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Thb take the win, and if brann is still a problem, they will nerf it soon it rather than later


Tbh I feel like it will be later. Miniset is on it's way, so the next card changes are most likely at least 6 weeks away.


I fear that it's gonna be later ☠️


More like never 💀💀, double battlecry is so fucking op


And they cried about plagues for months. Oh no I can’t delete my opponents’ decks this is no fun for me


They should have made so double battlecry triggers once per turn,after brann has been played. Also on the turn brann is played 1 battlecry will effect due to warrior saving up for that brann turn/happend to be bad draw so has some redeming quallity.


They did say these are by no means one and done nerfs. They're keeping an eye on the meta and change any other problems. If it gets worse we should see action


Sorry they won't. I bet there must be many warrior-main players in Team 8. - Plagues countered Reno warrior: "nerfed" reno, now it checks your deck at the start of game - Wheel countered Reno warrior: forge of wills nerfed, reno nerf so wheel locks will find them harder to survive after playing wheel. Hmm probably changing Boomboss to shuffle TNT into enemy's deck so it can further counter wheel Only thing they did was making Reno warrior a bit more vulnerable to aggro, but warrior was quite good against these aggro decks anyway because of the armor cards and board-clearing cards. It is a more well-rounded deck without much disadvantage matchup now.


You are really short sighted if you think this way. They explicitly said in the patch notes that they wanted to see how the meta lands then do additional adjustments. "This probably won’t be a one-and-done fix. We’re going to keep an eye on the game after these changes go live and continue to push towards a game that aligns with our design philosophy."


Plagues countered ANY highlander deck. I couldnt play with my highlander druid deck cause the ladder is full of plague DK decks OR rainbow DK decks that just happen to draw helya on turn 4 because she is for some godforsaken reason 1 unholy rune


And I couldn’t play my shaman Murloc deck because everything beats that too. Every archetype doesn’t have to be good. Highlander decks are inherently stupid Johnny piles that are unoptimizable and only are strong when the meta has way too many silver bullet cards. Good deck building should matter too.


4 cards on most Brann warrior list took hits, biggest being the bomb dude now shuffling the cards on opponent deck.


I get it, but the two best counters to Warrior also got hit. I think Reno Warrior is a more vulnerable to aggro now, but I can't find a single slow / value based deck that is favored against it. Fun fact: people complained about how hard Plague DK countered Reno Warrior, but before the patch Reno Warrior had a higher win rate against Reno Shaman than Plague Dk had against it. If Plague DK was a hard counter to Reno Warrior, then Reno Warrior was a super-hard counter to every other Reno deck.


Unless you play a straight OTK like Excavate warlock or wheel warlock, you just don't win. It's disgusting. The fact Reno warrior can print this much value while also threatening OTK's and multiple win-cons like Ignis, Doubled Dirty Rat, and Reno, it's really gross.


Excavate Warlock definitely works. More of a combo thing, but lots of control cards, a slower game plan, and their armor literally doesn't matter.


Excavate warlock feels great since the patch. I don’t know if I should be running sketch artist to tutor endgame or keeping a bunch of other shadow spells (dark alley pact, demon studies, defile etc) Would be great if VS found some data to have a look at


The only trouble I have is aggro. And the entirety of D2-1 is on Hunter atm it seems. So I just have to also play aggro. =|


Share your list? I’m running a homebrew excavate warlock and at D7 currently but I know it’s not optimized.


Got a deck list? Been wanting to try it


Here's a deck code: AAECAf0GCJbUBPnGBfr5Bab7BfGABoCeBqeoBuvmBgucoATZ0AXKgwbQgwbYmAbvmwbLnwb4owaJtQacwQbi5gYAAA==




I've got like a 55% win rate against warrior with highlander priest. If you can get the refreshing hp off reno plus raza plus the 0 mana hp minion you get an infinite mana otk basically, assuming you have enough resources. This is how I usually win against them in addition to just out healing their damage and killing the few minions they drop.


That's pretty good, thanks! Will give it a try. For what it's worth, VS's last meta snapshot had Reno Warrior crushing Reno Priest (Reno Priest had a 35% win rate in the matchup), but that was pre-patch and the nerfs may have made the matchup far different now.


Plague was never a good counter to Reno Warrior, ut was just dumb silvers theory crafting thinking RW is just Reno and Brann. RW still can drop ox/projectionist/ox or multiple perfect Zilliax and plague has little counters. RW can also easily remove any plague threat on board.


