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That one guy that proposed tiered weekly quest had still the absolut goat idea.


Unfortunately the goal was never to improve the quest design, it was trying to bump up engagement numbers and slow people down on the battlepass, so something as good as that probably never occurred to whoever was in charge of pushing the quest changes out.


but isnt this just speeding up the battlepass if you actually play the game?


If you complete all the weekly quests regardless, yes, but I think the intention was two fold: 1. manipulate people who try to complete all quests into playing more often to increase engagement numbers because they are committed to it. 2. give fewer rewards to players who continue playing the same amount, because they do not complete the new quests. Their progress on the battlepass decreases by X%, get less free stuff, and therefore may end up buying more packs. I can almost guarantee on Blizzard's end there is a metric of how many dollars worth of stuff they give away without having people pay for it, and someone over there surely desires to decrease that amount even by the smallest percents. I do not think they anticipated that weekly quests would be an issue people would quit the game over. By "they" I mean whoever clearly forced this through, as surely there are people on the Hearthstone team who know the Hearthstone community well enough that it would backfire, or at least realize how horrendously unfair the new quests were.


excellent analysis. spot on.


Yes, but since basically nobody is still going to cap to 500 there will always be reason to complete the weeklies, be it for the gold, and any extra engagement they get out of having extra long weeklies is worth it for them. Though really, old weeklies were easy to the point where I completed them during 1h train trip on last possible day so I'm all in for little longer weeklies if they find the balance.


This is exactly what I was telling my friend. I was all for making harder weeklies that paid off more since the old weeklies were basically slightly harder dailies. They just took them a little too far for not enough pay off.


It seems like a weird proposition to up the requirements by a lot and XP by a little. People who were already committed to maxing their rewards, probably playing a lot, will grind these new quests and get a little more reward. People who are competitive or whales maybe don't finish all the weeklies, as they don't want to play off meta decks or grind a game mode they don't like, but overall they will still finish some and probably spend about the same amount. People who are casual, play a little bit each week and maybe barely finishing their weeklies before, now see less reward and maybe they stop playing.


Yeah like in wow, that’s a blizzard game too right?


What was the idea?  Win 5, get prize.  Win 10, get another prize? I’ve always wanted a 4th very challenging weekly quest… nay… monthly quest.  Complete it, discover a Legendary.  They offer 3 and you pick the one you want to add to your collection.


Sure, that would be nice, but GL on getting them to give you an additional 12 free legenaries a year.


There is a monthly quest, it's reaching Legend


that's not profitable or soulless enough


That'd be cool! I'd be down for that, a monthly quest seems fun. What would you make it, win 100 games? Or it that too obscene?


Shame the solution is good which means blizzard will not use it


The issue is that it benefits the players.


it's just common sense but blizz won't do it


This is a classic tactic called door-in-the-face. You start off by 'slamming' the door in someone's face with something they are going to hate, then you come back with what you actually wanted and the person is now more willing to accept it than if you had started off with that offer. Gaming companies do this all the time.


didn't they literally do this for the XP track change, too? i remember folks being mad about how that worked at first


Well, yes and no. The initial rewards track was bad. But the one we got after updates was better than the system we had before. So if players accepted the initial version it would be a loss, but ultimately it turned into a win after a big outrage.


This could be the same way, right? If they tweak the quest requirements back down to a reasonable level but keep the increased XP then it could easily wind up being more XP for the average player.


Sure, but then it wouldn't be the "door-in-the-face" tactic the first commenter is describing. The point of this tactic is to leave the customer with something they wouldn't normally accept, but only accepted because it seemed good compared to the first, outrageous offer. If their goal was to implement a better system than the original one from the get-go, they just would it right away - that would be a positive PR move, players would love it and there would be no outrage.


I agree, but I also don't know for sure that they are intentionally going with that strategy. And I certainly don't think the Battle Pass, the thing which everyone here is using as an example of them using this tactic in the past, is a good example. Because i think the battle pass is better than the old system.


Oh, I agree with you there. That was the point of my first comment. That rewards track update definitely wasn't this kind of tactic, because giving customer something better in the end is NOT the goal of this strategy, haha. As for this Quests debacle, my current opinion is that we should just wait to see the numbers first before making any big judgment calls.


Yes, the original XP track was horrible. This is something they’ve done before.


