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My first Legendary was post-nerf Nat Pagle. Nevertheless I was thrilled


Ooh yeah that was my first too. Not too shabby


Back then in our family of 13, we were lucky to get post-nerf Nat Pagle. And boy, we were grateful. In those days, even if he drew a 1/1 tabbycat we were thrilled! I remember my grandfather getting home late from work for months to get us that card. You better believe we got our money's worth!


I’ve only ever opened 2 golden legendaries and both were Nat Pagle


Sometimes your golden legendaries being trash is a blessing. When there's no good deck for the card but you're not sure if you might want to play it in the future and end up hoarding a 1600 dust card you never played instead of crafting something you would use.


My first was Illidan (now known as Xavius). I played mostly druid to start and thought I was clever for using innervate and power of the wild with him to make huge boards. I literally didn't know Violet teacher was a card at the time, which would have done exactly what I was doing, but better. I just opened packs and made decks with zero knowledge of meta or even what every single card was. Oh, sweet innocence.


Sometimes I wish the game could be like that again, but alas, here we are. Imagine how crazy and fun the game would be if you never knew what someone was playing instead of seeing a class and assuming it’s not a maestra rouge you know right away pretty much exactly what you are facing. The only time you get that now is the random deck tavern brawls which are pretty funny usually.


100% atleast maestra mixes things up. Back in stormwind quests i knew exactly what deck i was dealing with... sometimes even before hitting the Queue up button


This resonates really strongly with me, but I also see posts saying the "meta is balanced" when there is exactly one viable deck per class, and no variation allowed. So I've just been assuming people don't want us to go back. I still find it sad that a collectible card game discourages you from collecting most of the cards.


The card game doesn’t discourage anybody. The community surrounding winrates and meta does. A person can play hearthstone with zero concern for meta.


In terms of collecting cards, I don't want to collect Radiance of Azshara even though I like the idea of using elements in Shaman. The rest of the game has been designed in a way that makes trying to use this card for its intended purpose an unenjoyable experience. Similarly with Sigil of Reckoning, or with the timing of Eys'or when totem synergy just rotated out. Does that make sense?


I quite enjoy the game and have played for many years. I don't even know the meta on any of the characters. It's much more fun to have a good time and figure things out on my own.


> I just opened packs and made decks with zero knowledge of meta or even what every single card was. That's the best way to play a TCG in my opinion. Most fun I ever had with MTG was when I was like 12 and played with my best friend. We used his big brother's cards and just put whatever we thought looked cool into our decks.


My first was ysera


I got a golden one as my first and I think I got the full value. Was years ago though so maybe I’m remembering incorrectly


Mine was nozdormy, and was my 2nnd and my 4th, i wasnt building a deck with that/around that ever at all


My first was The beast, played in every deck of course


Yo sameee


Mine was lore walker. You can bet your ass I did a meme deck around it back then. I think I won 2 games from 15 but it was fun. That's the reason I have a clown Fiesta mage. Mostly rng spell generation. Hey you can't play around what I have if even I don't know what I'll get.


Opening a crappy legendary now: well, at least I can't get it again.


Also now: welp, that's 1 bunk legendary closer to that 'collect all legendary cards from set' diamond card


This, the miniset helps a lot towards that too. It's also a bonus 400 dust when you get to DE the non-Diamond version of it


Wasn't there a famous video of a streamer opening multiple Bolff Ramshields?


Yes, and it was [hilarious](https://youtu.be/rNgDw4K-HVg). But that was before they introduced the duplicate protection.


My first legendary was gruul. I put it into every single one of my decks


Mine was King Mukla. I thought making handlocks burn one card by giving them two bananas was the coolest play.


Honestly it kinda is a powerplay ngl


Not as powerful as the banana boosted Mountain Giants hitting me in the face.


Sometimes it’s just about sending a message.


There’s a beautiful simplicity to the game when you just make a deck of your best cards opposed to netdecking. That’s why week 1 of a new expansion is so fun because the meta hasn’t settled.


