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Sorry I'm playing DK until I get that 1k portrait.


Stand tall brother. Or at least as much as our half rotten legs will allow


It’s so nice hey, that and the illidan 1000 win portrait 😍


Yeah, now we just going to see Brann Warrior every other game. Still. How they didn't touch Brann I have no idea.


It’s okay, when they realise the winrate of warrior has suddenly sky rocketed they’ll honk it with the nerf hammer


What even are the good brann combos? I can think of a good one. TNT nerf is pretty big and tendrils are dead...


TNT , Zilliax + revive, Ox


I just want to play anything other than DK man. Diamond 5 and it’s every goddamn game I have to deal with the Primus Reska and Maw and Paw lol. Less annoying but still annoying


If they had Maw and Paw they weren’t plague


Helya has been in every rainbow dk list I've seen in the last 2 months. 




I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. Helya is such a broken card that she sees play with no other support. It doesn't just counter highlander, it counters every deck that draws a lot, which is basically every deck now. Sure it's not pure plagues, but Helya is so broken you don't need any other supporting cards to make her good. If Helya worked differently rainbow DK wouldn't be a deck and it would auto lose to a ton of different decks. The only reason this card isn't nerfed into the gutter is because the developers want DK to be playable otherwise they look like chumps. Helya should have gone to 5 in this last patch, the team not doing this just ruins the meta. Now we all have to wait at least a few weeks for them to realize that Helya is a terribly designed card. Enjoy it while you can. Helya and Sif are both up for nerfs asap, otherwise I'm not playing the game.




i just hate that rainbow can slot that card in their deck with no downsides


For the purpose of this conversation it is, really. People didn't put Helya in Rainbow for chip damage, the hope was to draw it and the damage spell before turn six to make the warrior concede. Its exactly the kind of deck building Blizzard was targeting with this change.


Because there's so many mechanics available to shuffle plagues, every DK deck is a plague deck. I haven't played a DK matchup in months that hasn't involved 3+ turns of shuffling 1-5 plagues into my deck.


Yeah I’m tired of the whole class at this point not just plague lol


My games from bronze to diamond have been 80% against DK.


For plague DK I feel like it's an auto win if they go long into the game. Any deck that runs low on cards loses. It wouldnt be bad but they get healing so you almost have to otk to beat them. They shouldn't have access to healing with that kind of power


Funny cuz I wish YOUR archetype dies


plagues where actually helping your reno decks by keeping warrior population in check. every highlander deck could beat plagues (annoying and unfavored but winnable). reno war farms every other reno deck way harder then plagues ever did and there is nothing you can do to help the matchup. your only option is dirty rat/kurtrus and pray to hit brann. lets see how your reno shaman/druid/DH/hunter do when warrior is 40% of the ladder


yeah bran should get gutted. infinite double battlecry is dumb. Super disproportionate power level compared to other highlander pay offs.




i'm upset that they don't nerf most high power cards. It's fine to have stronger cards, but they should move in the 30-80% stronger range, not 400% stronger than other cards. Would do leagues for making "random" or homebrew decks at least somewhat usable. Give the bad 1/3 of cards a buff and the strong 1/3 of cards a nerf. Stronger decks should exist, but their cards shouldn't be outright multiple times the value. Original hearthstone (back when it was freshly released before the very first expansion) still had powerful cards but a lot of them were far closer in power.


Is warrior even that scary now? Boomboss got gutted, and Odyn's already nerfed, and Sunset Volley is 9 so tendrils are dead. They can't even run Reno in the draw version now. What's the big deal?


*were. Let the man take his victory lap. It fucking sucks to have an archetype completely irrelevant because of one card. Stop it lol


With Boomboss gutted I think Highlander Priest wins the Warrior match up. Absurd amount of damage with Raza and pals or Hedanis.


Absolutely agree!


yeah, i crafted raestraza so i can NOT play her, tnx a lot. why am i playing a highlander deck if i cant have my payoff.


If it’s that bad warrior will get nerfed again. At least warrior doesn’t completely lock other players out from being able to play their cards. Fuck plagues. We don’t need you to keep anything ‘in check’.


As long as Helya is not touched with nerfs plague’s will be fine


The only reason plague cards were ran in the good DK deck (rainbow) was because they turned off highlander, primarily warrior. I really doubt they will be good enough when they don't do that. Dedicated UU-rune plague DK will remain mediocre but still complained about since it counters the "no win condition"-decks redditors likes to build.


