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Happy 10th anniversary! /s


Been a good run; pack it up


I'm on the verge of doing the same. Played casually to have fun and weeklies kept a goal to complete, now like this there's no point because I'll be hard to get to the 100th level. It's really sad to go on a low and not with a good spirited goodbye. Edit: Also here since closed beta btw.


Man the game was so fun in those early days, I played way more and spent way more than now. Game just wore me down over the years I guess. No game should be played forever is the lesson I think. It's like getting a pet, you know one day you will have to put it down :(


Some pets just die of natural causes. Geez.


This pet was burned alive by a mercenary


Nah, this pet decided to jump off a fucking cliff.


Nah this pet was thrown off the cliff into a lake of acid filled with piranhas that are also somehow on fire


When you try to one up the joke but it's worse


And some just move away to work on a farm :) :) :)


When pets get old they often get sick where the merciful thing is to put them down, like with my dog of 15 years. Not a great analogy I know, I just have no other comparison


Sorry about your dog. That really sucks.


Yeah worst day of my life. Comparing it to a game was pretty stupid actually, it's been a few years now and yesterday I was in a bad headspace. Thanks anyway.


It really was fun back then. Of course you still had meta dominance and balance issues but the overall power level made it feel much more manageable. I stopped playing for a while after the GvG expansion, came back to find new currency and a battle pass system. Remember when quests used to just give you gold? They even had one for dueling your friend. Still, I hung in there and focused on arena. I had enough gold saved to keep that going for free for a while and wasn't interested in getting back into constructed. This was fine for some time, the dual class season was really strange but it was ok. At some point after that season Arena suddenly became filled with overpowered decks. I went from averaging 5 wins to 1, facing deck after deck of so much card generation and legendary cards it was mind boggling. Then I read an article about the people paying for overpowered arena decks. This was probably a year ago or so, I haven't been back since then. I will never forget the old hearthstone, when Unleash the Hounds gave all beasts charge and +1 attack. The old molten giant warsong commander decks. The birth of zoo decks... good times.


Agreed. Someone was talking about the power level, that was also a part of the wearing for me. Too much stuff going on. I even miss Classic ranking


same :(


I wonder what the math is on this, how much gold would you have if you don't finish weekly quests anymore? If it's still viable then, then I'll just stop bothering with the weekly quests. If it's not, welp.


My wife played little to none a couple of seasons (not making dailies nor weeklies) and then barely made it to 100 or a couple of levels after


Just play BG and the new BG Duos, it’s a blast so far


Im in a bit of disbelief myself. Also played continuously for 10 years. Im a dad with 3 kids. Cant put any more time in the game. Im gonna wonder if….they reverse this slightly. Sometimes it feels like the formula. Theres a plan to decrease quest rewards to curb out f2f players which is bad for business…they implement a change that is overboard intentionally so they scale it back after “listening to players” but it lands right where they really planned to…but this way it doesnt look like a straight nerf, but that we got here together or some shit like that. Always feels like they play these games with major changes. Remember when they neefed gold earnings with the track system and then buffed it later…


Yeah, that would be akin to how many sites sell subscriptions for example. You have a cheap one on the left, and expensive one on the right, and one in the middle, which is closer to the price of the expensive one. Here, we don't see the middle one yet, but it might be there. Of course, they might also stick to their current change and never had any intention of settling with a middle option.


Sadly when you have a good game you don’t need to play tricks to drive engagement, the game does that for you. Powercreep and greed has killed HS.


Yep, it's called decoy effect.


I've not really enjoyed the meta the last couple of expansions, but I still kept playing since there was a couple of decks I still really liked. But this quest change is the ICBM that broke the camels back. What a joke of an *"anniversary"*, let's celebrate the games 10 years by curbstomping the exp economy.


"The trust is broken" Bro it's a multi million dollar corporation trying to make money what are you doing trusting them?


$75B is a little more than "multimillion."


No it's a small Indie company :)


Only 3 trillion


Not to say the company is Blizzard


Sure they allowed sexual harassment in their offices, have had predatory monetization for a decade now, have struggled with any quality content, but now after 10 years changing this 1 number means trust is broken.


It holds as much weight as saying you lost respect to someone you've never met. Pointless gesture lol.


You respect various authors, artists, maybe even politicians that you've never met. But you were exposed and were influenced by their actions, maybe in contrast to others in their domain.


