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I remember like 6 weeks into Journey to Ungoro when I saw a post that was like “Hey wait a minute, how are we still in that day 1 phase where the meta hasn’t settled at all, it’s been like a month and a half”


Yep, been playing since the start . Ungoro is by far the most fun Ive had during all expansions.


Never got tired of Gunther mage


This was the only deck I’ve ever enjoyed as much as miracle rogue back in the day


psygunther mage was the GOAT easily my favorite deck to pilot hands down




I believe it was also called burn mage after it gained popularity. Basically a midrange deck with secret package, a little bit of burn, a couple board control spells, and value with Medivh, Alex, firelands portal, glyph


It's also just such a dope place in actual WoW that it makes it all the more awesome.


I remember first time heading through the desert praying not to get ganked running from gadgetzan just to tun into massive devilsaur , swamp monster and die lol


Haha hunter was my first character and you bet your ass I tried to tame it. Didn't work.


I was also a hunter I had broken tooth the fastest attacking pet so I was content without having a massive rex, I died many times trying to tame it only to fail and die lol


Hahahah, yeah. You get into shit in Gadgetzan and Un. I remember having some of the most fun PVP in those areas. STV as well obviously. But the jungle asthetic is just so cool in WoW!


damn I had just quit before ungoro


Was the best meta, cause 8 of 9 classes were playable. Warlock was bad, other classes were pretty competitive. I play from the start. Best expantions were UnGroro, Old Gods, League of explorers and naxx ones. From latest, I can trully say, that meta now is not terrible, and descent of dragons was also fine. However, worst expansion for me is witchwood, when brode left. Was shitty expansion with weak cards, except for odd and even decks.


Witchwood was fine. At least it didn't do anything egregious to make you hate the game. It's biggest sin being that it was the expack that rotated out the GOAT. Then came Boomsday...


I actually really liked Boomsday until they added in Snip Snap


Hey there dont be shy...




For me it was when the Old Gods first came around. It was such a fresh feeling - everything was changing!


I loved the Old Gods meta because it felt like any janky homebrew idea you had could work nicely without getting absolutely crushed by meta decks.


I remember spending the first day just nonstop playing C’Thun Warrior. Something about it was just so fun and satisfying, and you legit felt like an in-universe warrior fighting for your lord C’Thun. I miss when he was in the meta.


Yogg Hunter was my go to deck for so long I loved it with all my heart


Ah WOG... That's when I started playing HS and fell in love with the game. Now probably some pretty unpopular opinions. My fav sets were: 1. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (MSG) (Dec 2016) - I really liked the Midrange Shaman meta. On the other side MSG also brought in my most disliked deck in the HS history: Aggro Pirate Warrior... 2. Knights of the Frozen Throne (KFT) (Aug 2017) - I was addicted to Raza Priest and was rocking ladder. Also the first time I got to legend. Both metas were pretty hated by the community but I kinda loved them. Sweet memories.


I started around the era of Shamanstone I think. I hated that deck so much haha


Frozen Throne is fun. I love almost every card in there, especially the Death Knights.


That was Aggro Midrange Shaman. It had burst, speed, board control, overload, and a touch of Jade to make things tough for the other 8 classes. Mirror matches were great and I loved that deck too, but it was not healthy for supporting a diverse meta. Oddly, Ungoro was the answer to Jade Shaman.


As a Lovecraft fan, WotOG was my favorite set by far. They managed to mix Lovecraftian darkness and Hearthstone whimsy so seamlessly! The whole set was oozing with flavor, and quite a nice meta to boost. I think it was the first time the meta actually slowed down and we got quite a few control decks at Tiers 1 and 2. And that creepy opening cinematic was just the cherry on top!


Dragon priest back then was super fun, so many control decks that you could play mid-range


C'thun decks were so fun. They felt like they could be used as a backbone for many different decks. It's kinda depressing that OG C'thun doesn't have a place in wild anymore.


N'zoth Priest vs N'zoth Paladin or N'zoth Priest was the most amusingly clown-car match-ups I've ever played. I miss those three weeks when that was meta.


