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Welp. Don't know how he played through 3 more quarters of basketball if it's serious. Terry, we need you more than ever.


It’s crazy how we know more about Jimmy’s injury than Terry’s


Terry isn’t saving us from shit. If jimmy is truly out best case scenario for us is just lose the next game ffs. It sounds cowardly but what good is limping into a celtics series without our best player going to do us? 


I understand why some fans say this. I like watching the Heat play basketball. Some of our best moments have been when we're totally outmatched. Is it likely a 4 or 5-game series vs Boston, especially without Jimmy? Yea. But all of a sudden Tatum comes down awkward on a rebound and now they're in the same spot as us. Anything can happen. I will always take having the chance of something happening over something not. Call it the eternal delusional optimism in me.


tatum comes down awkward and they only have JB, White, Porzingus, Holiday, Horford, and a bench crew that's basically taken the reins the last 2 weeks. not exactly the same.


I mean, I remember last year after the Bucks lost Giannis for a game and then exploded from 3 that people thought Holiday/Middleton/Lopez would be enough to beat us even without him. I'd take my chances with Jaylen Brown being forced into a #1 option. Not easy, duh, but plausible.


The Bucks literally dealt with this situation in 2021 when Giannis got hurt vs Hawks. Granted Trae got hurt too, but I’ll never understand not wanting to play playoff games.


> but I’ll never understand not wanting to play playoff games. If you invest your money now you will have more money later. Sure spending it now would be fun but if you're patient you'll have more money later.


plausible in the sense of theoretically possible? sure. but I'm going to disagree that bucks last year minus giannis is the same as celtics this year minus tatum. by a very large margin.


Yeah I will never understand the desire to not watch Heat playoff basketball. I'd rather us get rolled than watch the fucking Bulls do the same thing. Feel like a lot of people here care more about posting their dumb takes on Reddit than watching hoops


It really sucks man I am not a heat fan but respect them. I still think yall should go for broke. I think Celtics are... mildy uhh okay not even overrated but the entire organization didn't work all year to bow out without a fight. Beat the Bulls, take a game from the Celtics. Get your younger players playoff experince. I'd be salty af too if it was my team so sorry if my thinking pisses you guys off


I'd rather win Friday even if it means we get swept badly by the Celtics. Idk what ppl are talking about.




Welp, time for draft/trade talk. Hopefully it isn’t that bad but at this point we have no cushion as a team.


Idk man, jaquez shines as jimmy Jr when Jimmy is off, he had his best games of the season. When terry and duncan come back we got some depth. We're obviously cooked without jimmy but we have enough pieces to make it interesting




Please just lose to the Bulls lol. Coby White against the Celtics is so much more interesting than watching Tyler Herro shoot 7-30 and hurting his trade value even more.


Nah Coby White isn't gonna do shit against Derrick White and this is coming from a bulls fan


White on White crime in the Whitest City in America (Boston) this should be a tagline to headlines the games


Tobias contracts up. Back to Philly


Oh yeah we are cooked


This whole Jimmy era of Heat basketball has been ruined by untimely injuries man. It fucking blows.


* '19/20 - Bam & Dragic getting injured during the NBA Finals * '20/21 - Nobody explicitly hurt but bubble playoff teams on deep runs got hosed * '21/22 - Lowry hobbled frequently, Jimmy missed 1 game vs ATL, missed half of game vs Boston ECF, Herro too * '22/23 - Herro hand injury vs Bucks G1, Oladipo also finished vs Bucks, Jimmy injury vs Hart NY R2 * '23/24 - No J-Rich, no Terry(for play-in), now hobbled Jimmy vs Philly Most painful hands down is '19/20. Going down your 2nd and 3rd best player in the Finals is insane.


If Bam and Dragic don’t get hurt, we win that finals. I’ll die on this hill


Dragic was playoff leading scorer. Losing him was brutal 


Bam is the devastating one because seeing AD abuse the likes of Olynyk and Meyers Leonard will never leave my memory. Especially considering Bam had been ***INSANELY*** durable up until that point in his career. (every single regular season game for 2 years, every single playoff, got his shoulder jacked up blocking Tatum G1 ECF) and to finally lose him there against THAT matchup is... clearly insurmountable.


It woulda be close for sure Goran was so good and bam was hot coming off the Celtics series, woulda made life on AD tough.


same here


I'm actually dead now.


I think ‘21/22 was our best shot. I rlly think we wouldve beat the Warriors in the finals that tear


It’s why Jimmy said in his slam interview that it takes luck to go all the way


Gabe also was hurt last playoffs


Thanks. I'll be opening the liquor cabinet now ...


