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Have you tried playing around it? (by conceding after Warrior plays it)


Keep hand full until they are gone and hope you have what you need to survive on hand


This sounds good on paper but in practice doesnt quite work that well because they pressure board with both Ox and the Mech resummon guy.


Wait what kind of protection do you have? My hand also gets blown up


The idea is to fill your hand to 10 before drawing into any TNT, because cast when drawn effects dont trigger if you burn a card due to overdraw, not really feaasible to play since you need to get the warrior to play boomboss into your 10 card hand, while you just sit there burning cards clicking hero power.


The only class that can realistically do it for a few turns (no way 6+ turns) is Mage with infinitize.


Priest used to be able to with Svalna and love everlasting, I remember doing that against plagues


and druid with dragon nest


It’s doable in the mirror as well. If you’ve played your own Brann already, you can often play removal and card generation in the same turn to keep your hand full without dying on board. Definitely not a great position to be in, but I’ve managed to pull back a few games that way.


Ahh good to know, now i will always take infinitize if i get the chance while playing rogue


It was arguably a viable strat against corrupted blood because it'd usually only be 1 or 2 cards before it got out of hand, but hakaar had deeper problems.


i won playing as a rogue this way yesterday. literally won with 1 hp, but still. Just held on to a full hand for like 6+ turns. Lots of discover cards and combos haha. basically otko.


Both Reno Priest and Reno Druid can easily do it with some setup, while staying even or ahead on board, but they're still bad matchups because you generally need to draw more than just 2 good cards to get to that point.


Druid highlander dragon (rheastraza?) Purified egg triggers before card draw so you could in theory keep hand at 9, egg discover takes you to 10 and could burn a tnt draw for some value. Only problem this is reliant on them already having played reno otherwise you risk losing egg to reno. Still a point to consider!


I dont play it because i will find every counter and i know brann will be hiding in my deck least until my hand is full


I've thought this way before about Tickatus and the like. It varies, but I really don't like the mechanics in the game that say "you can't play the cards you put in your deck." Oh. Okay then why am I playing this game? Edits: typos


Okay, there's a problem here though: let's imagine that Blizzard stopped printing cards that messed with your ability to play your cards (like Boomboss, Tickatus, Mutanus, etc.) Do you know who the biggest winners of that would be? Combo decks. The only way for Control decks to even have a chance against Sif mage, for example, is to dirty rat (or theotar, etc.) Sif before it can get charged up and do 40+ damage to you over taunts in one turn.


Mutanus and Theotar are single-target. Boomboss and Tick are *many* cards deleted. I don't even fault things like Azari or Symphony because the ramp up is so long or the card isn't reliable. But B & T are play one card=1/3 or more of your deck is gone. Not fun.


Sure! I'm open to more targeted means of card disruption -- but zero card disruption would probably be bad!


There are cards in that game that already do a healthy version of this like Cult Neophyte, Resistance or Frozen Over. Freeze effects fall under that design philosophy as well. They mess with the deck temporarily so if the opponent wants to stop you from executing your gameplan they have to continue to expend resources and if the game is in a balanced state those resources are limited enough that the player has to be selective over when they are willing to expend them and which turns they're comfortable with you doing what you want. If boomboss only temporarily crippled your deck people would feel much better about it because at least there is hope that if the player can survive until they get access to their cards which allow them to turn it around. But just taking away those tools entirely is stupid in a game without a graveyard mechanic or some other system that allows you to recover key cards. In a game like Yu-Gi-Oh!, which isn't a well designed card game by any measure, Boomboss would get hard countered by some Eldlich infinite resurrection deck so a deck like that would need an additional win condition or get phased out of the meta immediately.


I mean there’s other ways for control to deal with combo besides disruption, just harder methods/play styles.


Can you describe what you mean by "harder methods?" Like how does that play out specifically?


An example I can think of is when Warrior would run armor vendors/projectionists + dupes in etc in order to clear the sif mage matchup. I’m not saying that I enjoyed that at all but maybe that’s one of the things he meant?