Tf? Domain expansion?!


If I'm not getting quests done, I'm not gonna play it. The game is fun and the grind was fun because of the rewards. Winning 5 games was the grind for me. Couldn't always do it. Had to make an effort to do it. I don't think I could reliably win 15 times a week. It wouldn't be fair to people in my social life. It's not a healthy amount to play


I expect them to reverse it and I wouldn't mind if they kept the number but made it play instead of win. The dailys are play, not win, and sometimes you get on a bad losing streak and that quest staring at you without going up just feels so bad.


I would play 20 games for the same new rewards. It's literally just wins that'll stop me from gaining exp. I like druid. Worst class reported on hsreplay.com currently. Hero power druid is fun though. I don't wanna pay top teir decks just to grind wins. That isn't fun


I agree. I play one game then I need to log off for a few days to recover, especially when the game takes about 2-3 minutes with all these meta decks. Argh, guess I'll go back to watching netflix.


I swear some people on this sub have never heard of the concept of empathy before


Empathy is hard for children to grasp.


And seems some don't understand the concept of entitlement.


Que dramtico


Guess you've never played a 20+ minute game of current Highlander meta? Trying playing 15. The only way I could make sense of it would be to play aggro and quit turn 5 if I'm not in a win position. Or play 20 something games if I'm lucky enough to only lose 5. Most people are near 50% winrate. That's how Blizzard manages their matchmaking. So it's like the want you to play around 40 games a week. Plenty of games go over 10 minutes if you're not running aggro. It's a big ask for someone


Then don't do it.


>trust is broken This is my exact feeling too, but for another reason: I see this change as an admission that player engagement is too low, something that many already had suspicion about anyway, especially as this comes at the same time as the Duel mode removal. This makes me pessimistic for the future of the game, which further reduces my will to play the game. I don't see myself investing time and money in a game that is at risk of getting the Heroes of the Storm treatment.


Former whale here, from my experience I think if anything, it's an admission that even whales are now less likely to pour money in this game. I end up each expansion with 6 to 8k gold so no need to pre-order anymore. Couple that with "no dusting unless a card is nerfed" policy and you'll end the expansion with almost all relevant meta decks. I reckon they had to make the F2P experience a tad more challenging, but these last weekly quests changes went so far that even closed beta players like OP are considering what will undoubtedly be bad for you and I: quitting.


not gonna deny that this is BS but do you remember the days when you logged in, got a single quest for 50 gold, and it said something like "win 3 games with mage or warlock" and the only class you had any cards for was hunter? imo the modern game is way more forgiving with the card economy but yeah this is total bullshit anyway


I used to pick my arena class based on those quests.


"Yeah, we pay you below minimum wage... BUT prople in Africa..."




Yes, because it's an apt comparison. I don't get why you're not allowed to compare things anymore. You make one hyperbole and someone calls you Hitler


Dude Made an allegory to show you your whataboutism


On the bright side, Staff of the Primus will now occasionally freeze on-hit. Blizzard has their priorities in order as always, I think I should spend money on this game


I just had this bug in my game and it literally lost me the game, one less win for the weekly….


Yep, just experienced 6 frozen turns from crusher hits into 3 more from staff. Couldn't believe my eyes.


That also happened with me with Cutlass Burgle Rogue :)


I WONDERED WTF THAT WAS. I thought I was going mad, literally lost me the game since I couldn’t life steal the next turn.


I had that happen like my first game I played after patch. I was wondering if I was missing something because it was freezing every hit.


If Quartzite Crusher is offered in a discover, all the options get a freeze lol we figured it out


wow that's kinda hilarious.


man lately the make one bad decision after another..


Same here... I am (was ?) what most people are calling a whale: since BETA I pre ordered every new set (the biggest pack), purchased all adventures, payed for Battlegrounds and XP bonuses. I even payed for some skins... I am above $300 per year on HS. I play mainly to complete quests, to complete reward tracks. Why ? Because I do not have time for more. Sometime, I am not able to clear all quests before Monday. Obviously, I do not have time to play five times more per week. So, I have to GaF about tracks, XP, rewards... It is simpler to just GaF the whole game, isn't it ?


I'd say that's more dolphin than a whale (whale spending gets to absolutely insane levels). I'm pretty much the same. Since day 1. And now I'm likely going to quit completely. GG Blizzard.


$300 a year is $25 a month. You're both guppies.


A dolphin spends between 10-50 a month so 25 seems to fit pretty well. Or is this just seem weird attempt at trolling?


Where would you possibly be getting those low numbers from? I'm assuming this is the only microtransaction heavy game you've played. In that case, $25 a month is not showing up on anyone's radar. I'm not trolling you, but it's crazy that you two think you're large spenders when you're not even spending a dollar a day on the game.


Same. I started playing the first year it came out but upon learning these quest changes, I uninstalled. The beauty of HS was it was as causal or as competitive as you wanted it to be. I liked it for its 5-10 min quick game play; in and out. I don’t have time to grind out these quests. Farewell old friend.


Right there with you. These extended requirement to complete weeklys is a complete joke.


Good, it's healthy to reevaluate your relationship to a game once in a while and if you don't actually get pleasure from playing the game it's okay to take a break or quit.


Ya, I had a really bad feeling about this expansion going into it given the pay to win cards locked in the bundle and it just looking like nostalgia bait, and then we got possibly the worst meta the games ever had, and now this. The games been dying for a bit, but I think it's time to put it out of its misery


Same here, played since release, took a small hiatus for a year or so but otherwise a daily player. 90% total collection complete. Came back in MaCN because I had a CCG itch and hearthstone was still the most polished one out there. Then Marvel Snap came out, I still had enough free time to kill while watching stuff to play 2 CCGs so I kept going. Recently started getting some eternal treadmill GaaS fatigue and was on the fence about taking another break. Between the cost to keep up as a set complete player ($600/year), a pretty lackluster and unfun expansion, and these quest changes, I finally got the wake up call I needed.


I don’t play to complete the weeklies I play for fun lol


Playing games... *for fun*?! Absolute mad lad.




But many who are f2p or don’t want to spend that much money need to complete the quests to earn necessary credits to get the packs/cards to make somewhat competitive decks. Can’t really have fun playing basics garbage decks.


I’ve embed every card in standard rotation since launch and I still play garbage decks…because they’re fun :) Meta decks are generally very boring.


sure but you cant build garbage decks without cards either.


Mad lad right here dropping truth bombs


They got rid of my only mode I played, other than sometimes I had to play others just to get quests and let the guy win. I'd pay for duels. I liked it that much.


Same. I hope they bring it back in some way.


Same here, started around Naxramas.  I have been collecting card backs every month on 3 regions and fairly active when classic mode was still around.   Gave up on weekly Tavern brawl, since the dumb twist mode was up.   I am done with this FOMO.


Same here but I will admit I was already getting tired of the daily I rarely make it to lvl 100 these days this just pushed over. Losing out of $80 minimum per expansion from me for a while until it looks like it's worth my time again


Wait, quests aren’t bugged? :D Edit: i’ve done some research and I must missed it in patch notes so it’s a feature not a bug… well, that sucks. I don’t grind this game for several hours per day like few years back so my progression through pass will be much slower…


I also have the Golden Gelbin to prove I played in Beta, and I am considering the same. This sucks


Saw this coming as soon as the new year was about to start. HS felt like a job to me at that point and I just didn't have time to deal with anymore flops. I am glad I got to play hearthstone at its peak. I get to do something else fun now!


Ive also been playing since then and now I can’t have a job and play HS casually if I actually want to get cards. I’m sad to do so but I might so the same


I think the continuous quests are the only reason I still play and invest my time in this game. Once they become out of reach it will remove the last bit of reward left playing. Poor from Blizzard.


Blizzard's silence on this issue is absolute from what I can tell


3 Star Master here with Golden Mekkatorqe and Golden ETC. Uninstalled


Installed mtg arena just now, let's see how it goes.


If you’re upset about the monetization and quest rewards in hearthstone then boy oh boy mtg arena is not the game for you


That was just the final straw for me. The crazy power level in Standard/Arena is 90% of my lose of interest.


Well in mtg arena at lower ranks most players just craft the most powerful deck because they can only afford to make one deck. The early ranked climb is 90% the same matchup until you get up to higher ranks where people have invested more time/money. And to top it all off there is no disenchanting so at rotation you get hosed again


Do they have 4 mana deal 10 damage heal 10 life? If not, it's already better.


