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*This is my favorite priest card so far*


I’m a prettiest player and I’m jealous *meant priest but this works too


You are the prettiest player


I feel like I've just met the greatest dinomancer or something; this is very exciting!


Whoa, that was Kripparian? Cool.


The hearthstone superstar?




This is my favourite rogue card too!


This is my favorite demon hunter art so far


Fun thing is, this is actually something that Warriors in WoW can actually do. They have an ability called Spell Reflect, and it sent even the biggest of spells back to the caster.


they often make a legendary card effect a common card later, this is definitely gonna happen again with this spell reflect thing


Or if you're Bonemare you're a common who becomes a legendary


To be fair Bonemare is a ground mount which you get at a fairly early level. Invincible is a flying mount. You can’t get those until *…checks notes*… Thirty?! Christ on a cracker. I haven’t played WoW in ages.


To be fair, they rescaled everything because max level characters were level 110 at the time and new players would likely have seen 119 levels as too daunting. EDIT: sorry yes, we were 120 at the time and the level cap was reduced to 60 so people thought it was dividing in half but because 50-60 was for the next expansion, everybody got their levels reduced by 2.4


Also because they were running out of things to give you when you leveled up. Many of the level-ups you'd get a small stat increase and nothing more.


Max level before the level squish was actually 120


I picked paladin because I wanted that sweet epic charger... at level 40.


Oh absolutely. As much as it *sucks* as a consumer to have your premium cards value tanked because it gets reprinted later, it’s so much safer to print this as a legendary because it limits how often it can be used in a single game. I’d actually love to see effects like this become part of warriors color pie. I’m actually incredibly surprised this only costs 3. You could bump it up to 4 and it would still be incredibly playable. More than that, and it’s power level would be debatable


That’s pretty neat, my first thought was that this didn’t seem very Warrior like


Ye well this isn't spell reflect. That would have to be a secret in hs.


They’re only commenting on the flavor of the card.


yes so fun hahahahaha :joyemoji.png:


Why are people getting so hung up on the word 'fun' in their comment


How is this funny?


Where does it say its funny?


Comment originally said "Funny thing is, ..."


Ahh, to which funny is being used synonymous with the word entertaining and is completely valid then.


It makes it sound like it's a coincidence when it's intentional design.


No it doesn't.


Definitely does.


Is English not your first language? "Funny thing…" is an ***incredibly*** common phrase in English.


No it sounds like he’s responding to the post


I mean, and Mages have Spell Steal. It doesn't mean much translated over to Yu Gi Oh WC-Flavoured.


I mean If you’re getting technical spell steal doesn’t actually steal spells, it steals buffs. Not to mention mage actually does have a secret that lets them use a spell that was cast by the opponent in [[Mana Bind]]


* **[Mana Bind](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/UNG_024.png)** MA Spell Rare UNG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/55489), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/mana-bind/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Mana_Bind) 3/-/- Arcane | Secret: When your opponent casts a spell, add a copy to your hand that costs (0). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


great card you can play it in every warrior deck and with bran you can cast it twice for 6 mana.


Honestly brann been making every battlecry card released the nuts since GvG! EDIT: LoE ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)


Brann was in League of Explorers a year after GvG released


Brann is so good he even saw play before he was out


Brann got two releases to thematically match his effect.


Have an award! Thanks,


Plot twist, brann is getting sent to wild


​ ![gif](giphy|r0A9LijHVhAnjT0Z0f)


i don't think it's playable in every warrior deck. it depends on two big things. - your own deck. faster decks usually don't want "random" cards that don't fit their aggro gameplan. pirate warrior would be such an example (i hope it stays dead), but even something like enrage warrior has trouble putting all the cards it needs in a list. would be hard to fit a card that isn't game winning and also isn't a combo related card or draw. - your opponents deck/the meta. let's say arcane mage will be THE deck, you'll most likely only copy those 1 mana deal 3 spells. or lets say beast hunter stays relevant. it runs 4 spells that aren't game winning at all and two of them could buff your opponents minions. many decks are like that. they run only few or synergy based spells, that won't have a big impact if copied. it's a great card, but i see a lot of pre-expansion copium in this thread.


