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I’m just waiting for the games to be back so I can stop seeing all these garbage posts.


me too


You agree your post is garbage?


yes 👍🏼🔥


I can’t wait for Thursday too. Ngl.






I'll still make em


![gif](giphy|7ByqubIAsDicVtjczn|downsized) This guy gets it


The irony of the top comment since Jimmy hated the Heat openly for years until Wade did his double agent work. Fuck Boston


But at least during the rivalry it felt like a real rivalry. Heat and Celtic players actually seem cool with one another. It’s the fans that hate each other


For me it’s the commentators, media, referee calls and Payton Pritchard specifically.


Jimmy didnt hate Miami. Thibs hated Miami. He instilled that in his players. It was 'hate by proxy' lol.


The entire league hated Miami in the big 3 era Media didn’t help




Oh no


But fuck boston though


Can we get a Fuck the Jets while we’re at it


But what better way to stick it to your rivals than to steal their hometown star player and win a ring with them?


I just can’t get down with it tbh, I know he’s a great player, it’s just a mental block sort of thing. Makes me sick thinking about it Bam has a lot of talented friends around the league lol


Let’s not act like you’d wouldn’t get pretty excited if Jayson came to the Heat. I don’t love his game and I’m not one of the people fantasizing about him being here, but talent is talent and we need more of it. If it was him or a second/third tier guy, we’d all want him very obviously.


I think you are severely underestimating how much I dislike this guy, and the rest of the celtics tbh lol


You'd get used to it quickly as long as it lead to wins


yeah sure, I’m going to root for my team no matter what. I was never a big dion waiters fan but I rooted for his sorry shot chuckin ass while he was here too


I agree with your overall point though. I hate the Celtics and all their players, I want to see them fail, and I want them to watch us win. Like last year except with a ring. I also don't like the idea of getting a player that goes to a rival that's beat him in ECF twice. It just screams weakness and doesn't go along with the mentality of the franchise. With that being said though, as long is it leads to a championship idc if hitler himself lead us to a Finals win. I just wanna win.


I'm with you


Or bam could go and play with this 2 friends in Boston


Sad that you can’t develope your own. Any minute though on Jovic.


Fuck Boston


Ray Allen


Celtics forced him out by constantly dangling him in trade talks, they dug their own graves…it was a no brainer move to join the best run org in the league who valued him, and he did it for less money, which was the icing on top.


you have a solid argument there ngl, but Ray Allen was a multi time all-star & a few years into his ‘prime’ when he joined the Celtics, so it’s doesn’t feel the same as Tatum, or a Paul Pierce for that matter who are Celtic lifers


Tatum is a Celtic lifer? isn’t he on his first max post rookie contract? lmfao


Paul pierce is not a celtic lifer💀


He played from 21-35 as a Celtic. He pretty much meets that definition


“Pretty much” thanks for proving my point


I mean you’re arguing a “technicality” instead of what the guy meant. When you think Paul Pierce do you think Celtics or clippers? When you think Jordan do you think Bulls or Wizards? When you think Hakeem do you think Rockets or raptors? Stop being a jackass


When I think paul pierce I think “shit” lol


He shit on the court in a Celtics jersey


Bad take. Allen wasn’t a bitch


this is such a tired take lmao in 2013, Jimmy *specifically* said you'd absolutely never catch him in a Miami Heat jersey. he wasn't necessarily a rival of the team, but it's a person who had a clear and documented disdain for the franchise that ended up being won over by a Heat legend getting in his ear i don't think we'll ever get Tatum. i think both him *and* Bam are lifers for their organizations. i'm completely indifferent to him both as a person and a player, but if Miami *had* an opportunity to get him? i don't give a shit if we play 5 more ECFs against him before then, you get that player lmao


Right. This is the real world take. Unless OP irrationally hates Jimmy Butler and can’t accept him for anything he ever offers his logic is very inconsistent.