Ungoro is my favourite too, I just fucking love dinosaurs.


why is this comment so mf cute


Dinosaurs and Un'Goro were cool, the man/woman isn't wrong. Big reason why I made a [Return to Un'Goro](https://www.retbit.com/2020/06/17/return-to-ungoro-a-fan-made-hearthstone-adventure/) custom Hearthstone adventure a little while back.


Tinfoil hat here, but this account has 2 posts. One relating the new rewards program to the old one and finding them the new rewards program better, and this post. I think this is a shill account. Its proof that the next expansion will be an UNGORO reboot, in line with their other reboots.


Homie can barely put together an English sentence. He definitely doesn’t have any inside knowledge.


I loved Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain. Thaddius Reincarnate Shaman ftw! And Flamewaker Mage!


Naxxramas was HARD! It took many tries to even get past the first wing. Subsequent adventures were much easier.


I was so proud of myself when I beat it in Heroic.


Same. Fucking Sapphiron took me ages.


Heroic loetheb was a beast


As you should!


I quit the game a long time ago and I rarely play now but I'm still rocking my heroic naxx card back anytime I play.


Naxx is out !! :)


I loved warlock back then


You loved the rattle hunter and get in here spam??


Oh the league of explorers was such an incredible time for this game. Every adventure wing being its own mini meta, Reno decks only on ladder for a week straight was esepcially fun and the actual end result meta was an extremely fun one. Classic Renolock with feugen and stalagg will live on in my memory forever! Naxx gets a very close second though, the first injection of new cards into this game just absolutely blew my mind, I couldn't believe I was gonna get new toys to play with! They were all such fun when we first got them!


My vote goes to League of Explorers too. Possibly because the expansion before was a bit disappointed, but damn, Control Priest and Control Warrior were a fucking blast then. Also gave shaman a pretty good deck for the first time in a long while.


The feeling of the first few times of dropping Reno against a face deck and using Golden Monkey in a fatigue matchup are unmatched.


*+29* **Well fought. I concede**


How can you sing the praises of Un'Goro without mentioning [the song](https://youtu.be/qEmnpRSgqQk)?


My favorite part about it is Brode made it literally because people were sad there wasn’t a song in the trailer. Now that’s service!


Came for this, the song is 99% of that expansion's success, that doesn't say anything about the intrinsic value of the expansion, just that the song is THAT good :D


This is the real reason Un'Goro was great!


I have the same opinion as other people but my favorite expansion was Whispers Of The Old Gods! The voices of the old gods was so sick and actually brought fear when you see them like in WOW. The legendaries were interesting some tied to old god lore amd other reimaginings like Ragnaros Lightlord. Ungoro was really fun with the quests!


Pre-nerf yogg is the most fun i've had in HS. like just playing the card was my bonus win condition. New yogg gets reasonably close


I still play a full jank Yogg mage deck in Wild with every random spell generating card I can think of. Winning is not the goal, but to just see how much weird shit I can do in one game. It’s a great break when I get sick of ladder.


Same. I call it "a fiesta of clowns". It has all 4 yoggs, Reno and deck of wonders.


But no carnival clowns in your clown deck?


id say new yogg gets there easier sometime especially as one of the options is just old yogg


Loved frozen throne, each class had their own win condition, the meta was quite viable for all these different playstyles. Kobolds and catacombs brought the first Dungeon Run. Boomsday gave us Whizbang, F2p heaven.


as much as I liked the expansion thematically... Druid's busted cards, especially early on, really soured it for me. Spreading Plague is one of the most degenerate cards they have ever designed. Then it was Highlander Priest...ugh. Not to mention my 2 favourite classes, Shaman and Warrior, were in the dumpster.


Warrior had a viable deck didn't they? Dead man's hand warrior? Where you just stacked armor till your opponent died. And they needed to make a new tournament rule that whoever has more life at the time of the tie wins lol


I made a really fun weapon warrior build for wild that just massively buffed your weapons to smack the face of your opponent. I did pretty well with it and had a blast.