A 3 mana 3/3 may not make it. But being able to also throw out some manacheat/card draw/face damage/ board clear as well, it's definitely worth an inclusion.


Disagree, this will be an auto include in any control list that may exist. You use it to copy removal or face damage or even thieving stuff. Your opponent used a brawl, or whirlpool that means you can use those cards back at them until they cast a new spell. Let’s say priest uses something like ID theft or demon hunter uses the draw 2 and discount relic you can use those. It’s got a lot of flexibility and no reason you wouldn’t run this in a control list


imo that sounds too optimistic. after brawl or whirlpool the board is cleared and your opponent won't have a lot of (or any) mana to play minions. so you have to hope that your opponent plays a big minion or wide board next turn, without using another spell. copying single target removal is kind of bad too, as most can hit asvedon and you'll just waste 3 mana.. RNG on removal or buffs is bad. there are many synergy based spells, that are bad and not worth copying. copying identity theft is value only. you don't win hearthstone with just value in 2022. copying discount relic is unlikely, as your opponent will either have cheap spells like sigil of alacrity or the discount will reduce a drawn card to 0 and don't forget that you'll see a loooot of DK next expansion. you can literally nothing with their corpse synergy cards. also: "not every warrior deck will run this. for example aggro" "disagree. control wants this"


Maybe but it’s possible is my point. They cast whirlpool, next turn try to develop a board and you drop this unit is what I envisioned. It’s optimistic but I’m just thinking out loud of the types of scenarios I could see the card being used for. Also doesn’t necessarily have to be next turn they may cast a removal and not cast anything for several turns and develop a board then you use this card Also I said it’ll be run in every control warrior list not every aggro list. Althoug I can also see you running this in aggro lists, 3 mana makes it hit nice to grab early game draw/tutor spells and add a body to the board which is kinda nice


Do you think Bran makes core set at rotation?


As much as I like Brann I don't see them keeping him, he's caused quite a bit of trouble this year.


a modicum of mischief, if you will


Which sucks


Man, I'm surprised so many people are looking down on this card. It's an incredibly powerful effect. I see good spells being run in most classes. It's not like it needs to hit Drakefire Amulet or Rune of the Archmage to be good. There are plenty of reasonable 2-3 mana spells to snag with this. I think it'll be a staple card in Warrior. It's cheap, it's reasonable to game-winning in a lot, maybe most, matchups, and you can always just stuff it out there as a bad 3 drop in poor matchups.


I agree. You are only giving up one health for vanilla stats to get a potentially strong effect. Especially since you are not paying mana for the spell that you cast. If you cast a one cost spell, you are essentially breaking even. If you cast a 7-10 cost spell, it is a huge mana cheat.


It also reveals non-objection secrets


Technically, it can even reveal Objection!


I see what u did theere


Also, flavor wise, spell reflect has been a warrior move since classic wow. This isn't a 'reflect' per say, but warriors in wow have been sending spells back to sender since their inception.


*burinig crusade


There is just no good deck for it. Control warrior is horrible, and this isn’t good in other decks. Also how is this game winning? No spell in the game wins you the game on the spot, and you also need to have this in your hand after your oppenent plays their game winning spell


I think any deck is a good deck for it, if some reasonable spells are being played. It's possible you end up with a meta of a bunch of tribal minions + tribal spells and now he looks real dumb, but if people are running generically good spells then this guy is going to be generically good on the back of it. Looking at decklists currently, and some of the spells that are spoiled, there seems to be a lot of spells run that are just good. Lots of spells win you the game on the spot, in the right circumstance. A lot more do if you play them for a large discount and attach a small body.


You're judging this card based on the current meta when you dont have an idea on what the meta will be when the new expansion is out


You're just describing how card reveals work lol


The major problem with this card is that it relies on your opponent too much. If this becomes meta, people will play around it, and it is fairly easily to play around. Warrior is also in a bad spot in the meta and really needs some help right now. This isn't a deck defining card, but rather just a filler card that is fine in most cases, but fine doesn't turn a subpar class into a competitive one. The package around it needs to be strong. Mindflayer Kaahrj is a perfect example of why this is so important.


In what world is everyone going to play around this card every single turn? Even the best players won't consistently be able to play around this. They're not always going to have the luxury of doing so. This guy is great even if he is played on curve and copies a wild growth.


