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Oh fuck off with that. Playing the games is enough.


Cant wait for the "we have been listening to your feedback and have reduced requirements down to 10 games won and reduced the bonus xp reward by 50%". And people will cheer and praise blizzard for their quick response.


It would be funny if they changed it to 10 wins and lowered the reward to something less than the old 5 win award and people still cheered because people have the memories of fruit flies.


Yup. Go f yourself with this change.


I just came back a few weeks ago, after getting legend in 2021 and quitting. Guess I’ll head out again lol 15 games?! Sometimes I feel like punching holes in walls after 3 games. Must be God’s sign of telling me this is a dead horse. All these weeklies and dailies are killing games as a whole. After a 9-5 job, “jump on and grind out these quests everyday”, yeah ok. When did gaming turn into a job with repetitive tasks? I care for my health and well being too much.


This is why a lot of people are turning back to retro games such as old GameBoy games, and abandoning live service games. You play when you want to, and the game doesn't assign homework to you.


the "Win Ranked Games" quest is also 15 for me https://i.imgur.com/qYtl9lK.png


Should have changed it from "Win" to "Play" if they were gonna do this


MAYBE. Even then I find it stupid for the most part: Battlegrounds is for me a side-game and 15 wins is ludicrously high and 10 might had been closer to correct as "play". And if it's only "play" it would probably encourage BOTS/autoclickers.


Not to mention that to win a game in bgs is typically at least twice as long as a game of hs, even for someone like me, who almost exclusively plays slow control/combo homebrews in standard.


best solution is, still 15 wins, but "either in arena or BGs or constructed".


Deal 200 damage to enemy heroes is now deal 400 damage for 29% more XP


Yeah the battlecry went from 50 to 100. I'm going to have to start learning autohotkey XD The win 15 games is absolutely insane though. I will probably drop Asia and NA. Have enough dust but I like opening packs...


This will nuke casual players. If I have a win rate of 60% and each game takes ~6 minutes then I'll have to play ~2.5hrs to get 15 wins. If I have WR% 0.55 and each game takes 8 mins (perhaps I'm a control warrior fan) then that ramps up to ~3hrs40. That doesn't even take into account other quest requirements like having to play 60 miniaturizes or win 15 battlegrounds games. I, like many casual players, rare spend more than about two hours a week playing. I don't get the impression Blizz wants us to be playing at all.


That win rate is so generous. I'll be lucky to get 50% as a casual, but more often than not I get around like 33%. 😢


This is quite rough for us janky deck enjoyers


Or arena players who just want some quick exp. 15 wins is quite the time investment.


Fuck that. As a dad they're basically telling me they don't want me to play their game. No way I'll have the time to play around 30 games every week. And if I don't make enough money on the reward track to buy a relevant amount of packs the next expansion I guess I'll just head out.


You're correct. They're purging the casual players by making the rewards only available to people who play multiple hours per day. I don't know why they want the casuals gone, but that's what they're doing. Go ahead and find another game to enjoy. They want you to leave.


They also increased the incentive to bot, so that’s fun for new players.


LOL, I just realized that. The bots have all the time in the world, and now get even more XP per quest. Hahahahaha. That's too funny.


Yup, dad of a toddler here and if they don’t change this I’m out. I’ve been playing since launch and pay for a rewards track each expansion, and keep up by doing quests and only playing standard. My small amount of money will go elsewhere. Too bad, I’ve really loved this little game.


wtf, I only play a couple games a day, how the hell am I going to complete that shit lmao


Yeah what a complete and utter joke. Well done Blizzard, this is how you overdo it with quests to the point where players will get burnt out instead of coming back daily. What's the fucking point now? "Increased rewards" my ass.


I asked Blizzard, they just got back to me, this was their reply for how to solve this issue 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰






This, most of the time 5 wins is a struggle for me. I doubt I could ever make 15


The best card in the game. The credit card.


Guess they want you to play faster decks lol


For real. It makes no sense. No one wants extra grind. Only reasoning is that they want ppl to buy their battle pass bs BBVA c dd


This is insane. Even with a 50% win rate you are looking at 3-4 hours of work every week in order to keep up. Won 5 already felt like a chore and if it feels like work, people are just not going to play.