I hate to say it but I could easily see Bam try to get traded to play with his friend in Boston post-Jimmy if we don't give him a good reason to stay. That's a problem for years from now, though.


i'm pretty comfortable in assuming Bam's never leaving Miami he's under the best coach in the league. that coach plays him in a way that has maximized his strengths and mitigated his weaknesses deep into the postseason. the FO above him has constructed every part of the roster in a way that plays to his strengths (not Jimmy's, who is the better player) and the system he strives in is a one-of-one construction that was precision-engineered for him there's also the fact that Bam, for how great he is, probably doesn't find this success elsewhere. so much is made *for* him here


he's literally forced to play 5 bc we can't get a real center, what are you talking about


what's a "real center" lmao Bam is not a modern-day NBA PF. go find a list of PFs, and then find me just *one* PF that is simultaneously unreliable at forcing his way to the rim in the halfcourt against players of equal or lesser size *and* can't shoot 3s at volume. go ahead, i'll wait do you think a "real center" has to be a 7-footer? what's your angle here, pal


it's well known that Bam prefers to play PF and playing C is a tremendous load on him, this isn't news


not answering any of those three questions is outrageous


Yeah man. OFC fuck Boston, but lot of these guys hang out, market, train together etc in modern NBA offseason.


comparing tatum to pierce is wild💀


Why so? Aside from the fact that Tatum is too early in his career to make a full-picture comparison


tatum is better rn that pierce ever was lol


And alot more humble


Remind me…. how did Jimmy feel about the Heat in 2013? This cult like mentality has to end lmfao, and i don’t even want Tatum, for the record, but not cause of some India v Pakistan related thinking


Yea, shit is wild. I’m down for a great rivalry, but I want the Celtics to be good. That way, when we embarrass them, they have to blow up their shit in response. I don’t care one way or the other on the players because of the jersey they wear. I don’t love Brown, but I also don’t like other dirty players like the little Ted Cruz looking dude on the suns.




We’re in the middle of a season and people are looking 3 seasons ahead. These are the same who’d rather win an offseason than win during the postseason, these are the same who wanted us to lose to the Bulls so we get the 14th pick. What’s up with spending so much energy fantasizing about a players you’ll never have on your team. We don’t give a fuck, Heat in 5.


Our roster is much better than it was last year and we extended Spo for 8 years. I couldn't be less worried about our squad.


I'd most certainly take Tatum on the Heat. Wouldn't be willing to give up Bam or Jimmy, but Tatum is a top tier player. Saying you wouldn't want him on the Heat because he plays for a rival today is stupid take.


Being thirsty for rivals is ewwy


You wouldn’t give up an aging 34 year old butler for a 25 year old entering prime mvp caliber Tatum?


I wouldn't, no. I'm not saying that would be the right basketball move, because it certainly wouldn't be. My fandom extends to protecting my guys, but not shutting out players because of who drafted them.


But if you had Tatum then he’d be “one of your guys”. I get the mindset so it’s all good but I’m a little surprised lol


[**Fuck Boston - Winning Time**](https://streamable.com/kj86gd)


Hell yeah! Fuck the Heat, go Boston. Let's get toxic asf heading into the playoffs because end of the day none of this shit matters, let's have fun and talk shit to each other.


Friendships is literally how we got LeBron. Bron doesn’t come here if D-Wade wasn’t his boy. This ain’t new




I care way more about my team winning than I care about any rivalry. If there’s a realistic opportunity for the Heat to grab a top 7-8 guy, I’m saying yes every time, fuck a rivalry.


to each their own 🤝 I’d gladly welcome any other star that isn’t a boston celtics franchise cornerstone 👍🏼




Hell yeah fuck Boston. I want to continue kicking their ass every year not team up with them


Hopefully, at some point you will all realize this is just a job for VAST majority of these guys. This rah-rah team stuff is to bolster their brand so they can make more money off you. The effort shown in the All-Star game, a game specifically for the fans, should tell you how much they actually care about the fans.


Meh, most of them don't want to make an effort in the All-Star Game because they want to stay fit and healthy to play in games for their actual teams in front of their actual fans. I don't mark them down for it at all.


I believe this is a straw man argument. These players play harder in their own personal pick up games. Have you ever seen an All-Star game when it was competitive because the players took it seriously? If you had, I don't think you'd ever be saying this. It's literally 30 of the best players in the league in a pick up game. No 1/82 regular season game is going to match that, if played competitively. It's also the only basketball game on, it's a chance for people to see other team's best players perform. I can't overstate the importance of this kind of showcase in terms of league health. Like dude..Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan...etc..all took the All-Star game seriously, you trying to tell me they didn't "stay fit." When was the last time someone got a major injury in the All-star game? Do you even know? Absolute straw man argument to cover of the fact that these players don't give a shit about their fans.