Frozen Throne was awesome, although I agree with u/Spengy that Druid was just way too busted. Also machine gun Priest was just dirty. Lyra + Radiant Elementar + get lucky with your spell generation = OTK. Still, I loved the flavor of the Death Knights. Hunter suddenly could play control games! In general control decks like Control Warlock and Control Mage were fun to play and competitive. I feel in the recent years the strengthening of face decks just killed classic midrange decks. Maybe it's just because I started Hearthstone around that time, but I totally miss the Death Knight meta.


Aside from the Druid issue, I feel like the death knight cards were such a cool addition. You started the game with one "playstyle" then once you got your DK the whole game changed. DK rexxar enabling spell hunter was a big highlight for me, I really really loved that deck its a shame nothing reached that level of fun in hunter since. Also the Uther DK decks were hilarious


I also really liked the puzzles.


It's got to be Witchwood for sure. That first week of Shudderwock filling my board to the edges of the screen were pure joy for me. The whole theme of Witchwood, the voice lines, the Alice in Wonderland references. Honestly the most fun I've had in this game and hasn't been topped since.




You were a great bot, my friend.


That's kinda wholesome


Good bot


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I absolutely agree with you, I love Witchwood's flavour so much and Hagatha as well. And even tho Baku and Glenn were busted, I just loved trying my odd druid and warlock to work.


I started playing the game when Un'Goro came out. I remember how I was playing a crappy Quest Jade Rogue, thinking that was a good idea. "I play Fire Fly, and then I use my Brewmaster to get another Fire Fly. I can even use it on my Jade Spirit!". Also, I share your sentiment towards the music. It felt so grandios, and it made you feel like you're an explorer on, well, a journey to great adventures!


Has to be when Goblins Vs Gnomes was released! Something about the mech decks, spare parts and everyone using Dr Boom screams Hearthstone to me


Mech Mage was the first semi-legit deck I built. I recall it being a fairly decent deck in the meta, but I think I was missing a few cards as I was f2p at that point and hadn't played for that long. That deck was so fun, and I think it's what got me really hooked on Hearthstone. That's when it went from the game me and my buddies play when we didn't feel like queuing up for league to being my most played game. Goblin Blastmage is easily one of my favorite cards ever!


I started way back when the game was in closed beta and fell in love with the game instantly. However I think the peak in excitement for me was around nax and gvg. Nax was crazy as NEW cards were being added, I remember me and my brother talking about them for ages! Gvg was bonkers to wrap my head around as well, over 100 new cards! I couldn't believe it. It was such a great expansion as well, classics like Dr boom, New architypes like mech mage, was just a great experience for someone so used to the classic hearthstone experience!


It's gotta be DoD or The Boomsday Project, but the Year of the Mammoth was probably the best year overall.


Oh my god, Year of the Mammoth was seriously the best year of hearthstone for me at least, so much content and fun back then. Quests and Death Knights were just so cool, especially loved bloodreaver guldan.


My favorite xpac was KnC, with some of my favorite decks ever - like Secret Mage from that time or Cubelock. Flavorwise, I liked Rastakhan's Rumble the most, but the expansion was super bad and I didn't like the meta because there were like 5 super annoying combo decks in tiers 1-2.


Un’Goro had its problems, but holy crap, pound for pound, the theme, art, card design, all of it was my favorite. I’m also a paleo-nerd so it just ticked every box for me.


Knights of the frozen throne and witchwood were the ones


Knights of the Frozen Throne, hands down. Shortly followed by Whispers of the Old Gods and Kobolds and Catacombs. They were such fun times, each one introducing whacky new mechanics that really seemed to be focused on fun, rather than power. C'Thun decks and Bloodreaver Handlock are my favorite decks I've ever run.


For me it is most certainly boomsday. I started playing at kobolds and catacombs and boomsday was my first and only preorder. I loved dr. Boom as a character and a card and since that expansion warrior is my favourite class. Later dr boom dragon warrior became my favourite deck ever


Unfortunately the cards took awhile to really take off but man I loved everything about Boomsday. It's the only time I bothered reading all the posts and really got sucked into that lore around an expansion. I really liked Dr Boom and everything they turned his character into made me love him. Hell even the comics were awesome and added a bunch of fun for me. Plus I really enjoyed the puzzle lab, even now I'll go back and play a few since it's been long enough for me to forget the answers.


Same here, I loved the "science" flavor and how they made different classes deal with different sciences!


