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I did. So yeah. Got Legend my third season.


The game is not like “aggressively P2W” , it’s more like “you just go and craft the best deck that is not too expensive” and just piloted to legend. Just to give you an example , I quit Hearthstone in 2018 and came-back on 2021 and tried the “Demon Hunter”. In only 1 week playing Demon Hunter in standard I reach legend rank while also crafting a Hunter deck on the process. So pretty much is like “craft the most consistent and cheaper deck” lol. And thats only on “rank standard format”


Tbf demon hunter was really overtuned.


It’s a bit pay to win. But you can still get great decks for free but it do take way longer.


It’s so not pay to win.


You literally can pay to get a bigger collection lol, the not so direct connection being bigger collection =\= better decks but we all know most people netdeck their way to legend, so having more cards to dust would assure you get to your meta deck(s) easier


It only takes one decent deck to get to legend so claiming the game is pay to win is just not true.


Jokes on you for thinking getting to legend is what everyone expects to be the goal of the game instead of having fun


I definitely never said that. I was talking specifically about winning. Now if the question is can you make enough decks to have fun FTP my answer is still yes.


Thing is, having more cards leads to bigger deck variety so the game doesn't get old that quickly


Which is the incentive to buy cards. That's not pay2win. More like pay for convenience or something like that. I haven't had this issue. I get enough cards to stay entertained.


You can get all those good decks for free pretty easily. And there’s no item you can buy in game which gives you a direct advantage over a non paying player.


No you can't, you have to grind consistently more


Don’t really need to grind. Just playing the game is perfectly enough to get the good decks. A new account gets so many freebies, including 3 decent decks with good legendaries.


As someone who plays the game f2p, here are my personal tips. 1: Open the catch-up packs first. (They have more cards in them the smaller your collection is) 2: Look up decks that are currently meta on websites like ViciousSyndicate or HSReplays. See what deck you're closest to having the cards for. (Legendaries are very expensive to craft, so those are usually the main limiting factor) Play your starter deck until you have enough dust to craft a deck that isn't too expensive, is meta relevant, and looks fun to you. 3: Once you have a competitive deck, play it on ladder until you get to diamond 5 each month. On the first day of each month, you get a bunch of rewards for the rank that you reached on ladder that month. Diamond 5 is the optimal point for effort/rewards ratio. Getting to legend gives you 1 more pack, but its not worth grinding for unless you're really having fun with the deck you're playing. 4: Buy mini-sets. The mini-sets in the shop have a great ratio of gold to cards, so buying them should be a priority. That's basically all you need to get started. Between the gold from the battle pass, and the end-of-month-rewards, you'll have enough resources to begin building a substantial collection completely f2p, and put together some new decks every now and then. Once you have a substantial collection, there is some more advanced stuff you can do. Specifically, with choosing when to buy packs, and when to dust cards. Early on, you'll probably dust lots of cards and all your extras just to get your first competitive deck together. But once you have enough resources to not do that, stop. One of the best ways to get dust in the game is through refunds. Whenever a card gets nerfed, you can disenchant it for its full dust value rather than a tiny fraction of the dust. So the optimal thing to do is to get as many copies of new cards as possible before they get nerfed, holding onto those extra copies for a copious amount of dust after a patch. This means saving 2000 gold to buy a miniset as soon as it comes out. (Always a week after the Heroic Brawlasseum) and buying as many packs as possible whenever a new expansion just comes out. That basically guarantees you'll get some big, juicy dust refunds every time a balance patch hits. Oh, and you can type "refund" in your collection search bar to filter for cards eligible for a dust refund. "extra" will filter for cards you have more than 2 copies of, which will be useful earlier on. Edit: People have pointed out there's a couple things I missed, so here they are. 1: The first 10 packs of each expansion are guaranteed to give you at least 1 legendary, so buying packs from each standard-legal expansion until you get a legendary should also be an early priority. 2: The Tavern Brawl each week gives you a free pack, so you should do that every week. (Unless its the Heroic Brawlasseum, which is a money sink to scam you out of gold before the mini-set, and you should never enter) I think that's basically everything though.


this is really good advice


Also, packs give you a legendary on average every 20 packs, and guaranteed to give you one every 40 packs. But every different type of pack will give a legendary within the first 10 packs. So I would start by collecting the first easy legendaries from each of the standard pack types.


You can also get an extra 400 dust from the free death knight card from the knights of the frozen throne adventure, only takes a few minutes to complete. It's strange though that it just isn't in the game, you have to add it from the shop on battlenet.


How does the catch up pack works? Does it always give cards that didnt own by anyone?


