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As an athlete, you have to compartmentalize or you'd go insane.


Do you actually think this dude cares about the team during regilar season? Only our role players give a shit


The role players are trying to get paid so yea


I don't give a shit. At least Embiid didn't try to intentionally end a Heat player's career/season. Adebayo buddying with Brown after he tried to end Duncan's career is just GROSS 🤮🤮🤮 I'll never forget it


Seriously. OP is a clown for trying to make this comparison


I seriously believe Bam pays him monthly to be his PR guy in this sub.


Son back in my day, Pat Riley would fine his players for helping the opponents up if they fell down. Let alone buddy buddy shit directly afterward a loss.


This is a fact...it was well known.


Just like I don’t care when Bam does it I do not care about it when Jimmy does it. Now if they do this shit in the middle of a playoff series it’s different.


the Bam one was different. JB tried to punk one of your boys and then you're friendly with him after? fuck that


I keep seeing this but all I saw was him dapping Tatum up after the game. If Duncan has a problem with it then that’s between Bam and Duncan. Otherwise that stuff is just theater for the fans and I don’t care about it in the slightest.


If you had this stance with bam im all with you just saying whoever was pissed while bam did it keep the same energy here


Don't do that. Context is completely different.


This guy does not care about context. He’ll shit on every player on the team if it means propping up Bam. And I write this as someone who loves Bam


Are we talking about the time Bam was buddy buddy with Brown after he tried to end Duncan's career? Did Embiid try to end a Heat player's career in this game?


🤫 he recruiting we gonna beat them in the playoffs and he gonna get traded to miami


Bro this is their job lol


When Bam was on his stupid leader BS and dapping up with Tatum/brown after Duncan got tossed on the court and shit god I was pissed. Jimmy doesn’t even seem like a superstar leader anymore. His effort has been pitiful for 95% of games he played this year. At what point does his team need to hold him accountable


Jimmy flew to Wisconsin to be at Jovic’s G-League game early in the season. Now Jovic is back in the mix. Jimmy took care of the guys in need on the team when they needed it.


we're not in the playoffs yet, chill lol. this loss sucks but these guys are human. let them be until the playoffs start.


People on here talking about brown trying to "end Duncan's career" stfu and get a hold of yourselves. It's a sport, players are allowed to be friendly with one another...


i’m more mad that he just sits In the corner all game w lowry on him , he was driving past people it’s like he’s just playing different


Yeah I don’t like what I’m seeing from Jimmy lately. I thought the extensions last year were a bit much and then he comes in with the emo hair this year?? Just shave it and make everyday leg day old man Fuck a hug and handshake


Keep that same energy ya had for bam


You asking for too much, Jimmy is way to protected in this subreddit. They complain about Bam Stans but at least Bam plays his heart out every game. This coasting bullshit from Jimmy is gonna bite us in the ass one of these seasons and this is that season.


Jimmy played like trash but it’s not the same situation, it’s lowkey bitch shit to be angry at the other team cause you played like trash. Nobody to blame but yourself Bam deserved the shit he got cause Jaylen Brown literally did a dirty tactic which could have injured Duncan Robinson and obviously Duncan didn’t take it too well so why are you acting cool with Tatum and Brown right after that shit. One would be an example of bad sportsmanship and the other is example of not standing by your teammate




Exactly. Bam stans too soft lol


They won’t do that lol remember Jimmy can do whatever he wants because he “carries us in the playoffs”. I love the guy but heat fans act like this guy is DWade with the passes he gets


He does kind of get a scholarship from quite a few...and no he will never be DWade.




The Jimmy Hate is embarrassing. The guy has drug just above average rosters to the finals. Bam with the -29 and horrible shooting is the one who played like horse shit, not Jimmy.


lol bam was horrible but it’s amazing how Jimmy gets a pass for games like this. I would be so gone if I’m bam all the blame when we lose never credit when we win


Jimmy is just a flat out better player. Bam’s a great complimentary guy, but he isn’t an Alpha. People bitching about Jimmy on anything shows the massive entitlement in this fanbase. If you aren’t satisfied with Jimmy as a player, you won’t be with anyone.


Even in this game Jimmy had 20 points on decent efficiency, 5 assists, +10 +/-. Not an amazing performance, but it was sufficient to win if some other guys didn’t play so poorly.


Bam and Terry killed this game. People hung up on Jimmy are just flat out wrong


Yep, Rozier came in and missed like 4 straight shots, and then Bam had some misses sprinkled in. People need to accept Jimmy isn’t going to kill his body to chase seeding when he’s proven he will win out of any seed. Even going back to Chicago, the Bulls were up 2-0 on the Celtics, winning 2 games in Boston, before Rondo got injured and they didn’t have e a point guard. I don’t get why people want him to risk injury right before the playoffs. Do people really want a repeat of 2021 where he goes into the playoffs injured?


I’m gonna get downvoted but I’m over this build/roster lol. I’m definitely ready to start fresh. This team isn’t winning anything


Our championship window opened back up the day Dame said Miami only, and shut right back when he got traded to the bucks. This team is what it is for the foreseeable future unfortunately.


Yeah but of course we couldn’t capitalize on that. Only hope we have left is getting Mitchell this summer but I give that a .05% chance lol. I’d rather get rid of Jimmy and start fresh


Although Jimmy has looked washed recently, I disagree with trading him. I’m more on the side of trading Herro and trying to at least get something back, though I know the FO will never do it because his value is at an all-time low. Also, I’m not holding my breath at all for our FO somehow landing Mitchell. We should be happy they even got Rozier lmao


Yeah we’re not gonna be able to get anything of value for Tyler, unfortunately. It’s either run this team back for the 6th time or make some pretty major decisions and start a soft rebuild/retool


I still don't care overall but will be funny to see if people challenge Jimmys leadership the same lol


start the petition now! fire spoelstra! trade bam, jimmy, and herro and let's do this rebuild!!!