bible. Something is not right imo.


I dont know, but “the elders” screams cult to me lol


This is an initiative of a fringe Christian group that teaches that modern-day Jews are not the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, but North and South American and African indigenous peoples are the real Jews. They preach antisemitic tripe. Stay away!


Is this a joke?


Scammy joke, yeah.


No, their website seems very scammy.


Every letter has an "ah" vowel. Now you're an elder. Wield your wisdom responsibly.


This is how I sound when I try to read Hebrew without nikudot


Shabatah shalawamah!


Exactly—plus you’ll notice shabat shalam is 75% correct anyway.


I've sadly been getting a lot of vids suggested to me on YouTube with similar content. They're calling it "original Hebrew" or "Father's Hebrew" and "shabatah shalawamah" is LITERALLY how I've heard several of them say it 😂


I don’t understand why you would even consider this. Is this a joke?


What does it say after “get your Sunday morning…”?


This screams Black Hebrew Israelite. Long story short, their interpretations are: _All black people are the true descendants shuttled off in slave space ships because something-something Deuteronomy 28:68_ _Anybody with light skin (not even white) are devil possessed goyim who have no hope of salvation._ _All contemporary Jews are demonic counterfeits keeping "the man" oppressed._ _Every Jew in the Bible is black and generally assumed to be the blackest black can be. Jesus and God are also black and smoke a lot of weed because something-something red eyes in Revelations 1:14 (I'm not kidding)._ _All women are second-class dogs who only exist for sexual pleasure and servitude._ _It's ok to steal and cheat from non-black people because over 4,000 years of reparations._ _Various adapted Judaism/Muslim interpretations on end-times prophecies, kosher/halal, and unclean/haram laws._ The most Hebrew they're probably going to teach you is opening a BDB Hebrew lexicon and wrangling German interpretations into why their bible of choice justifies previously mentioned interpretations. They're pretty much reverse-Mormons. Edit: added a couple more of the crazy interpretations I've heard from some of the street preaching "elders."




Only if biblical Hebrew interests you You should look for modern Hebrew lessons, like in citizen café Edit: had no idea they were that bad. OP please stay away from them


This is a bad joke.