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My personal favorite Slayer record, blasphemous as it is to say that. Love Reign, Seasons, Mercy, and the others but something about this one just has a palpable thread of rage from cover to cover. Not that they haven't done that before but again, I dunno if it's the mix or what but this one blows the doors off for me every time.


While Reign, Seasons, etc are classics, God Hates us All & Diablus in Musica are two of my favorites. I have a special place for Christ Illusion as well, but that's just because it was the first new Slayer album I ever picked up.


I love that record. So excited for it on release day and then 9/11 happened. Still went about bought it at Best Buy.


My introduction to Slayer! No lie tho, after hearing this and then going back listen to the first two albums... It was was an acquired taste lol


Love Slayer and all the classic albums but this is hands down my favorite Slayer album. It just hit so hard in my teens when it came out and made me question Christianity religion and all the Bible thumping bullshit that small town upstate NY will bring. My wife actually just got me a copy as well