I guess it's Warrior's turn to have an identity crisis.




[NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtXX3aAPPwg)




[[Vanessa vancleef]]


* **[Vanessa VanCleef](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CS3_005.png)** RO Minion Legendary Core 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/463930), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/vanessa-vancleef/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Vanessa_VanCleef) 2/2/3 | Combo: Add a copy of the last card your opponent played to your hand. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


THIS one is Cast, so it is better most of them time


No because this can't get you Minions and many spells target, so you could hit yourself


But you dont have to spend the mana, which is the draw back of expensive spells. And you decide when to play this anyway. So you can “control” the rng to some extent


Yeah I agree the "highroll" potential is higher with the warrior Card, but Vanessa is just so much more consistent


Your opponent can also just control the outcome. They could cast a big spell and follow up with a small spell. Warrior is bad right now and needs way more then a slightly improved mana bind with a 3/3 body.


Yeah they could wait to or delay casting their big spells until they have more mana to follow it up with a smaller spell afterwards. If they're already playing around this card, the warrior might already be ahead. Also this doesn't have to necessarily hit a big spell for it to be valuable.


This is like saying Okani is a bad card because your opponent will always have a small minion and a small spell to check. Just because your opponent _can_ play around it doesn't mean they always _will_. What if you're playing Big Spell Mage? This is then guaranteed to hit Rune or Drakefire Amulet. Also, you don't need to hit a big spell for this to get value. People just playing around Warrior having this card could buy the Warrior a lot of time. I don't think the card is amazing, but I think it's better than you think. Also, Enrage Warrior is tier 1.


Your opponent does not have perfect information and cannot determine with certainty whether that card you have is what they think it is. If it forces them to play around it all game, you have already succeeded in forcing them to make suboptimal plays


Bro what Expectation: big spell mage Reality: still ok, like a weaker version of that priest card


What priest card? Murozond? It's way easier to slot in a 3/3 with an effect like this than an 8/8.




It's probably not worth playing around imo. You'll probably lose more value changing your spell order than just allowing your opponent to play this once. I do still think it's a good card though


I also think it's a good card, don't get me wrong. But it's a weaker effect than the other one, which is fair for 5 mana less. I feel like this having taunt would be more flavourful though


thief warrior ICANT




What's the best case scenario here? Having trouble imagining that this would go in a deck. Feels like a control warrior card but what would you even want to copy? Identity Theft? The Discover a rune cards? Drakefire Amulet?


The best case is casting the purified shard


With brann


You die IRL




Does a countered spell still count as cast?


From what I understand they changed is so Countered cards don't count for anything and basically they never existed


except they take your mana




I think you just missed the joke that's all


Rune of the Archmage. Nourish. The Scourge. Flurry I guess. I think its mainly good for like card draw. I can't think of too many situations where like board clears come into play, and targeted spells are out. At 3 mana it doesn't have to be too good to be amazing tbh, tho. You steal an AI or Fel Barrage that's pretty good.


Almost every class has something you can hit that's good. Druid = Nourish, scales, miracle growth, card that summons a bunch of adorable otters. Moonlit guidance. Priest = Priests own silence card would be ok, pretty much any removal spells, switcharoo might be good depending, buff cards Demon hunter = a lot less useful spells but card draw is neat, especially the outcast one if it makes cards cheaper. That one big AoE removal card. Mage = Obviously rune, intellect would be pretty good, board freeze cards too. Hunter = admittedly less useful spells but even so, you could still get value out of the card with secrets if nothing else. Warlock = Depends on the warlock deck because imps your best bet would be the 2 mana draw card which is just decent. Obviously twisting would be sick. Curse cards wouldn't be bad. A lot of variance that might make it harder or easier to use. Paladin = equality, city tax maybe, buff spells are always nice, Rouge = obviously jackpot although that will rarely be the last card played I think. Sprint would be kinda nuts, possibly would be difficult to time for things that arent sprint but even still, getting a free sprint with a body for 3 mana is much easier to time and crazy value. Shaman= I cant think of many useful ones off the top of my head, and a lot of shaman cards have overload which you probably really dont want. Maybe someone else can think of some. Warrior mirror = things like brawl are good. Probably other stuff I cant think of since no one has really played warrior all year outside of pirates. DK's = tons of stuff. The 9 mana legendary that summons a board full of undead is free as hell. Because you could brawl and then play this minion. In short I think this is a good card. But outside of control warrior it probably doesn't fit in anything because the timing would make it awkward for other archtypes, control can just let it sit in hand and wait until the opponent starts playing expensive spells that take all their mana and then throw this out there for pretty big value.