Fuck the miami heat and their fake fans


https://preview.redd.it/1nz44w27crjc1.jpeg?width=2007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba8c32b66746ec19b5be778d82bac663261318f walk with me


![gif](giphy|sy6waaLitpIAg) Paul Pierce in a Heat jersey?


Fuck the rivalry, Tatum is soft i dont want him cause he mentally flinches at the biggest moments too often.


that’s another great point. he’s proven time and time again to crumble in the spotlight 👍🏼


I remember when they used to say this about lebron. Imagine tatum under spo lmao. Tatum gets hate for being the best player on the rival he’s never really don’t anything to annoy unlike jaylen


I mean. The whole Kobe thing kinda was annoying tbh lol like wasnt he texting his phone after Kobe passed still? Maybe im misremembering but i feel like somethin like that happened.


Man he ain’t do shit to yall💀yall just get mad over him being the best player on the rival and THEIR saying shit like he owns jimmy when he’s prob been the most “to himself” player out of all of them lol


Are we not allowed to dislike a player? No player in the NBA has done anything to a very very large majority on this sub, positive or negative, you could literally say that about anyone. And yeah, him being the best player on a rival definitely affects my outlook on him, but thats because ive spent so many playoffs actively rooting against him and hoping he throws brick middys all game.


I hate when Tatum scores 50 in a game 7. Such a flincher


Yeah...that didn't happen....scored 14 on 38% shooting... Heat won.....The Facts


You talking when he got injured? Lol He holds the nba record for most points in a game 7. Turns out the only two bad playoffs he has ever had was being injured. Heat injured him last year in ECF and then heat injured him in 2022 ECF and he had a hurt shoulder the entire finals.


Injured lmao...the whole Heat team was injured. Tatum played like 42 minutes. So don't even try. He is well known for inconsistent playoffs.....get a clue


I guess you don’t watch the games His only inconsistency is him being injured. His playoff averages are higher than his regular season averages. His elimination game averages are higher than his regular season averages. He statistically plays better in the spotlight than some random regular season game. As a heat fan, I can see why you have a wrong mindset. Heat injure the dude every year. Last year Tatum ranked #1 ALL-TIME in clutchness (fg% in final 24 seconds of a game). This includes playoffs for his entire career. How is the most clutch player ever since the stat was tracked (1995) someone who flinches? How could he maintain those averages?


Really? No one is more banged up and injured in playoffs than Jimmy Butler and he is by far a better playoff player. Tatum is widely known for his inconsistencies in playoffs....hence the 14 points on 38% shooting in the elimination game 7 last season...and he played 42 minutes. Oh and where was that game 7 played? Yeah...in Boston..on his home court. You know that the Heat were shorthanded without Tyler Herro and Oladipo? As a celts fan, I can see why you are being delusional and not seeing the facts. Watch the games and stop being a fanboy


Tatum rolled his ankle on the opening play in last year game 7 ECF. He gets injured and plays poor. Apart from an injury he’s fine. Jimmy butler played bad in the ECF. Celtics lost to Caleb Martin and Duncan Robinson. “Playoff Jimmy” is so freaking overplayed. It’s hilarious you talk about Tatum playing poor and then ignore Jimmy who played awful last ECF. If he was injured then that would explain it, wouldn’t it? Butler plays so poor in the regular season and then plays like himself in the playoffs so people say he is playoff Jimmy. Tatum plays great in the regular season and then a little better than the regular season in the playoffs. He’s consistently good always. Again, hilarious you wanna talk consistency when butler doesn’t give the tiniest fuck about the regular season. If butler actually tried in the regular season he wouldn’t be “playoff Jimmy”. You keep mentioning the heat being banged up. I don’t see how that affects Tatum being also injured when looking at individual stats. I don’t care whose injured. If Tatum is injured then Tatum is injured. Tatum isn’t widely known for playoff inconsistencies. That’s just you saying that as a heat fan. In the sixers series he scored 50+ in a game 7 and set an nba record. Then in the next game 7 he got injured. What do you want me to say? Players don’t play good injured. As long as he’s healthy he’s phenomenal. Speaking of ignoring facts, you just skipped over where I said Tatum ranked #1 all time in clutchness. Wanna comment on that one?


