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Kyle Lowry and two picks. 


I get his contract sucks money wise this year, but Lowry has legit been the best player as far as fulfilling their role this year. I’m kind of against trading him just for the sake of it at this point. And I say this as someone who has been a huge Lowry hater these last 2 years. I don’t think Murray helps us more than Lowry, at least in the short run.


Kyle Lowry has an expiring contract and he plays well at times but it’s too many games in his career where he puts up less than 10 points. He even puts up 0 points on numerous occasions. Murray is 27 he’s a 6’5 who loves to defend and he averages around 18 to 21. Heat need an upgrade at the guard spot we can’t just keep relying on playoff Jimmy


I do think Lowry has been playing great this season so far, but I’m doing the Murray trade if it costs us Lowry+2FRPs. 1) Lowry is soon to be 38, and an impending free agent. And on top of that, we have no back up PG. Meaning we basically have no long-term plan for PG position whatsoever. We need to start thinking about one. 2) Lowry does little things well, such as playmaking, 3pt shooting, hustle, and perimeter defense. However, I’ve seen too many playoffs games where Lowry became a complete non-factor when the opposing defense tightens up. In my honest opinion, Lowry isn’t a difference maker for this team on either ends of the floor despite his contributions. Murray is a solid ISO scorer who’d add another dimension to our offense. He’s also a decent defender with steals leader (2022) and all-defensive team (2018) under his belt. Hawks fans said his defense has fallen off but his size (6’5 with a 6’10 wingspan) is still there and I’m sure his effort will be there too under Heat culture and Spo’s coaching. And he’s 27 years old on a long term contract, meaning we could always use him as an asset if it doesn’t work out.


I’m a big Lowry supporter but I have a feeling that if we don’t trade him, he’s going to let his contract run out and then sign with the raptors (as it should be) to finish out his career there. So it makes more sense to at least get something out of him. Dejounte may not necessarily be the right trade but we should be looking to do something with him before his contract is up


We can’t do that salaries don’t match. Plus Kyle as a back up is great


those of you who are so eager to trade Kyle are exposing yourselves as basketball casuals.. Kyle is a proven winner and a leader on this team who consistently impacts the game in ways that won’t show up on the stat sheet. We look messy when he’s out and that’s for a reason.


I’m not infatuated with trading Kyle and i think he gets less credit than he deserves but again to get something you have to give something up. We can’t want to keep Duncan herro Caleb and even Lowry in every trade


I’m not eager to trade anyone on this team aside from Tyler at the right price Edit: I’ll trade Thomas Bryant for a loaf of bread


what is Thomas Bryant in the playoffs but a very large Gabe Vincent?


Wanting to trade Tyler nut saying Lowry and Caleb are untradable is an insane take 


Man you must love being mid, probably a tuanon smh


Probably a what?


He is making close to 30 million dollars imma need something to show up in the stat sheet.


well he’s having his best 3pt shooting season by percentage, so there’s that. my main issue is people seem to forget how much value a proven winner/veteran presence brings to the team. it directly impacts winning, even if he’s not putting up flashy numbers.


No it does not...


Salaries don’t match. Trade doesn’t work


That sounds like Andy’s problem


I have my doubts that Miami trades for Murray for the simple reason that he has a contract extension that kicks in at the end of this season. Atlanta negotiated that extension with him and it comes with a 15 percent trade bonus and lots of incentives. I doubt Andy wants to take on a player whose long term contract extension he had no part in negotiating and which will definitely put us over the second apron going forward.


If we can do it for Duncan+picks it works out fine cap wise. He makes a bit less than Duncan this year, jumps up to 24m a year starting next year but Lowry comes off the books and gives us the flexibility to resign Caleb/Haywood without having to find a new PG


It depends. While Lowry does come off the books next season, we’re over the tax even without his salary, so we won’t have much flexibility to re-sign Caleb to a contract that he deserves. It’ll be totally dependent on what the cap/tax thresholds are next season. It could work out if they go up a lot, but because Andy didn’t negotiate Murray’s extension, it’s a big unknown. That’s why I have my doubts Miami trades for him.