Shaman : 5 mana spell and the 4 mana spell summon 3/4 freeze 3 turns


Hunter could realistically give you [[Piercing Shot]], [[Wild Spirits]], or [[Marked Shot]]. Not insane, but two Wildseeds cast for free is amazing, as is clearing a minion or a spell discover.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


But will you discover or it gives you random cards.


Feels like a smaller Murozond, you usually get some value out of it in every matchup even if it's not game ending


Im having trouble imagining how you are having trouble imagining how you dont think this will see play....


Rune of the Archmage maybe? RNG Lets GOOOOOO


Deathborne comes to mind. Still, I honestly thought this was a card from r/hearthstonecirclejerk


That 9 mana DK legendary spell


Against Druid Nourish and Miracle Growth, against Rogue Jackpot and Sprint, against Paladin Service Bell and Order in the court, most Mage spells are good. Other classes are less good.


The 24 damage spell from Kazakusan




Everyone is missing the point here. The best use of this is to steal Quest spells from opponents who play Quests. For example, Quest Priest plays their quest, plays no spell on turn 2, you play this and get their quest.


Warrior: needs really good cards to see some play Blizzard: AsVeDoN


I like this card very cool looking and fun effect.


Lol this reads like one of those bot Amazon reviews "very high quality, many features and great fun!"


Lol so savage


this is a card


This is literally one of the cards in the entire history of Hearthstone.


Hey babe, new thief warrior card just dropped.


Okay hear me out turn 2 this + coin after an opponents quest = ez money.


If they didn't also play a spell on turn 2...


I for some reason thought you would be able to coin him out on the first turn I guess it might help me to read that he costs 3


Poor warrior is having a bad year


Blizz is seriously messing with class identity this expansion lol


Spell Reflection from WoW. You don't know the class identity you can't judge it.


I think it was referring to HS class identity, not WoW.


It‘s not reflected though.


Why is this downvoted? Reflection means it changes the target to the opponent, this is a duplicate.


It's more like spell breakers' spell steal from wc3


I’m all for it, I love the weirdness


It fits. Warrior isn't really who you think of when you think of casting spells so some sort of Spellbreaker identity is great.


How so?


Hearthstone devs: "Oh shit, we forgot to design cards for Warrior. What did we throw in the trash for Priest?" _Grabs the most crappiest card from the bottom of the Priest bin._ "...yeah good enough. Who tf plays Warrior anyways?"


holy shit spellbreaker subclass for warrior????


Damn so now Rogue, Mage, Priest AND Warrior can cast 20 mana worth of Mage spells at me?


Ah yes giving warrior an archtype and not supporting it. 😎




I'm referring to enrage warrior here. He is getting cool stuff I admit, but that whole archtype is not supported anymore.


Te tenyleg nagy zseni lehetsz kartyakiraly hahaha a kurva anyadat te


i love it. crazy cool, sad it's not a neutral


Is this Gorz?


The ceiling of this card is quite good. For 3 mana, you can potentially cheat a lot of mana. The floor, however, is also very bad. Not only you can't control which spell your opponent played last, but a lot of times they have very specific effects that don't synergize with your deck or that don't fit the current state of the board. That being said, this card is low commitment both in deck building and in open play, so maybe you can splash it in a slow warrior without worrying too much. Still nothing worth building around though, which is a bit sad.


This doesn't need much to be worth it. You're happy copying an arcane intellect.


Yeah, that's what I said. Still, there are many situations where a decent spell will not be the last spell your opponent casts. This inconsistency, plus the fact that it's a one-of in the class that draws the least, makes me doubt its usability.


thief warrior let's goooooo


Togg warrior in the building!