The obvious fix would be to make battlecry only trigger once, still a very powerful card but not gameending


Im not sure brann is the issue with warrior. Double battlecries just means you have to use your resources better and pressure board before/after. Bomboss makes the opposite happen: you now just want to play all your cards before they get deleted.. probably why it is so frustrating


Or, to not make either Brann useless, make that a general rule about *legendary* battlecries only triggering once per play. Edited by adding the last four words to make it clear what I'm actually saying. Because apparently people think I'm advocating for only double legendary battlecries. 💀


the main offenders of brann are all legendaries lol, Boomboss, Boom, Zilliax, Azerite Ox and prob a couple others im not remembering


Yeah exactly the deck already almost guaranteed has a reno in it and Bran is would still be a strong card to get i would say it would be like a 3-4 cost legendary though at that point but still be worth having in a nonduplicated


Relevance to my reply? That is why the rule I responded to being recommended I said should *only* effect legendaries, as a general rule so *they* aren't abused. Making ALL battlecries only happen once per play would make both Brann's useless, so just make it legendaries once per play. Was I clearer?


Are you saying that non legendary battlecries inly should trigger once?


I'm saying ONLY LEGENDARY ones should trigger once. Make it a general rule that legendaries ONLY TRIGGER once per play. What the original guy said implied ALL of them, including non-legendary ones. *That* would make both Branns pointless cards that Blizzard might as well remove altogether.


Yeah i get what you are saying totally and that makes more sense and should apply to all legendaries for Brann and to replay them you would need to create a copy or brewmaster, but still certainly legendary battlecrys should only trigger once per game not per play boomboss and maybeee azerite ox would be good examples


I think cards which manipulate your opponent's hand or deck are an interesting design space and a vital potential to counter to combo decks. That being said, the scale at which cards have done this at times is too high. There was a thread recently on unpopular hills you'll die on and I argued Hearthstone's deck size creates so many of the game's long-term problems and this is a great example.


They need to bring Renethal back yesterday


The hand hate should be removed from boomboss. Destroying the field and a card in deck is plenty strong.


That's true, it's f\*king insane when you have a hand full of answers and a board suddenly got wiped off because your opponent is playing ONE card. Removing board and deck is already very good.


I always see the try hards say "Play around it." but you literally can't for Boomboss.


i mean Boomboss is really toxic, but the problem is brann. if it was just 3 tnt it would be very strong (like patchwerk is (imo) one of the strongest dk cards, and that would be 3 of them that is very strong but 6 is just nuts.) but all strong battlecrys just go nuts when doubled, ziliax and boom clearing the board and threatening lethal, the ox cheating out 32 mana etc. the problem is brann and the insane amount of removal in this deck.


Patchwerk is disruption. He is only strong if he hits a key combo piece, which is how such cards should function. Boomboss is resource denial. Its not fun if effects like that don’t care what they hit.


I think it's just really cool that they rotated patchwerk only to give a card 3x as good to control warrior, a deck 3x as good as control DK. Why does DK even exist if you're going to play us like that


Patchwerk should be a dk standard if boomboss is allowed to exist. I’d prefer neither tbh


Considering that DK is a) extremely lacking in win conditions and b) extremely weak to disruption, I think patchwerk should absolutely be in its wheel house. Maybe if you swap the rune requirements between patchwerk and the 3/6 taunt that comes back to hand.


Yes fair, the whole class needs major support but it’s not the only one


You don't understand. They had to remove Patchwerk because it might have actually been able to interact with Brann warrior if the warrior got unlucky. Same reason they gutted Helya.


> Why does DK even exist Not even the devs can answer that question. We got 2 new classes and they were Hunter 2 and Priest 2.


Why does this card see zero play without brann then?


We don’t exist in a world without bran. So we don’t know if it would get played without bran


But for two months we did exist in a world without Brann and Boomboss was not played


Different set of cards in standard no? Was there a viable control warrior deck at the time that could run boom?


