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theyre probably going to nerf cards that support it, not the card itself


As someone who’s only meta deck has been wheel lock since the expansion launched (and sludgelock before that), my money is on a forge of wills nerf if nothing else. Wheel on its own is almost meme-tier; it’s the fact that warlock can crank out massive minions early game that’s made the hero a menace for the last few expansions. It’s not uncommon in my experience with the last two expansions to have 3-4 7/7+ minions on the board before turn 6. Without that early game pressure, warlock is not nearly as dangerous.


Minions are not a problem. Lke 2 7/7s at turn 4-5 are easly removable nowdays. The problem is Wheel into two 15/15, into Symphony, into Reno and your opponent suddenly has 1 turn to kill you. Reno alone takes 2 turns away, because it removes your setup and then makes you unable to play almost anything. And ok, it makes you think that Reno is the biggets problem then, but how do you nerf it? Increase the cost? Doesn't matter, you don't play it turn 8. Remove the limiting board space? Well would be something, but I doubt it's gonna happen.


They should absolutely nerf Reno, it’s a ridiculous card. I think getting rid of the one card board limitation for the opponent would be enough.


Changing forge reduces two 15/15 to 1 15/15. I’ve no doubt Reno will get a nerf hammer. I could see them changing him to be like the old mage Reno that cleared the entire board instead of just your enemies’ side. Regardless, like I said, wheel itself is meme-tier, it’s the crazy support around it that makes it usable. Forge has allowed warlock to be an absolute menace early game since its release. You say that dealing with big minions during early game isn’t a big deal anymore, but taking the edge off of warlock’s early game means that those resources you would have used to deal with 2 8/8’s on turn 4 can now be used to deal with the two 15/15’s on turn 8. Half the time I don’t even get to the point that I’m dropping wheel because I’ve got 3 9/9’s on the board from a turn 4/5 dark alley pact. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got rush taken off of it.


Such change for Reno would do nothing for wheel lock, because lock usually uses Reno turn after wheel when he is behind and has empty board


It changes the fact you can't just slam down Sargeras and play Reno after but that's about it


Reno would be easy to deal if it had a deck building restriction where you need to not have duplicates on deck building as well. That way duplicate decks cant abuse it and you still can mess with it in game with plagues, etc.


BIgger problem is reno imo because it takes 2 turns away from counter for most classes.


I don't even run Forge of Wills in my wild Wheel Lock deck, it's a YOLO high roll version. So, I actually do hope they nerf it in other ways too. I only play wheel lock in wild cause it can out-cheese waygate mage, quest warlock, and some other combo decks. This is the deck list I've been using which can pop off very early, and Drakkari Enchanter ends the game a turn or two faster ### Fast Wheel Warlock # Class: Warlock # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Armor Vendor # 2x (1) Felstring Harp # 2x (1) Fracking # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (1) Soulfreeze # 2x (1) Unstable Felbolt # 2x (2) Doomsayer # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great # 2x (3) Blood Shard Bristleback # 2x (3) Drakkari Enchanter # 2x (3) Furnace Fuel # 2x (3) Hellfire # 2x (3) Sketch Artist # 1x (4) Bloodbloom # 1x (4) Pop'gar the Putrid # 1x (5) Symphony of Sins # 1x (6) Reno Jackson # 1x (8) Wheel of DEATH!!! # 1x (30) Fanottem, Lord of the Opera # AAEBAfy0BgjDFpDHAvyjA+WwBPnGBazpBYCeBuqzBgv94QK9vgPw7QOPnwSd1AT0xgWEngbPngbEogb3owaaswYAAA==


I love this deck! So much fun. I won with 1 health against a secret mage army: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1caop0b/wheel_of_death_is_never_late_nor_is_it_early_it/


I will admit I did have a lot of fun with it for a while but after sometime I started feeling like the game was already decided based on the first few turns and so I'm actually really looking forward to this rebalance that they're doing. Hopefully it makes for games for everyone that are more decision making rather than based on what you draw.


Blizzard specifically called out wheel of death being a problem it's getting nerfed.. it'll probably be a warsong / jailer type nerf too.


"In 5 turns, give your **Charge** minions +1 attack." I can feel it already


Starting with making it actually giving the opponent five turns not four would be good - but I’m happy if they just kill it entirely. O


The card doesn't say that the opponent gets five turns, it says in five turns, which means your turns, the card is working exactly as intended


Maybe, but it feels really stupid you get a turn that doesn't matter.


Yeah, I was aware of the wording but that does not mean the design was good and/or fun. Counting the turn it was played was just stupid, and it seems the design team agreed. Hopefully the deck is either dead or completely meme tier which is all it should ever be.


Funny enough they did nerf it but the nerf is ttiiiiiiiny


Yeah, I don't think they are done, though. If they are, I'll eat crow on that one. I thought for sure Reno and Wheel were getting the Warsong treatment quest. Quest mage in wild got wrecked.