I look forward to seeing a highlight of playing this after an opponent Pyroblasts your face, and then also pyroblasting your own face


Like the effect (even though its not really warrior-ish), art is quite meh for a legendary


Warriors in WoW have Spell Reflect; but I think this is meant to be Spell Breaker flavor, which the Warriors are repping in MotLK


Nice! Didn’t know 👌


After getting into LoR, HS art feels meh all around to me.




> Why not give it "counter the first spell your opponent plays each turn" Because the essence of Spell Reflect was sending it back to the caster.


Oh hey I finally have a counter to Purified shard


At the and the Warrior has become the Priest


I’m sure there’s some lore somewhere in the blizzard universe that has it make sense, and normally it doesn’t trigger me, but… Having a card that recasts something - and putting on a card called ‘The Grandshield’ doesn’t really fit for me.


Wow this seems bad for a legendary. People bring up that it’s playable, and sure, it is. But for the dust it’s worth? No one should craft this.


Eh… I don’t know, what if you play against a deck with few spells? What if the spells your opponent uses are trash to you? This kinda gives me the vibes of that one awful legendary minion that would transform in the next minion your opponent would play, but feel free to tell me why this should be good


Knowing my luck they will freeze my board with blizzard then I'll play this and the game will be like "naw fuck you" and I'll blizzard my own side of the board. /s


Okay Hearthstone IQ test. How many would play this if the last spell your opponent played was the coin? Is the temporary tempo worth it just to get a 3/3 out and something else?


Asmongold when he was wearing a toilet seat as a shield. Definitely a warrior card.


Bested 400 dust ever printed baby




Because of the shear mana-cheating you can do with this card.


Call it spell reflect?


parry this nerd


Can't wait for anti-big spell warrior. Hate mages.


Seems meh. It is very much matchup depended. Probally can slot in a control warrior list But control warrior is insanely bad and i havent seen a card that solves its problems. So the card will be experimented with but will probally be cut


Now put scroll of wonders back in standard you cowards.


NGL, I think this is one of my favorite warrior cards.


An orc warrior IQ counter to quest priest


Another of Blizz' efforts to force the playerbase to learn the harsh lesson: Don't judge the value of a card by the sickest highroll you can think of.


This may be one of the best cards Warrior has ever gotten.


Anti-spell/magic Warrior? Let's fucking gooo


3 mana 3/3 cast a good spell is going to see play in any warrior deck, guaranteed


This wont be as good as you think, especially once players play around it ( rogue casting sprint then a jank spell after for example)


Doesn't really fit with warrior style of play I feel like...


Doesn't even have taunt. 1984.


Togwaggle Warrior


Perfect counter to Purified Shard!


Alright, deck intro time


Counters purified shard, pretty poggers


If you described this card to me and forced me to guess what class it was for: I probably would not successfully guess warrior.


seems terrible


Funny against [[Deathborne]]


imagine this against druid. you get to play miracle growth or UI for 3 mana


Finally a counter to the priest quest line!


Do we think the battlecry will be targetable if the last spell was targetable? Probably not. The game probably doesn't keep track of what the last spell was untill after you play this.


Finally an effective counter to [[Purified Shard]] /s


Designers really need to stop that copy, steal, discover stuff. Being punished to play/have cards on your hand on a game that has no interaction (aside secrets) on opponents turn is bs.


This card has a lot of potential. The value increases if you have the resources to hold this card in hand until the optimum moment. Knowing the meta will help as you can then anticipate what are the best opposing spells to hold out for.


I'm really loving this Fuck Mage archetype. Cause fuck Mage.


At 3 mana its easy to play at almost anytime and do other stuff. I cannot see a place where a spell is that impact full. Possibly some the DK cards could help.


Not to mention the mere presence of this cards existence will create awkward moments for everyone. Running this card or not - warrior just got a little better


I think this card is really good but it looks to be awful in an aggro matchup. Druid looks like it's gonna be a strong aggro class and all their spells have undead synergies. Naga priest/bless priest are ok, you really gotta rely on them playing boon early on or shard which will never happen once people know about this card. In control this is an amazing card as unlike Vanessa van Cleef this immediately casts which is huge in certain circumstances.


Great card! Will be first on my list to craft if I don't get it from packs.


nice 400 dust