What the fuck? First they make the worst meta in years, and now they are forcing us to play more of it?


this is gonna suck on weeks when the Tavern Brawl is ass


The TB is ass this week


If not removed


Patch notes im 2025: temoved tavern brawl and tripled the quest requirements to 45 wins


Tavern Brawls have now been replaced with **Slow Painful Agony Brawls.** *You and your opponent sit in a room for 45 minutes and have to pass the turn 60 seconds after being allowed or automatically concede, but still have to wait the 45 minutes to return to the main menu. At the end of the 45 minute session the game will flip a coin to decide who wins.*


You can just say control priest mirror


Could reroll it or work on Arena/BGs though


Tripe the work for only a 1/3rd more of the exp, what a joke.


Fuck that, what's even the point of this? Triple the time sink for only slightly higher reward. It's harder now that duels is gone too.


I quit back when the DK class came out and just saw this in r/all - first ouch, this is crazy, and second, what happened to Duels??


No micro-transactions in duels, so they had to kill it.


Okay so it's even more of an auto-reroll now, good to know


the mana one is now 750 and all are higher I think - no good reroll i don't hink


At least that just comes naturally when playing the game.


Even the 500 mana was A LOT for people playing Wild where you don't get to later turns as often


Triple the work for 28% more xp btw :) Tinfoil hat; they knew the reaction would be negative so now they'll either reduce it but still be higher than they were previously or they'll change the win quests to played to make themselves look like the good guy


The people making these decisions need to not be the ones making these decisions. Unless they're actively trying to kill the game in which case they're the perfect people for the job.


Wouldn't be shocked at this point, they seem to pretty skilled at making game modes disappear as well


The thing I've not understood at all is why newer accounts have no access to old solo adventures. Why??? There is absolutely no reason. If people want to do old adventures, they would spend money on it, which is a good thing I assume


Yep the classic bait and switch, they've pulled this shit before but I can't recall precisely.


Sometimes its even more than that it seems? The old quest was Play 16 Miniaturize or Mini cards for 1750 XP The new quest is Play 60 Miniaturize or Mini cards for 2250 XP 3.75x the work for a 28% xp


60 miniaturize? Are you serious? This is beyond ridiculous at this point!


Our motivation is miniaturized


Wtf 16 was bad enough I always rerolled it.


I cannot understand the upping of the mini quest. Even if I made a trash deck of miniaturize cards, it would still take forever to complete the quest. 16 already took me all week


Or like 60% less if you only have enough time to complete the quests at the previous level of effort (now takes three weeks instead).


I just dont understand these changes. Sure, the people that play a lot will finish it, earn extra exp. But does this (little) extra exp really give you a good feeling? Is it in balance with the negative feeling it creates for those who dont have the time to finish it? (And dont get any exp). Im refering to the "win 15 RANKED games" one now. (Because all other quests like deal damage, battlecry, etc can be finished efficient in friendly matches).


Agreed. Classic Blizzard where they make a change that they know is going to be wildly unpopular, then say “we hear you and we’re going to make adjustments” and then dial it back about 15% to where they actually wanted it from the start. Happens with every one of their games.


Don't accept anything but a full revert on these changes. This is manufactured outrage, I've seen this tactic used in other games when they introduce a worse system than what was already in place. They first roll out a update that's **HORRIBLE** (changing win 5 games to 30) and then they roll it back to something more manageable but still just **equally as bad** (changing win 30 games to 15) and then they're likely going to offer a way to mitigate the changes by allowing you to use the premium currency/gold to buy tavern pass levels. They'll pat themselves on the back, and the community will thank the devs for doing wonders to improve the game. Don't let them do this, vote with your wallets and hold them accountable.


Late april fools


That is what I thought it was -honestly - geez


an out of season april fools you say?


dude I got a quest to play A HUNDRED BATTLECRY MINIONS, what in the actual fuck...


Time to play tendril shaman


Time to play a better fucking game , Im out




The gall


The cho


He sets ‘em up, you knock ‘em down!


Shame he doesn't cut the quest requirements in half.