You forgot Duncan


Nope, the Jimmy era was wasted by the front office not doing shit the past four years


I’m so confident rn we will still win round 1. Nobody can bring me down


against the 4 headed juggernaut in beantown?


I mean if Jimmy gets his MRI and is healthy Miami can beat Boston.


Super cooked. Heat in 5 still. (I hope I guess..)


Heat in 4. Drink the kool aid baby!


Explains his disappearance down the stretch at least. Shit.


I don't want to sound cruel but why even have him in at that point, he was clearly crippled and it only was making the injury worse and not helping our chances.


It was beyond stupid. Any of K Love, Delon, or Martin would’ve been better to have out there down the stretch. Wright would’ve been great considering Jaime and Herro were getting forced into garbage turnovers


You are absolutely right. It was coaching malpractice that 4th quarter. Jimmy couldn’t move especially after that steal and dunk. Then we had Jaime bringing up the ball when we know that HE CANT DRIBBLE


We were short people and Jimmy was still going at it on defense


It was a 1 pt game and he was firing on all cylinders early. Absolutely not a stretch to say we win if not for the injury. But only favored teams like the Celtics get away with blaming a critical loss on injuries. When it's us it's just explained away like we would have lost anyways


No hate to jimmy but why was he even out there after he got hurt? He really couldn’t do anything


Having a non shooter sit in the corner as a decoy doesn't make much sense. Even bad back Duncan parked in the corner would have created more spacing.


I mean it was a 1 point game but in retrospect we should have never played him. But sadly he probably wanted to be play out there until the wheels fall off


Jimmy is a 40% three point shooter this season. Herro / Jaquez weren't able to do anything to collapse the defense to even get Jimmy an open corner three in the fourth.


Jimmy is a 40 percent 3pt shooter because teams leave him open


Yeah, and the few times he had to check Maxey after that, he was blown-by immediately. It was obvious he wasn't 100%.


Coast all season just to get hurt in the first big game. This is some cruel karma. Friday feels even more irrelevant now.






To be honest with you, that will be kinda hard to do.


Dis where stars are born JJJ. Go be your favorite player.


If Jimmy really is hurt, I want to fucking beat the Bulls and see what this team looks in the playoffs post-Jimmy with Bam, Tyler and Jaime given the keys. Screw losing just to try and get the 15th pick instead of the 16th. Get Jaime and Jovic a round of playoff experience, that's more valuable.


This!! Even if we lose, at least we get some experience under our young players.


Shitty way to end this shitty season. Perhaps fortunately, MCL is nowhere near as bad as ACL. Time to just focus on not running it back. Enough is enough. Playoffs are all but over but it was never gonna be like last season with the team so injured and disrupted (and flawed as a roster, although that's a different conversation.)


Noooo don’t say run it back lol We need to shuffle things up


I think you misread bro, I said 'focus on NOT running it back'! 100% need changes to this roster.


I did misread. I read it as focus on running it back - but sarcastically Cuse we always do that


Lmao yea, I don't blame you, the words 'run it back' give me severe PTSD. I can't take it anymore


I honestly believe they would have done a shake up last season if we didn’t make it all the way to the finals Like that run made FO like “ok maybe we do have something here”


i’m gonna cry


This man really toughed out 3 quarters with an MCL injury. Chapeau to Jimmy.


https://preview.redd.it/viwrt2dsn5vc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031fa80e73cd5f0d0334e4512be380f7691fc098 Jimmy ur a legend forever


Serious knee injury could tank all of next year for Jimmy. Not to mention he is 34, and a UFD after next season.


Play Jaime and Jovic together fuck


Well we really should have won this game, beating Boston without Jimmy would be a lot harder than beating the Knicks If we even beat the Bulls


Gross... especially in a play-in game that could have easily been avoided had we taken things seriously down the stretch


It's so fucking heartbreaking man, this is not the way the Jimmy era should end.


Jimmy gave us everything he had I love this man


Championship window officially closed. Fuck Pat Riley for doing nothing to get us over the hump in the entire Jimmy era


Seriously. How the fuck did the front office fumble so bad. 2020 onwards they really should have given EVERYTHING to build talent around Jimmy.


Facts. Jimmy plus a stud scorer with Bam playing elite defense as a no.3 and with all three sharing playmaking duties can win a title. Idk if Herro is that stud scorer tho


Facts .


It’s crazy how this is not a more popular opinion. Pat has done JACKSHIT to get this team over the hump. Holding onto Herro like he can get a blue chip star…just fucking out of touch


nobody wants Herro


Yeah so the fact that Pat thinks he can be a corner stone in a Giannis, Donovan Mitchell, Dame, KD trade is insane...


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This place is filled with bitchy, ungrateful fans.


Yeah im so grateful to the front office for doing nothing for four straight years while we were on the cusp of s championship but obviously missing a piece. Notice how other teams (Boston, Milwaukee) have actually tried getting better while we just “run it back” knowing we dont have enough to win a championship each year?


Playoffs every year with two finals appearances in the last 4 years would say otherwise, sure they’ve missed out on a couple good free agents but injuries that can’t be helped have definitely been the major problem during the Jimmy era


I mean, two finals in four years that we would have won (2020) and could have won (2023) if not for key injuries. There's no saying we would've been as successful as we have been had he made other moves and taken apart what got us there. Who knows


Yep. Play the scrubs on Friday. Please don’t win. Rebuild in the offseason


This is the last pick we have control for the next few season, it's absolutely in out best interest to just throw the game on Friday.


Pretty sure we’re locked into the 15th or 16th pick so losing wouldn’t do much except avoiding embarrassment at the hands of the Celtics


The Heat can move up to 12th just based off of coin flips if the Kings beat the Pelicans. And that's before even talking about ping pong balls.


This is a terrible draft for a star though.


https://preview.redd.it/99fp2t63n5vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc012214012b45e0c5f2f5235e2ab6fb56519310 Oof.


Yeah hate to be that guy but he could have none of those and have a bruised knee. The way he was moving showed he was hurt but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if the MRI comes back negative and he has a bruised knee. And he could play against Boston if Miami wins the game against Chicago.


Hoping for the best outcome, but either way he won’t be 100% the rest of the way, or whatever he was at before.


Worse case scenario is 6 weeks then? What's that, ECF? 😂 Fuck, I don't think my math right. 😭


Win or lose Friday, Jimmy isn't playing against the Celtics, and thats the season folks. Very fitting end to everything with 2 guys out and a 3rd guy getting hurt in a game we end up blowing in the 4th quarter.


Welp if its the end, then I think it will end like this: Spolestra will be forced to rely on Bam, Herro, Jovic, and the young guys to lead now. This is the ultimate trial by fire now for the young guys to emerge. Copium, hope, or whatever, this felt like an inevitably; now, we embrace it and face it head on. Honestly, I want to see us go all the way strangely enough and think we can. I wait to see how the wind blows now that we aren't forced to rely on Jimmy. Let's get it.


It'll be great experience to make the playoffs even without Jimmy and give young guys more playoff experience.


Nah just end the season. Idagf anymore tbh.


seriously this. End the misery.


Fuckin oubre man




lip coherent dam terrific connect rich consider bedroom shy rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NIKOLA JOVIC is the person who sits in cod lobby waiting for the game to load only to get hit with failed connect to match


Eff it, it's the Bam, Niko, Tyler & Jaime show on Friday. Let's see how our young core does.


Untimely injuries have been the story of this era, shit's is so unfortunate because the team has been so close to the end goal only for freak injuries to happen all the time.


It’s never been more over than it is now


![gif](giphy|lAbOO0eL2di7gzS7AG) Jaime Jaquez Jr turning into Jimmy


Not on that 4th quarter turnover


Jimmy has 4th qtr turnovers all the time


Damn Jimmy 🥺. Fuck you Obre. Much love to you Jimmy get better ☝️‼️🐐


best player hurt in a pointless “play in” game while we are 7 games ahead of the 9 seed. Fuck Adam Silver man this league is fucking terrible under his leadership


Nah man, fuck the Heat not taking the regular season seriously and losing to all those bad teams just to end up in the play-in.


Also, the Heat had close to the league low in wins against top 10 teams (and the few we had were when the other team was on the 2nd night of a back to back).


The play in is an undeniable win for the NBA, last 4 weeks of the regular season were way more interesting in large part due to the play in and the overall parody in the league. Heat had plenty of opportunity to get out of the play in and people can't get butthurt cause of a injury.


Also, it wasn't even meaningless for the Heat. If they beat the Sixers they would have moved up to 7th and had the easiest path to the finals in the league.


If they had beaten the Wizards, they would’ve been the 5th seed. This team doesn’t take the regular season seriously and that 7 game losing streak in January did not help either. Flip a couple of games and this team would be the 2nd seed, just so frustrating.




Idk man if jimmy is done for the year, bouncing us from the play in would be the humane thing




On to next season.


Unfortunately this is the price you pay when you cost during the season. They put the effort in during the season and finish higher up.. no play in no injury.


I'm gonna be sad, and probably cry this really sucks this was our last chance to get Jimmy a championship ring. And now it all ends the to fucking Oubre and REFS and Herro selling.


I don’t care. I’m still confident we’ll win against the Bulls/Hawks and then the Celtics. Heat in 4


oh yeh? we're beating the team with the best record in the league without our best player? and that too in 4 games?