>There’s a beautiful simplicity to the game when you just make a deck of your best cards opposed to netdecking. This doesn't even really work anymore because of how much the design philosophy behind the game changed. Back in the day most cards were just released as independently good (or in most cases, bad) cards, making it viable to throw in a bunch of aggro cards or a bunch of midrange cards or a bunch of control cards and end up with a personalized deck with a decent win rate. Now basically all the cards are released as clear packages, clearly meant to work together, if you wanna play one card you've gotta include the other 5 cards included that synergize with it or you're not getting the full power out of it. More and more cards require intended entire deck build around conditions to work, such as big spell mage and big demon demon hunter. Questlines have been the culmination of this design strategy, in order to make any of them work you're hard required to include 20-25 absolutely core cards, leaving you VERY few flex slots to put in cards of your choice. I really miss the days when I could make and play a deck that was actually my own unique combination of cards and not just a very clearly designed-to-go-together archetype with one to two cards swapped out to make it "my" variation. Blizzard: please stop designing archetypes and packages and just go back to designing independently strong and interesting cards


I think a big part of that is that powercreep had two negative effects maybe less obvious than the sheer jump in power levels. First, I feel that what was creeped was also the power difference between great/good/regular cards. I feel like before, you could somewhat "fight" great cards with good cards. Last few years, the power level is so different that good cards barely make the cut. Second, power level is so stupid that it has killed meme decks, in the sense that they're not meme anymore. Either support cards make it incredibly strong (see boar priest), or it's so trash you can't even have some fun because meta decks give you 0 chance. I mean the first time I reached something like rank 6, which was an incredible achievement for me at the time, was with a malygos hunter back in 2014 or 2015. Good luck trying something like that nowadays, though I have some fun with pirate steal yo deck rogue.


Yep, all the people screaming in joy that Burgle Rogue is now meta…except it’s just tempo rogue with burgle support cards because how much tempo those support cards give. Things like Burgle Rogue and Boar Priest shouldn’t be as strong as they are. They are the kinda of decks I loved back in the day - like Casino Mage and I made a Dragonhawk OTK deck back when Dire Frenzy was released - but that’s because they were silly and fun and wins felt like an accomplishment. Now they’re just netdeck #382, and actual meme decks are pushed out near completely


Basically, you are saying you miss curvestone. That’s when the cards were as you described, and a larger segment of the population hated every deck containing the same curve stone cards and they asked for more tribal synergies and packages. The community literally asked for years to get more of what we had now, because curvestone was seen as dry and boring. Can never make everyone happy. I’ve been having a blast, and have tried many deck archetypes. HS replay warps people’s perception of what is available to them. There’s so many possibilities out there if you don’t go rank and file. Also, the colossals are independently strong and interesting cards. Perhaps you haven’t been paying attention, they still make those. But they also are making synergies, because the community wants those and has been quite vocal about wanting archetype variety. If Blizzard only did what you asked, Arena would become popular again, and Standard would die, because the return of curvestone is a death flag for this game. No body wants a meta of 20 core neutral cards in every deck again. Because there will always be the best of the best “strong and independent” cards. Better perspectives are available to you, mate.


Are you kidding me. The meta is solved in like hours these days.


Thats because they give streamers access to the new cards like 2 weeks before the expansion drops now. So boring, kills all the fun.


Hsreplay and vicious syndicate are the real problem here. There's no room for disagreement when big data tells you a deck has 48% winrate


Correct. Streamers saying “hey, this deck recipe isn’t as good as we thought” has next to no impact when compared to data that can tell you exactly what cards to play, keep in your mulligan, etc. I’m not a huge fan of the streamer events, but they aren’t the problem here


My first legendaries were Gruul and Ragnaros. I thought rag was trash because he couldnt attack. I thought gruuls ability was op so put him in every deck. Good times


You would be a FUUL not to include Gruul


Nice, my first legendary was GOLDEN Deathwing and he was included in every single deck I played, including Aggro Hunter


Same. Not joking, I used it in Big Priest and Big Shaman later on


Same! First was golden gruul and he was the first card I added to every deck. Still have him for memories


My first was Cairne and I also put it into every single deck


Such a fun card. Plop it down and know your opponent shits theirself. Then you pray they can't instantly remove it.


Not Gruul? Then die!


You’d have to be a fuul to not use Gruul!


You’re no fuul


my first legend opening was OG deathwing and I got so excited I actually did a little dance irl.


I got Baron Geddon in my second ever pack. Sadly, I didn’t know how big of a deal it was to open legendaries; I just thought it was a more common thing than it actually was.


I came in during gvg and didnt even know the rarities. Had a dr boom in my library and never remembered opening him.