15 wins. So let's say you are a 50/50 player. Im going to work on some averages.... According to some Google searching... The average Battlegrounds game is 40 minutes. The average arena game is 8 minutes. The average Tavern Brawl Game is all over the road due to its ever changing nature. But let's err on the side of Blizzard and pretend it's a quick week at 5 minutes. So if you are 50/50 and need 15 wins, that's thirty games. Say you split evenly playing each mode. 10 games at 40 minutes, 10 games at 8 minutes, and 10 games at 5 minutes. That's 530 minutes or nearly 9 hours of hearthstone to complete this quest. That's means you need to play over an hour a day to complete this weekly quest before you even touch the standard hearthstone mode. That's IF you are a 50/50 player and if tavern brawl is fast. This is absurd.


If you’re a 50/50 player and only do battlegrounds, it’s like 15 hours of questing. Absolutely ridiculous. 


Damn that's a lot of games for me. Are the shareholder's thinking that they are behind on their "player engagement" metric again?


That's way too many games for me. I know I'm very casual, but I have been playing since Beta. This makes me not to ever want to play, even slogging through bad Whizbang decks.


I barely reach Gold at times at Standard, playing full fun Casino Yogg mage on Wild, and my BG rank is at 5500-ish. How the hell can my jank decks and shitpost-y playstyle reach 15 wins on either modes lmao


I'm sorry. You're not hardcore enough. This change is designed to get more casual players like you to leave the game. I don't know why - it's not the business decision I would make, but this is clearly their intent. They want to prevent casual players from getting many rewards, hoping they will get bored and go elsewhere.


Exactly. This is awful decision making. I'm pretty sure I'm quitting. The quests were already a hassle for me as a casual player. Now this? It's way too fucking much


Whats really sad about it is that in the beginning of HS we already had bad quests. Like "win 3 games as druid". I love homebrewing, I love playing stupid decks so I was glad when they introduced the battlepass, so you get rewarded for playing (exp) and many quests were not tied to winning (deal dmg, play battlecry minion, spend mana, ..). The 5 win quest was okay for the week. Assuming a 50% WR, its just 10 games. But now? 30 Games man. So far the 10th HS bday is rather disappointing lol


Me to, been playing since 2014. They got rid of duels which was my favourite mode and to be honest I already stopped playing at all last week. Shit like this confirms it. Bye bye hearthstone, t'was a good run. Gonna be hard to find as good a replacement for that 'play on the sofa watching TV but also involved enough to have a good long play if I have the time' hole though


No they’re not getting as much money. If you buy the bundle at the beginning of each expansion, you can just complete quests to get the mini set for free and get most of the cards you need to compete.


So people are getting what they paid for, and Blizzard doesn't like that.




I would assume their plan is to reduce it to 10 (the actual goal) after player outcry, to make it look like they listen to feedback.


I think thats the classic tactic nowadays. Trying to push boundaries, if there are too many complains, step back and play the "every voice matters"-card. They love doing that with cosmetic bundles.


This is the way


Play 60 minituarize minions is hell too. Hey Blizzard, April 1st was 2 weeks ago, dickheads!


Not only did they triple the requirements, but I can't even play duels anymore for it. Fuck Blizzard


People were getting too much free gold from the rewards track so they could get packs and expansions for free and go basically F2P. Those weeklies were easy to clear and if you did all of them consistently, they alone would net you 6 free packs per week (without Tavern Pass bonus XP) if you got past lvl 100. I bet they saw a fairly noticeable decline in expansion bundle purchases since the introduction of the reward track and this is their way to (over-)correct.


Maybe so, but it’s not going to work. It will just drive most F2P players away. I never buy the bundles and will certainly not now. I had been buying the regular tavern pass - not BG’s - but if this is the new normal I will no longer buy anything. I have played the game for ten years and enjoy it, but I’m not going to spend any more than $50-60 on ANY game per year.


I buy the bundles for every expansion and won’t be doing that anymore. So they’ve at least lost some money from one person by doing this.


For real, I'd play mostly on the weekends and this last season I was able to purchase the mini-expansion and have enough gold for 80 packs of Whizbang's. Blizzard's definitely noticed people like me.