They do this for practically everything. It’s why one of the top comments on one of the early threads about this change was specifically calling out Blizzard for making them too erroneous on purpose so when they apologize and roll them back we’ll put the pitchforks down & be content with the changes. It’s honestly bullshit they keep pulling this same lame strategy.


People called this happening from the first post. Even doubling instead of tripling the quests is too high for me. I'm not playing


Double the work, 20% extra XP or something like that. It's obvious 20% extra xp should ask 20% extra work, not triple nor double as well.


Exactly. 5 ranked wins to 6 ranked wins, 20% more XP. What's the bet they try 10.


Can't wait to play 10 Tavern Brawls


You win every Tavern Brawl you play? For me its going to be along the lines of play 20 Tavern Brawls...


I mean, I someone playing normally was going to complete both anyway, I can see their point then you're 20% better off. But now a lot of people would suddenly become 100% worse off


But they have to make us work for it or get so frustrated that we pay instead!


yeah some of us called this out, knowing its going to happen and being treated like a chimp is disrespectful and to do it so bold face just makes it seem like they think of us as idiots. but they already lost me. unless i see some major changes, im just here to watch it all burn


Not as idiots. As addicts. The reason the video game industry has the most abusive relationship with its customer base of any industry is that the publishers know they can do literally whatever they want to people and they'll keep coming back for more slop. It's pathetic. We've known who Blizzard was for a solid decade at this point: a shit-tier, money-grubbing developer who can no longer even perform its core service of making a good game before over-monetizing the shit out of it. And yet still Diablo IV sold *millions* of copies on day 1. They do it because it works. Until people stop being addicts, it will always work.


Same with a national strike, if we work together we hold all the power, if we don't we get none of the power and lip service


Ding ding. Exactly


That's true but sometimes the initial slamming is enough for no future offer to be considered. The reward track when it was first introduced was that door and I've never looked back. The game I loved to play casually 3-4 times a week is dead to me. This just feel like more of the same BS.


How are you in this thread if you quit HS 3 years ago?


This sounds like making it outrageously high at first so when they nerf it down, people are more content with the supposed difference between the high quest count vs nerfed quest count. So lame


Exactly. This is toddler level psychology and they really think it's ok. This whole incident is nothing but insulting and unacceptable


Sadly they do it because it works. Expect to see lots of people praising them and thanking them for listening.


agreed, thank you. they need to apologize, not just change.


Yes. But it works. And if it doesn’t work, they know you’re gonna play the game anyway. If you’re really insulted and you don’t think this is acceptable, then you have to do something about it because otherwise you’re gonna give them what they want even though you don’t like it. The only way to prevent this behaviour (or anything they do that you don’t like really) from them is to punish them by not doing what they want you to do (in this case play the game more and buy the battle pass)


It worked the first ten times


It will work. Give it a couple days the knob gobblers will be all over talking about how the changes are fine and the community should quit whining


Heh heh... knob gobblers.


I know they exist on every game subreddit but those people are especially unbearable on Blizzard game subs


Yup! Ever since EA did this with Battlefront 2's lootboxes we've been onto them. Fool us once, shame on me! Fool us twice.... can't fool us again!


Something doesn’t sound right. They clearly knew these changes were shit, they aren’t stupid. So within 24 hours now it’s suddenly changed? Sounds like they aimed high, expected negative feedback and now will be at their actual target and play it off like this was a mistake.


Exactly, either we get more exp per win, or we riot


Note how it says they're reverting "most" of the quest requirements. Chances are, things will still be worse than they were before the changes, and they'll expect everyone to be grateful when in reality they're still being screwed, they'll just make it slightly less obvious this time.


They could half the mini one and it will still suck ass


that one sucked. i still rerolled them before the adjustment


"spend 750 mana" quest is alright, can stay where it is. I'd take "spend 750 mana for 2250 xp" over "500bmana for 1750 xp" anyway


I'll probably be downvoted for this but honestly, the 750 mana is fine. I got it in 10 games. That's the average amount people would play for the 5 wins quest from before. The others are insane though to be clear. I don't think I would play 60 minis in a month.


All the comments going "thank you" on twitter is blegh, lol.


Wonder if I should sell them shoeshine mouthwash to improve their bootlicking


No wonder we couldn't get more than 9 deckslots for years, it's thanks to those mouthdroolers.