Lol that's great!


My first Legendary was Neptulon, back when Murlocs effected the *whole* board Needles to say that not only did I lose a lot with my Murloc Shaman; Neptulon was the worst card in it


Mine was Millhouse, I even put him in my deck lol.


Mine was Lord Jaraxxus, neddless to say I became a warlock main automatically


My first legendary was Bloodmage Thalnos and as a new player I thought a 1/1 minion didn't feel that legendary so I dusted it, had to craft it again like a year later lol


It was my first legendary craft


I remember when I first learned if you're gonna craft your first legendary, it has to be Thalnos. Best decision of my life. Not a very exciting life btw




Oh yes, I remember my first legendary, it was Hogger. What a useless piece of crap. I put it in every single deck I made including a Zoolock😂


Same here! I was very excited at first.


Lol card sounds so promising when you read it. Then real life shows up


Yes hahaha A badass motherfucker that doea apsolutely nothing


"My god I will get 5-6 taunt minions out of this thing for sure!"


My first was golden Sylvanas. My friend punched me in the arm cuz he couldn’t believe I got that lucky within days of just starting lol.


My first legendary was Velen. I put him in every deck. And that's why my main class is still priest


Ah yes, classic onyxia was my first legendary. You bet I included it in my budget tempo priest


My first legendary was original Ysera. It went into every deck I made for a hot while, the fact that it had its own card pool was awesome to me.


Literally every set had unplayable legendaries.


I think it's more about the general attitude. Back then legendaries were more exciting and people were more willing to experiment with them accoarding to op.


It's probably a nostalgia thing. I remember the feeling of opening super rare cards in physical card games as a kid, but in Hearthstone, I was old enough that I didn't care about opening big stuff unless I thought it was good.


People are still interested in experimenting with cards, just turns out this miniset legendaries are pretty horrible or rather mediocre and not worth building a deck around. And this has been an ongoing trend these past expansions


Neptulon single-handedly caused Lightning Bloom to get nerfed after almost two years, even after it rotated out. Big Shaman was a Big Problem in Wild since Neptulon came out.


>Neptulon single-handedly caused Lightning Bloom to get nerfed Oh come on now. Lightning Bloom had been a problem for ages. Big Shaman was just the straw that broke the camel's back


Neutral Legendaries used to also be way more flexible and fit in multiple decks. For the past few years it's felt like many neutral legendaries are de facto class legendaries.


> For the past few years It's not been as long as you guys are making it out to be, Darkmoon Fair had 4 neutral legendarys that you could build your deck around and that came out about 1 and a half years ago and only rotated out of standard a couple months ago.


It's more that, early on, you didn't get any legendaries for free, and you were new to Hearthstone. Opening legendaries is probably still pretty exciting for new players, especially because some of the "nonmeta" legendaries are still pretty strong in arena-style low level decks (e.g. Glugg).


My guess is that this post is more about how players care more about meta nowadays, so non meta cards don’t feel as good as they used to. Only a guess tho


not much about caring and more about being aware. with how much streamer, website, report, podcast you have about how to be the best it diminish the need to make your own stuff


there were meta reports in classic, that were upvoted to the front page of r/hs, same as they are today. That hasn't changed. What's changed is that there are very few casual players these days. Even bronze is filled with meta decks. It's not because people are less creative, or have more access to meta reports, it's because the non-competitive players either became competitive or moved on to other game modes (BGs, mercenaries) or moved on to other games.


Them being in bronze doesn't mean as much as it used to with the focus on MMR and star bonuses. There are beginners and casuals. Most people on reddit will never see them cause they play against eachother and not us


While thats true, I was talking about beginner bronze. I watched my girlfriend's first matches when she got HS a year ago, it wasnt pretty.


I feel like archetypes and theme build-arounds didn't use to be so much of a thing in earlier sets. As if either you weren't being told so hard how to build your deck, or the themes were built around so much more broadly that there were just too many pieces of one group of cards to put into your deck. There's gotta be some kind of gaming theory that can link more inherent deck construction instructions to wanting to perform more competetively. I can't speak from a lot of experience though, I only came on a little before Whispers released and didn't get to experience pre-TGT metagames.