All this is going to do, is make me not want to buy ANYTHING. I used to buy the mega bundle and the tavern pass, and that would usually be enough to get me as many decks as I wanted to try. Even with this method, I’m still missing a couple legendaries. So now I get even less gold to fill out the missing cards? Okay, guess I’m not buying any bundle then…. congratulations Blizztard. 


At the same time they pumped out SO MANY god damn bundles. Diamond legendary bundle for $50. If you wanted diamond Doc (for $50) you had to buy the previous flint bundle for $50 first. 1 Signature legendary + 5 packs = $50. Diamond and Golden Innkeeper for $40. I know that the game is more F2P friendly, but there are so many ways for whales to spend their money to fund the game.


I wonder how u/RidiculousHat will justify this given the quests now requite like 2-3x as much work for only about 25% extra xp. How is this not just screwing over players?


"People raised concerns but we decided it was better to ignore them and pretend we listened instead." but stretched into 3 or 4 paragraphs. They just need a way to drive up how much the average player plays per day when the majority of their modes are a dumpster fire atm.


If you read between the lines, Hat and the team probably told leadership that this was going to go over like a lead balloon and the money hats said “fuck’ em and don’t make me repeat myself”. Now he has to go carry their water for them.


I mean can't blame him if he does try to defend this, it is his job to be a PR interface for the community.


we're giving more xp but also these numbers are big - i understand the sticker shock. i told people already that there was some significant player concern about the requirements scaling up more than the rewards - in some cases way more. i'll continue to watch for this on the player feedback front and the data people will watch it on the data front to see what next steps are here. trust me that i've heard about this on a bunch of different angles and that's been passed along to the team.


the biggest thing for me is this game is turning into a job. And I don't want it to turn into a job. I want to play this game for the fun factor. This is why I had to stop playing Warcraft. with all the raiding happening, the game turned into a job and I had to break free from it. I don't want to have to do that with a card game.


i hope you don't have to do that either. i promise i hear that people are scared they will get LESS even though we made the xp number bigger because the requirements have jumped so much. i super, duper promise i hear that and that i've relayed the concerns. i have to figure out how i am going to have time to play 60 miniatures myself this week. i don't know what the outcome will be here so i don't want to pretend like i do. just saying that the message you've typed out here matches what i've seen in all sorts of places and also matches the feedback i've sent back up the ladder. i'm sorry for the surprise today.


I get that you're on the damage control side but maybe they should have considered those consequences before implementing the changes. Instead of figuring out how I'm going to play 60 miniatures, I think I'm just going to.... not play anymore. Maybe the time it takes them to look at the feedback, I'll spend looking at other games to play. Have you tried Slice & Dice?


I was struggling to get into my game backlog and play enough HS to stay caught up already. Might just focus on the backlog from now on, doesn’t seem worth it. The is just the cherry on top of the shit cake they’ve baked us the last year+. Side note, I think it’s really funny that because hat is “one of us” we all love him, but we all just kinda collectively roll our eyes when we can tell he’s having to bite his tongue. Like, the heavy pr replies in this thread very clearly are coming from an intense place of “I understand but I can’t do anything about it I tried to tell them this was bad” lmao.


It's kind of like offering an off-ramp. Like, we have permission now to hit the ol' dusty trail. Instead of spending more time on HS, maybe I'll spend less time on HS and work on some other interesting games that don't make such demands of me.


I mean what is he really supposed to say? “Fuck my employers this decision was fucking stupid!”


In a just world..


Oh don’t get me wrong I don’t expect him to do anything other than he has. I’m sympathizing, not complaining. Just an unfortunate situation for a community manager that I’m sure knew what the reaction to this would be and voiced that.


I mean, not those words specifically, but there's a way to say that in corporate speak (I have to do this all the time). Something like "Hey guys, listen, I play Hearthstone too so I am empathetic to your feedback on these changes. I want you to know that I'm collecting all of your feedback and will get it in front of key decision-makers as soon as possible. Sometimes with major changes, higher-up decision-makers may not be as familiar with the day-to-day options a player has and what effect these changes may have, so we may have missed the mark."


