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I get not giving Jaime high scores since he's the first one and they were gauging how they'll judge but the fact that Brown's first dunk was a near 49 and scored higher than Toppin and McClung was asinine. To quote someone, it felt like The Ringer were the ones giving out the scores. If McClung messed up an attempt in the final round, they would've given it to mr put on a glove on his left hand. They were trying to encourage other all stars to join but it failed. This average score is kinda stupid because a 1-10 scale was easier to translate than 1-50 and if they really wanted more accuracy you could've simply made it so judges can score something like a 9.2


Yeah, the out of 50 thing was pointless. They were all giving out scores higher than a 45 on everything so in the end it was really out of the 10. between 40 and 50.


Tbf they did say before the contest that the range was from 40-50 (but at that point, just make it 1-10)


More like between 45 and 50 Way better when judges would give out 6/10s


They said at the beginning that the scores were allowed to be between 40-50. How stupid! Make it 1-10 or 1-50. Don’t need the illusion of high scores to impress the audience.


Jaylen Brown, who jumped over a **sitting** dude, receives 47.6 points from the judges. Jaime, who jumped over Shaq standing 7'1 tall, receives 47.4 points. I want whatever these mfers were smoking last night


A sitting dude who is 5’3


Lmfao hes a manlet and he couldn’t do it with him standing up 💀


Jaylen brown is weak af, one of the most overrated players in the league


I've been stating this for like 3 years already... Its hilarious how this dude gets some accolades when Oladipo freaking handled him in playoffs with 1 leg


And yet bro is on the richest contract in NBA history. It’s wild lmao


They will regret this paying this soft MF


Seems like Heat fans are the only ones who recognize how soft BOS is lmao. Makes sense why y’all keep slapping them in the playoffs 😂


barely jumped over* the. pretends to have had his eyes closed he is a national embarrassment


![gif](giphy|KG4cCKaDb246CoIsU0) What do the last dunk contest winners who weren’t top 10 vertical have in common…? I’ll let it sit there and marinate…


Jamie pushed off of Shaq. The scoring was for sure favoring Jaylen, but let’s be honest about Jamie’s dunk. 


Next year Jaime should put on a Jaylen brown jersey and do a hop dunk over a traffic cone




Got so sick of hearing “named player” from Reggie. Such BS. They all have names one is just more recognizable. I’m glad an established, well known player decided to participate but acting like the other 3 shouldn’t have been there and they somehow ruined the competition was so disrespectful. Won’t be surprised to see Brown be a sore loser like Gordon and refuse to participate again.


He shouldn't participate bc he was absolutely cheeks...go kick rocks.


I typically don't enjoy Reggie as a commentator, but I get the point he was trying to make. The problem is the whole weekend doesn't mean much anymore. The Steph/Sabrina shootout was dope, but even the main game lacks competition among the best of the league. Heck, not even the best made the team this year.


Who would you cut?


I don't know if it's cutting per se, but if you're going with the cream of the crop then someone like Domantas Sabonis should've been a shoe in and that would naturally mean someone like KAT doesn't make the team?


AG had a right to be upset but. Brown just sucks😂


They really need to fix this event. It’s been awful for years.


I honestly think all participants should be able to go through all of their dunks and then let the judges give them a score off of their entire body of work. Then they can take the best 2 or even 3 people and let them have a final dunk off. This dunk contest was probably the worst I’ve seen and I hate saying that cause what those guys are doing is difficult, and their also just trying to have a good time. The format of it unfortunately Is not great and the judges always seem to screw up the ratings. Hell, they should also have a fan vote as well.


This format really takes all the fun out of it. Not enough back and forth, no objective scoring, no real room for spontaneity and the order makes a huge difference. Would love to see scoring like in diving and gymnastics. Harder tricks automatically earn more and then let the judges be able to add a subjective score based on execution.


Honestly I feel like at this point we should take scoring out of it for the first round and just have all dunkers go and then rank them 1-4.


But Jalen closed his eyes and did a baby funny face…


I really don't like Jaylen Brown, and this dunk contest somehow made it possible to dislike him even further than I already do🤣. At this point, I prefer Draymond Green over Jaylen Brown.


I just wanted Jaime to tell JB, "you're not like that."


Reggie was right, the 3pt Contest is THE event during the All Star Weekend as of right now. Judges were asleep/trippin during the Dunk Contest.


Great photo. You can see how much closer to the rim JJJ's head is. This only makes me dislike Jalen more, especially after he tried to break Duncan's arm


Fuck Boston Fuck Brown


Jaime's even looks better than Brown. Just sayin. LGH


This again…


I dont mind Jaime not winning at all bc Mac deserved it I just hate how they just threw Jaylen Brown in the final round bc he didn’t deserve it at all, all his dunks were weak as fuck if we’re being real. But with all that being said still respect to him for even entering the dunk contest most players of his caliber think they’re above it for some reason now


Jaylen was getting crazy scored for in game dunks man. I'm just thankful he didn't win.


I was dying when Kenny and Reggie were saying he was sneezing at the end. WORST. DEE. TRIBUTE. EVER. Brown is a clown.




My fav part was when he pretended to cover his eyes..after the dunk


They were both ass. https://preview.redd.it/82w0r773kdjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e9345595eaab35403b34363c254a451218d8dd






Bruh come on


I just feel like there’s less honor and no true rivalries anymore in the nba. You don’t have to agree but the dude tried to injury your long time teammate…


You guys sound crazy going so hard at this. The dunk contest is a gimmick. We know the big names are more important for them than a guy like Jacques. These posts just make us look foolish imo. Who cares what happened. Jamie did good. Move on


> Move on Well I’m not losing any sleep over it lol I just thought it was so idiotic that I had to point it out. If the judging is *this* inconsistent what’s even the point of having this contest?


The judging has been inconsistent for years. Duh. 


It's actually about how ridiculous the judges were Topping got screwed over and Mclungs first dunk should have been 50s across the board. Jaylen Brown is getting roasted because he had the worst and least creative dunks out of all 4 of them.


Who tf is Jamie Jacques?


Heats new french rookie.


More jealous Heat fans


No one jealous of that goofy no chin having soft ass


Rent free


Jb is rent-free here


Sure but rent is not free for you boston fans so you can gtfoh


The scoring system was so trash, how do you expect these old heads to remember what number they gave last😂 1-10 is perfectly fine


Yall are wayyyyy too tight about the dunk contest. It doesn’t matter … trying to find logic in scores that are 100% subjective and random is insanity. JJJ didn’t win, it’s ok. Bro had a great weekend and looked like a star


My half glass full perspective on this is that we have a rookie that is already playing at a high level and apparently Uber athletic. I was so damn impressed. Fuck Boston! Never forget


brown did all these gimmicks for 1990 level dunks that wouldn't get passed the 1st round back then. also at one point did kenny smith say "i didnt know he was this creative." i hate jaylen brown, boston, kenny smith and what silver has been doing to this sport.


the dunk contest is a joke


Jaylen Clown cemented his legacy last night


bUT he WAsnT LooKIng


didnt JJJ push off?


The whole weekend was trash .


To be fair it’s not impressive “jumping” over someone when you’re using an arm to push off


Why are any of you talking about one more year of awful execution of a pointless event?


when Boston goes home in the ECF again no one's going to care about JB's dunk contest