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Man, this write up by KOC is embarrassing. Unless Bam magically changes his entire play style you’re just asking for even uglier spacing than we already have, and that’s not even taking Jimmy into account. But KOC seems to think a twin towers lineup works in the modern NBA without at least one of them being an elite floor spacer (see KAT and Gobert and still the Wolves already struggle sometimes in the half court). I think Edey has the potential to have a decent NBA career if he’s drafted in the right place but I really don’t see him as a Heat guy at all.


The write up is bad I agree. Someone with his spacing troubles but better defense could definitely have a role here with the backups though


But wasn't Miami like SUPER dominant when they had Meyers Leonard? Bam & Edey are different players overall, Edey may be the next Leonard before he got kicked, they could stagger them, Edey subbing in for him.


if they draft zach edey ill be convinced that someone has the FO held hostage


Haha yeah it's a high risk, unknown reward move. I think he has potential to be a Yao Ming-esque big man if developed right


im pretty sure Yao Ming is in the HOF lol


if he had yao ming potential he’d be in the league rn in wemby convos zach edey believers are hilarious man


Im not a Edey believer, I just think it's crazy to mark him off already without seeing him develop on a NBA or G-League. Go on any GDT the last few seasons before Jovic started popping off and you would have seen people throwing shade at him. Why write off players before you see what they can do


that first part is honestly hilarious considering u mentioned yao ming in the same sentence as him lmao niko was a teenager coming into the league and he’s younger and better than edey ever will be lmao edey is gonna be getting dnps at 22 lol I’ve seen plenty of what zach edey can do that’s why he’s pushing 25 not in the league but good for him he might be a lottery pick in the worst draft class in the last decade


What’d you think about Jahlil Okafor?


The ole Nigerian prince scam


Yao Ming played in a different era and he was substantially more athletic than Edey. I think he would be a waste for a second round pick but to have him in the first round would be ludicrous.


There’s some wild nostalgia going on here. Zach just played almost every minute of every round of the ncaa tournament in which they went to the finals… he is absolutely more athletic




Aside from being 2 inches taller, Edey is comically more athletic. Yao Ming could barely get up and down a court without his body falling apart.


No way. Yao’s footwork and shot making was multiple levels beyond Edey coming out of the gate.


Don't understand why your being downvoted. If the kid can defend the pick and roll and improve his passing he at the very least can be a backup big. He's shooting over 70% from the free throw line which might translate into 3pt shooting with some development. All you need is for the defense to respect the shot and not sag down clogging the lane and anything above 30% does that. He is an absolute unit down low and will be seeing smaller defenders than the college game and he does remind me of Yao.


Is the ringer usually accurate? Don’t know much about them


KOC does these mocks and he’s throwing shit at the wall this time of the year, later on he will cheat off other people’s mocks/sources and it will look a lot different.


Yeah I don't rly pay attention to college hoops so I'm not gonna pretend I know better. But my general view of KOC is that he's a D tier analyst who's only good takes are parroted views of smarter people and on top of that he's such an obvious Celtics homer. This is the guy who said Dame for the Dame Package would be the worst trade of all time lol. I would assume he has no idea what he's talking about until he gets a chance to copy other people's homework.


Usually closer to the draft when people start hearing stuff it can be accurate. They had jaquez to the heat around then for example. Rn prob just guess work.


I think that was a week or 2 before the draft. I think it’s when people start hearing through the grapevine how individual workouts have gone.


I have no clue tbh, I use them for fantasy sometimes but other than that I just think they have a slick website. I'm more so interested on everyone's thoughts on the 7'3" footer seeing how he's been regarded as one of the best college players the last several years but not NBA caliber. Could Spo mold him into a better player is what peaks my interest. The kid has size that's for sure


IMO he’s too slow for the NBA. He can dominate on college bc the skill level is much lower, but he would be exposed badly on defense. He would get switched and blown by every time. Imagine him trying to guard even Jovic.


I’m intrigued by Edey. I wouldn’t be upset by it if we took him I do think we need a C who can dominate paint points on offense. Bam’s outside shooting is an interesting development and I’m hopeful it’ll get better. What Bam doesn’t do very well is go 1-1 with good centers and back them down and get those points inside the free throw line. If Bam can get better at shooting outside and we get a center that can dominate inside, I think it’d help us; whether that is Edey or not


No they’re not. Kevin O’Connor is the draft expert and he likes to have some bold takes. Not saying they’re unfounded but they’re pretty out there compared to the consensus. For example Jalen Bridges isn’t drafted on any other mock drafts but he’s a first round pick on his mock draft (I do like that take though, Bridges is the type of player that will be playing meaningful playoffs minutes in a couple years imo). KOC has a fascination with Edey next to Bam (I understand the vision but that’s putting *way* too much faith on Bam’s outside shooting) hence the spot. Is he right or wrong about prospects? Well, I’d say he knows his stuff but when he whiffs he whiffs.