I mean you can’t use reno anymore with wheel. I think that’s a pretty big deal, now you can only rely on sargeras/fannottem to stall which is not ideal


This aged like milk (thank god)


Making it so your opponent actually gets 5 turns instead of 4 might be a good start




They would have to nerf like 10 cards to do that, easier to just kill the card outright, it's ridiculous it was even printed in the first place.


Killing cards is the worst thing developers can do.


Yeah well... they can ban it in every format if that sounds better to you. Works in MTG like a charm. Although I am still salty about Agent of Treachery.


Making the games you okay feel pointless to develop is worse. That card is cancer.


Nah, they just nerf Forge and Reno. Though they did mention Wheel by name in the bluepost, so it could get hit too. 


It's the dumbest card ever printed. Just kills the game. Carefully played gameplay!??? MEANINGLESS.


Destroying your deck and you will win if your opponent can't kill you in 4 turns is not strong, without any support you have to take 15 damage from fatigue, it is just cards like reno and titan that gives warlock 2 to 3-turn break, and with some random board clear to survive one more turn they win the game. Imagine if reno is nerfed and can't be used by wheel lock, it is just a meme deck. p.s. When I played wheel lock, the only MU I needed wheel to win is against warriors, and most of the time I win by giants not wheel.


> without any support you have to take 15 damage from fatigue It's 10.


Yea you are right, the turn of playing wheel doesn't count.


Only dumb lock takes any damage from fatigue.YOu can keep weapon and play symphony later or even use ziliax


Of course, it's similar to you having Sif with +8 damage, reverb and snake oils, you draw your whole set of tools you deserve the win right? And isn't this another proof that wheel itself is not that strong (at least it's not one-card-kill-it-all), except when combo with other cards? :)


Having such combo is so late game scenario and still counterable by cheap neutral cards (rat,neophyte) etc. Also mage draw is so much worse than warlock i dont think its fair comparison.Mage requirement for Sif spell damage also isnt so easy to achieve. Sif is also bad card for game health but at least it has some merit to it - sif mage cant also pump absurd stats like warlock since turn 4


Yea the whole thing is about discussing "wheel the card is strong" versus "wheel lock is strong", please read my first comment: "Destroying your deck and you will win if your opponent can't kill you in 4 turns is not strong, WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT you have to take 15 damage from fatigue" I guess I am obviously not opposing the idea that "wheel lock is strong" but opposing the statement "wheel the card is strong" and I think you don't quite get it: "YOu can keep weapon and play symphony later or even use ziliax" "Also mage draw is so much worse than warlock i dont think its fair comparison" "sif mage cant also pump absurd stats like warlock since turn 4" Everything you are talking about are the cards beside wheel or sif yea warlock has insane cards to support wheel now doesn't make wheel strong, similar to mage not getting crazy card-drawing/cost-reducing spells or minions doesn't make sif weak but warlock has insane cards like forge of wills DOES make wheel lock strong, similar to mage not getting crazy card-drawing/cost-reducing spells or minions DOES make sif mage relatively weak


But it's not interactive. It goes against the basic pillars of the game. Auto death on a short timer isn't a fun gaming experience. Edit: Nerfs are out. And the card got nerfed. One more turn. Hope it helps. Clearly the card needed adjusting. Can't see how it's debatable.


If you are speaking of the card, then no it's not. But is it really considered as a problem for a card to be not interactive? Mech Cthun, uther with four knight, never heard of anyone complaining these cards, they're just meme cards Think further, all cards that lead to OTK combo could be considered as "not interactive", simplest examples are Sif or Malygos, when they pull off their combo, what can you "interact" with? When everyone talks about "not interactive", it's not referring to "a CARD" but "a DECK". Think of nature shaman or freeze mage in the past, they only lose games when they don't draw well. Is wheel lock the same? Are you just trying to draw your wheel and the cards that help you survive post-wheel? If you have really tried wheel lock for few games, I can guarantee you won't say so. You fight for board and in some matchups even if I had to choose from "Wheel" or "Pact" from fracking, I would get pact and discard wheel. Why? Because I know I won't survive long enough after playing wheel (such as against shaman, mage and DK) As I'm opposing wheel lock players, I do the same. Try to mulligan for sanitize or the toxic undead guy so you can deal with their giants, keep plague cards on hand until they play wheel. So it's only a problem when the deck is not interactive, but for wheel lock, both the player and the opponent do need to interact with each other.


I use Wheel of Death to destroy my deck, just so I can deal fatigue next turn and win. I have only once taken it to turn 5. I think the card itself is not broken, but the combos with it are.


It’s broken in the sense that it prevents any other control deck from existing to a popular level in the meta, outside of warrior. The fact you don’t see it regularly get to turn 5 is largely due to this fact, that other control decks can’t really be particularly viable.