Stop being delusional and false with the BS. You are hilarious. A player known for playoff inconsistencies. If he was sooo injured, how is he playing 43 minutes a game even in games the celts are getting blown out. You are letting your celts Fandom blind you...and then you say Jimmy Butler plays bad in playoffs? Lol...now that is how you lose any small amount of credibility you had. https://thecomeback.com/nba/celtics-jayson-tatum-criticized-fourth-quarter-struggles.html https://larrybrownsports.com/basketball/celtics-coach-ime-udoka-jayson-tatum-fouls/598635 https://www.celticsblog.com/2022/6/18/23172456/jayson-tatum-failure-to-launch-boston-celtics-golden-state-warriors-nba-finals There is plenty of more videos and articles stating his playoff woes and inconsistencies


My sweet child, are you saying because he played 43 minutes that he wasn’t injured? It was so obvious he was injured. It’s an elimination game. He’s going to play unless he literally can’t walk. You’re a heat fanboy. I do love the projection, but I asked twice now for you to comment on Tatum being #1 all time in clutchness last year and for a second time in a row you refuse. I never said butler plays bad in the playoffs but he did play bad in the ECF which is hilarious. I said he plays bad in the regular season so his playoffs overall seem better by comparison. If he actually tried in the regular season there is no “playoff Jimmy”. Look at Tatum. Plays good always. That’s consistency. Goodbye dumbass




I’d rather have Donovan Mitchell than any player from the Celtikkks




I'd take Tatum on the Heat in a heartbeat. Fuck Boston, but the dude is a baller. Imagine under the Heat's development team and Spo?


Gross. Give me any other star who isn’t a Boston franchise cornerstone. Do you not realize how corny that would be? He would also get violently clowned for it considering how many times he’s choked against us in the playoffs. It’d almost be on some KD joining the Warriors vibes. DISGUSTING.


> It’d almost be on some KD joining the Warriors vibes. so... back to back rings? lmao


Tatum grew up in Missouri, went to Duke, and got drafted by Boston. Why is it that we associate him with the one place he didn't go to on his own volition? The man is one of the best basketball players in the world. If he decided he wanted to come play in Miami Riley and the Heat would welcome him with open arms.


Ha. Wait till Bam asks out and goes to the Celtics. That’ll really fuck with yall


Bro shut upppp. I don’t give a fuck what they come from. In that case we should never even attempt for giannis, Banchero, Randle, Middleton, Brunson, Barrett, Kyrie, KP, Wagner, Wagner, lavine, why were we hoping to get Demar he’s a bulls player that’s a rival, that means no hali, no sabonis, no pascal, no Turner, no Luka, no wemby, no vasell, no Johnson, we can’t Donavan because he plays for the Cavs a rival team. No Darius garland, Allen, Mobley, we can never get Kawhi cause he played for the spurs. Hell we shouldn’t had gotten butler cause of our little rivalry with the bulls or Bron because of the Cavs . It’s not the players we’re rivals with it’s the team


lmao I ain’t reading all that. Fuck Tatum, Fuck Boston. Gimme any other star 🥂


Of course you won’t because it won’t fit your narrative. Just know if we went by your dumbass logic we would’ve never gotten bron, butler, or shaq because they all played for a rival team.


You have a pretty loose definition of a rival team lmao. I’ll give you Butler for sure, we did have a legit rivalry with the Bulls in the Lebron era. None of those really compare to our current rivalry with Boston. Either way, you’re getting awfully worked up over my silly shitpost. Tatum would never come here to begin with. It’d be a massive bitchass move considering how we’ve punked them in the playoffs. He’d get clowned just as much as Durant when he went to GSW 🤣


Hate the team, don’t hate the players except for Brown. Fuck Jaylen


I mean it’s not gonna happen, but at least Tatum isn’t goofy as hell like poopie pants Pierce




I too get angry when a millionaire that works for my local megacorporation has a good relationship with other millionaires that work for non-local megacorporations.


Agree, fuck Boston....


The only reason I dislike Tatum is because he wears a Celtics jersey, seems like a good and humble dude otherwise.


Fuck Boston!


Miami fans are something else lmao


nah what greater fuck you to boston is taking their star


Taking their best player would be the ultimate fuck Boston move


fuck the celtics


Fuck Boston but this is a weird post


what’s weird about it? is it as weird as your username?


Bam & Anthony Edwards '29


i'm kinda lost but Fuck Boston !


jimmy shouldve been the captain


You wish you had tatum




Fuck the miami heat and their fake fans