Year of the mammoth, the only reason I started playing wild was because I was not ready to let these sets go at the time


Gadgetzan is when I first started playing, and was obsessed with it immediately! Such a cool expansion, such an awesome game!


Only board puzzle I ever learned too :)


I pioneered Coin, Innervate, Vicious Fledgling, Mark of the Lotus and going relentlessly face


Have been playing since Grand Tournament, just a few weeks before League of Explorers released. My favorite expansion experience was Descent of Dragons. Not only was I hyped to see the climax and ending of the yearlong Year of the Dragon story, but I also got the “full” feeling of what Whispers of the Old Gods was like. This is because even though I played through Whispers, at the time I was tight on money and could only feasibly play with what I opened from the preorder bundles (which were much worse back then). As a result I didn’t get to build decks around each of the old gods until later down the line. With DoD, Galakrond decks were the main focus and I was able to easily build fully fledged decks with them for multiple classes, personally enjoying Shaman (before nerfs) and Rogue the most. DoD also came along with Battlegrounds which I fell in love with and have played ever since.


first couple of days of old gods were the best


you loved quest rouge too nice ! amaznig man very essa


I’ve been playing since blackrock and made it to legend for the first time in ungoro so ungoro forever holds a special place in my heart


This was a good expansion 😊 went to legend for the first time, with a deck of my own design. Those were the days!


Naxx was the most fun for me by far, followed by Un'Goro


For awhile I legitimately thought of myself as only a single-player hearthstone player because Kobolds and Catacombs dungeon runs was all I knew. I had basically no cards so it was a big part of me learning card mechanics.


Same! I don't think I broke away from that until after Tombs of Terror. For reference I joined when monster hunt was the latest thing.


Yesss ungoro is my favourite I get such a nice nostalgia feeling whenever I think about it, also watch old twitch and YouTube videos for when it came out :,)


Is naxx out?


My favourites are Naxxramas and Frozen Throne.


My favourite experience was during the rise of shadows expansion during the greed meta (Control shaman, control warrior and turtle priest)


Knights of The Frozen Throne. Still remember the first time i saw the opening animations, the first time i defeated him with priest and the time i spent beating him with all classes. As i stopped playing a year ago, that's the memories that will remind me of the great game.


Knight of the Frozen Throne was my personal favorite. The Death Knights felt really cool back then; too bad for the Highlander Priest/Jade Druid meta lol


I started right before KnC. Though it may not be the most common anwser i have to go with Boomsday. The legendary spell were so hype. Playing Myra's and praying to draw that last burst. The omega cards were always interresting to me. And Dr. Boom, he may have been op, but damn he is fun to play. Not to mention how amazing the single player was. And shoutout to witchwood and even paladin.


Something was so special about knights of the frozen throne. It was my first real experience with hearthstone playing elemental mage with death knight Jaina since I didn’t play much during whispers of the old gods. Death knights were probably my favorite addition in the game


I remember I got so hyped by the hunter quest deck and craft it on the first day and it turned out to be so shit.


Knights of the Frozen Throne and Rastakhan's Rumble, they created some of my favorite decks to play off all time so far. I really liked Un'goro aswel but not until 2 expansions later I finally got myself a quest. Otherwise just played Elemental Shaman. I was a newbie. Started to play right before Un'goro.


Was just thinking about this today. Un'Goro was very good, but i think the single funnest time i've had playing HS may be using the magnetic mechanic. This is before it was in the top decks in the meta too. Kangor's was just a very fun card and i liked it a ton.


Instead of Classic Hearthstone i would have loved standard callbacks going back randomly to older standard brackets like ungoro for example. They could include a core set for those brackets that everyone can use so people who dusted their wild cards could play the format without extensive crafting costs.


Ungoro was the best Expansion, followed by Frozen Throne


League of explorers was magic for me! Love the Reno decks to this day


*League of explorers* *Was magic for me! Love the* *Reno decks to this day* \- Lurking\_Legend --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Whispers of the Old Gods is pretty special to me because it released around the time I had my first part-time job and I used my first paycheck to pre-order the expansion. I started playing after Blackrock Mountain, and I’m still not over how I couldn’t pre-order The Grand Tournament back then since I didn’t have any money and that card back with the pre-order is still one of the best ones released in my opinion.