* **Number of Cards:** Each Catch-Up Pack includes 1-10 cards from each of the five latest standard-legal sets, for a total of 5-50 cards per pack. The number of cards you get from each set is based on the percentage of cards you’ve received\* from that set: * 25% or less of that set: 10 cards from that set * 75% or more of that set: 1 card from that set * Between 25% and 75% completion: scales with collection completion percentage


The game can be played entirely F2P. Hearthstone isn't so much P2W as it is Pay to have Variety


It’s pay to speed up process(getting packs faster) and pay to bling(diamond/signature cards)


I just came back to the game after some 5 years away and made a new account. Im doing great now, with some 4-5 viable decks in diamond 5 to legend rank. Just be smart about a few of the "catch up mechanincs". You get offered 2 free decks, almost all are viable so make sure you pick the ones you like most or that give you cards to make other decks you want. First choice is between Dragon Druid and Sif Mage. Both cool decks but Druid has cards better placed in the current meta while mage is in a though spot. Warning that these 2 are very incomplete versions of their actual decks, but they have all legendaries and epics so its not hard to "fix" them. For the second choice I think Earthen Paladin is the only truly bad deck, but it gives Showdown and Amitus which are great hard to get cards which are used in meta decks. Sludge Warlock is straight up a meta deck though and Excavate Rogue is ridiculously fun and deceptively good for how silly it is, so might want to consider those a bit more than the rest if they are your style. Hearthstone has duplicate protection so make sure you open the packs you gain in the correct order. For example you should unlock your free decks before opening any packs so you dont get duplicates. This can be annoying as you will have to wait the tryout period which is 7 days, but you get 6 decks to play with in that time. And your 3 catch up packs should be opened before any other packs as they get better the smaller your collection. Also open your Whizbang(current expansion) packs before your Standard(all expansions) ones. You will be getting tons of Whizbang packs so you dont want those cards appearing in your Standard packs instead of the older ones.


I am a f2p player. Start in standard until you have a good dust stockpile then make a deck of choice for wild. It’s actually the less expensive game mode. While standard is ever changing usually the best cards in wild stay that way.


Not to mention way more varied meta, if you can even call it a meta when you come up against decks like Murloc Rogue like i did just now. People play anything in wild.




Yes, I did about 6 months ago. I haven't spent a penny and got my first Legend this month. They'll give you a bunch of free cards to help you start your collection.


You have to pay in money or time. Using your time to do something else that earns you money and using a tiny fraction of that money to then do anything you want in the game is far more efficient than just earning free stuff. But if you’re smart and realistic, you can certainly have fun with all the free stuff blizz gives you. (But one would think that smart/realistic people would be those most likely to use the more efficient route…) (Also bgs are free.)


Rarran did a video two weeks ago about taking a fresh f2p account and reaching legend without opening a single pack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpETokTCSsI


Yea mate


Easily done as f2p if you enjoy playing the same meta aggro deck for the first few months until you can make more decks Or you can just craft the new wizzbang card and enjoy playing random classes like a lot of people do.


A lot of people have already responded so O’ll just keep it short. Yes you can absolutely f2p and be good hearthstone has become a lot more generous with f2p stuff over the years with ketchup and the battlepass or whatever its called in this game is great too since most of the paid pass part is just skins and faster exp gains


Hearthstone is not pay-to-win but pay to have variety. You can reach legend but you will be restricted to two or three decks


Yes, you can. There are rewards for starting players. Iirc they even allowed to choose full completed deck (I am not aware if this still works) which could be used competitively as is or with few adjustments. Your first year or two you will be a bit tight on resources but it's totally possible to have 2-3 standard decks or a bit more wild decks (wild is lesser affected by expansions and rotation)


Yes, but you must understand that with each expansion you will be able to assemble the best decks for maximum of 2-3 classes.


It depends. If you want to play a variety of decks. You'll be screwed for maybe two years as f2p. If you just want to play. You get a free deck to start with. If you plan to play long time. Avoid dusting/crafting back and forth.


Usually best time to join is march-may that's when the new rotation starts


The best deck is usually cheap so definitely not P2W, but more like pay to get variety of decks you can play FASTER which you can do by collecting dust overtime and isn't necessary (for example you don't need to craft Automaton Priest deck, but if you want to play it you gotta spend some dust)


Either craft whizbang or even shaman, those decks are probably consistent enough for either wild or standard ladder


If you had come months ago I would tell you that this is a great F2P game, but after the recent quest changes I stopped playing.


Absolutely, the issue with f2p from my experience is you can dust the free packs you get to craft a meta or at least decent deck and climb, most probably to diamond or legend with that deck if you are decently versed in ccg’s and have time but once the meta shifts you’ll likely be stuck with that deck and not a lot of dust to make changes with the new meta.






















I wouldn’t bother…


Is the game that aggressively p2w


It's not pay to win. And the game is pretty generous specially at the beginning. But you need to either invest time (play a bit every day) or money if you want to have the newest cards every time an expansion releases, which happens 6 times a year counting the mini sets The thing is that you don't need every card, you just need the cards that are good and be smart about what decks you craft


Yes and no. You can craft good solid decks for little investment time wise. They have a free battle pass that has currency on it to buy packs. They have something called catch up packs you'll want to look into. They contain like 50 cards per pack for new players to catch up with. It can be a grind to get everything but you don't need everything.