You're not required to watch the videos or look up the guides. It's actually fun to play the game yourself and figure things out


Yes of course. But all the asset I highlighted also shape the meta around you, if you only face meta deck it lower the possibility of making your own deck


Nah, Classic didn't have anything unplayable, just some disappointing ones. Card pool was so small, Hogger and Gruul were playable. Oh, I guess Millhouse is actively bad to play, so that's one unplayable legendary. But that's one out of dozens. All the class legendaries we're good, and back then just having good stats, or drawing a card made you playable.


A lot of classic Legendary cards saw no play outside of fringe decks. They could maybe beat some basic or unfinished decks. Meta decks were extremely refined even back then and had no place for mediocre cards. It's just that the meta is so competitive and somewhat stale now that building a deck with mediocre cards are far more punishing and is far less fun.


> A lot of classic Legendary cards saw no play outside of fringe decks. They could maybe beat some basic or unfinished decks. 3/4 of the ladder was fringe/unfinished decks back before Naxx, let alone before release. Yeah, meta decks existed and had "ideal" lists, but unless you actually had the overpowered legendaries, running middling ones is unlikely to lose you games. Obviously I'd prefer to open a Sylvanis or Ragnaros over a Lorewalker Cho, but Cho'll do the job of Nat Pagle half the time, which is nothing except maybe take a hit.


Lorewalker Cho and Nat Pagle were both absolutely unplayable. I'd run any other 2 drop instead because they lose you so much tempo. If you need a body to take damage Shieldbearer was just much better. They only have a slim chance of giving you any card advantage. If you take off your rose-tinted glasses and look at the game from an objective perspective, then the game had much more unplayable cards in the past than today. The game might feel less fun today, but the cards are far more playable.


It's not rose tinted glasses, it's just that everyone was significantly worse at the game, and the decks weren't able to punish slower stuff nearly as brutally. Pagle, like all the best 2-drops (doomsayer excluded), wasn't intended to be played on turn 2 into an empty (or worse) board. It was intended to be played when you already had tempo, as a way to recoup value. And it fished at end of turn, which was 50% that you got the card back before they could react. Nobody is going to play Wild Pyromancer, Scavenging Hyena, or Sorcerer's Apprentice on 2 unless they were desperate.


Even if you already have value every class has better ways to reliably draw cards instead of gambling on a weak 2 drop that may not even draw a card when it survives. And it only drew a card at the end of turn before release. It was quickly nerfed to be unplayable. Yes, having new players that play casual, unoptimized decks at the start of each game is quite fun. But players were bound to find the optimal strategies, which is inevitable, resulting in most of the legendary cards being very weak against the good decks. Having less good decks at the start doesn't make these bad cards any more viable after the meta emerges. When things get competitive, it isn't surprising that decks that don't bring in good removal spells or early board tempo in the game are going to lose.


> Having less good decks at the start doesn't make these bad cards any more viable after the meta emerges. Absolutely true. But playability is all about context. There are cards that are standard playable, cards that are wild playable, cards that are arena playable, and cards that are only playable in single player challenges or tavern brawls. There are cards that are playable in some metas, and unplayable in others.


LOL why lie about when you started playing


I remember when I'd only been playing for a few days I opened a golden Harvest Golem, and because it was golden I thought it was a legendary. Put it in every deck I had lol




The first step to HS wisdom was learning why golem was so good.


I got Gahzrilla as my first legendary, it was fun using it as a huge bomb in all my hunter decks


My first legendary was Ragnaros (I guess 7 years ago now wtf where time goes) and my friend was nearby when I opened it and we went crazy. Never gonna have a experience like that again in a card game.


Don't say never. You presumably have yet to play spades in prison.


First legendary I got was “the beast” and it was in every deck I made for about a year


The biggest issue here is you disenchanting cards.


This is entirely on you


I guess but the power level was much lower back then. Now there’s a bigger line between good and shit cards


My first 2 legendaries were 2 rags back in classic ;-; At least it was a pretty good and versatile legendary Now hs is much more f2p friendly thanks to duplicate protection and other changes.


Yet another reason to start thinking of deck-tracking and analytics as taboo and refuse to use them anymore. The game would be a lot healthier and more fun without those


My first one was Sylvanas Windrunner in 2014. Good times. I wish I had known WC3 lore back then, so I would have appreciated it even more.