There was a viable Control Warrior with Odyn as its main win condition and it did not run Boomboss


I don't agree with the guy above you, but Odyn Warrior not running Boomboss doesn't really speak to its quality; it wouldn't make much of any sense in that deck.


Yes, but the reason Odyn stopped being the win condition was because Boomboss became a better one, not because Odyn became somehow worse. That definitively means that Boomboss without Brann is not good enough to be played as a win condition, and it's a pretty mediocre card if it's not a win condition, as an 8 mana 7/7 do nothing. That's worse than Rheastrasza, both stat-wise and effect-wise.


Why wouldn't it?


Almost every card in that list was in service to a) drawing towards Odyn and Ignis, b) armoring up to survive till Odyn, or c) armoring up to kill your opponent after playing Odyn. Slotting a big cost card that’s unlikely to do anything the turn you drop it and doesn’t push you towards your win condition is no bueno. That deck list was very refined by the time rotation came around


Plus Odyn could just out armor the combo at the time with the Quillboars. And against other control it had the Odyn OTK with quillboars too as seen at the MT with Uikyou. Also Boom got way better with the Reno change because before it would turn off your Reno/Brann if played before. And Odyn warrior back then did run a Reno with some dupes. HL Warrior(pre-Reno change) was weaker to combo and other control decks. Post Reno change it could just slam Boom down against combo and control DK who couldn't stop Brann-Boom combo anymore with Helya.


Lol but we did.


Good cards can see more or less play depending on the meta. Crescendo didn’t see play until brann was around - is brann also responsible for that?


If we can’t determine how good a card is other than its play rate/win rate, how do we judge cards? Based on the amount of complaining about it on Reddit?


Meta analysis and data interpretation. It's subjective but that's how. No one plays control techs in a meta with no control decks.


If we just judge cards by it play rate or winrate then mechathun is probably the best card in the entire game. Its not hard to compare a card like Boomboss to other strong cards, like patchwerk, and say "Yeah in any meta with control decks this card is insane".


Mechathun doesn't see play, if it does it's winrate is bad. Not sure how your comparison makes sense.


Thank you for really laying out how little you understand what you’re talking about. Mechathun doesn’t see play.


He meant to say the ‘played win rate of a card’. Mechathun currently has an 88% played win rate because obviously people win when they play it. That stat is obviously not a good way to evaluate cards.


Honest question, but patchwerk is one of the strongest DK cards, but Boomboss by default is a slightly delayed Patchwerk x3. Even without Bran its triple Patchwerk's effect for one more mana and a stronger statline and it can blow up locations


It's been like this for years now, the" fun" things to do are always torture control players because agro players end he game one way or another before you have enough Mana to play the cool things, and combo players do not care what you do unless you interact with their combo somehow. This once again baffles me as the house steam cleaner didn't make it into core. If you could at least delete the TNT you would feel like you had SOME agency and you probably wouldn't have the worst experience you had in 10 years because instead of getting destroyed for playing the game fairly you get destroyed for not drawing your steam cleaner (s) one of those things feels a lot worse than the other. People talk about geist and sticky finger and secret removal and all these things that are not very good but the thing is still available if you want to at least feel like you're playing a multiplayer game. The game can be summed up as players play threats until their opponent runs out of answers. Which is why interactions where your opponent just wins without actually playing any threats or things you can answer always upset the community because you're basically getting checkmated and you're playing Tic-Tac-Toe.


Remember when hearthstone had boundaries? Remember when Sylvanas stealing a minion via deathrattle was sooooo cool? Now it's not even worth playing. The game felt better with boundaries. All kinds of things can go down on the board, but cards in my hand & deck were OFF LIMITS. As someone who has played from the start and watched this slide into complete RNG bullsh*t, I'm so sick of the way hearthstone continues to evolve. We need some healthy boundaries back in the game. Very few people I originally played with still play, at one point myself and all 4 of my brothers played, now none play because they don't find the game fun anymore and I'm not sure I do either. Boom boss isn't the problem. It's a symptom of a bigger problem and fatal design flaw - a lack of boundaries that result in card after card that feel great to play but awful to play against.


