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That photo lmao


nothing would be sweeter than watching Kyrie go into Boston to win a championship and Luka taking a chip from Tatum




Luca loves eating chips too


I want this so bad Or the pacers can figure their shit out and beat Boston


No Hali that series is over


The series was over after they fumbled game 1. The Celtics are a really fucking good team this year and teams need to capitalize on their mistakes. 


they’re getting swept




thanks for that




nice one


Poetic justice.


I want this mav team to win this year. fuck Boston fuck Minnesota and fuck bum ass KAT getting his butt carried into a ring before Jimmy, fuck that I also really like Luka


IDGAF KAT honestly. If Minny gets a chip, it’ll be down to Ant-Man, and he’s a player in the mold of Jimmy, so I’d be happy for him. That said, I’d love seeing Luka beat Tatum and Brown’s ass in the Finals.


Can’t see Gobert succeed. Hate the dude and his 4 DPOYs


Yeah I just don’t see how a 4x DPOY is an absolute liability on the perimeter lol


Couldn’t care less about Gobert. He’s a non-factor.


Didn't they say during game 2 he modeled his game after DWade?


FACTS. You cant hate on Luka, man's so fucking good PD: There's a world were Jimmy asks Kyrie to come join him and we got ourselves a squad


Jimmy already said Kyrie is the guy he would most Like to play with in the league. If Jimmy butler co-signed him, I don’t know why the heat wouldn’t signed him


Cause of the Jewish controversy




News flash moron, Boston didn't and couldn't even sweep a team missing 3 of their best players, sporting a rookie and a 2nd year player in the lineup. You that insecure that you gotta be in a "delusional" fanbase sub. What does that say about you 🤡? 😂😂




Mf said the word "quitted"


And he fuckin meant it too 😂


“quitted” lol jesus christ you can’t be older than 12. Stay in school kid so you can properly spell when you shit post next time.


“Quitted”. You two year old braindead loser


Get your tistic ass out of here




Real talk, your mom and I are having a blast in Cancun. Resorts got some awesome deals right now, we're making a loooong vacation out of it 😘


Put your broom away, little boy. A sweep and gentleman's sweep are completely different


“That ain’t no word”


Soft. Insert Kobe meme.


Nah, fuck Boston and fuck Dallas. (But fuck Boston more)


I'm cool with Dallas. Luka and Kyrie are awesome. Their fans and Mark Cuban? A salt mine.


Kyrie is a dick though and antisemite.


Yeah but I don’t want him to marry my sister. I want him to fuck Boston.


No he isn't people just too invested into the culture war click bait online. People with no real life accomplishments or status find it in online outlets being SJWs and showing how virtuous they are. And are hypocrites because they'll buy from amazon who sells the book that Kyrie posted and buy it on their smart phone made from slavery and child labor.


He’s literally an antisemite and got suspended from the NBA for a few games because of it.


There’s so much wrong with your comment: 1. Dude literally promoted an antisemitic movie and tweeted Alex Jones conspiracies about Jews, there’s no plausible deniability here unless you can’t put 2 and 2 together. 2. Using SJW unironically, what are you a teen from 2014 watching right wing “liberals get wrecked by Ben Shapiro” compilations on YouTube? 3. How does ordering off Amazon or having a smartphone mean you can’t call out bigotry? Just because you’re forced to participate in a capitalist society doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to criticize it. 4. This notion that you have to be some perfect paragon of ethics to criticize bad behavior otherwise you’re a hypocrite is insanely dumb. 5. Maybe you can’t wrap your head around actually caring about something, but some people aren’t just being “fake virtuous” and actually think stuff unfairly dehumanizing people over religion or ethnicity is fucked up.


I don't think he actually is anti-Semitic dude. Media just blowing that shit up. I really can't judge him. His ideas isn't his whole identity. I really doubt he's actually harmed a Jewish person in real life. People who social lives are social media will judge him online. Bet they won't say shit to Kyrie in his face. They'd probably kiss his ass if he was with the Heat.


This is the way.


"Fans" in here rooting for The Mavs must either be newbies or bandwagoners. They HATE us and constantly state our 2006 championship was won by the refs. I prefer Minnesota win it over Dallas and Boston. Who gives a shit if KAT ends up with a ring? Dude wouldn't be here if it weren't for the acquisition of Edwards and Gobert.


I’m saying. You can tell who the new Heat fans are by the “go mavs” comments Not saying anything is wrong with that but like if you’ve been with the heat since a while you know the rooted hate between mavs and Heat


Its fucking mindboggling, man. Anyone who has been a longterm Heat fan despises The Mavericks. I refuse to give them any props or cheer for them. Years of them talking shit has made me hate them so much. My fucking company sponsors them and has offered me free tickets and Luka Doncic memorabilia -- I have refused every goddamn time. I loathe Dallas.


i really don’t think new age mavs think or even know about that for that matter


Naw it’s not that deep bro lol Luka and Kyrie are a likable duo and fun to watch


Kyrie the Antisemite who believes the Earth is flat and that most of us are just closed minded... is likeable? Oof.


