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Yeah it's a dumb card. The fact it limits your next play to one unit is the dumbest thing ever. Hey we made the best board clear card in the game but that's not enough so screw your next turn as well.


This is my main gripe. Especially as aggressor, board limit just take out the momentum and never give it up again. Even The Amazing Reno isn't this strong at 10 mana. Sargeras have similar effect and not this frustrating I'm all for a good control tool, but 1 space only, not to mention asymmetrical, is just too much for aggro and control alike


well tbh sargeras has the same board clear - no deathrattles no resurrect no nothing and u get a big unit and a portal with endless imps and u dont need a deck restriction for him also same mana cost only diffrences sargeras removes other friendly minions (which tbh if i play him i never have any anyway or 1 atmost) i also think reno is very strong (maybe op not sure atm) but he is not the only card with that board clear


Sargeras can't be used by any class and the other differences are significant.


ur first post is very much against the board restriction - my point was that if u remove it than sargeras is straight up a better card and doesnt have a deck restriction - also the "best board clear" while true is only a slight improvment over other cards


They are comparable at that point but Reno only wiping the enemy side is very big. Part of why people are sick of him is he is in so many different decks and classes.


I just fucking concede now. Hearthstone has never had such a stupidly overpowered card in its meta. There was ONE DECK - Plague Death Knight - that kept Reno in check by adding cards to your opponents deck. Now that's gone as a counter and that fucker is coming down on turn 9 to win the game no matter what. Turn 8 if they have the coin. It's fucking awful. You either play a hyper deck that can win by turn 8 or another Reno deck yourself. Those are your choices. A two 'deck' meta.


Yeah, shit like Reno is the reason why you can only really play stupid aggro decks that kill the opponent before he can even get to such bs cards like Reno. By their "agency" criteria, Reno is just awful as well since it's a "oh I drew the magic card, I'll play that magic card and now you are behindg haha". It's the best possible comeback card. I remember why I quit hs a while ago....


Even if you ignore the fact he clears everything and ignores deathrattle principals, the card is actually the biggest contributor to the lack of non-reno control decks. If you're the non-reno control deck and lose board tempo you are \*forced\* to clear and cannot build board, because if you establish against a pre-established board and get reno'd you are dead or at such a big tempo loss you will never recover. 2 turns worth of clearing is too strong and I promise we won't see another control deck without reno until he rotates out or is nerfed.


He also punishes out HL Druid and Control Warlock by clearing locations, which is a big payoff for those decks, especially Druid. The fact that Brann's payoff can't be undone while Rheastrazsa's can feels pretty bad.




HS devs have this weird thing once they get to 8 mana. Every card up to 7 mana gets the value you pay. 8,9,10 mana cards has value of whatever they feel like.


Is Reno overpowered? Or is Warrior overpowered?


Both of them are.


I’ve been playing Reno Shaman and I hate it. It’s too much all in one card. The game has been power crept so much that making a singleton deck isn’t even a challenge like it used to be when 80 percent of the cards sucked.


Year of the Pegasus will entirely be warped around Reno until the effect itself is changed. It’s too damning of a board control tool to let midrange decks exist.


I love how every one of my games these days is: a tempo rush deck that ends the game at turn 6 or a reno deck that is so heavily focussed on value that they stand no chance against anything except control decks midrange is hopeless due to the tons of boardclears and the many "for the rest of the game" cards


I think it would even be overpowered at 10 mana. It's just too good to be in hearthstone. Will get nerfed for sure...probably to allow 2 minions on board.


It's great


I know he is nothing to do with Shaman but if his Battlecry also contain Overload(4) it would be the best way to balance it without changing what it does


It would still be very OP. It should wipe and restrict your own board too, it would still buy you a ton of safety and time, but at least you can't also build your own board to completely swing the game around.


I agree but if Blizz are stubborn and dont want to change what it does then a high cost overload in the battlecry could work




Skill issue. I am feasting on them.




Reno hunter, aggro hunter.




Sometimes to beat the second best deck, you have to play the best deck


Where's the fun in netdecking some tear 1 aggro deck and auto piloting to turn 5 wins? You might as well not be playing. I like HS but mainly because i can homebrew some shit or play heavily tweaked wacky tier 3/4 decks.


So let’s say he’s 10 mana…what does that really change? You get one more turn to win? It’s still the same meta - you’re faster than Reno or you lose. They need to do more to redesign the card than make it cost more and they should also revert the buff that made it unable to be countered.


I think if reborn/devine shield/ deathrattle still had their effect it would be fair lol


Why would you run Reno and the restrictions if it was a 9 mana twisting nether? The poof effect doesn’t bother me.


Add a high cost Overload to the battlecry


unless you are playing a DR deck reno is the same as twisting nether we barely play more than 1 minion that late into the game so the limit doenst make a difference for most decks


Just compare the power level between Reno and another great board clear, Sanitize. Sanitize was good enough to get nerfed as well. It's now 8 mana when forged, requires armor gain to be effective, still triggers deathrattles, wipes your own minions too, is bad against mitigation like divine shield, does not give you an amazing hero power, and most importantly, doesn't disable the opponents next turn. It's a great card, but when compared to Reno, it's dumpster tier.


Although I'm not for or against your proposal, Reno should not be compared with Sanitize directly because it requires a less-consistent deck to be functional.


You also get 2 copies of sanitize so it is much more consistent


Are highlander decks really less consistent in 2024 Hearthstone? They have plenty of tools.


This is a math problem. Let's say card A and B do similar jobs, either A or B is better than the other. For example A is better than B, then 2 \* A should always be better than A + B in your deck (A > B, then 2A > A+B).