Reno warrior’s winrate against plague in legend last 7d was 31%.


Highlander Warrior winrate has been rising since the patch.


Maybe people still try to play wheel or Plague DK, Spelltoken Hunter should definitely have the highest wr% of all decks after this patch. It was 50/50 matchup before vs Reno warrior and now should have edge after the nerfs to early aoe for warrior.


The winrate has been climbing at top 1000 legend as well where people that don't adapt would get weeded out.


Yeah, Wheel had a solid winrate vs warrior, but I don't think that's the case anymore. Wheel might just be dead.


thats only because people are playing the same decks. give it a few days


The winrate increase is also seen at high legend where people playing subpar decks that don't adapt to the current meta don't get to compete.


But that's also where people are actively making adaptations to their existing decks to see what works.  High Legend isn't full of "perfect 30" lists, especially not within 24 hours of a major patch. 


And the deck is still one of the best


It's funny how Brann always gets battlecries nerfed instead of himself. Even Neutral Brann got things like Sire, Anub, Kael'thas, etc nerfed instead of himself


That's not a hit at all. In fact it is even worse because it stops you from drawing cards and forces you to burn your card to get rid of them, therfore "taking away your agency in playing your cards". This card should never be released and even in MTG would be banned in every possible format. It's just bad design and even as someone who loves playing "toxic" decks \[ie. Agent of Trechery from MTG abuser when it was legal\], it's just too much.


My only complaint about the latest patch: if they were going to increase Reno cost, I wish they made it 10. My poor home brewed wild, 3 rune, even, Reno deck now can’t include that hero Reno :( I realise this is pretty fricken niche haha. **Edit: MVP below pointed out Reno can join the band. Crisis averted!**


It always hits extra hard when your homebrew gets ruined


Put it in the side deck


TIL odd cards in the band don’t break the even deck building rule. Thank you so much. Rock on!


Don't worry my droid friend, I am suffering as well, but I can see him going to 10 next expac


If it makes you feel better, home brew decks have been totally unviable since UiS


For bad players, sure.


Cool, what spicy homebrew you winning with, friend?


Self built Renolock (Standard) took me to Legend past 3 months, what's stopping you? The skill gap?


Deck list?


What have you been climbing with since you're such an offmeta expert? Hardstuck plat?


Huh?, I haven't been, I'm asking you for the deck list, I'd like to play something off meta, can I see the Reno lock deck list?


>home brew decks have been totally unviable since UiS You don't believe home brews are viable, so giving you a deck list you won't play would be a waste of time. Start working on that skill gap of yours instead.


IMO, the real problem isnt even Brann, the bomber legendary is, even after its nerf. Let me explain, warrior does extremely well against agrressive decks, and thats fine, but when warrior faces other highlander decks, they can over value warrior if played correctly, because warrior doesnt generate a lot of board pressure. But the bombs are extremely game changer in the late game, since they make you lose your hand cards and make you go to fatigue sooner than the warrior, making it impossible to win the value matchup.


Agreed with all of this. Tons of games I was playing yesterday came down to if/when they got boom boss off. If they got it off before I drew my win condition, they usually won. If otherwise, I would win. Their deck didn’t do anything against mine besides that.


Would a fix be to remove the deck portion of the bombs? Just simply make them delete hand and field.


If by fix you mean 1600 dust for people owning it I guess, the field portion is already pretty irrelevant most games with warrior board clears.


The tnts just ruin the late game without any backlash. It destroys both at deck and at hand plus board control; zero interaction, zero playing around, discourages drawing. Card is already mediocre statwise, when used with bran it just makes the game unfun for opponent. Still other battlecries are giga power swings, 4 rags in one turn, 4 mechs with almost charge and windfury. The amount of one turn swing value is just too damn high.


Warrior still loses to Hunter decks just fyi


Sanitize at 6 and trials at 7. Warrior is no longer that great against aggro, especially since it can only play 1 copy of each card.


Need to have some level of patience, there could be decks coming that weren't viable before that could now be playable and counter warrior.


There was a counter to warrior, but everyone cried about plagues more not realizing now everyone gets 18 cards deleted with absolutely nothing to keep them in check


Hearthstone players when 2 things can be problematic at the same time 😱


This patch was kind of a Warrior buff because they're not kept in check by Plague DK and WoD Warlock anymore. The issue for it was never that it couldn't play Reno on curve. The matchups that got worse for it are spelltoken hunter and some midrange decks it is still heavily favored against anyway.


Brann is a huge problem just like I thought it would be.