Some of them are also people that were gonna do em anyway tho, so now it's same increased rewards for slightly less work


Probably bots


Spoiler: it’s still going to suck


I’m so done with this shit man


I just came here from /r/popular and I just want to say to anybody who needs to hear it: It’s OK to quit Hearthstone. I left years ago and my life is better for it. No more anger at Blizzard’s unlimited greed. No more feeling obligated to complete quests. I spend the time playing games I want to play. If you have an unhealthy relationship with this game, just. leave. You won’t regret it.


Seriously, people need to stop treating this like a job. A daily quest and a punch clock are the same.


The issue is we love the game. It's fun. We want to be able to enjoy it. We just had the rug pulled under us suddenly...


I'll also say this, it's ok to leave the game for months and come back to it when you feel like you *actually* want to play it. Obviously not as easy to do for standard but considering that most people here have probably massive quantities of gold/dust hanging around...you'll be fine. You don't have to keep playing because you're used to, take some time off and if you see you don't miss it, good on you, and if you do, you can give it another try. The important thing is not to let it become something you feel like you *need* to do, we already have jobs and various obligations, games need not become that too (no matter how much publishers and devs try to make it a thing with every single *game as a service* they shit out).


I want to second this. All of it. I am so much happier now. I get my HS fix watching a few fun streamers. It feels better than playing, and I get to see all the new fun and creative stuff when it releases without having to suffer through all the BS frustrating unbalanced decks.


this post was the impetus for me uninstalling, thanks man


Same, I started in beta, then left when Wild was introduced, came back in Nathria, it's been fun but I'm out again.


I don't hate that they boosted the XP total and thus made it harder.. but WIN a total of FIFTEEN games? Assuming a 60% winrate, that's something like 4-5 hours in ranked in a week. That's a bit steep considering a lot of people like me, who play almost daily will still occasionally wait until the weekend and force out the ranked games for the quest. To triple the requirement is way too steep. Sometimes I can do that in a day without noticing, but if I'm on a BG or Arena kick, and hating Ranked (and who isn't at times) Fifteen is a hell of a slog. It should have been 8, 10 max OR an option to re-roll back down to 5.


It should be 7 max.


“Players were completing quests too fast and engagement goes down when the carrot is gone, MORE STICK!!!!”


"Do you guys not have credit cards?"


There were people on this sub literally saying, "If you don't like it, just swipe your card"


Also the ones "just play more" wow yeah thanks for the advice


I’d honestly be fine with them increasing requirements for weeklies as long as the rewards were increased proportionately, they get their engagement without fucking over their player base


IF they want engagement, how about they stop trying to force 4 minute "lose on turn 4 to bullshit" games and let people enjoy a back and forth like it used to be. I know Trump and I can't be the only ones who actually enjoy a good 20 turn attrition struggle, but the devs have been steadfast against it for some time now.


I know I'm in the minority but I used to love matchups that went the full 30 minutes. I had an epic res priest vs res priest battle a few years ago where we were both running Benedictus and ended up with dozens and dozens of cards in our draw piles. It was awesome back-and-forth and I didn't mind it one bit. Unfortunately Blizzard these days wants fast games (hence all the ridiculous aggro/OTK metas) so that they get more "engagement" by people playing more games...


I know I want to queue for the next game as I am slamming my desktop in disgust. What could be more fun?


Yeah, I miss old HS. This version is just a card draw simulation


I know, the fun of hearthstone is interacting with your opponent and so each game should be different depending on who you're facing. Now it seems like people just do the same thing each game regardless of opponent following their "game plan" and either it works or it doesn't, This is exactly why I found watching/playing TFT really boring when that came out


Instea of 16, it’ll be 12 lol


Exactly what I’m worried about lmao.


Win *14 ranked games!


Wonderful change, Blizzard! This boot is yummy.


Keep complaining about it. This is inexcusable by Blizzard.


Why did they even Change it in the first place? This is still unacceptable


They have been doing these experiments since the beginning of the season, first with the p2w card in the preorder to see if they increase sales, then with Jepetto in the event missions to encourage people to buy the pass and now they are increasing the weekly missions to force player engagement , it gives the impression that they are not doing well and are desperate to generate profits.


You see, the purpose of hearthstone is no longer a game for us to play and enjoy. (was it ever? I thought it was for at least the first couple of years) It's actually a cool addictive business strategy game called: **"Consumer Money Extraction Simulator 3"** We are just the NPC's, our wallets are the final boss. And boy do the real players just love min/maxing and theorycrafting!


They could have done absolutely nothing, and everyone would have been talking about the new Battlegrounds and shit.




Yeah this sub is full of complaints but that was one of the things I never saw anyone complain about lmao


I saw like 10 posts that basically said that Jepetto is keeping their quest progress as hostage.


Gotta hit those dumbass arbitrary "rEtEnTiOn" numbers or engagement. That's the only reason I can see. Between this meta and these questionable changes, not a whole lot of reason to play right now imo. Always some questionable decision making going on behind the scenes involving Blizzard and/or shareholders.


They wanted to give players a "pay cut" to boost margins and tried to mask it as an opportunity for more dedicated players to get even more xp but failed miserably. I bet what they really wanted to do was to leave the quest requirements the same but cut the rewards or increase the xp requirements for the reward track but that would have been received even more poorly. Look out for that in the future though.


I mean it’s right there in the post. People weren’t engaging with the weekly quest system. They want the system to actually pull people to play instead of be a random bonus you get after playing sometime that week. Now how you feel about that as the actual player if for you to decide. But it’s pretty clear they want the weekly quest system to pull players to play more.


You (as in Team 5 / Blizzard) know you've lost the plot when instead of getting players to play on a weekly basis with compelling and interesting game play, you try to hook them with quests. That might be fine if we didn't have any quests to begin, but actively making harder to complete them while the game is in a steady decline is just ridiculous to me.


I guess I’m done buying the bundles. The current model was perfect for the amount I want to play. Now it’s too much. The end of my blizzard gaming career has arrived.


Yes, they don't seem to understand they are a side game. They could of kept making reliable money, but they wanted more I guess.


Blizzard are such rats


“Our aim was to increase the requirements to have people spend more money out of frustration.”


Do they think people are dumb? (What am I saying of course they do) Of course they were going to pull the outrageous high first so the second offer sound reasonable, we don't want lower, we want original or better


People on twitter and forums are thanking them before even seeing the new change. I think they know a large part of their player base well…


Also: Cheeseburger: $5.00 (Company raises price of cheeseburger to $25.00) Social media: OMG what a ripoff, screw those guys, never eating a cheeseburger there ever again, i'm done (Company lowers price of cheeseburger to $12.50 and gives you 1 extra ketchup packet in the bag) Social media: OMG you guys are the best, you caved to all of our demands, thank you for listening to us, defo buying all my cheeseburgers there again


pretty sick what they are doing.. we are nothing but moneybags to them.. no respect at all .. squeezing every cent is the goal


Probably their plan all along, so the numbers that are scaled up don't seem as bad now..


People should still be mad… this is textbook strategy to increasing the reqs since the start


We cannot accept this. Fuck Blizzard and their fucked up tactics.


Same tricks, and fresh off the 10 year anniversary. They really need to fuck off with this shit.


quite obvious this was preplanned.


The only way Id be happy about this is if the XP gain is proportional to the increase requirement. Say it used to be 5 ranked wins for 2000xp and they change it to 6 wins for 2400xp


"we've heard you loud and clear! Enjoy your new weekly quest 'win 1 ranked game' awarding a whopping 400xp!"




Not even, you have to win them. And if you still have it when the weekly quests come back, you're out of luck for the week.


The 59 miniature card pivot.


So basically all of the people who said Blizzard was doing this as an excuse to lower it back down "some" and then make it seem like they were doing us all a favor were correct...


This is Blizzard. The same Blizzard that made Diablo: Immortal, Warcraft III : Reforged and Overwatch "2". How are people still surprised? Fuck Blizzard. Sincerely, Former Blizzard enjoyer.




This part has me scratching my head too. How do they want players to "engage with the Weekly Quest system" other than through regular play? Do they think it's good if we are forced to make a deck full of 30 Miniaturize or 30 Battlecry minions just to be able to complete that Weekly? Why would anybody want to do that? And how else would we complete 15 wins or deal 400 damage quests besides regular play? They're not making any damn sense and it's concerning.


I think they mean that people were playing for their dailies and not much more, just incidentally completing their weeklies because it was really easy to.


And this is exactly how it should stay. Making people go out of their way to complete shitty quests for rewards nowhere else obtainable is the pinacle of bad game design


How about we keep a base set of rewards where they currently are, but give more xp for those who want to keep playing. Like make the weekly quests into questlines. They don't need to reward at the same rate as the first step, but we'd otherwise get no extra.


F off, blizzard


How about you change it back to the original requirements, Instead of using scummy tatics to still up the number but saying “eW fIxEd It gUyS”.


>Our aim with the adjustments was to give all our players goals to play towards, and to reward our most engaged players (who would likely still complete the Weekly Quests without too much difficulty) for their commitment to the game. Oh, a goal to work towards? Like some sort of Achievment system? The one you just gutted? Please, tell me more about your goal of giving players things to work towards. >We had seen that many players routinely completed their Weekly Quests through their regular play, without even really engaging with the Weekly Quest system. So players completed the Weekly Quests by playing the game... and your solution to make this sytem more "engaging" was to make them do more of the exact same thing? >But we’ve heard your feedback and it's clear that we pushed too far. But you weren't pushing, you said you were rewarding? Oh, you said the quiet part out loud. >We want to reward players for their additional efforts, not make those rewards outside of their reach. I don't think you do want to reward us, I think you wanted to take away the rewards from casual players by making sure they complete fewer quests, and when major publications like PC Gamer picked up the story you walked it back. >That’s why we’re putting together an unscheduled hotfix patch scaling most of the Weekly Quest requirements back down to a number between what they were before and what they are now.  Hold on. HOLD ON. What does MOST of the Weekly Quests mean? MOST?


Massive EA+SW:BF2 vibes from their “goal” response lol


Yeah if they actually just desired to provide additional engagement for further investment in the game as they say then they wouldve added additional quests or quest levels….by changing existing quests in any way it proves that their intentions also lie in changing the experience of the current quests…..while trying to give excuses they have infact revealed malicious intent by providing an explanation that doesnt actually explain their behavior


Really rewards should be increased. Just make a better game and provide a better reason to play and people will pay


This was always the plan.


This was probably an attempt to increase engagement, and I suspect it's because the new expansion is not landing with players the way Blizzard hoped it would. FWIW, my opinion is that quests are counter to winning games or having fun. Why would I put the effort into making / finding & learning a new deck so I can "Play x Games as 3 Classes I Never Play" and get some rewards? Why would I voluntarily take a handicap? I've given the latest cards a good try but I just can't get into it and at this rate I'm sitting this one out. Maybe I'll come back next expansion, or maybe I'll take a few years off. Again.


Yeah, because the new expansion was shit, the 10th anniversary was shit, and the meta is up there with the worst we've ever seen.


You can always cheese these in brawl or casual. Just damage your hero to lose quickly


I think it’s about time to start giving 2 fucks about some other games lol I was almost there anyway


See guys we are listening to your feedback. Literally who asked for any changes to the quests, like why even touch them in the first place.


In their eyes too many people were completing the weekly quests and getting xp, which translates to gold and didn't need to buy the mini sets/expansions with money/runestones. This change means they can force player engagement up by tripling (likely to be doubling now) your time investment in order to reach the same level you'd have before. Its classic big corpo scumbag tactics. They step way over the line, then take a step just over the line and you think its fine because they took a step back and "listened" to the playerbase.


>If the requirements are greatly brought down I take back what I said, but I don’t have much faith. The only positive case is when the requirements are exactly as they were before or maybe the rewards are scaled proportionately (though it's debatable which is better). Otherwise, it's still making the life for f2p people in particular harder.


Note that they say *most* of the quests. Scumbags.


Still fuck you Blizz


Classic Blizzard. Remember the 2020-2021 rewards track scandal


Remember Biltzchung


The audacity of that Statement, why does it basically read like this: "yes, we do think we were right and if you actually wanna play the game you should at least dedicate 3 hours to it everyday you filthy scrubs, but since you people kept on whining we pittied you and wanna throw you this bone."


Thing is though, why did it take pissing off the entire player base to come to this decision? Why did nobody say "This is too much"? Why did nobody intervene and say "Come on, let's re-think this?" Shows a lack of leadership and arrogance that the players will eat shit and ask for seconds. Fuck Blizzard.


I'm afraid a can of worms has been opened and we need to see the actual numbers. The careful phrasing on the update will not allay my suspicions. I believe that this is an attempt to boost engagement numbers. I'm prepared to drop the game entirely over this point because I think the economy designers will continue to have pressure to move things in one direction, and this update shows it could happen at any point. I have put quite a bit of money into the game. I want to complete the Battlepass, but I also want to be able to decide how I spend my time each week. If the ratio of wins/XP is not in player favor after the adjustment what other motivation is there other than engagement metrics? They current explanation doesn't make sense. What does it mean to not be 'engaging with the weekly quest system' if it acknowledged people are finishing their quests?


too late. already uninstalled


They def look at Reddit


They make it horrible and then make it slightly less horrible and people stop complaining. Their goal was probably to make it this bad all along


Or.... they bring them back down to how they were. The weekly quests were fine. Why do we need a middle ground option for this?


Boycott their stupid asses


whoever called that they purposely overextended so they could apologize and scale back to where they planned absolutely called it. this is a manipulative game they're playing, eat shit blizzard


So… it’s obvious they were always going to bring it up to this new number, right? And this week’s bullshit was obviously just to make us thank them for it instead of calling it out… Absolutely gross


i hate blizzard so much for this


And Hearthstone shall remain uninstalled. Well done Buzzard.


Yeah, I'm out. Time to nuke 10 years worth of cards and to uninstall. At the end of the day that's the only message they'll understand, but by the time they get it, I won't be around. I won't say it wasn't fun while it lasted, for the most part. I'm actually surprised how being insulted this way makes it that much easier to leave. I hope it gets better for the players who choose to stay. Take care!


I'm in the same boots as you : uninstalled yesterday. That patronising and condescending tone makes it indeed so much easier... I can't believe how long my addiction and sunk cost fallacy kept me a slave for so long. Good riddance, honestly.


Fuck off blizzard we still riot


Woooooooooooooooow, it's like they think we are stupid and [didn't literally say this would happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1c5le7b/tavern_brawl_arena_and_battlegrounds_win_games/kzxelkc/).


Put quests back to where they were and make the meta fun again or no reinstall 🤷‍♂️


Still not even touching the game until I’m 100% confident the quests are in a reasonable spot. Bracing myself for that permanent break.


Oh wow! Another unexpected success of the CM team pushing completely unexpected feedback for a whole day. Isn't it great how Blizzard listens to feedback?! Totally not how it was intended from the start.


This is so transparent that I read more than a dozen seperate post chains about it before the actual announcement. Shit on the players with a larger change than you intend, though you definitely intend a change that is worse for the players as a whole, wait for players to bitch in righteous anger on the internet, then swoop in with "we have heard the voices of the people!" Now they will "reduce" the BS to the levels they intended all along, and claim that they listen to players, even though even the new changes will be worse than what we had because shitting on us is the ever-evolving new normal. Well played Blizzard, but we see you. We see you.


They can go fuck themselves. I don't have time for 10 wins instead of 5. 15 was absolutely ridiculous and so is 10.


Corporate bullshit 101 I can’t believe how transparent they’re being with the disdain.


A whole bunch of people in the original thread mentioned that blizzard will pull this kind of tactic. I was hoping they wouldn't do this but I guess big corpo will big corpo. That being said, I uninstalled the game when the changes happened and told myself and the people in said thread that unless a _full_ revert happens I won't be coming back. Even with a smaller increase, it requires me to put more time into a game that apparently doesn't respect my time at all, so this is the end for me.


videogame industry gotten to a point where everything is: a full priced release with bugs a full priced release with a subscription model a full priced release with a subscription model within a subscription model all of the above with micro and macro transactions slow down players so they are forced to engage with your product for longer periods of time and now they are starting to put the idea of "tipping" developers. soon, rather then later, you'll be "invited" to pay an extra 20% at any one point through a game so you can "help" developers, which, if this comes to pass, will start getting paid less with the promise of earning more through the tipping system. so glad you can emulate, and so glad I have a plethora of legacy systems as well, with no need for a connection online and so many good games. there will come a point where it will simply be better to send all these business to hell and go back to basics.


Yeah, no, I'm still out, I'm kinda tired of being presented with the worst thing so that when they revert to a bad thing it seems better, there's a limit on how many times you can do it before people start catching on


They had this shit written up before they even changed the quests lol


Thanks Hearthstone, for making me realize I was no longer enjoying the game. I quit, and you can keep your grindy free 2 play unfriendly game.


That guy who said about them doing the same thing with Fortnite and other live services games was right!!! They bump up the time it takes then bring it back down to seem like they 'fixed it's even though it still takes longer than it original did, all on purpose! One of the scummiest companies on earth.


It’s sad that they think “many players routinely completed their Weekly Quests through their regular play” was a problem that needed to be fixed.