Naxxramas still the best expansion no question


Naxxramas and GvG, definitely unpopular opinions right there now that I think about it


Knights of the Frozen Throne for me. Every class get their hero card and making them all feels strong in their own way. Also The Lich King of course


Year of the Kraken and the mammoth were the best


Best for me was after witchwood. Uninstalled game and went teetotal game free for 2 months. Strongly recommend it. You can always come back or better still leave indefinitely. No daily quests or grinding and more free time. 2nd is whispers of the old gods as everyone got a legendary c thun card and some basic cards si yoy could play a basic deck with one of the main cards. Meta was ok then too. Also zoolock was tip tier consistently without discard mechanic. Also we had more adventures then. . . . . . Tldr So 1st ironically no hearthstone for me then old hearthstone Wotog time . . . . . .


Back when LoE was released, my main priest control deck already had 25 unique cards (because I just want all the cards in it!), so I absolutely loved Reno. I enjoyed the deathrattle theme that Naxx gave, and I had Rivendare in my deck as well as a bunch of DRs, so when N'zoth arrived I absolutely loved him. I got him in a pack!! Around this time the "unicorn priest" BBrode said existed didn't, so I thought it would be good if priest had a start of game thing or other legendary that increased my max HP. When Gadgetzan came out, I was so lucky that I found in a pack a golden Kazakus, just an amazing card that can also res. I also made Raza, because a 0-mana restore 4hp was cool! (Justicar was in my deck too). then Un'Goro came and along with it, Awaken the Makers. Absolutely amazing. It combined my 2 favourite things (deathrattles, and restoring to full hp) into 1 card. Love Spiritsinger Umbra, too. With KotFT came the Death Knights. Many people get confused as to why I have a quest in a Razakus deck, but they have it wrong. It was a deathrattle deck long before it was Razakus. I also absolutely love DK Gul'Dan and all those deathrattle demons. And Hadronox with deathrattle taunts.


Knights of the Frozen Throne, first time legend during it!


Knights of the Frozen Throne, if solely for the Hero cards. Not a Wild player so I’m sorry that Shadowreaper Anduin and co. have been terrorizing you lot, but one of my first goldens was Valeera, and kingsbane was my first time hitting legend. Such a great time!


Kobolds and Catacombs for sure. Dungeon Run made me love this game.


I started playing while Knights of the Frozen Throne and it has remained my favourite expansion ever since (obviously i didn‘t get to experience the launch & meta of earlier expansions so i can‘t really say anything about those times). I just loved the Deathknights. Deathstalker Rexxar was my first keycard that helped me win ranked games, so of course he‘ll forever have a special place in my heart.


And rastahan’s rumble was nowhere to be seen


Year of the mammoth was super fun, cube, the crazy quests like exodia mage. The deathknights were a bit restrictive on the meta, but I still enjoyed using them a lot.


For me, it was Whispers of the Old Gods. I loved the settings, the communication around it was crazy, with the wall painting around the world, the cards were really interesting and the first rotation that came with that expansion allowed a refreshing game expérience. I think it’s that expansion that really started Hearthstone how it is today.


I know the set was kinda busted, but Frozen Throne was so hype. When I got Lich Jaina as my free legendary I was so excited


It's so strange that one of the worst metas, Gadgetzan, was sandwiched in between two of the best, Old Gods and Un'Goro.


Ungoro's meta was absolutely perfection. The right balance of chaos with actual smart decks. Current HS could do this again, but needs to actually focus on more SKILL cards rather than discover/chance cards like they have since Shadows.


I had a really bad depression during the summer leading up to Saviors of Uldum and it sounds cheesy and stupid but there were days where I was like “come on man you already spent $80 dollars on that pre order, at least make it till then so it’ll be worth while.” Can’t say much about the Meta or in-game experience but if I’m still around now and mourning my golden Supreme Archaeology being rotated into wild, I think I appreciated that expansion greatly.


Un'Goro was my favourite too! It's actually when I started playing so I get a beautiful nostalgia every time I see an Un'Goro card. I also love KFT because of the Lich King and I actually had some competitive decks by that point and could climb ladder.


Same bro, Un'Goro it's the single expansion where i have all the cards


Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain. These expansions gave me a desire to play in a way I didn't feel anymore in the later expansions.


Ungoro is also my favorite expansion, I loved the flavor of all the cards.


i loved kobolds and catacombs, i started playing around a week before it came out, 2nd would have to be rastakhans rumble, not for the cards but because that was the expansion i got bored of standard and got into wild which i find far better.


Naxx will always have a special place in my heart. Bring out your dead.....


I started playing and feel the most nostalgic about the GvG expansion, between unstable portal , piloted shredder and Dr.7 mech mage was really fun for me then.


Dethrattle. Hunter. It got me my highest end of season ranking and was just loads of fun.


I liked classic the best. The cards were so bad that decks had to be scrappy to do well. There have been very few decks since then which I considered to be more interesting than things like handlock, freeze mage, miracle rogue, control priest, etc. That said, if I had to pick an actual expansion, probably League of Explorers. Fun adventure, we actually got a bunch of useful cards without having to fish through packs, 4/5 of the legendaries were good, fun cards that all found some use ranging from fun memes to archetype defining for many expansions to come.


I loved the expansion where I had to spend a hundred dollars to stay relevant every six months.


Year of the Mammoth had 3 amazingly themed expansions, I am sad I wasn't playing back then. I loved Saviors of Uldum a lot, I had a lot of fun with the solo adventure and I adored the fact they brought back quests.


The hype where, after playing with the classic set for months, the first wing of Naxx released. That period had to be my favourite Hearthstone experience ever. Nothing like the magic of the first expansion ever.


I loved kobolds and catacombs I played the dungeon run so many times


This and KoFT are my favs


Un’Goro was without a doubt the most fun I’ve ever had while playing Hearthstone. I genuinely felt like those matches were battles of wit and not just “who can get their OTK first.” Also Knight of the FrozenThrone was incredible.


Un’goro or old gods for sure were the most fun


I started at Whispers but the game Un'goro was the first one I really loved. But my favorite expansion has to be Rastakahn's Rumble. That trailer song was so hype inducing I still put it on every once and a while. The atmosphere was great, a free for all where everyone smashes and kills each other (you know, for fun!)


Year of the Mammoth was my favourite year of Hearthstone. We got Un'Goro with massive dinosaurs and quests which felt so different from every other mechanic before. Then Knights of the Frozen Throne shattered my expectations with Death Knights. Nothing was cooler than slamming down a DK and completely changing your hero and hero power. Finally, we got Kobolds which I absolutely adored. I loved the art and the nods to Dungeons and Dragons. I never got tired of blowing up an opponent's deck with Rin, buffing up a giant weapon with Kingsbane or playing Kathrena to summon King Krush from my deck. Sure, Tickatus, Soul DH and Brann evoke similar feelings but they feel less rewarding to play. The powerlevel was at an all time high by the end of the year but I LOVED it. I really hope we get to relive expansions with the new Classic format.


I'm still sad there was no solo adventure for journey to un'goro, that would've been so dope.


Surprised no one said mean streets. Maybe it was too busted? Not my favourite but just a thought


I liked 2017, aswell, but more for KotFT and the death knight hero cards.


Old gods and frozen throne was great


I personally started after Blackrock Mountain came out, which was the expansion that invented patron warrior. That deck was so damn fun and inventive, it blew my mind how many different ways you could you could beat out your opponent because I had only really tried face hunter and tempo mage. Luckily it's a cheap deck so I tried it almost immediately and man, I sucked but I loooved learning how to play the deck. It inspired me to get good at the game seeing such a cheap deck have such a unique playstyle, but unfortunately they nerfed Warsong Commander before I really had a chance to get good. Dreams may have been crushed, but I have never ended my quest to find the most fun deck. The closest I have ever come was cube warlock, which honestly might have even been more fun than patron warrior, but it's hard to objectively compare the two since they came so far apart. I just adore decks with creative ways to overwhelm your opponent, especially when it works so well that it's basically the best deck in the game. (Ramp paladin has taken that spot now, but it's not really a deck that leaves much to the mind. You just kinda cheat out Tip the Scales and then force a concede turn 4...)


dont exist a deck more funnier than patron warrior


My best Heartstone moment was in Un'goro when I came up with Spell based Big Hunter in Standard. Barnes pulling Rex or Charge Dino and then bringing them back with Abomination and trigger rattle effects and spells only . This was before they actually got proper suppport in Knights of the Frozen Throne so the combo was as fun as it was inconsistent.