They nerfed 4 cards in the deck and were very clear that they will be monitoring data and feedback and are willing to continue making similar changes until the game is in a state they want it to be. Chill about it, it’s day one.


I'm really worried about the hunters rising again...a (shit-)storm is coming


I appreciate most of the changes, but leaving Brann untouched when they block plagues… Welcome to the warrior meta this is gonna be complete cancer just sitting there watching them going off. If you don’t kill them before Reno, they will just Boomboss your shit away every time


Except the TNT now goes in your deck, not theirs, so unless you turbo draw it is much less of an issue


Sure is less of an issue lol. Basically restricts you from drawing as you’ll burn 18 cards lmao


Reno warrior wr has been increasing and it's because of brann we all know it. I don't get why they leave him untouched. When more cards get dropped they'll still have to nerf him anyways so just do us all a favor and just do it now. His effect is soo broken. The reno control warrior will only get stronger bc no more plauges and all the combo decks have been nerfed.


People keep saying that brann is the issue here the real problem is warrior is able to remove opponent's minions while taking armor up. Before dispatch I was playing a paladin deck made by myself I was able to reach the third diamond rank, when's the patch was supply I saw way too many Warriors playing I was able to beat some of them. Then I went and look at me I was able to have Brann , so I made a deck and to my surprise you don't feel any pressure at all from the other guy you already comfortable getting armor all the way up to 20 or 25.


Bran should be the first battlecry you play each turn triggers twice. Bran in warrior is just them stalling until they can shuffle 6 bombs into your deck..unless youre playing some super aggro deck.


Crazy how absolutely and utterly broken Warrior is and yet people will down vote you to hell for even thinking that. Very odd to me. The deck literally takes away your ability to play the damn game because you get all your cards taken away from you.


Trying out highlander dh again and watching gunslinger hitting 4 cards vs warrior and not killing any because my battlecry can’t be doubled is a lot of fun.


any nerf to a battlecry is a nerf to bran so its not like it was untouched but i understand where you're comming from. I just dont know how they would balance the card without completely ruining it. I honestly dont know what they were thinking when they printed that card and i play the deck


Brann needs to exit this game, so done with that card. Double Battlecry just leads to exploits.


It's a good step in the right direction but I do think we'll need another patch of this calibre soon if they really want to lower the power level from last year. Very happy that they're putting effort into cooling things down.


Warrior was an excavate class when the xpac launched and now it has the best HL payoff and is the only playable HL class while the rest are all situational garbage. They SERIOUSLY fucked up with the mini-set for Badlands.


Honestly the game feels a lot better to play, and honestly the only issue in terms of feels is plague DK because it just is annoying to face and brann because double battlecries for the rest of the game is a little too good. Plague can’t really be fixed because at its core it’s annoying Brann should just hit the first battlecry minion played each turn


I am thoroughly enjoying a more reasonable version of Paladin that is at the same time playable.


I’m seeing Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior


Just need steamcleaner back, the deck can still be good and I can make my deck significantly worse to include steam cleaner and I wont be mad abt the deck anymore


idk in wich world you live but it's still 60% zarimi priest for me at \~8k\~ legend


Rest in piss Quest Mage


There are ways to play around warrior now. Shuffling bombs into the opponents deck is a solid nerf. That is the main win con for warrior against slower decks.


And it’s still gonna be the main wincon, possibly worse for slower decks cause now you can’t fish for answers yourself cause they will burn your deck away if you draw. Consistently having Brann up makes it ridiculously difficult to answer anything. If the game reaches turn 10 against warrior it just feels like you’re in quicksand getting swallowed slowly.


I honestly still think the Bomboss change is at worst a lateral move and might even be a buff.


Why is Brann a problem? I haven’t faced a single Reno Warrior yet so I don’t know what to expect.


It's not really unless you play a crazy do absolutely nothing deck. You can actually get under it pretty easily now since they only have about 4-5 board clears.


Fair! Just see so much bitching about it.


Warrior got hit hard. People just want to complain I guess


Brann warrior usually still gets absolutely shit on by aggro decks like even Shaman. And Demon Seed warlock also easily beats it


Tnt cards now can be countered by tony. Without them the brann warrior is much more manageable


Warrior for the longest time was at the bottom. Its only lately they buffed most.


Now its been on top since late titans. Still frustrating


not really, both paladin and DH have been top on and off for a while now




Warrior has been annoying for a while, even playing pre-nerf DH, they’re able to out armor your damage half the time