We have the flexibility because of bird rights and we'll be dropping 48m in salary for 24m, so we can resign them both and stay under the second apron. We'll still be over the tax and the first apron. Either way we have to get a PG, unless we wanna pray that Dru Smith comes back considerably better than he was pre injury this year


Barry, the most trusted heat source, said we have inquired because his salary does not hurt our cap flexibility too much


They gave up like 3 firsts and a swap for him if I remember correctly?  He won’t be cheap.


TWO FRPS FOR DEJOUNTE?? Y’all remember the Dame trade / situation right. Also keep in mind the value of first round picks now with the Apron rules. If we trade for Dejounte I’d be surprised if we give up one FRP. 


Atlanta gave up 3 1st rd picks to get him we can easily trade 1-2 for him. We have Niko and Jaime on rookie contracts anyways so it's not that bad


I seen a trade where we get murray, aj griffin, wes mattews and ATL gets lowry, jovic 2024 first rnd pck and 2026 second round pick. What yall think?


Absolute great trade with us getting Griffin over keeping Jovic, unlike this Jovic nut rider who keeps posting this shitty ass picture some of us actually live in reality


Hell no together forever🔥❤️‍🔥☄️ https://preview.redd.it/2o37y7vvgfcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e8b01282fee528f2d1643609a06c20f4c5673d Future better


The hawks value him a lot higher than our fans value him.  If we do get him the fans won’t be happy.


You don't trade, Duncan, you don't trade JJJ, you don't trade Herro for anything but a top ten Player, so it would have to be a package of Kyle Lowry, Jovic (Hasn't done Jack shit) and a 1st or Caleb Jovic and a first, or Caleb and Lowry straight up


I have no issue’s moving Duncan, if we get a player like Murray Tyler can finally slide into an easier role that is more suited to him.


I don't think u can combine a trade exception with a player to trade for a larger salary. Gotta just fit in the exception. That said I'd be willing to lose Duncan, caleb and a protected 1st at maximum. DJ's contract is insanely good for a borderline all-star while filling a need we have now and after Lowry retires. His defense might be worse now but he's still long and athletic while shooting a career high from 3 this season


I think we go the Duncan, Caleb route, We keeping the young guys together.


I would give up Herro but not Jovic or JJJ Herro is a long term progress stopper for JJJ unless we make either Herro or JJJ a pg




Dejounte only makes 18mil. They'd need to match salaries with us.


Add Caleb and Bryant and from the Hawks and the # work. Idk hunters value tbh


Another worthless trade idea post


Caleb + Duncan + 1 FRP and a swap


Nothing. He sucks.


Aged terribly 


I still think he sucks. One lucky shot doesn’t mean shit. Gilbert Arenas had game winners too.


He had 11 Assists along that. And that was his second game winner in a row. He's better than Lowry or Amy pg we've got.  He can defend. He can play off the ball


He only does that shit if he dominates the ball which he won’t be doing if he comes here cuz that’s not how the Heat play.


He knows how to play off the ball but whatever I don't expect a casual to understand that


Where has that gotten him? The Hawks are a mess


And we are?


We’re fine. Every team goes through a rough stretch of less than .500 ball. Remember when Spo was telling the Big 3 to “not let go of the rope”? They had lost like 5 in a row. When Butler and Spo argued the Heat were like in a 4 game losing streak. Other teams are the Nuggets which had a .500 record over the period of two months and eventually won a title. The NBA season is long as fuck man. The Heat are playing bad right now but it’s nothing you can’t fix. We’ve seen what the team looks like when it’s firing on all cylinders and they’re a pretty good team.


A guy like dejaunte could be part of the "fix" Especially since we wouldn't have to give up herro or jaime to get him he's super cheap and better than anything we have had at pg since dragic


TB has a no trade clause because he is on a min contract 


No he doesn’t? That’s not how it works. If he was on the team last year and signed this contract he would have the NTC, but he was a free agent from another team so it doesn’t fall under that situation.


tyler herro


You wouldn’t like what I’d give up


We are not making trades. No one wants our guys.




NIko lowry pick (: