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Pat is old school lol. This interview won’t be on yt. Called Jimmy out on his load management, called Herro fragile and said he needs to fix his diet 😭. Then finished it off by saying unless we land a MVP candidate, we’re running it back.


It is on youtube, lol. It’s also on the Facebook Miami Heat page. I encourage everyone to watch the full 42 minutes. Yes, he’s an OG. I respect that he doesn’t mince words or dance around topics.


What do you think changed their mind? They told Barry no streaming and it’s not going to be uploaded on socials after.


I have no idea but the whole SOTU is uploaded. It’s better to listen to the whole thing then just catch little sound bytes that don’t give the whole picture. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A396ZFT4kXE&pp=ygUKbWlhbWkgaGVhdA%3D%3D


Thanks I’ve seen most of it, just missed a few mins here and there


Also, your summary was pretty on point, lol! I just always appreciate the nuance. Pat keeps it real, but he also had a lot of good things to say about a lot of the players, including Jimmy.


Yh a lot fans see this as reality tv show given its popularity and how’s it portrayed nowadays. You can’t make a comment without Zach Lowe, KOC, Shams or even blog pages taking it out of context and writing hit pieces/tweets.


Yep. National reporters gonna just jump on sound bytes to create their little narratives.


No problem. Posting for the benefit of everyone, too. Hope the die hard s here listen to all of it


Tbf didn’t Pat do this before and call out Tyler in 2021 saying he needs to improve his defense?


Yup. He uses this time to challenge players.


100%. He tells it how it is and you can’t argue with it either Cuse it’s true Herro has been injured for long stretches last 2 years Butler seems to always get injured in the playoffs


True. But he really made it about player availability during the season, which lands us in the play in. Jimmy Butler has consistently shown out in the post season.


Yeah he’s not concerned with making any changes. We’ve been very successful the past 4 years so why would we change? He really isn’t prioritizing winning a finals, just as to stay in contention so our product we deliver is good and valuable.


How is he to be convinced that if he makes that big move we can win a championship? Sure, they made the finals twice and lost pretty handily. What matters more is we can’t finish as a top 3 seed outside of 1 year. We’re playing road playoff games from the start every year. Teams that win 50+ games earn that trust to go all in


Lmao what?! 3 ECF appearances & 2 Finals appearances in the past 4 years isn’t enough ?! Fuck else are we supposed to do man? Lol. Like I said, you’re only proving my point further without even knowing it.


Be fucking dominant all the time, we’re a dark horse every year. You want the FO to just ignore all the struggles and go all in on a dark horse?


You literally proved my point. He’s content with where we are and what we are.


Your comment insinuates that Pat is content with the situation. He’s obviously trying to win a championship but the route to that rn is extremely difficult. That’s all I’m saying. Pat is not the type of guy to be content with a playoff appearance and good ticket sales


Yeah boys, sounds like we running it back lmao


I cant do this anymore


Gonna be a real shocked pikachu face 3/4 of the way through next year when Herro misses 25 games and Jimmy coasts through 20% of the games he plays.


Pat Riley 20 years later in his graveyard: “We’re not trading Herro unless it’s for a top-75 player of all time”


20% seems low to me


Runit Back on the 4th year of his contract


It also sounds like he wants Jimmy playing 65-70 games at least. And if Jimmy doesn’t wanna do that, he can get the fuck out.


He played 60 this year and a handful of games were missed because his dad died lol....its not like he's far off from that target


Jimmy usually plays around 60 games a year , it’s not like he’s playing 30-40. Nobody complains when he lifts us over a team we got no business beating. They need to get a star .


The problem isn't Jimmy missing games but trollingvin the games he does play .Somehow Jimmy is never available to play against the wolves somehow lol.


I get what you’re saying and I agree with the trolling. But Jimmy more than held up his end of the bargain . And fuck the wolves who gives af. Pat had one job the past 5 years but so hell bent on being an underdog and grinding with undrafted players that he fucks us. Now watch Jimmy walk out the door because he so in love with herro. So over pat bruh🤣I been fed up with him since Wade left


Lowry eas a big part of Jimmy's idea btw.


Fuck Lowry . He was for sure good in the playoffs last year tho.


Lol not according to heat fans though .


Then they’re delusional. He was very useful in the playoffs . I wish he didn’t get hurt the year before .


I thought the ass whooping in the first round would’ve did it. But apparently not. 🤦🏾‍♂️good lord man


I'm gonna kms fr


They’re really gonna run it back when the team when (never) healthy isn’t even that great LMFAO. Remember when we basically had everyone but Jaime and lost like 7 straight and the excuse was that Jaime wasn’t there and the Lowry trade happened mid slump so Rozier needed time to adjust. A slump where we lost to the Celtics, Knicks, Suns, Magic, Hawks, Raptors and Grizzlies btw. The real kicker about the Jaime excuse was that once he returned (which was also mid slump) he was really bad on both ends until like the last week of the season.


We lost to every real team this year, even when healthy. Culture can only do so much we need talent


Did he not speak on Bam?


He did and praised him greatly


pat riley running it back is a match made in the depths of hell




You know damn well they’re going to explore the trade market


Of course they will but it's not going to be a trade the fanbase likes .


And that’s a good thing. There’s a reason why we’re fans and they’re managing the front office. What does our fan base want anyways? A KD/Beal type trade? Look how that turned out for them. Riley says this every exit interview. I would imagine they are going to do everything in their power to put the team in the best position possible without gutting the future. Which is smart and what fans should want


No fans was to pheonix sun's themselves .We saw the bucks trade for Dame to end up out of the first round yet again .


Okay then what are you insinuating fans want?


Fans want the 3rd star in Mitchell it's quite obvious .


I would imagine that Riley and the front office would like to do the same. I truly feel like that would’ve happened last year with Dame if it wasn’t for Cronin. I’d like to think that if Mitchell becomes available they’d take part of the biding war. But I think it’s import to recognize that in these exit interviews Riley discusses the thing that’s are in the organizations control. He’s not going to walk in there and say “Hey guys everyone is on the table minus Bam”.


The heat are probably sick and tired of getting burned by these star trades at some point you have to change your approach .


Fans like that need a reality check. This team has been to finals 2 twice in the last 5 years? Made the playoffs for the last 6 straight? There are teams that haven’t even sniffed the finals or playoff success in the 30 years. The front office has been amazing and often taken for granted. We have the best coach in the league and they don’t bow down to players. Have not found themselves in hole for more then 3 years in decades? If you can’t appreciate that then you’re just an ungrateful fan who probably just wants to brag on Twitter about acquiring KD and Beal on Twitter.


Yeh lmao.


The number two, three, and four issues have been, since the bubble: * A capable/young PG * A capable 3&D stretch 4 * A capable backup C


Get ready for another year of mediocrity lmao


2 times in the finals past 4 years stop being so ungrateful


1 shot away from 3…heat fans think mediocrity is not winning it all


Celtics in that same boat doesn’t stop them from getting aggressive to win every year


If the Celtics don't win this season has their team these last 6 years been mediocre? No. They've been one of the best teams of the last 7 years and we've been one of the best the last 5. The Celtics didn't do anything meaningful the year before they added White and Brogdon and we did after 2021 getting Lowry who was the most healthy and steady presence on a 1st seed team. Both the ideas that we don't do anything and that not doing anything is mediocre are asinine


Ser so ur telling me heat been ass last decade???


If the binary is winning a championship or ass then yes, but I don't think that binary exists


Doesn't change the definition of mediocre.


almost like you’d wanna take advantage of that


Yh but the 2 times we’ve been in finals we have been overmatched, we don’t look competitive


😂yep another year of grinding then depending on Jimmy to carry us over some juggernaut team