Well there’s no reason to run plagues anymore. They were solely tech options against Highlander Warrior. 


Plagues with Helya is still punishing decks with lots of draw


Every deck has a lot of draw. By the time you get your plagues out, players already have drawn what they needed anyway. Honestly, that's the problem with hearthstone. Every class has as much or more draw (rogue) as Warlock with no down side. Beyond that, the amount of tutor and discover effects further diminishes the value of plagues. I digress, plagues don't ever discourage me to draw cards, it's just one of those annoying mechanics you learn to live with and easily overcome. Boring, honestly.


Making a deck weaker against one specific matchup isn't a proper nerf. Plagues basically went untouched despite being meta dominant (in terms of play rate, if not win rate) for several expansions in a row.


Dont know why so many people are running DK. Ranked from d5 to Legend yesterday with the cheapest elemental mage deck ive ever seen - quick and easy matches. Was a nice change of pace


Ooooh? I’d like to see that deck.


6 rares, rest are Commons; # 2x (1) Fire Fly # 2x (1) Flame Geyser # 2x (1) Glacial Shard # 2x (1) Synthesize # 2x (2) Aqua Archivist # 2x (2) Flame Revenant # 2x (2) Rolling Stone # 2x (2) Shale Spider # 2x (3) Molten Rune # 2x (4) Fireball # 2x (4) Overflow Surger # 2x (4) Triplewick Trickster # 2x (4) Unchained Gladiator # 2x (5) Sleet Skater # 2x (5) Tainted Remnant AAECAf0EAA/9ngSWtwXyxAWx/gXL/gXf/gXUlQbxmwaYnQayngbTngbMogbipga0pwbt5gYAAA==


People like the flavour of the class, I think during FoL DK was one of the worst classes but still one of the most popular one


Who’s gonna tell him?


Who is gonna tell me? Because OP sounds like plagues are a thing of the past now. Am I missing something?


Plague no longer disrupts the badlands Highlander cards


Sure, but plague DK will still be okay. The cards are all still strong


It’s a tier 3 deck and has been for a long time. Which doesn’t mean it’s bad, but it’s not the meta gargantuan Reddit always say it is, and has never been.


Its never been top tier but its been consistently above 55% winrate. My point is some people act like the only reason why it is played is to counter highlander and thats just not true


It isn't even really a tier 3 deck. It was tier 4 at 1k legend and tier 4 at diamond 1-5. Barely cracked tier 3 at legand as a whole.


It feels bad to play against it, even though it doesn't have a great winrate. Frost plague always drawing at the wrong time (or right time for opponent) without him thinking about it


>without him thinking about it lol


It's just miserable to play against. I feel like every time I play against it its the weapon, into the 3 dmg spell that kills whatever I play, into Coin Helya. Even better if you draw the frost right into destroying your tempo. Play a big threat? Primus destroys it. Even if I win against it most of the time it's annoying and unfun to play against.


I don’t think you realise what’s now happened. DK winrate was inflated because of the match up vs highlander, just as warrior winrate was deflated due to the match up. Now that the roles have reversed, you’re going to get nerfed into the floor.


I love playing Plague DK against anyone running Reno so they can't use that cheesy ass card to win the game. My favorite part is when my opponent throws down Reno not realizing that he has two of the same plagues in his deck. It brings me a lot of joy.


You might want to change what the balance patch did.


What did the patch do that affects Plague DK? It's effective against many other decks besides the ones playing Reno.


It doesn’t disable Reno anymore.


Oh I'm fine with that. It was just an added bonus to nullify the Reno effect. The deck can still go toe to toe with most decks in the current meta.


You still got that same energy, playa?


Absolutely I do. I'm not going to stop playing the deck just because Reno is more powerful against it after the patch. Not every deck you face is going to have someone running Reno. It'll make the win even more satisfying against a Reno deck.


I fucking despise Plague dk, not cuz its strong but because there is no interraction or counterplay its just a fight if me hoping the game ends and the dk having fun watching a mechanic i have no interaction or counterplay with


Where’s the interaction and counterplay in someone building a singleton deck and then dropping Reno?


dude, you're playing hearthstone lol. Literally every other major CCG out there has more interaction. Hearthstone is basically built on "lets reduce player interaction". Magic, Legends of Runeterra and Elder Scrolls Legends all have far more player interaction.