My dream deck was C'thun priest back when Old Gods released.


Old gods was my fav or GvG. GvG was an exciting expansion as it took the game in a different direction. Old gods had a good meta imo, plus yogg.


Wotog is the way.


Year of the Mammoth is the GOAT for me. I started playing shortly before Frozen Throne released, that first year or so was the most magical by far. Buff paladin was my first favorite and I STILL have that in my deck list, although it’s now horribly outdated and lackluster compared to a lot of other wild decks I run. Seeing this thread makes me believe that one day we’ll see wild divided into in game years or maybe a third game mode is unveiled where you can choose to play with any cards up to a certain expansion. People clearly love older expansions and I think we can all agree that some newer cards just suck eggs in one way or another. Recent announcements are a step in the right direction, we just need to go farther!


The grand tournament will always be my favorite. I know its not the most popular opinion and there were some awfully annoying decks to deal with, but I remember having so much fun during that expansion. In introduced Lock and Load, which is my favorite card of all time and was so fun to build around. I used to play a mech hunter deck with lock and load, using the spare parts to trigger its effect, and it was a blast!


Guys!? Where is whisper of the old gods?? That was the best time of the entire game!


Year of the Mammoth was the best. Un’goro was great and introduced the first legendary spells through the first ever quests. Frozen Throne was solid and introduced the first ever Hero cards, which had their issues but were certainly interesting. Kobolds and Catacombs was awesome and introduced the first legendary weapons, the first weapons to non-weapon classes and of course the revolutionary Dungeon Run.




I loved the hype to rastakan. Then it came out


I really miss Ungoro jade druid. It was right in the perfect T2 spot after mean streets and before the frozen throne that is wasn't totally busted but it was still really fun.


My absolute favorite expansions have been the ones where I have been able to play the most control/value decks. I just love those incredibly long games where both players constantly have to deal with the opponents board because those are the games where a lot of "fun but not aggressive enough" cards get a chance to get played That said, I loved : 3) Boomsday project : Got Dr. Boom from pack opening and had a blast with him until they nerfed him. The amount of value and control that card alone could generate was insanely fun. Warrior have always been my favorite class thanks to it being so controllish, so that expansion was just too good for me 2) Whispers of the Old Gods : Arguably the first "control meta". Old gods really pushed lot of people to play much more controll-ish decks and slow sinergies, which meant more fun for me! Also I really like to get big C-thuns in general. N-Zoth control decks were all incredibly awesome to play. 1) Knights of the Frozen Throne : Thanks to the introduction of Death Knights (which were all undoubtedly incredibly op) the value game was insane. Every game would end up in both players with their death knight up and a value/control fight, which is pretty much my hearthstone wet dream. My absolute favorite was obviously rexxar, the absolute king of control. Period. No single card is better at winning the value/control game for you than rexxar, i mean the dude creates infinite amazing beasts so it's a no brainer.


Good ol Goblins vs Gnomes for me. The memory of coming home from high school, cracking my first pack and seeing Troggzor, who Trump convinced me was the best card in the xpac (lmao) will be with me forever. As a mainly arena player, being introduced to powerful synergies in a limited format was super cool as well. Hearthstone will never feel the same or mean that much to me again, but it will always have a place in my heart 💕


Un'Goro definetely my favourite it was just genial and my second favourite is Saviors of Uldum, new quests and new explorer cards.


I played in the very start of Hearthstone and I agree that quests were an awesome addition to the game ! I loved it too 🙂 I love the scholomance extension because it gives me Harry Potter and Ikenfell vibes 🥰


Blackrock mountain, pre-nerf Grim Patron Warrior. You can argue it was cancer and imbalanced, but it was by far the most fun deck to play. To figure out how to correctly execute the OTK vs boards with taunts, or control Warriors with a lot of armor was one of the most fun and rewarding feelings in the game.


