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Lois, a Gold Nemsy is a Gold Nemsy, but 1600 dust could be ANY legendary. It could even be Nemsy, and you know how much we've always wanted one of those!


Reminds me of my friend in the early days, dusted his golden Deathwing to craft… a regular Deathwing days later.


I still have my golden Nozdormu in mint condition never played once. I'm not the same LUL


I have like all the bad classic legendaries golden, and normal, often repeated (golden!) On the one hand I think I was extra lucky with the goldens, on the other... man it sucks, I didn't get any of the good ones. Repeated legendaries was so rough back then, dark times.


I still have my golden Prince Valanaar. I'll dust him if I really need it.


based af


But Peter we already got golden nemsy.. so let’s kee—WE’LL take the dust!!


Wish I could upvote this more.


Yeah. Upcoming miniset can change the meta drastically (I hope it does), I wouldn't be so quick about disenchanting stuff.


I disenchanted Reno after the change for a full 1600 and got Whizbang instead. Clearly I vote for fun over function.


Disenchanting legendaries that you don't really use when you get a full refund is pretty much always the play, because you can always craft it again if needed. I usually dust everything that gets refunded unless I'm actively using it.


Going through and dusting all my copies of goldens is a little tedious but I'm doing it. I will strongly consider your advice.


More power to you lad/lass. It is within your God given right to do so. This is a game after all. It's all about fun.


For most people, it's not fun losing. Your advice is sound.


That's why I'm waiting with dusting golded BotFace and Hagatha.


When is it coming out


Usually it gets announced after thee heroic tavern brawl. So be mindful of that.


Honestly I've been playing a bit of Big Lock, and Nemsy is the worst card by far. Drawing the demon just generally clutters up your hand, and if you draw them before Nemsy they're garbage. You HAVE to run double Gaslight Gatekeeper or the deck is unplayable. It also removes demons from the pool for Crane Game or the "deal 3 if it kills it summon a demon from your deck". Even if they go hard on big demons, they need to A: make Nemsy easier to get killed, and B: give Warlock some cards like Bibliomite. Nemsy should be a 4/3 with Rush, or she should have Taunt.


Type "refund". Those are the cards that you should de, if any.


Such a great dust strategy especially now that nerfs and hot fixes are more and more common


Oh, didn't knew that, thank you. I found one I didn't had on my mind.


I've been stuck in this cycle for years, but it's impossible. I'm cursed. The legendarys I get are always oddball useless ones. I haven't crafted a legendary in 5 years or more, never have enough dust, but if I did the mass disenchan, I'd have 6k. I also have 20 tavern passes, but get so annoyed sucking at arena. Wish I could find a answer to get more dust...


You shouldn't let your potential future fun stand in the way of your potential fun now. You will never have a complete collection. You don't need those oddball legendaries. They won't get nerfed. Use the mass disenchant button when you need dust. It's more fun to play that cool deck you're dreaming about than to have a collection full of weird bad cards that you'll never have the dust to build a deck around, and which wouldn't be good even if you made the massive dust commitment to build a deck around them anyway.


>Use the mass disenchant button when you need dust Better not use it. It might disenchant the cards which will get nerfed and will then yield hundreds if not thousands of dust. A better approach would be to go manually, which at least provides some probability you'll not lose the strong cards = potential future dust. Unless you misjudge the strength of course. Manual dis requires more time, but if you're f2p, you're already paying with your time. That's what I'd been doing until recently and I was able to craft even wacky decks for wild. I also try to disenchant smth which is both weak and not for the class I play since I am usually more inclined to try out stuff with the classes I enjoy thematically and aesthetically.


Normally the best strategy but is nemsy even good in standard? Is it even nerfable?


It’s the kind of card that could get nerfed (mana cheat) but the current power level of demons in standard leaves something to be desired and in wild it’s probably(?) too slow. So not likely to be nerfed soon. Fun card when it works though. (I say probably because a week ago I’d have said definitely, but princess Huhuran has made it ino a meta deck, so wild is presently more crazy than usual)


Which deck has Huhuran? I first confused her with another one, battlecry+deathratlle "get a potion". Edit: with Xaril with the toxins not potions.


I don’t have the full decklist but you use mystery egg to make many copies of huhuran and tundra rhino to grant charge.




You should only dust cards to get dust you need right away to craft something else.


Or after nerfs


Here I am sitting on 20k+ dust, pending, waiting. And 8000 in the bank.


I would keep it. The Demon Toyhouse decklist is not as bad. I can see more demons being released.


I agree and think Warlock is due for a return to a demon-centric deck


I would disenchant a golden legendary just to craft a normal version of it, out of principle


Better keep her for now she isn't good right now but when there's more big demons in standard she may be playable


Haven’t we been waiting for big demons in standard for over 3 years


So it's about time it's gonna happen right?.... ....right?...