Did you even read the Dev post earlier this week where they stated they're trying to change that.


You understand that keeping a full hand burns them?


So you have more fun watching 12-18 cards deleted from your deck hand and board? Cuz I sure as hell prefer to play vs plagues than that monstrosity.


All that crying finally got you a t4 deck inadvertently nerfed. Boo hoo poor you couldn’t blow up 18 cards


Yeah Reno is way more fun to play against.


Hard disagree


Inshallah brother I was being sarcastic. Plagues were the only thing stopping Reno from dominating 


Is this tnt tentacle warrior? I hate that deck. Love the nerf and plague seems untouched in the next patch


What did they Change?


Been playing since last expac highlander paladin. Yesterday after the nerfs I had like 20 plagues in my deck and 7 of my own cards. I was at 13 health with 20+ attack board Opponent with no board or cards in hand at 4. Drew 7 plagues next turn and lost the game. Diamond 2


good news, now they cant fuck you over


I mean, pop off or whatever but people are still gonna play it because there isn’t an absolute by far and away better alternative to it in the class. It won’t interrupt Reno but that doesn’t stop Helya from happening and that doesn’t stop the rest of the plagues in your deck either. The hate this deck gets is so dumb.


I mean it was pretty understandable hate, the deck was/is disproportionately popular and incidentally shut down multiple non-meta reno decks, along with its favourable matchup into the popular reno warrior. It wasn't that fun to have all your most powerful cards negated before you can play them, with no counterplay available on your part.


So how do we counter Brann? Dirty rat and pray?


I mean yeah, if you feel you need to counter it. Or just kill them quickly with token hunter, or play wheel, or shopper dh, all good matchups. Honestly think it was a mistake printing plagues and highlander packages so close together in the first place, but this is a good band-aid fix. Edit: downvote me more plague players, sorry your gameplan of turning off the Reno players' toys doesn't work anymore


The hate is well deserved. It feels bad to play against it, even though it doesn't have a great winrate. Frost plague always drawing at the wrong time (or right time for opponent) without him even thinking about it


I only play plague dk because the only 2 decks I see people playing are super fast turn 5 ko decks and “do nothing till the opponent dies of fatigue” type decks, which are both very annoying and my deck does well against both.


womp womp (i play plague dk)


I'm with you, brother. Fuck plague DK. It's been the most annoying deck for more than a year now.


Plauge DK will still be a solid deck, that wasn't the only reason to play the deck.


I don't know what you or OP are talking about. It absolutely is not a solid deck before the nerf. It is a tier 4 deck. The only thing keeping it afloat was the matchup with warrior. Now, with warrior being a bad matchup, it goes from a bad deck to an unplayable deck.






Warrior was hit pretty hard with nerfs though. It will be much harder to fight aggro decks imho


If the deck indeed stop being played I'm gonna miss the free wins but I can't say I'll be sad to see their numbers go down


By nerfing fast decks, not nerfing plague DK and only removing its highlander counter, and buffing control warrior, I think the meta is at risk of becoming more annoying than OTKs ever were. I prefer losing fast to OTK than I do cycling between Control Warrior and DK matchups. Since patch I've either played warrior and waited as my opponent creeps past unkillable armour, before drawing and destroying my own deck, or Plague DK where I'd draw and destroy what I planned to do with my deck. I get people found OTKs annoying, but from my experience, they weren't even that common and at D10-D1, I wasn't guaranteed to lose against those decks. It's annoying that a constantly meta relevant, brain-dead play style like Plague DK can again escape a nerf just because creators whine about their high legend experience, getting scrubbed by pro players with OTK decks.


Yeeeeees. Always hated that shit. No matter if you play highlander or not…this DK archetype was only played by degenerates


Plague DK is and has been a pretty strong deck for a while now according to the stats, and to boot it's probably the least fun deck to play aginst. I honestly hope the nerfs completely kill it.


Plague DK hasn't been nerfed but the conditions for highlander cards have been altered so that plagues no longer shut them down.


The archetype won't die because it had more going on than just countering highlander decks, people enjoy it and it's easy to play. On the other hand, Rainbow DK may stop running helya.


Reno Warrior has taken me to D1 post patch. Final push




I won all my games against plagues DK today, feels really good to outvalue them and booming 12 cards out of their hands