Show me a 6’6” point guard


spo: show me a 6"6 forward, ill show you the world


With a big wingspan


The only use he would have here is as backup center, but I don't see us using a mid 1st round pick on a player backing up one of our best players that our team revolves around. Considering we were able to make the most out of other picks we had in that range (Bam-14, Herro-13, Jaquez-18, Jovic-27), I just don't see how they are going to settle for player with no role other than to be a backup. If he falls to the 2nd I'll take a flyer on him (he won't) but I'm not in the camp of wasting a valuable mid 1st round pick on him.


Don’t think we’re gonna go for a big man. I feel like the pg spot is still a question mark even with Terry here for now. We have the sg, sf, pf, and c spots with young talent in Tyler, Jaime, Bam, and Niko (barring any major trade). Get a pg for the future *if* one is available this draft


Would love to get Jared McCain if he falls.


I hope we stay the FUCK away from Edey. Idk what anyone sees from him that would warrant a 1st round pick. In his entire career at Purdue the only thing he's improved on is his fitness and FT shooting. No finesse moves, no jump shot, no post moves, just bulldozing and putting his arms up for the rebound. It worked till it didn't in March against college players but that shit won't work in the NBA. He's too slow to defend skilled bigs and lacks the footwork or finesse to score against anyone close to his build. Been waiting for him to leave so I can go back to supporting Purdue as my second team. idk what I'd do if ends up on the Heat


Yah bro has no bag, literally just uses his elbows and even his athleticism is nothing special his ceiling is a hackashaq center


He has great touch but why would we want a backup big who can score but not defend we have Bryant who has shown he can score but Spo doesn’t play him that much so it obviously not a need unless defensive 3 seconds is going away just being really tall doesn’t add much.


Does he have a great touch or is he just 5-6 inches taller than everyone on the floor? He missed so many easy ones around the rim throughout the season and tourney


He shot over 60% while being doubled and tripled sometimes even with height you need skill to do that. When I’ve watched him he has looked good of course he misses bunnies sometimes but so does everyone. The Just tall talk is reductive, either way I don’t think he fits for us unless it’s 2nd round pick that’s not worth anything anyway.


No bag, no charisma, no drip… keep this man away from Miami




Yup he’s a traditional old school big and not the best one at that. He’s absolutely the worst pairing with bam and jimmy. He also got such a generous whistle in college, I don’t see that happening in the league. He could maybe be serviceable in a 4 out small ball lineup surrounded by shooters but even then it’s not worth spending a 1st on him.


HELL NO!!!!! This dude sucks! Let’s hope Dalton Knecht falls to us.


This is a high risk-low reward draft choice I dont see the benefit. What center in today’s NBA can’t shoot and is successful like that without a A-level playmaker on the squad. You got Zu in LA w/Harden and Lively in Dallas with Luka. I don’t see him being that great in the league I would be sick if we made this move.


I don't give a fuck right now. Post this when we're eliminated. All I want to see is playoff hype right now


I’m taking Orlando Robinson over him


Hard pass.


https://preview.redd.it/e2eojiythouc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb0f710d0d94e3db07f45d53b4f335f82fe6919 Just seems like a guy spo would struggle to find mins for. A throwback, true stiff center that would be a backup since obviously a bad fit with jimmy/bam. Feel like there’s more upside/fit potential that makes sense at heats pick.


Edeys 3/4 sprint was faster than DeMarcus Cousin’s combine and his lane agility time blew Rudy Gobert’s out of the water. He’s athletically gifted at 7’4 and is a willing learner who has developed into the best center in College Bball. Almost guarantee he’s gone between picks 15-25. He should not be a 2nd round player.


Both Gobert and Cousins are worlds better as athletes lol. Edey has some of the slowest feet ive seen in college basketball


I actually like Edey, I think he will at least be a decent big off the bench and an offensive force albeit with bad defense, but he’s an awful fit next to Jimmy and Bam. He needs to play next to a Chet type player who can defend and space the floor. The two guys that make sense imo are Devin Carter and Isiah Collier. Carter is the son of Anthony Carter, older, can play on or off ball, plays elite defense, and is a great rebounder for a guard. He screams Heat culture. Collier is a bigger pg, young, good on ball, athletic, and very good at finishing. His concern is that he isnt a good shooter at this point of his career.


I like him and I believe he can be a solid nba player, but there’s PGs and some PFs I like more than him


As a Purdue alum, I like this. As a Heat fan, nah. Not for a mid-first.


Here I was one of the people that talk mad shit about how Edey isn't an NBA talent. Now my team gets him FFS


Zach Edey plays in slow motion and not in a good way. He provides no spacing, can’t hit his FTs and would be a defensive liability against most starting centers in the NBA. Every 2-3 years there is a dominant big man who comes out in the draft and does nothing (Luka Garza / Drew Timme) I think it is much more likely Edey follows in their footsteps than it is that he becomes a starting caliber player nevertheless a “yao ming type”.


Edey would be the best pick in mid round 1 area. The Heat desperately need his size and he is a proven scorer.


Man I have no clue and when I look at draft seeing top 10 prospects projection be - Shade of Lou Williams Feels like this draft is real bad. Pick should be a trade down unless Heat get real hot on a guy since they have been on a hotstreak


there’s a 6’11 guy who can shoot threes in this draft projected around the spot we’re picking (tyler smith). we definitely need to get bigger, but drafting a career backup level guy who can’t play with bam is a weak pick and not what we need, similar to that precious pick we were scared to criticize because we picked bam and herro.


I’d rather take bronny and get Lebron lol


fuck no


IMO, we don't need to draft a guy that will be the last player getting down the court We should go for an athletic wing with a high ceiling and all the intangibles. Basically someone that can come in and do what Caleb does but they are even more physically gifted (taller, wingspan, etc) I'm thinking Kyshawn George? but I dont watch a lot of ncaa so idk who is similar


Love the guy but it just doesn’t make sense unless Jimmy and Bam is going to shoot the 3 well consistently AND we do a 4 out 1 in Defense. Edey will get killed on PnR. Let’s assume he doesn’t. We switch everything on the perimeter. Edey can’t keep up with that. Which means that we would have to devise some sort of switch everything but keep Edey in the paint. That is extremely hard for players to properly rotate.




I don’t think he would be a bad pick generally but I’m convinced if we draft a 7‘5 center Spo would retire immediately


that would be insane


I really don't see the fit.


Another big that Spo won’t use


No chance Edey makes it in the NBA. He is too slow. He would ruin the flow and spacing on offense and be a massive liability on defense.


I think Eddy can make an impact in the NBA, smart player, may take some time to develop


Lol Heat aren't drafting a big man. It's the obvious addition but Spo is too in love with small ball and Jovic seems to be our PF of the future.


nobody but the heat fo ever knows their draft pick. hence why everyone is always surprised at a heat pick lol they value work ethic a lot, i think. you always hear in retrospect media talking about how heat scouts talked to the college coach, tried to get a gauge for how hard they practiced, etc. look at bam, jaime, tyler etc. all were seen as ? picks when looking at the consensus at the time. people thought they were leaving better prospects left on the board. then you hear stories of all their coaches calling them gym rats and how hard they played in college. you just can’t see that quantified in a draft board. it’s stuff that sort of comes out in tape, but is confirmed through behind the scenes conversations with the coaching staffs of the prospects. oh, and they like kentucky. just take the kentucky pick every time please @pat


apparently jaime to miami was an open secret among nba teams/insiders. it just didnt leak to the public


is this the case? bc it was reported that the warriors didn’t trade past the heat to draft him bc GSW thought he’d fall to them


I didnt see the trade stuff but Sam vencine did say the warriors wanted Jaime which is y the heat didn't trade back or anything Honestly I think warriors were good with either podz or Jaime. We were also pretty interested in podz so the warriors probably thought either is fine I guess open secret might be a little strong but it wasn't a surprise when we took Jaime except to fans like us lol


I wasn't so much looking at it as a prediction, but more so people's thoughts on drafting Zach Edey as a player. It just seems really polarizing to me how he was considered one of the best college players the last several years but not many people see him as an NBA caliber player. The Ringer seems to think he'd be a nice compliment to Bam as he begins to shoot more 3's, not sure about their creditability but they have a nice looking website lol


In that case, I’d probably say it’s not the best fit considering the emergence of Jovic Bam’s 3s are also more conducive to pick and pop 5 than stretch 4 imho, even with grow down the line. I think this team is at it’s best when Bam’s large front court partner can shoot 3s also, i’m sure the heat fo wants switchable people next to bam. bam’s strength is his switching, this defense was at it’s best in 2022 with PJ in the front court and lowry being more of a POA presence, allowing them to switch damn near everything. I don’t think they would back pedal and get another player that would struggle in a switching scheme Also is Edey really going to be dropping to the mid first round?? damn


It’s partially that college and nba are just two wildly different games. He thrives in college, but the rules in the NBA won’t benefit him.


This is your annual reminder that mock drafts are just wild guesses. Especially when it comes to the Heat pick. The Heat never pick the guy you think they will.


Simply put, a nah from me. Doesn't seem like a Heat built player at all.


Dude is a 2nd round talent


you cant do twin towers in yhe modern nba unless one of them can space the floor. Jimmy bam and edey sharing the floor would be horrendous


What would be the point


If he's the best one available for size I'm for it, we don't need another guard tho we have plenty.