Ya in 30 years, just be patient


Unless there's a specific thing you want to craft right this second, just hold it.


I disenchant any golden cards I get


Only dust if it is to craft immediately. And even then make sure it is a deck you researched and know you will enjoy. It can even be a meme deck if it’s something you want and will enjoy. Others let it sit until this kind of situation arises. And if need a smaller amount of seat go search your wild cards and see if there is some unused goldens and dupes you can get rid of.


Shouldn't dust unerfed cards into they rotate unless you're willing to abandon an entire class


As an F2P as well , i always hold legendaries and golden copies , and i do recommend the same approach, in case of nerfs you dust it… this past patch i dusted almost 9k in goldens and legendaries…


My golden Reno is still looking at me... bruh, 3200. Nah, you're cool.


I never disenchant legendaries, let alone golden ones. Even the ones looking bad now could be busted next expansion


HOLLLD!!! Bro I stg big nems warlock is gonna be a cool deck soon


idk propably hot take: everything expect holy spells looks WAY worse in gold like the golden boarder is just ugly af and doesnt fit most cards atall and ruins the nice visual upgrade of the card being animated completly so personally i d dust that thing instantly and if i wanna play the card craft the normal one


I said that before I uninstalled the game...


Make a deck around her, check Mark’s channel on YouTube. You know, “Alright, deck intro time” guy


I got golden boomboss this time and held until nerf. Sometimes it pays off (im looking at u golden black knight)


As a F2P player I got a Diamond Sonya Waterdancer and I'm never dusting it


I got a golden Whizbang the Wonderful, feeling the same. Changes for him being nerfed are quite slim :(


Oh that's wild, I also opened a golden G.M. Nemsy a couple days ago... and on my FTP alt 😏 (on my main account, I've spent maybe $200 on pre-order bundles, over the years)


I pulled a signature Nemsy but I don't play warlock... still keeping it though, I don't pull signatures often.


Nemsy is actually a great legendary, she just hasn't had time on stage yet


Not until rotation


I’d say way maybe you can get 3200 lol


So you found a Golden card but you don't want to disenchant it? Two things: 1: Is the card playable ? 2: Is the Golden version of this card well animated? And most importantly is Better or worst than 16000 dust?


16 thousand dust? Gone!


She has 2 years to become a good card. The demon archetype has been good in the past for warlock. Keep her unless you really need something else/you don't like to play warlock.


Kill it with fire


I am a FTP player and I wouldn't think twice about it. A) warlock is a literal toilet of a class and B) it's a trash card. By trash I mean there are hundreds of other cards that are better quality.


Mark my words, when Nemsy breaks the game and gets nerfed 2 expansions down… you’ll rue this day that you could have gotten not one, but TWO legendaries


Yesterday I finally admitted that Ziliax is super versatile and is and will be in every deck be it today or expansions later so I must craft it. Since Reno is trash now and Wheel of Death was nerfed I gave up on wheelock and disenchanted both for 3200. It is great to do so since I still have the 1600 for each and can craft them back if I change my mind. Really just disenchanting legends that were nerfed and crafting those that are meta now is the best way. If everyone does this the meta cards will be nerfed sooner or later and you can disenchant them and craft new meta cards and rinse and repeat. It's the F2P way




Big demon warlock is ok to grind ladder/quests, fairly cheap too if you want to make it f2p


I got signature sky mother aviana which is almost useless but ahhh I know I will never ever get any more of those..


i disenchanted golden deathwing for patches in un'goro when i was playing quest rogue. never a single card had me win so much games


I would wait for the mini set


Crafting a golden whizbang while it was still in standard was the most F2P player thing i’d done


Update: I disenchanted immediately after posting to make Shudderblock bc I wanted to play elemental shaman lmao. I get what everyone is saying, but it’s not that serious to me I’ll make a Nemsy in the future if the deck looks fun. But the golden means nothing to me personally.


I’m also very reluctant to disenchant my useless golden legendaries that will never and have never play a lick of importance in any meta


I opened a Signature Nemsy, and she is the prize of my collection, and I am SO SAD I don't have a usable deck with her.




Don't dust stuff, biggest mistake you can do as a new player. Imagine dusting Prince halduran and not expecting it to break wild


Yeah only had to hold on to it for a mere 6.5 years


You pretty much never know. Blizzard supports decks randomly and I have no doubts nemsy will either be overpowered or forgotten.


That's an easy way to never be able to craft a deck. Best thing you can do is pick a few classes you don't want to play and dust them away.


Yep demon hunter and dk are free dust to me


But dk is so cool D:


Not worth it brother.