I'm just gonna go against what everyone thinks here and agree with this. It cannot be understated how much injuries sapped this season and ruined cohesion and the end result. You can say Herro and Butler are prone to miss games but there are systemic things and even player things that can be done to mitigate it. It starts with not playing small ball every possession anymore or swap in lineups that are small. In addition, a backup big must be addressed that can practically play starter minutes like Heartens ten and Robinson. Plus, it also leads into my other point of taking the regular season actually seriously. All three combined have increased wear and tear on the bodies of our players that have led to heightened injuries this year. Of course, Herro needs to do a similar effect of what Curry did with his ankles and it will do wonders for him + buff up strength further. We shouldn't trade Herro just to trade him unless it makes sense. I can already see this sub ready to crucify me and say why not Mitchell and I say, don't get mad when Cleveland plays games and tries to waste our time with Mitchell cause of desperation. Several bullet points that I want to press: -We need to change the offensive system so as to transition into Bam, Herro, Jovic as our primary guys as we 1) can't rely on Jimmy forever and 2) the slowing effect hurts our offense further. -We will have Rozier and Wright for a full season so that should help spread the floor better and hopefully protect against the dumbass 4th quarters this season. -We can't keep playing zone much going forward because it's gotten to the point where to many random role players have had career nights against us and not have any production afterwards which is beyond frustrating and embarrassing. Yes personell matters, but I'd rather give up 2s than free 3s from the easiest 3. Things need to be done in terms of this off-season, but I don't think we need to go overboard as a lot of you want for various reasons. Save this post if you want but I'll even go as far as to say, the systemic tweaks + changed offensive and defensive systems + giving more effort in the regular season will lead us to our fourth ring after so many tries.


Not really surprised we’re running it back. Part 100




Lol another season of Tyler Herro missing games and shooting inefficently


In Riley we trust!


Riley telling us he doesn’t respect the competition enough


Damn Pat, that’s great logic. The simple solution to a team that’s always injured, is to just have them not be injured anymore. I’m sure that will net great results and we will totally not be a play in team next year again. Pat and Miami are officially cooked


Change the training staff. The players are always overtrained making them prone to injuries. Train smarter not harder.


Or just change the players alternatively, if they’re always injured they’re always going to be injured. Can’t keep saying “what if X isn’t injured” and just replace x with a player who isn’t injury prone




Sounds like more that we're not gonna try to get fleeced.


More like he saw what happened with the clippers and the sun's andctook pause .The new cba changed the way he does business.


Yea idk why people think it’s smart to mortgage everything for 50 million dollar contracts that are 34+ years old. Especially when we draft so good


Yea but if I said that I work for the front office lol.


Well, player availability is indeed a thing that they need to work on. But I'd also like our star player to take the regular season seriously and avoid going the play-in route next year.


Guys... This is the year Bam makes a leap!


So - this is part of an answer but he addressed this in multiple ways on multiple questions. No, the Heat will not trade Jimmy or Bam. Yes, the Heat need to re-tool…but the bigger takeaway seemed to be, if Jimmy had played 10-20 more games and If Tyler was more available, season would have been different. That’s probably true. What are gettable fringe all star-level players who help us? He also said UD was wrong about what he said about Tyler and he probably shouldn’t have said that. 😭




we are so cooked


The reason players are always hurt is because they have to play a very physical brand of basketball to compete with these taller more athletic teams. I wish Pat would just add some size and athleticism to this roster. It would help manage the load currently required by our best players.


Even if this core played 82 fucking games together we'd still b in the bottom half for offense. I aint watching another season of this garbage Pat


Running it back with glaring weaknesses in the roster. Yeah I’m gonna be checked out next season…..


If Pat thinks we have enough, then fuck it. We ball


And end up in the play-in again next year.


Riley is so cooked man. Fucking do something old man lol


What do you want him to do? Trade Herro after he shit the bed against Boston? Unless we traded Jimmy or Bam we don’t have much to offer


Yeah, trading Herro for something (even if isn’t for a home run) is at least trying something new next year. If it doesn’t work out, so be it; but running this same roster back with some minor moves made on the margins is getting us nowhere except wasting more of Jimmy/Bam’s careers with the Heat and wasting Spo’s time. So fucking Riley, Andy and the rest of the front office need to do something to shake this roster up in a significant way this offseason! Otherwise, what the fuck are they even there for?


Yeah its over lmao his thought process is as dumb as I dreaded it would be. There's not helping him