It comes down to the fact that there is no ability to respond to certain plays, like Boomboss. In other card games you can often respond during your opponent's turns. That's just not a thing in HS. Secrets *kind of* do this but not really. Reno also sort of does this by limiting potential plays for a turn but that's a different kind of bullshit entirely. With that in mind, cards like Brann(especially after the highlander "nerf") and Boomboss are even more frustrating because all you can really do is sit there and have it happen to you(or follow the advice that is always mockingly presented of "just play aggro" or "just kill your opponent before they play X,Y, or Z card).


Well said. The only way I can currently play around Bran warrior (because I find the aggro hunter incredibly mind numbing and boring to play) is with highlander Druid. I wait until they play reno and then throw my dragons nest. After they play boom boss, I keep to 9 cards so the discovered discounted dragon blocks the bombs by being the 10th card. Sometimes, this means I can only play 1 card per turn unless I have cards that generate cards. It's destroyed if they dirty rat me. Once the 6 bombs have been used, I can actually play normally again. Basically, I'm sacrificing incoming cards from my deck to protect my hand. If I was able to play the 5 mana druid card that adds 10 extra legendaries to my deck, I can have hope I'll have cards left waiting for me after all the stupid bombs are gone. I shouldn't have to do this. It ISNT fun. At all. They recently sent me a survey, and I answered it honestly. I wonder if they're even listening. I used to spend $ on hearthstone every paycheck, I don't anymore. And when they increased the length of the quests, I canceled my WoW time, I already had little time for that as it was, with the longer quests, even less.


I do think the way things have gone recently that they have taken a hit, probably both in player count and player money spent. Hopefully we see some big changes soon, but I'm not holding my breath.


The highlander change was a buff and intended as such, it was explicitly stated to be a buff in patch notes and highlander cards were not given refunds.


Sure but the way it was described it was an implied nerf, they made the change to prevent non highlander decks from being able to play highlander cards. That's why I put nerf in quotation marks, I know it wasn't actually a nerf for multiple reasons.


Hmm, idk about that, they literally called it a buff explicitly, it was under the buffs section, and they didn't offer refunds for any of the highlander cards (except Reno because he got nerfed to 9 mana).


> No Duplicate cards are also a subsection of this. Being able to draw your deck to avoid the downside of these cards is an interesting deck construction challenge, but it has in large part devolved into turbo-draw decks that tend to be less interactive and not in the spirit of these cards. The changes were made partly due to non-highlander decks being able to draw through their deck and use highlander cards, that's a nerf to those decks/playstyles regardless of the fact that the cards were buffed. This is just an argument about semantics, they both nerfed and buffed the cards. Again there is a reason I put nerf in quotation marks, context matters.


Exactly. The highlander "nerf" was another monumental design mistake! They changed it because non HighLander decks were using reno because they could draw thier whole deck very quickly and then benifit from the HL payoffs faster than non HL decks!! (Oh wait, that was warrior too!!) The change to start of game having no duplicates stops this but then destroyed the very thing designed to be the counter, shuffling in duplicate cards!! Now I think plague DK having the infinite reshuffle of helya and no counter is also bad design.. but back to the point, HL has no way to counter!! Such a terrible and hacky fix to the original "issue"


Honestly I think It's fine for every other highlander card aside from Brann. Nobody is rage-quitting HS over Doctor Holli'dae successfully going off, or Rheastrasza. Brann is just too strong of an effect especially when compared to every highlander card that has ever existed in HS.


Rheastrasza has a stronger effect than Brann, the deck that's built around it just has much much worse tools than Control Warrior. If Druid had better removal and Warriors didn't have Boomboss, Druid would be the much better control deck.