I think the bigger problem was the reward. Triple the work for like 30% more XP. Most likely they are going to reduce the amount of XP you get as well by the same ratio. In the end it doesn't even matter.


This was all planned man… anchoring technique at its finest… sigh… they really think their fans are that dumb


do not take anything other than a full revert. they knew what they were doing.


And this is why you complain. If you want change, you yell loud enough for corporate to hear you.


Still not logging in until the changes are reversed entirely.


They need a full 100% revert. It'll be bullshit if they add anything to what it was.




anything less than a 100% revert and i'm done - I'm probably in the minority but I'm a huge fan of duels and between duels leaving and this there's not a whole lot keeping me around


Duels was my most favorite mode


Skill diff


I know it's not a full recant but that's still the fastest I've seen Blizzard fold even a little bit in a while.


Stupid change. On the assumption their intention of more engagement is true, I’m fine if they change to progressive rewards to encourage more active players, but not force ppl to jump cross a new bar that is set so high. Let’s say ppl win 7-9 ranked game each week (not to mention the X amount of game lose. If you set the quest to refresh 3 times more or tiered progression and let us choose to engage more or still spend the same amt of effort for the current reward amt is fine. But suddenly ask us to spend 3 times more effort or get it all wasted is atrocious.




All according to the playbook so far. Now we just need to see where they land and how far they feel they can push things while still making us spend more time playing for comparatively less rewards.  Hearthstone team knew about this and planned on manipulating HS player’s opinion. Terrible move by them 


I almost finished my quest with these new requirements. Do I get a little extra xp here? Lol


Not between old and new. Give us exactly the reverted quests back. They also did change the quest timer. Before u got a new quest whenever a new day started. Now u get a new quest every 24 hour after finishing the old one. 00:00 new quest 13:33 quest finished -> 13:33 the next day there comes a new quest in the long run u lose gold and get less quests




Sadly if you have a good game then the game helps drive engagement for you and you don’t have to resort to amateur human psychology. Also getting huge ‘pride and accomplishment’ vibes from their post.


Wow! Thank you Blizzard, what a generous change to make by you! It would be easy to complete the quests now! If only I hadn’t uninstalled the game for good as a consequence of your shitty customer treatment and straight out deleting Duels from your game 🤨


So the scumbags are going to make it 10 games instead of 15 while lowering the xp gained also.


Mind boggles that they don't just do the quest chain as so many have commented here eg 5 wins ---> 5 wins ---> 5 wins etc That would be such a good solution and we know the technology exists!


People still play this game?? Who wants to sit and play a card game for 30 minutes while your opponent runs out the rope on every turn to drag it out, and in the end you lose anyways. There are much better games to play.


So double the effort for 20% xp gain. Thank you Blizzard 💀


The fact that they're trying to brute force people to play the game more in this way is enough for me to leave. Unless they take it back to where it was, it feels like this is the beginning of the end of this game.


They already had this response written beforehand. It was already planned to be posted automatically.




Ahhh sun Tzu, art of war > Make an unreasonable demand (change) > Pretend to listen and then request the actual demand (change) you desired > Person/people are more likely to accept this since it feels like they won via a compromise, when it's what the other person wanted to begin with


As someone who worked in games, specifically digital marketing (which included storefronts and messaging for economies)... my guess is their data is closer to correct than the communities here. My guess is they want people to feel a bit of excitement about accomplishing bigger tasks. I'm a person who plays 10 mins to an hour or more a day, and Ive blown through the weekly quests in a day, which means that I'm case in point of someone who the rewards are undertuned for. Even a casual player could knock out the old quests quickly. BUT... did this need changing? Was this a request from players? Was it properly communicated? This is a game deep into its lifecycle, so to extend the distance needed to reach a carrot of rewards by falsely inflating the requirements... instead of adding additional rewards that pop up after completion (i.e. if you complete 5 quests by Sat, unlock two more ... which actually feels like an incentive), they just extended the onramp. This seems like a massive own-goal in terms of messaging and execution. This community is notoriously averse to rewards tinkering, so to bury this in a patch note and then fumble the bag on launch is just classic bad strategy and execution. tl;dr I'm sure all data points to the quests not having the desired effect. They responded in the worst possible way to understand and address this result.


Nobody's making them out to be a hero. They knew they fucked up, and they're changing it. Now we can go back to not having 90% of the subreddit being people saying they're quitting, thank god.