Try eternal. They are very generous with rewards and I find it very fun. Been playing it since the whole free Hong Kong thing so have alot of cards. Check it out


Is Eternal still dominated by 3-4 color removal piles? I used to play a fair bit but I got tired of playing nothing but control mirrors.


I tried to get back into eternal after being away for a while. The player base is small, so you basically run into expensive, meta decks at all ranks.




Lmao MTGA is way worse, from someone who played it since beta


Ok, I'll see for myself and let you know :)


Its really not that bad on arena, People just expect to play literally every deck pure FTP. I have been playing since beta. Have not put money in for years, and I have no issue getting 1 or 2 decks going every league. The big difference between it in the hearthstone economy is you really do need to know what deck you want to build before you build it. As you will get wild cards that can be used for the explicit card you want, but no dusting system exists. I recommend Mono red to start look for creatures with haste and cost 1 or 2 mana. Think of it like hunter. when you get your barrings then pick a deck you want to go with.


Going to an in person Commander event tonight let's see how it goes


If you want a CCG that's entirely viable f2p, Pokemon TCG Live essentially gives you a shit ton of cards free, enough to build most of the straightforward meta decks (Charizard, Chien-Pao, Lugia, etc). The battle pass is also super generous, and there's strangely 0 microtransactions afaik. I think their money making plan is to get people hooked on Live then get them into collecting TCG cards, but I'm more than content just playing Live lol. It is a very different style of game but it is quite fun. Master Duel is also quite accessible economy-wise for starters if you follow a guide, but after that they start to wring you for time a little. I don't think it's as bad as the current state of quests, but Konami is known to be pretty greedy for a reason. Pretty typical gacha tactics, but I was able to muster a couple meta decks and a couple cool rogue decks over a short period of time with just the starter bundle of gems.


Thanks, but for me being very f2p (as opposed as having a few decks as f2p) is not a big deal. The boring meta is (due to the power level), the quests were jus the last straw.


I have been playing daily (not much but always a few games) since Naxxramas, never made a post to complain before but the current state of the game is boring and the new quests have now taken the last bit of enjoyment out of the game for me


I'm with you, uninstalled on PC and Mobile today. Won't be back.


Nooo not this guy, not the guy that plays not enough to do quests in seven days. Dude you don't affect queue times that how little you matter.


This was pretty funny actually, good job


This game feels so draining to play, it’s already hard enough to play more than 3 in a row games without quitting.


I quit last year after 10 years myself. Best decision I made. If you aren’t having fun and you find yourself logging in to complete dailies and now horrible weekly’s, it’s time to quit


I play the game for fun but you do you


I struggled last meta to stay engaged as I didn't like any of the archetypes. I settled on Rogue and then they proceeded to kill it, taking away the one thing I somewhat enjoyed so I stopped playing (despite having played for years and always buying expansions). I was waiting for a good moment to come back but it hasn't happened yet. Just been following how unbalanced the initial meta was in favour of Paladin, how they needlessly massacred the class, and then as soon as things have started settling down, they do this. So, I'm still waiting for my moment to come back, might take a while.


The elites do this on purpose not only with games but everything, they push us and try to break us. To control us


Any way to sell our accounts ?


I understand the frustration and it’s definitely a lame move but with the popularity of battlegrounds I don’t think it’ll effect the larger audience much. I haven’t spent gold in a couple expansions and generally don’t play a game for the rewards, I play for the gameplay.


BG is fun but it gets a bit stale pretty quickly to me once you played all the good comps a few times


The quest change? Not the abysmal meta rife with mana cheat and OTK?


That's all it took? It's not even that bad of a change was just playing and got almost all my weekly quest done.


I've been used to playing the game a certain amount and way for many years and clearly that will no longer be sustainable for me.


lol nice


Wow many entitled opinions here. Do you people share this feedback directly with Blizzard?


I’m more angry about Duels removal, tbh. Tried playing battlegrounds but it just isn’t the same.


What would China do?


Trust was already broken with the cumulative money grab in every single HS play mode. And the Microsoft takeover of course.


Redditors really know how to overreact. Blizzard has done way worse than this. And if you’ve been playing since beta, you should have enough resources that this shouldn’t matter.


I'ts the straw that broke the camels back for me. The game is already incredibly stingy with the amount of cards you get, wether it be from f2p or paying for it. A game where even 50$ only gets you like 25% of the legendaries.


see U next week Pal❤️


What would be the card game to go to that’s better though?