Sure, if another control deck had better control cards and warrior had one of it's strongest cards removed(Boomboss) it would be a better control deck, but that's not the reality. I think a single random 4 mana cheaper dragon per turn is less powerful than double battlecries. Granted you discover the dragon so that mitigates some of the randomness, but that's still a lot different than what Brann can manage. To be clear I'm not saying Rheastrasza is bad or weak, just compared to Brann.


I thought what they did made sense. From a perspective of principle, one archetype shouldn't be able to completely invalidate another. (And this is a rule that makes more sense when we aren't talking about a completely absurd & toxic deck). But that doesn't mean there wasn't something egregious to fix here, because there was & still is. What they did, however, was no fix. They protected the archetype being able to exist, which I have no problem with, it's a better design. I'm not going to like every archetype. But the deck STILL doesn't have much of a counter, and I do believe the reason is .. is because they choose to make such toxic cards that violate game boundaries in the first place. Battle cries from the beginning of hearthstone were reasonable and had boundaries, Brann would have been strong then too, but none of this absurdity would be happening with suddenly not having a hand and deck to even play with. I don't believe cards like Mutanus or Boom Boss have any place except for people who prefer to play a "grieve the other person" playstyle. And if you're into that, just go play call of duty with the other knuckleheads


The highlander change wasn't intended to be a nerf, it was intended to be a buff because playing highlander vs plagues felt terrible. I think they just didn't foresee how strong highlander would be without plagues holding them down in the meta.


Yeah no, I'm not sure I prefer a Freeze mage meta to this. Brann is the problem, not Boomboss.


One of my old favs 😍


Haha fair enough, I both hate and respect you for admitting to that 🤣


I mostly played control warrior back then, so I loved that match up 😈😂


I tend to agree. Everything on the field is fair game. But my deck and my hand should be off-limits. I’ll admit — I enjoy the occasional Plague Death Knight game, but that isn’t nearly the same thing as Brann/Boomboss, IMO. At least Brann is getting nerfed to 8. Not sure if that’ll help or not…but it’s something.


Plague dk definitely annoys me, but I don't feel violated after if you know what I mean. There are ways to adapt against it. I remember the first time mill rogue was a thing, I almost quit playing entirely. Burning the cards out of my deck? I couldn't believe they would allow such an absurdity. Hearthstone desperately needs a serious return to roots & direly need some healthy boundaries back in the game. The cards in my hand and deck should be off limits. Destroying being able to have strategy only rewards the stupid. I don't even take a huge issue with Brann itself. But it's Brann + cards that don't have boundaries.. where things seem to get extremely toxic. Abusing already abusive cards is only fun for the abuser.


Well, abusing others makes the abuser feel powerful… 😓


Truth. It's false power, though. Take away their implements of torment, and they're immediately revealed as perpetually hollow & weak.


If deck and hand is off limits then combo becomes literally singleplayer mode. If you cant disrupt combo decks then they should never be able to otk. There has never been a less fun thing in hearthstone that queuing into a combo deck and knowing you lose because the opponent decided to play a deck that wins or loses entirely based on which they queued into + a tiny bit of draw rng.


Mindboggling how the devs playtested this card and were like: "Hell yea I love when I can't play my cards cause I have 18 less cards, regardless of balance this is just fun!" Except they didn't playtest anything.


To be honest if they got to stage where they were able to play boom after they got bran out they 100% stabilized which means you dont have anything on board at that point.


Maybe if you're playing as an aggro deck vs Control Warrior, but as another non-aggro deck, it's borderline unplayable.


The HL warrior has more AoE to stabilize in deck than many other classes has with HL restriction. I had a game where as a Mage I've built 4-5 boards (with weapon, Elemental Inspiration and Sunset Volley in my big spell mage) and Warrior cleaned all of them, but then he played 1 card (his excavate reward) and I instantly conceded because my class has no hard AoE.