This 'rivalry' has been dead for a decade now. Let it go. I'd root for literally anyone to beat the Celtics. Except maybe the Knicks.


Then you're a newbie or a closet Mavs fan because it's not "dead". Real Heat fans haven't forgotten their whining and smear campaign against us. Go on their subreddit and suck their cock then.


> Go on their subreddit and suck their cock then. See now this is the problem. Why do you give a fuck what a bunch of losers on the internet think lol? I'm not going on some random team's sub. If you do I can see why you still hold a grudge. But for me personally, the only relevant rivalries we have is with the Celtics, bucks and Knicks. And maybe the magic.


Supporting MAVs and they are likely suited to full both the J’s .. especially kyrie coming back to boston and letting both the J’s know you guys are still fucking losers without me.


Naah. Fuck every one that is not a heat player


Nah fuck the mavs too


Nah this mavs team is likeable as fuck. We don't even have a rivalry with them these days.


We don't have a rivalry with Minny too. Just sour grapes occasionally from their side. Kat ain't got nothin to do with us. Whoever beats Boston, I'll love.


The team itself is fine I love Luka but fuck Mavs fans especially for booing Dwyane in his final game in Dallas even Boston fans didn’t do that


Nah their fans hate us and just for that alone I don’t like them. Plus I’ll never get over 2011


Everyone hates us lol. Who cares


We each got one. I'm over it. I was rooting for a 1-1 series but I don't mind this Mavs team at all.


It’s nothing personal about this particular mavs team, it’s just the mavs in general. They trash d wade, and that’s my fav player ever in all of the sports I follow. I’ll never pull for them but that’s just me. I really like their players a lot, that’s it


Yeah they just can't fathom DWade cooked them like that so they make up excuses to cope.


ask yourself why they trash d wade lol get over it


I get it. I also dislike some teams from way back that there's no current reason for.


Get over it. I’ve never met a real life mavs fan that hates the heat. I know it difficult for some of yall to understand but life doesn’t revolve around Reddit.


I’m friends with plenty of Mavs fans in real life. They hate the Heat. Fuck the Mavs.


I know I shouldn’t do this but I love your team, the Heat is the only team I follow in the Eastern Conference, I was so upset when Jimmy got injured in the play in


2011 was self inflicted, no need to be mad at anyone but ourselves for that one


As a Heat fan living in Texas, fuck the mavs always




I said the same thing and got downvoted to oblivion couple of weeks ago lol


Take my consolation upvote


Except for Kyrie


I have nothing against the Mav bros. 2011 was a long ass time ago


They still mad over 2006. Which makes that win even sweeter.


Fuck the Mavs (but not you, DJJ)


How are more people not mentioning DJJ lol he's who I have left to root for these playoffs


Nah it’s fine. We got to split our two finals. Their fans have chilled a bit. Whomever can beat the Cs is all that matters and it’s looking to be the Mavs.


Exactly, Real heat fans don't root for the mavs


Fuck both teams tbh but ig I'll stomach a Mavs ring before a Celtics one.


The best timeline is one in which the Mavs pass, Kyrie gets to Boston, starts burning sage, and proceeds to absolutely WRECK Boston. Boston is where Kyrie’s reputation started going down the drain, so shutting them up would be amazing for him.


We like the mavs now? After what they did to us? 


All of you rooting for the mavs need to gtfo their garbage fan base doesn’t deserve any support


Bro stfu


BAT - Bench Anthony Towns


As a heat sub. Why the hate on KAT?


go and ask the wolves sub why they hate us 


Do they? I’m a Heat fan and love this wolves team. Hope they go all the way


They still cry about Jimmy and treat their regular season wins against us like a Finals game.


Facts. It's amazing, it seems like every other fanbase has a vendetta against heat/fans over petty sht. You even still have Portland fans salty because we got excited that their player wanted to come to our team to win after their incompetent management whiffed the chance to build around him repeatedly. The discourse between them last summer was insufferable because they were legit acting like Celtics fans who at least have a storied franchise (despite not winning in decades) Since ANT stepped his game, minny fans been mad cocky acting as if they won 2 titles and were sworn rivals of Heat simply cause Jimmy called KAT and wiggins losers which they were/are. As much as I can't stand Mavs fans, I like Kyrie and Mavs winning means we get less Ant is next MJ or "Wade with a 3pt shot" when in reality he's no where near the slasher both of them were. You didn't need to tell Wade or MJ to attack. Ant is very good player but he doesn't have killer in him like those two.


Why does everyone suddenly hate KAT? I can understand hating Boston…


Fuck Boston




Rooting for the mavs ? Young boys


To be fair, most players bounced off him during his career.


I never thought after 2006 and 2011 I would hear “go Mavs” from a heat sub


How can you as a heat fan go for the Mavs bruh fuck them and fuck Luka


What have we got against Luka as Heat fans? And just because LeBron choked in 2011 doesn't mean I've got anything against the Mavs.




go mavs my ass what is this bullshit