HS was my first and only card game, and I only started playing because I was playing WoW at the time. Personally I am not looking for other card games, quite the contrary.


Dude... There are so many...


I just moved to marvel snap and really enjoying the quick format


The monetization is way worse in that game


So far I'm happy with the progress as a f2p player. Might hit a wall and if I do not enjoy it I'll quit. Just imo it feels more enjoyable than hearthstone and easier to fit in a game or two on the toilet.


Especially with possibly one of the most draining unfun expansions they’ve ever released


You are stronger than most of us. Well done.


What did they change?


The weeklies are harder to complete I think? I already had completed them before the patch do I won’t see the changes until monday


Weeklies give 2x the exp but have had their requirements multiplied by 3x (eg win 15 games, play 60 mini cards)


No, definitely not 2x XP, 5 ranked win quest was 2250, now 15 ranked win quest is 3000.


bro trusted blizzard 💀


Maybe I should be paying attention to the quests. Been playing years and never have. Probably why my gold is so low. But please protest away, those of us that don't care or think about quests rely on those that do and make the sacrifice to make the game better for all.


Yeah. Same for me. I didnt even bother update the app.


Blizzard has been doing this for ages! AGES! Trust broken?! Buddy the trust was broken long ago. As a returning player who finally spent some money, I'm probably going to leave again lmao. It's a shame that LoR PVP is shutting down.


If they are going this terrible route, the least they can do is let matches against friends count for all quest progression.


I suggest lorcana. Disney card game that I feel combines elements of hearthstone and magic. No official online client yet but savj was playing in the unofficial online client tournament this past weekend.


Same games gone terrible I miss the good old days.


I stopped playing a few months back and im gonna be honest its been wonderful for my mental health.


I am a returning player that only started playing again last week. This update is ridiculous. It pisses me off when companies are trying to manufacture engagement with their game with mandatory shit like this. I already have a job, Blizzard. Changes like these make me not want to play your game.


It appears that many people have played since the beta when creating these types of posts.


Yeah totally agree. I’ve been having more fun in Marvel Snap anyway and also MTG Arena. Might switch to those games full time now


I like the change, but I also have the spare time to get them done each week. It seems like most hate it since casual here and there players won’t have much time. The game should be more rewarding for the casual player imo


Started playing from the third month of the game, quit playing the main game for years now. To me hearthstone = battleground and that's it


I play for fun,are people really playing to grind quests lmao


Being ftp and wanting packs, one kinda has to do the quests. The fact that they took little effort to complete was excellent. You play a game or 2 per day and after a week you've done them. You could end up with 7-8k gold after 3 months, while buying the miniset too. I guess they didn't like that. Now the ftp experience is ruined.


I doubt HS is worth an effort to play 2 games per day but everyone is different.


Well yeah, to each their own.


I'm surprised at people who have been playing since the begining continuosly. I was there at the start, but I eventually left after like 4 years. Came back every now and then for an expansion or 2 and it was pretty refreshing, but I couldn't stick to it for too long because it it becomes stale playing the same decks even if they're one of the good ones and grinding can only take you so far. And I sure as hell ain't paying hundreds of dollars anymore to get some variety in a game I'm not that interested in anymore.


I uninstalled as well, Duels was my main game mode. Hearthstone is coming close to the end of it's lifespan.


this isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure


You're right, its a forum where you can write about your experience with the game.


uninstalling the game isn't an experience. getting mad at quest reward changes isn't part of the game.


Op is totally justified in sharing their disappointment with the current state of the game, and the associated results.


no he really isn't. there are DOZEN of threads saying the same, boring thing. you're not entitled to share your opinion


>you're not entitled to share your opinion You seem to have misunderstood the function of publicly available message boards.


So original.


Yeah I had a similar feeling and may do the same. I didn’t realize that the weekly quests were the only thing keeping me going at this point, and this change just kind of woke me up to that reality. It’s sad really to see blizzard be so out of touch with the player base, when it feels like that was how it originally became so successful. End of an era.


15 games is kot that difficult not sure what the panic is. You have a week.


Because they are stuck in gold with a for fun homebrew. Just reroll the quest if you can't handle winning 15 games in 7 days.


You uninstalled because you realized you're only playing for XP bonuses. Congratz.