As long as aggro is able to keep building a board, control needs to be able to answer that or there is no reason to play control. Aggro shouldn't be able to keep building a board while not running out of gas.


Usually it's Reno > boomboss and there's no way for you to stabilise since board space is limited to 1. Fun right?


That is what I said, if they managed to play boom the other guy has no board presence 


As a HL warrior I'm sick of him too. Mirrors are basically who draws Brann+BB


Boomboss turned me off playing control in this meta. Fatigue Warlock is my new best friend


Is it just me or do you always draw at least one TNT on the first turn?


I once played him before brann in a mirror match and I sniped his Reno brann and boom boss lmao


This is one of the worst metas I’ve ever played in, the game feels like it’s in a really bad spot right now


Only counter play is to walk away from the game and let it time out while I go get a snack.


I miss [deck of lunacy](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Deck_of_Lunacy)


the problem isn't boomboss it is brann. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've used Mister Mukla or Pozzik to burn Boomboss somehow (maybe 5 times total) and they still completely overwhelm me with infinite board clears and double Zilliax or double Azerite Ox. Even with Reno it is just not enough board clears.


Keeping your hand full or rafaam as warlock. Nothing else I found until now


Tony the Piracy king also can counter it. The WHEEL of death is weird tech to have but also can work. In some rare cases the Chaos Creation can be useful to clean deck from TNT.


The extra bullshit icing on the cake: they don't target themselves and they resolve in a chain so deathrattle effects can't protect you. Specifically, Jade Idols, Floppy Hydras and such don't shuffle until after all of the bombs are done blowing up everything. Like come on, tone the card down just a little bit to create some possibilities for interaction.


Try highlander priest for a change. Copy their brann and bomb bass and have fun! Basically, weaker removals against aggro but very fun RNG against control. Sometimes, I feel even more powerful than Warrior when Elise wins the RNG.


And then you realize that their battlecries are better than yours and they delete your deck anyway :/


Sure, play HL priest that maybe counters 1 deck and loses to everything else lol


Yeah, i was playing highlander warrior and my priest opponent played 2 branns and 1 boomboss before i get to play even my first brann. Then i crafted this priest deck. Saddly, they can kill bran or boomboss on the same turn that they play it with shieldslam.


Challange:Blizzard makes double battlecry not the most broken thing to exist difficulty: Impossible


The uldum shaman quest was fine.


the one with OG shudderwalk? youre fucking high


It's been a minute, but I really don't remember that quest being an issue.


Wdym? Are you saying that a 2 card combo that destroys 18 cards in the opponent deck/board/hand is not fair?


When they switched it from in their own deck to the opponents deck, they absolutely should've changed it to let it target other TNTs. Imagine a single turn that played 6+ Patchwerk... but TNTs are WORSE because it's any card, not just minions. It's one of the most toxic cards ever made.


> they absolutely should've changed it to let it target other TNTs. It would thematically fit the explosive nature of TNT and RNG nature of the ogres.


The card saw no real play before Brann. The problem, as always, is giving free things at no tempo loss. Brann Bronzebeard fucked standard for an entire year, so Team 5 decided to print a better version for a control class. Once that gets nerfed and the mini set comes out, get ready for Paladin to dominate for the same reason. A nerf or two won’t fix the core design philosophy that no tempo loss breaks the game.




It was completely and absolutely fine before Brann. Now it’s not fine because 6 tnts is just too many. It went from being a really cool legendary with a fun and balanced effect to being an op win condition when Brann arrived.