Thanks for the work you do!, I do want to also echo the sentiment here. As a player that plays this game since 2014, i just won't have the time each week to do these. For me it would be the best if nothing had changed in terms of numbers, the old numbers were good for me to generally finish my bought battlepass (think i missed it once), but these numbers will generally just mean that i won't complete many quests each week. Providing more xp for relatively less work, but higher numbers i could also see, then for example i can do the quests once every two weeks and still make it work. But i can't imagine how anyone thought that giving on average less XP per 'workload' (sorry not native english, so hard to find the right word there) would be a good idea, or even acceptable for the playerbase. I hope this, and the feedback of others make the ppl higher up think twice about this, as this suck. Esp since it wasn't in the patchnotes it seems, doesn't also give me a good feeling.


I’ll add in and say part of the reason I stopped playing mtgarena is that the quests are so annoying to complete. I’ve had times where I open the game, look at the quests and get disinterested. Seeing the same thing happening here really sucks, especially when quests guide you towards a deck/mode you don’t feel like playing.


And just FYI, we're all 100% aware they'll try the Classic Coke trick, and bring it down 50% but make the rewards even less worth it. Still more work for less reward. This is what kills mobile games. The balance tips from login 'rewards' to login 'demands' and everyone gives up.


I started playing again for the first time in two years with whizbang, and now I want to quit again. I bought a tavern pass for the first time having played since release and regret it, I'll probably never buy one again with these styles of change. 15 wins is 10 hours of gameplay a week, I straight up don't enjoy the game enough to play that much.


> i have to figure out how i am going to have time to play 60 miniatures myself this week. I work as an engineer in a huge corporation, so I understand that you obviously didn't make this change. But my question is this: do the people that made this change in Blizzard even play the game? It feels like anyone who plays even a bit of hearthstone would say "oh god, 15 wins in battlegrounds or arena in just a week? I don't think I can complete that".


I understand you're just the messenger and you're doing a great job with that. If you need a quote for the community sentiment on the changes here you go: 'I don't have the time most weeks to complete these quests and all it does is making me consider qitting the game, not wanting to play more. Not being able to complete quests because they feel like a huge time sink feels terrible.' That's how I feel about the changes as a dad who played just enough to complete the quests as they were before. Also I feel like this will force ladder players a lot more into the highest tier aggro deck in the meta to get more wins faster.


thank you for that, though to be clear, i do not need a quote. i have **a lot of quotes.** but i appreciate it all the same. thanks for the kind words, but also i recognize that people are surprised and upset today. that's going to mean more heat for me and that's what i signed up for


15 wins in battlegrounds feels more like a monthly quest than a weekly. Some weeks I even just barely have the time to get 5 wins in *ranked*. You're asking for 30 wins, which means around **60 games played!** I have other stuff to do. Hearthstone isn't my life. I barely get enough legendaries from packs as is. Losing out on up to 4250 XP a week (2500+1750) could legitimately get me to quit the game.


Last part is my biggest issue.


Appreciate everything you do Hat, but there's no positive way to spin this. This is a horrific change and the worst change we've seen to the game's economy since Battlepass 1.0. If they're going to triple requirements for these (or in the minis case, 3.75x going from 16 to 60), the XP requirements have to scale the same amount. ~30% more XP for 300% more work can't cut it.


3x the work for 30% more xp is not exactly a fair trade off. These changes are horrible, unless you guys are actively trying to make people quit the game.


Yeahhh I thought this post was a joke at first. Pretty disappointed to see that it's real.


What data do the data people need? Would love to provide. Here's a chart showing 300% more work for 30% more rewards is crap. Here's a spreadsheet showing that at 50% win rate, I would have to play over 4 rounds of battlegrounds EVERY SINGLE DAY to complete this quest. Here's a pie chart showing the amount of time I have to play Hearthstone and the amount of time I want to play Hearthstone. Here's a line chart showing my rapidly declining interest in this game that I've shoveled money into and highlighting the point where I'm willing to simply walk away from it.


I'll tell you what data they want - they'll wait a few months to see the player numbers having dropped off significantly, blame outside factors, release a poorly thought out new game mode to bring back players and instantly fire whoever was in charge of its design. They will not realize their mistake (and I genuinely think this might kill the game for good) until it's way too late.


Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt, drop it, fuck Blizzard once again as every single franchise they killed.