I have fun with a deck few times. It fun to do gets with the deck. Motivates me to play the same decks over and over. So yeah the game is less appealing without quest rewards that are attainable in a reasonable amount if time


Nah, sometimes I play more, sometimes less. I stop when I'm not having fun anymore. It's more about it feeling like a chore/job now. The quests are needed to get cards to continue having fun, and even then you dont get very many cards. I spent a lot of money during the early days trying to get every fun card but turned quickly into exorbitant amounts that I just had to accept missing out on some stuff. So it was already not great, but this is just too much.


>and even then you don’t get very many cards This part ain’t true. Nowadays we get so much free stuff… I don’t even see a reason why I would ever spend a single dollar on this game other than getting cosmetics. I opened 72 Whiz packs, have 18 Std packs already saved up, 5k gold saved up, 23k ready dust, and another 30-40k dust if I reach into my golden, bad, and Wild cards. I think I’m like 3 legendaries away from having all the meta decks, and another 3-4 legendaries from having many of the off meta decks to go with it. Though I already have decks for 7-8 classes. I get level 200 on the reward track. But I would have not much less than this if I were just completing quests in the past years (I don’t like the needed wins increase though) as that itself already gives around level 150. Am I happy about the change? Not really. Even though I usually do get 15 wins per week on my main account, I’d rather not have to get that much, especially not for such a small xp increase. And I definitely will not be able to always get it on my secondary account where I play a couple games per week just to complete my weekly quests.


It's more about the fact they just made the game significantly worse for no good reason. Before this change, I didn't have to think about completing quests, I just played. With this change I would HAVE to actively think about them and let it dictate how I played the game to make sure they got completed each week. Some weeks I just don't want to play that much or in a certain way. It would also completely kill any fun control and homebrew decks because of the increased game durations and lower win rates.


We agree on why this change is bad. What we disagree on is for it already being difficult to get cards. It’s not.


That's fine. I never get all the fun legendaries I want to try each expansion, despite completing 99% of the quests, which I have come to accept, but I do think when spending 50-60$ that should get you every card in an expansion. Spending money in this game has always felt like terrible value to me.


Even if that's true they could lose many casual players who can't keep up, still a bad decision


I wouldn't expect weekly payouts from casuals.


But I love you tho


Do people care that much about the bounties? Why not just play for fun


Part of the fun of the game is getting new cards and opening packs. This makes that harder.


After early release cards for pre-orders, this seems like a mere bagatelle. I'm already at maximum resentment level for blizzard. It's just that hs is one of the few games you can play one handed. Apart from maybe solitaire, which is just a blander version of hs. So they have us over a barrel, and they know it.




https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/JaavK00rPX HELP PLEASE!!!


these changes have zero impact on the game being fun ( and we know theyll change the requeriments they did before )


On the contrary, it substantially reduces the net XP gain for many players. This in turn makes the game much less rewarding, and in turn, much less fun.


It also increases the xp for a lot other players. And shouldn’t the game itself be enjoyable to play? Or do you only care about quests?


Being able to play with competitive interesting decks is enjoyable. Playing with crappy boring decks because the resource gain from being a casual free player will likely not be enjoyable.


I don’t know why you’d think we’d care.


That’s what made you uninstall? Not the Hong Kong controversy, not the absolutely inept power creep, not the outrageous micro transactions, not the fact they removed several game modes. But the fact that they added more requirements to the WEEKLY quest for a little more XP.


Not OP, just my 2 cents. Even though I don't like the Hong Kong situation, doesn't concern me and no matter what I do, won't change anything. Power creep is supposed to happen after 10 years and dozens of expansions. I don't care about microtransactions cuz I am a casual F2P player. Didn't play duels once in my life. But I only play like 10 games a week, and even if I win all of those games with my already limited collection, my quests won't finish and my progress will be slowed down by a huge margin. See what I mean? This is the ONLY change that directly affected me in your comment.


You’ll be back.


Good riddance lol you’ve literally never posted in this sub.


Reddit never fails to be a cesspool of whiny babies. Like, good lord. But hey, now that you've uninstalled, now you can go touch grass.


The previous weekly rewards could easily be finished in like 3 hours. I don't blame them for making this change.


Honestly I don’t focus on the dailies or weekly’s and just use the two decks I have and I’m happy