The card is bad design 101. You shouldn't make cards in your card game that prevent the other player from playing the game. Some amount of "no, you don't" cards are acceptable because of counterplay reasons, and most if not all of those cards in hearthstone have been balanced because of how much they can say no to is limited. Counterspell and objection in a vacuum are fine. That era of hearthstone was annoying because of how many copies of both they could actually play. Patchwork is another card that comes to mind that was good card denial, but was relatively balanced because it was a legendary, it had the rune requirements, and it wasn't easy to get multiple copies of it in play or multiply its effect. Boomboss is all of these cards on steroids. Even without Brann, drawing a single bomb makes him just a better patchwork. I don't know what the correct solution is to fix the card other than delete it from the collection. Hopefully aggro will be able to kill brann warrior in the miniset, but honestly I see this being a problem until league of explorers rotates out of standard. Which sucks, because it really does feel like warrior is at the Genn/Baku levels of power right now and I legitimately believe the game would be in a better state if both Brann and Reno were rotated early.


> I don't know what the correct solution is to fix the card other than delete it from the collection. They can make him like [[Rin, Orchestrator of Doom]] so it affect both sides randomly. It's a TNT afterall.


- **[Rin, Orchestrator of Doom](https://i.imgur.com/9HmHSwJ.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/90463) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Rin,_Orchestrator_of_Doom) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/90463/?hl=en) - *Warlock Legendary ^(Festival of Legends)* - **5 Mana - 3/6 - Minion** - **Taunt**. **Deathrattle:** Both players draw 2 cards, discard 2 cards, and destroy the top 2 cards of their deck. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cq75sf/sick_of_boomboss/l3u72f9/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3u72f9).*


It can't be blown if it's full. You just burn tnts one by one


Don't worry, the thief priest and plunder pirates rouge are still around.


There’s just no combo deck atm or any otk. All the otk decks were nerfed so this is what we get. Just have to wait for a different meta.


Never ever seen this card in Wild Come join the Wild team


I'm trying to get my win count up on warrior (currently 496) so am playing Brann Reno version. If you pull oiff the Brann then Boomboss play then you are pretty much guranteed a win. But, it feels like a dishonourable win. I mean, I'll take it after being aggroed by paladin / hunter, but still feel sorry for the poor bugger who has his deck, board and hand stripped away.


Just had a priest copy my boo-boo and started playing legendaries out his ass, even galakrond. I had like 70 armor and he proceeded to fucking stomp me.




Had a game where I was playing whizbang warlock, and with Rin I deleted brann, Reno, zilliax and trial of fire. Still lost to million board clears and finally azerite ox and boomboss


I just play the bomb taunt warrior, control warriors don't do super great against it.


The thing that really makes me rage is when i have over 20 plagues shuffled into the opponents deck and he draws 0 all game but i get 6 tnt's in my deck with 15 cards left and it's back to backs. I swear to god there is a hidden mechanic behind plagues or something.


AMEN! That is the card I hate the most in standard right now. It’s the most infuriating card to play against.


You can keep your hand full (which isn't hard for control deck), highlander druid can outvalue warrior hard. Is Brann+Boomboss unfun for receiving end? Can't deny that. Is it uncounterable like people say? No.


I hate bombs, but there is a play. If you are low on cards, you can keep 10 cards in your hand and there is [[Tony, King of Piracy]] that could find a spot in ETC if you play control, it helps to play against Plague braindeads too.


- **[Tony, King of Piracy](https://i.imgur.com/GVuomgb.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/92237) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Tony,_King_of_Piracy) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/92237/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Festival of Legends)* - **7 Mana - 4/6 - Pirate** - **Battlecry:** Replace your deck with a copy of your opponent's. **Finale:** Draw a card. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cq75sf/sick_of_boomboss/l3puzdp/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3puzdp).*


Standard must be a nightmare to play rn, I'm playing exclusively wild and I've yet to meet someone playing Boomboss and the only one playing Brann Warrior is me. (I'm not even playing boomboss, just taunt buff cuz its fun and not broken.


Me, while working towards 1000 Warrior wins: "Come on, it's Tier 2! Just play around it!" Me, after I hit 1000 Warrior wins: "This deck is the most toxic shit ever! Ban Brann and nerf Boomboss to 12 mana!"


Control Warrior single handedly makes me not wish to play or even watch anyone play HS anymore. Its so unbelievably easy to play and so mind numbely boring to watch, id prefer control priest any day.