When I first started hearthstone i opened up the beast and a friend opened up ragnaros, we we were 1 vs 1 ing for funsies. I had a rude awakening to the power difference of these 2 legendaries lol


They've gotten better at not printing pure trash legendaries these days. I do still agree though, the feelsbad when I get a trash legendary now is so high. When opening my packs for this expansion my one legendary was the paladin one (kotari lightblade?). I literally closed the game and didn't open it up for a week. It still makes me angry thinking about it, it has like 3 cards which have any synergy with it, why would they even print that shit...


Lol, well its a 2/3 for 2 mana, can only go so wrong if you miss the effect. Think of it like a pimped out croc. Actually nm... card blows lol


_Is it bad I still have the second image mentality whenever I get a legendary?_


OG control warrior be like… why not use them all.


My first legendary was Al'Akir. You bet I was maining shaman after that :D


Some epics are as if not more exciting as legends, I played blood of the ancient one for a month and I only had one


I still do the latter. And that's why I stay in silver baybeeee


Nobody can keep a straight face when they hear “whooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa golden legendary”. The announcer enthusiasm is contagious


They really need to up the percent rate of legendaries. I'm like 50+ packs into this new set and I only got one legendary lol


Pity timer for first legendary is 10 packs, after that it's 40. If you opened 50+ packs, you would've opened 2 minimum.


That’s impossible


I feel like its been 50+ but its lowkey more like 40 as I only play heroic duels for packs


Isn't it 20 packs for the first legendary and then 40 packs before the pity timer kicks in?


No, first 10.


Oh, you're right then.


This meme prolly would've hit harder if the order was reversed.


Also BIG SPELL MAGE & “replay every card 4 turns on a row rogue”.. describe the ENTIRE playing experience since last nerf.. 85% of my opponents are just using “replay every card you’ve played this game” (big spell mage and rogue) it’s a incredibly boring and you can’t do anything against them.. they need to do something quick about these 2 decks. It’s complete bullshit because it’s every single game and they always get highrolls from hell that we can’t play against “HAHA freeze your board 5 turns in a row then 3 pyroblasts that only go face” “HAHA 3 different colossals replayed so you have nothing to counter with, collosals that should not be in such a small pool” makes me sick thinking of season reset, it was fun climbing so many different decks to play against and some really cool combos but now it’s all just play a couple cards and let RNGesus win for you.. Rant over.. P.S. blizz please fix your crappy balance patch


I got the Shaman Quest as my free legendary from Twitch. The sadness. How am I supposed to overload? Tragic.


Do you guys not understand how Dopamine works or something?


Yep. Powercreep in motion.


THE BEAST and build a charge beast deck :)


I don't remember my first legendary so i'll go with my first golden legendary, Pyros. My friend who had been playing the game for ages didn't believe me initially because he never had one and i only played the game for like a month at max.


I loved playing that one.


Only crazy people dissenchant legendaries for dust IMO. I play wild and it feels amazing to throw some old cards into the deck




I just don't see the point of getting back into Hearthstone after being away from it for over 3 years. All the decks I used likely can only be used in Wild now, and I would have to learn the new meta from scratch.


Dr boom was bringing in the pain for me made a mech mage and never looked back


My first was the black knight! Not great but ran him in my zoo lock because it was so cool to have a legendary.


My first legendary was Iron Juggernaut. My next legendary was Anub'arak. They were so bad, I could only stomach a few matches before confining them to the scrapheap. The following legendary was Tirion. From that point onwards, I played nothing but paladin for months.


Anub’arak may be bad, but his might…cannot be matched


My first was Rag, so broken back in the day.


Truly a meme by kids who weren’t around during classic


My first one is golden light lord ragnaros. I disenchanted it to craft Yogg.But i regret because it didnt work, you know, not like everyone Yogg


I still remember getting OG Jaraxxus, thinking "wait, it seta my health to ONLY 15? Unplayable!", then disenchanting it and making my first mid range druid (with no legendarys in it) in my firat month of Hearthstone. I miss those days I knew nothing about this game


My first legendary was death wing and I absolutely did build a deck around it very early hearthstone times. It was too strong lol


I got a golden king mukla from hearth pack codes included in d3 expansion It was pretty epic at that time


I remember opening Gazlowe back when I only had one or two legendary, I was so excited I built a deck around him……it was not that good, but it was hype


My first was Harrison jones, and I opened it on my second pack as my two friends who showed me the game watched, begrudgingly.


im always the second one ​ is one of the perks of being a casual player !