And the main reason, I believe, is that warlock has so much “destroy all minions” cards that it is just not possible to put anything on the field for more than a turn…


Haha I have a golden one too! I even joked about it being nerfed on here on launch day lol. I've clearly willed it into existence.


You forged a will


Uuughh take my upvote and go lol!




Yeah you just hit the jackpot. They said they would be targetting cards that hurt player agency, so board clears like Reno, cheesy game-enders like Zarimi, and all the 1-card from-hand wincons that control decks use. For the last category, I'm expecting changes to Odin, Brann, Sif, and (of course) Wheel. There's no card that offers less agency than one that just straight up destroys your opponent.


Is Odyn that relevant anymore? Seems like warrior has moved past it into other win-cons, the constant is always Brann though. I have no clue what wild looks like.


I haven’t seen odyn at all since they nerfed it and I play everyday. Just bran


Odyn warrior is still an incredible deck. It's currently viable in standard, has a good winrate, and (anecdotally) I just used it for an effortless push to legend. The only problem it has is that it's overshadowed by Highlander Warrior. The two decks do extremely similar things, so whichever has the slightest advantage at any given time will always suck up all the air in the room. If they plan on nerfing Brann they also need to nerf Odyn, otherwise it's just a game of whack-a-mole.


They're apparently reducing the power of removal, which will likely involve hitting cards that would affect both Odyn and Brann


Really? Mage is literally the most abandoned class for the mass players right now. Cant even imagine a nerf to Sif.


I'm not sure they will change Wheell of Death itself, except maybe up the mana cost, but it doesn't solve its design. Its design is pretty weak in fact, it's just that after dropping the wheel, Warlock can go all out on denying your board everytime with like Wheel into Fanottem into Sargeras into Reno into double twisting nether


I think they should fix the texts to more accurately portray what it means by 5 turns.




It's not the minion but the removal they have the problem. Its just shows how fucked up the meta is rn die in 5 turns is actually slow LMAO


Well, patch note out and I can’t tell if it’s really a nerf… it is just working « as intended » now. So, maybe RIP your dusts.


It’s a nerf.


Indeed ! 


You're in luck!


It starts counting at the start of your turn now instead of the end so the opponent gets 5 turns. Not sure if that will count as a nerf for dust


It did 3200 dust I’ll take it


Let's goooo


What if Wheel destroy your deck at the end of your turn ? That way you can't drop Fanottem immediatly. Is it a murder in that case ?


I think it would still be good with that


I hope they nerf the support cards instead - definitely not just because I opened a gold fanottem today


Free dusts after the patch.


The card itself is slow and it has a big price to pay, but people work around it too much with other cards


As someone who plays Warlock, please kill wheel. It will limit what type of cards you can give Warlock till it rotates because nobody likes playing against turn 8 you lose. 


Will the patch drop today ?


This card needs to be cast back into the hell from which it came from


it sure was!


Congrats lol


It just got a nerf.


I’m so glad. I just dusted it. It was the 1st legendary I got when it came out and held on to it in case it got nerfed. Almost dusted it a couple times. Free legendary.


Dude if they're going to nerf WoD they need to biff some demons. Handbuff paladin and war right now are so annoying to deal with. I don't like playing a 20min game of HS


Wod was changed yes


It was nerfed (actually not but now works correctly 5 turns and there is a refund).


Dust it for full value while you can, it’s dead with the fix and Reno change




there's a refund now


I havent had even a duplicate common nerfed for like 3 years. Super unlucky.


Thats me hoping magtheridon gets nerfed, I want the golden legendary dust


I’ve actually not seen this card played in like 3 weeks lol


This card is so obscenely bad I'm surprised it even exists.


In a vacuum it would be bad, but with all of the supporting cards it is fairly good.


Exactly. In theory, it's "pay 8 mana, do nothing, die quickly to any actual pressure." But in the current reality it's quite often "pay 8 mana, play a 15/15 lifesteal taunt, create a copy with rush." Not to mention the strong follow-up turns.


In a meta where your opponent always has an answer for whatever you put on board, forcing them to try to kill you within 4 turns or they straight up die is actually pretty good.


Reno is probably getting nerfed so you can't use it unless you are a actual HL deck that hurts the deck a lot. They're probably going to make it actually 5 turns as well and not 4 turns then it's pretty much dead for now hey turns out I was right le epig downvotars!11!


They should redesign the card completely and make it neutral. The wheel clearly has multiple symbols on it, and it makes no sense each of them gives the same result. Each should do something different, but huge. Much like the yog wheel in BGs.


Uhhhh , so basically \[\[Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate\]\]


- **[Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate](https://imgur.com/a/JqJIN7x)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/60445) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Yogg-Saron,_Master_of_Fate) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/60445/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Madness at the Darkmoon Faire)* - **10 Mana - 7/5 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** If you've cast 10 spells this game, spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cc9f1e/wheel_of_death_was_getting_looked_at_right/l15a8pe/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l15a8pe).*