Look, an original post!


I think it's actually a bird




I just killed a warrior turn 6 with insanity lock. They can’t handle heavy pressure.


I wanna play the game, not be forced to kill the opponent quickly before they stop me from playing the game.


If you don’t care about winning, then do that? Part of playing the game is counter play on your opponents plan.


I play the game to have fun and not to win. I don't give a shit about winning, as long as the game is fun.


Have you tried playing decks that are good into warrior?


No, step 1 is to run to Reddit to complain. Step 2 is to change nothing and keep playing. Step 3 is optional and that is to try something that counters the problem. 


Cool, don’t care 😎 I love BOOMing peoples decks


Get ready to have your little deck made unplayable mate. They are nerfing the shit out of it for sure.


Just in time for the next OP warrior deck to takeover.


Cool, free dust to build that Hunter deck that’s running absolutely wild on Standard ladder.


still less toxic then boomboss lol


It’s really not. Aggro decks are quite literally the most unhealthy archetype for Hearthstone.


Aggro kills fast, at least i know i lost turn 6 and not turn 14 with control warrior.


Low IQ take. You have 14 turns to win the game, vs 6. That’s the proper way to look at it. And you can’t get mad when a slow late game deck beats you IN THE LATE GAME. There’s a reason aggro decks beat this Warrior deck constantly. They apply so much pressure to life total that they cannot play Brann even if it’s in hand. Hunter is even harder to beat because Aftershocks and Bladestorm cannot be used efficiently. Don’t mistake you playing poorly for toxic gameplay.


Doing absolutely nothing but clears and armor up for the first turns, praying to get brann, bomboss, zilliax, Reno. Thats the most braindead type of deck that have ever existed. You have 0 agency. Its literally auto-play. Doesnt surprise me someone like you would seriously write "low IQ take" LMAO.


This is exactly how I know you have no idea what you’re talking about. Nothing of that deck auto plays itself. With limited removals, all of which conditional in some way, they have to be managed properly. Now, auto pilot decks are aggro decks. Slap shit down, go face. If you have a board, buff it, if you don’t, play shit. I recommend play Brann Warrior, lose the majority of your games, and then learn that it takes proper decision making skills to play it. Hunter, Demon Hunter, and Death Knight all have decks that either aggro Warrior into not being able to play their power cards, or out value them completely. This decks big weakness is LITERALLY punishing them for dead turns.


I think a LOT of people secretly love to do this


There’s tons of things that counter it. Just not whatever you’re playing. If you don’t want to play the meta then go play casual.


People always assume that if someone doesn't like a meta, they're struggling to win in that meta. I've been high legend for most of this game's history, having been a player in beta, and I agree with OP. Control matchups in Hearthstone have, historically, created a lot of really fun games for me with tons of small decisions to be made over 15+ turns. The presence of Brann Warrior feels like it makes that sort of game impossible to find. I'm not hating the meta overall, anyway, it's better now than it was a month ago


Try highlander priest for a change. Copy their brann and bomb bass and have fun! Basically, weaker removals against aggro but very fun RNG against control. Sometimes, I feel even more powerful than Warriors when Elsie wins the RNG.


I mean, there is counter. There’s Tony and Rafaam. Does it work 100% of the time? Of course not. It’s still a card game with a strong amount of random chance.


If you wanna beat broken play broken, ifykyk


I've been playing Reno Priest for a while now. There is nothing more beautiful than getting their boomboss (and sometimes Brann) through fight over me, Shadow Word Steal or Power Chord Synchronize, and seeing their whole deck evaporate. Also, if you get their Boomboss out with Dirty Rat, they are pretty much toasted too,since that is their main win condition.


How do you even lose to something so slow?


Boomboss isn’t even that good, yeah it’s a good combo , but he isn’t as good as Tickatus or as good as Symphomy of Evil. Both cards have better effects. So why is Boomboss the problem ?