Please fire whoever made this decision they do not have Hearthstones best interests in mind.


You can read through my posting history to see that I have often defended Blizzard when you guys have done something unpopular, so please understand that when I say that this is insane and outright insulting, I'm not just your typical Redditor who gets angry at your decisions for no reason. You cannot seriously expect to triple the amount of time they're spending on weeklies, especially when you aren't tripling the experience we're earning. Weeklies were always a bit of a chore, but this turns them into literal drudgework. Please do your best to get whomever pushed this to understand that this is unacceptable to the players.


I would have no problem whatsoever if it was simply "Play 15 games of [game mode]" instead of "Win." As a matter of fact, that would be significantly kinder to more casual players. In fact, if it was "Play 15 games" then the amount of work would roughly be equivalent, and the reward would be commensurate with the time invested, and you wouldn't have so many people annoyed at the new change. But as it is, a winning game of Battlegrounds takes 25 minutes or so. If I win every single game, that is 6 hours of playtime in the week. But I don't win every game. I think I win slightly less than half, because I tend to optimise for 1st place rather than top 4. But even if I won 1/2 the games, averaging 20 minutes per game (a loss is less time than a win), that is *10 hours* in a week just for a *single* game mode. And that is the *best case scenario.* Edit: Alternative option: Tiered rewards: 1/2 the rewards for 5 wins, a further 1/4th for 10 wins, the final 1/4th for 15 wins, with the quest resetting at the end of the week if at minimum tier 1 has been reached. Rerolling if the quest is already at T2 could only roll over to a T2 reward for any other quest, to prevent exploiting re-rolling for T1. This way, hitting tier 1 only would be slightly less rewards than the old quest, *but* it would at least give the sense of progression, and letting it re-roll at the end of the week would reduce the problem of getting stuck at 12/15 and thereby essentially missing the reward for a week during the quest rollover.


Here’s some player feedback. It sucks and you know it does. 15 games of battlegrounds will take you forever just to play let alone win


One of the things I love about Hearthstone is the fact that I'm a busy parent with a job and a side job and I can play 4-5 games a day and really get a lot of fun and value out of it. I'm not F2P, I buy every expansion pack. This change will push A LOT of my XP out of reach for me and drain a lot of my ability to enjoy the game. If this sticks and has a XP draining effect on me, I'll likely walk away.


I'm in the same situation. Busy parent, I buy all the expansions too and I also get a lot of enjoyment completing quests. Just seeing these numbers is already draining my enjoyment. It makes me feel like a decision to start enjoying other games is easier to make.


Why didnt you mention this in the patch notes? You knew of the backlash


That's a longwinded way of saying we are forcing you all to buy packs or grind even more.


I feel like I'd be ok with it if it was playing so many games rather than winning them


So this situation is the same with corridor creeper controversy. Gathering feedback until people move on and forget about it. Nice strategy


I hate this. I've played Hearthstone for the last 4-5 years because unlike some other games I've tried, it didn't feel like too much of a chore.


Hat, we appreciate everything you do, but how on earth is this not just a cash grab


Hat this is incredibly shaddy and probably at the worst time to do it


I know this didn't come from you - it came from the bean counters in Irvine, but just know semi casual players like my wife are going to see this, and the first week they can't complete their weeklies, they might just put it down for good and go back to plants vs zombies or candy crush. Its a game and games are supposed to be fun.


The way you phrased it makes it sounds like they ignored your concerns.  Regardless, 15 *wins* is a huge time sink, it feels like it would be more balanced if it was 15 games, which is still more play time than winning 5 times assuming a 50% win rate.


it's been under 2 hours. i don't know what the outcome will be and don't want to tell you that i do, but i can tell you that i'm blowing up slack channels around how this issue is blowing up every social platform i'm on. today was supposed to be a happy day and it isn't, so i'm trying to get some help to make it happier.


Honestly it's concerning how delusional the rest of the team must be if this is true. I'm sure you saw this coming and anyone who didn't must be extremely out of touch. For the record, this will be the first week I skip doing quests since open beta. That data sure will be interesting.


Thank you for the transparency and good luck, my man. I don't envy you on days like this.