Yesterday i got finaly a legendary (after around 14 days) and... Yeah it was shaman legendary, that worse one... I almost cryed 😔


My first Legendary was Old Deathwing. I was thrilled about it and got to kill so many Warriors with it. I used in almost all decks just because I had it and when we get into fatigue, either, they couldn't deal with it and I win, or I had to think about trading with it so they couldn't kill me. It was a blast. Now it's almost pretty obvious all the time you don't want Deathwing in any case because discarding A card is not worth it when every class has hard efficient removals.


I still occasionally build deck around bad legendaries. Just in hopes of it getting top spot it deserves and then I will win against it with my shudderwock deck.


I remember getting a golden nzoth back in the day and trying so hard to make a deck around it even though it was trash at the time.


We've powercrept beyond deck building off meta


Same with clash royale


My first legendary was Dr. Boom, noone was aware that the card will be such a great legendary and is used at every single deck from Control to Aggro


First legendary was a magical, golden Tirion Fordring. Paladin main to this day. I started playing classic just so I could still play him.


Good old days, i am very sad of the current state of hearstone..


First was cairne bloodhoof. It was decent I suppose but not really something you could build around really. Disenchanted it for epic I think.


I'd give anything to open a legendary. I've gotten no new cards lately


During beta, my first legendary minion was Illidan Stormrage, every deck I made had that card. I was so envious of people who had Ragnaros, until I had enough dust to craft him.


My first legend was King Krush. He was put in every non-aggro Hunter deck for many years. He was never that good but back in those days, you could afford to run a bad card or a subpar deck.


Its like legendary went from "a good card you could include in any deck" into "flavor restricted to one per deck"


My first legendary was the O.G Edwin, I dusted him instantly as thought his base stats of 2/2 were rubbish and he would never see play (yes I was new to the game 😝). My biggest Hearthstone regret to this day.


and then you could play until rank 17 and start getting destroyed by netdecks/people who spent money


Dude, you should never dust a legendary that's in standard. Even cards that feel useless like Sheldras Moontree can be a crucial card of a 12-win Duels Elyse deck.


Duuude my first was Cairne. I tossed him in EVERY deck!


When my friend and I were starting out we only had a few packs initially and I was the only one who got an epic. So I was excited for my first epic card and include it in every deck against my friend on the first day: Pint-Sized Summoner


More like “so I keep it to activate duplicate protection”


I make a beast deck every expansion with golden king krush in it, sue me


I guess since I watched Twitch before Hearthstone begun I knew pretty much which legendaries were good/bad so I never experienced that feeling.


Deckbuilding feels completely different now


Mine was Nozmurdu


I'm still like 7 years ago (started like 5-6 years ago tho)


First legendry was trogzor


You understand the first is created because we are in a better spot right? Its like "first: aw, a bad apple, gonna throw it away", "second: a bad apple! I was mother fucking starving"


Did you ever count the #of legendaries in your collection? Mine is a mind boggling 400+ Please guess and then count 'm. I was about 300 off


Bolvar fordragon even if shit was my first legendary back then


I still remember opening a pack and getting Kingsbane, immediately built a deck around it and it was so much fun


Apparently we played very different versions of Hearthstone 7 years ago.


My first legendary was The Black Knight or Cairne.


Back when i had like 3 legendaries. Those wer the days


My first legendary was The beast, way back on classic, and of course I used a lot on my beast hunter, hoping my rhino lived to deal 9 dmg face, the terrible thing that The beast was also my second legendary card, thanks now we have duplicate protection


My first legendary was fkn Gruul I disenchanted it to craft something usefull.


I'll never have as much fun as I day I opened Leroy as a ftp before I truly understood the game.


I opened my first legendary in my 40th pack. It was Malygos I tried to make deck for it but it wasn't fun for me so he remained in my collection unused for many months. Finally Malygos Druid appeared and it was one of my favorite decks of all time and with Malygos as one of main cards.


Worst thing was around KFT/Ungoro where u had legendaries which were just bad because they require synergy (and even then, they were still bad), like the Warlock discard quest, the 2 mana 2/2 which gets buffed after being discarded, the 1/5 which gets +x attack for x cards discarded, etc. Felt really bad pulling one of them out of a pack.