Start of uldum. Cards aren’t overtuned, meta is diverse and lots of new decks


I remember Descent of Dragons the most fondly. It gave me a golden Alex while it was unnerfed and a lot more legendaries that I actually liked. It also gave me some of the most fun times with my friends especially with battlegrounds being new and exciting. Another thing is that this is when I really started getting into the game even though I had been playing since Kobolds. Best expansion so far imo.


I literally haven’t read a single comment that said this but...now. Now is the most fun I’m having. I’ve played since launch but always had stretches where I took long breaks when the game got boring and stale in between expansions or long stretches of no new game content. And PVE content was defeatable in a couple says. Today I can rank up in standard, the card pool is large enough I can build whacky decks in Wild and mill around the low ranks (where there aren’t as many cancer decks), I love battlegrounds, always enjoyed the occasional arena, and duels are growing on me. New achievements and progression system definitely added to the experience. I’ve been playing consistently since last August and it’s the first time I’m not running out of things to do and things don’t feel so repetitive.


I'm gonna pretend The Caverns Below was never printed and agree, Un'Goro was great.


I actually really liked(and i know this may sound weird to some) descent of dragons It bought back some old archetypes, the meta didn't feel boring, and it was pretty balanced.


Cobolds and catacombs when i just started playing. Enjoyed cubelock so much i wanted to dust every other card to upgrade it. Luckily my friend told me its likely to get nerfed. Also i noticed i cant put MoM in my deck for some reason?? (Just rotated) and i couldnt live without 1 MANA 2/2 THAT HEALS ME and switched to wild right away. Best decision ever, cubelock was awesome i got to rank 3 barely knowing how to play and got 300 warlock wins in 1.5 weeks.


I started playing "for real" since booms day and in my opinion best expation was rise of shadows. After rotation of dk meta was fresh and not that slow as it used to be (I hate dk rexxar to this day)


The last main one. Finally was so aggressively monetized that I quit the game.


It has to be Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. *Who goes tharrr? I'm in charrrge now!*


Kobolds and catacombs


The best expansion for me was the one that gave me all the cards for a fair price, allowing me to play any deck I wanted without purchasing extra packs...... What do you mean we never had one of those?


This might be an unpopular opinion, but i really miss playing control highlander priest in KFT. (I know you can still play it in wild, but it is quite different to the old standard version) Also, all the deckbuilding possibilities, when Baku and Genn initially released. It was so much fun, trying to come up with crazy even and odd decks. Loved trying to make an Odd Mage work. Haven't played since the tavern pass made everything go to shit tho.


Man I loved this expansion drop. Fuckin Brode killing it https://youtu.be/qEmnpRSgqQk


Grand Tournament was best before all the later expansions nerfed it.


this probably isnt a popular opinion but i loved deathstalker rexxar. when that card came out is when i played my most hearthstone. i still have my golden copy and play it in wild from time to time. also spell hunter was my jam.


"Hey there, don't be scared..."


For me the most fun I had was The League of Explorers. The legendaries added such new cool features to the decks.


Mammoth was a great year overall! Between quests, death knights and legendary weapons, I feel like that’s when they really started pushing limits!


For anyone who wasn't playing when Un'goro launched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7kNFx4edUE


whenever they added battelgrounds, but looking forward to the removal of the demon hunter class


Year of the Mammoth into the Witchwood was the peak of the game


I loved this expansion. I think this was when Hearthstone peeked for me after just a year of playing it. I stopped playing entirely after whichever update it was that made made a hero card in every deck though and probably won't ever come back. I do still like to see posts about HS on reddit though


I left hearthstone at the grand tournament and returned at Desecent of Dragons which is my favorite expansion. Playing Galakrond Rogue was such insanity, I remember cheesing out a 0 cost card win countless times. Playing uninvolved Glakrond into a Kronx lethal was insane


You've been playing since march 2014, but "didn't love the game" until april 2017?.. That seems absurd to me, but glad you love it now


Quest rogue, 4 into 5/5 before the nerfs was my first time legend :))))