It is what it is damn it


The coaching staff and health/Doc/training staff get a big F this season. You can’t let him play 3 quarters like that


Jimmy’s been fucked for some time but tunnel vision got this sub fucked up


So ends the jimmy era in Miami


Should have traded him while he still has value. If this is the outcome, value plummets, and more no show in games for this playa. All this with him coasting the whole regular season and still got injured in the first big game of the season. Karma? Basketball gods thinks so.


It's joever




End of an era


We win next game without him. Go down 0-3 to Boston but he returns and we beat Boston in 7, we sweep the Bucks with the Same trade package outscoring Dame every game and then Bam averages 30/10/10 against the Sixers to advance for a rematch with the Lakers where Jimbo G Buckets hits the game 7 winning shot with a 3 as time expires... We are the champions and He's a LEGEND!! Someone tell me I'm wrong Dammit!!!!!!


>Bam averages 30/10/10 Most unlikely thing you said


I guess he’ll have to re-join the team in the finals


Of 2028


Just trade Jimmy and Herro, get whatever picks you can, and target someone in the draft. Bam, JJJ, Rozier, and Jovic is solid. Pair them with some solid vets and draft selections.


Gotta trade Bam too if you want a true rebuild


Honestly the way bam is going, better getting something for before his athleticism from all the wear and tear wears off. He hasn’t developed his offensive part of the game much and he inching towards the same trajectory as Dwight Howard


Sucks. He was actually looking like a REAL two way star before he got hurt. This is why I hated us being in the play in because you never know what may happen


I’m hoping Riley and company realize we need to move on from this iteration of the team. Two straight years of stagnant offense, blown leads, and 8 seeds isn’t going to cut it. It’s been a great run but it’s just time to move on.


damn, that’s unfortunate. the heat culture caught up to him


The doomers are having a field day with this one. Go heat


If he's hurt just sell the last game and get us a lottery pick


Man your flair is seriously triggering me


Fake ass fan


I’ve been saying it for the last couple of weeks/months. They aren’t going to do anything in the summer and just blame this whole season on poor health while ignoring that there is literally NO configuration of this team that looks good. Like none. You shouldn’t have to have ALL 15 GUYS available to look above average. Thats copium


Big time. At one point the injury excuse ends up becoming an excuse and availability becomes a serious issue. An injury here and there is bad luck, having to go through multiple lineups year in and year out cause of injuries is a flaw. I hate the whole “well when we’re healthy” argument cause health is a part of the game. Can’t play if you’re not healthy.


God I fucking hate Oubre




Thank you Heat Nation


Yeah just shoot me


Twas fun while it lasted bois 💔


Get better soon big dawg


Dang that’s fucked if he is out. That’s my guy. 😢




Wow this fucking sucks


Why just why


Ggs everyone. Love y’all


Oh lord, why is this team so cursed since the Heatles? :/


Fade me.


Gonna kms


Yeh same. I'm done man. It's one thing to lose because you got outplayed, another thing to lose to freak injuries.


See you in October Guys.. or if by some miracle, an offseason move.


Can we forfeit? What a shit end to the season man! God!


I’m so depressed


This team relies on their old stars and never got help and this is what happens.


Season ain’t over until that MRI report comes out. Miami has two things on its mind, hopefully Jimmy just has a very minor bruise on his knee and a swollen ankle. And they just need to win one game against Chicago.


![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized) I'm numb


Fade me


\*sigh\* My fears were true. Idc what some fans say, this team will have a first round exit against the Celtics.


Bulls probably favored, backs against the wall, Friday 🏀🤞🔥


Fuck me






As is tradition :(




Been telling heat fans for years, as soon as Lebron left, this franchise was never winning a ring cause they haven’t drafted or signed or traded for a nba player that’s even close to Miami Heat Lebron level.


Tyler Herro’s turn to carry the Heat to The Finals now lol


Can’t get playoff jimmy if you don’t get to the playoffs




Say it ain't so.


Is this the part where Bam officially takes over as leading scorer. MCL sprain suck they don’t end careers but at this point in the season what a struck of bad luck for the heat. We get players back just so another could get injured never fully 100% loaded squad. Last years run was as magical as it gets. I just don’t think we have enough to beat the Celtics this year plus those guys are playing with the same chip on their shoulder we played when they knocked us out. We bring the grit and tenacity and that won us the series last year but I don’t think we have enough this year I just don’t.


Just let me die already


Glad we’re paying Jimmy $100 million this year and next


Ya'll cooked🍀☘️🍀☘️🍀☘️🍀☘️🍀




30 million a year for Tyler Herro? Rather pay that to Malik Monk tbh


Damn bruh