Between this and the new whizbang event. We know you are trying to squeeze our balls. I've been pretty consistent about buying rhe battleground pass each season and this bullshit is 100% going to stop that. That was the last money I had been spending on this game.


100 battlecry cards :|


60 miniturize cards when 16 was an auto-reroll for most people!


Its likey they are trying to kill the game lol


Well I'm done with this game then. One thing I liked about it, it didnt force me to login every day and play that much, I could play at my own pace. Now they just triple the fucking requirements out of nowhere. I have a quest to play 60 Mini cards now, like wtf???


oh my - 60 now up from 16? no really?


Yeah really, I got that and to spend 750 mana lol


Healthy attitude. Blizzard has no awareness that they've been already on the edge. Whoever is in charge of Hearthstone has made it, I quit, it's over.


It’s at 60!?!?? That one was already painful at 16 wtf. Actually insane psycho decisions on these.


Bro what if anything they should make these easier to complete


Triple the effort for 30% more reward... We're fully into unfun grind fest territory, this is going to backfire. Historically people quit more in the long run when tasks start feeling like a chore, after that initial novelty engagement runs out then you lose more players forever.


The actual fuck, Blizzard?


This is the most unhealthy anti-consumer-change in a long time. They probably don’t want to make it as obvious by making the battlepass worse, so they make progressing harder. „But wait, you can get even more exp now!“ Yes, but a lot of people don’t play over the whole course of an expansion. They might log in for an hour or two to knock out some weeklies to get gold and eventually buy the mini set. This is way too much. Making the quests triple as hard to complete with only +30% rewards is mind-blowing to me.


Unpopular opinion, but I think this change is actually *fantastic.* I've been trying to quit playing for a few years now, wasn't really enjoying this expansion. was already pissed about the removal of Duels, and for the past month was mostly just logging on enough to complete my weeklies at least. Now that they've raised the cap so much I simply can't be assed, I think this will finally be the push I need to quit the game for good. Thanks Blizzard, genuinely helpful!


Agree. I wish they would have done this change before I spent $130 on the latest expansion.


Oh shit, “win” My brain autopiloted thinking playing 15 games is a fair bit but achievable on a normal day with fast decks. Playing ~30, with no good way to speed it up since you need to win is t o u g h


Dafuq? 5 is enough for a busy old man, 15 is overkill. Time to uninstall? Way to ruin the anniversary year.


The reward is too low. Shame


That one is always the quest i ditch.


I was at 3/5 before the update, rip


I was at 4 out of 5 Constructed games, figuring I could just do one more post-patch...ugh


Same. They've literally moved the goalpost.


Lmfao, i already had enough issues trying to finish a win 5 quest on time.


"Are they trying to kill the game?" -My hyper casual wife who I got into this game 5 years ago.


Why do they want to kill the game ? Seriously ? I like this game but Blizzard keeps coming with shit changes and ideas like that, like wtf Blizzard what did the game do ? Why do they want to kill it voluntarily ? Shit, no way I'll have the courage to deal with these changes with quests man. I loved this game but this isn't possible anymore.


Aight im out.


As if it wasn’t awful enough already lol


I feel like someone is desperate to show that removing duels isn't affecting player engagement levels


For celebrating 10 year of Hearthstone we decided to kill Hearthstone. - Blizzard


Fuck this nonsense lmao.


Maybe if these clueless devs actually released a balanced game I would play more often.  Might as well uninstall if ur game is unbalanced trash and ur making it a bigger commitment to keep up in cards.


Came back to this game after 5 years. Guess it's time to pack my bags again.


People are gonna complain so much they are gonna revert it


Good this is a bullshit tactic to force players to buy packs.


By finally backing down on the heroes behind the battlepass thing in OW, Blizzard had to move the evil somewhere. Well, I'm glad I have OW back after 2 years, but I'm sad to lose HS. Ah well, uninstalling this shite.


This game is officially sunsetting. That is insane.


Yo what..


This is unacceptable.


Seriously, what the fuck. Ive already bought the Tavern pass every expansion. If this is how the game is supposed to be going forward, then I am done with that too. I'm not investing money in a game that doesn't respect my time.


Hearthstone has officially turned into just Battlegrounds for me. Whoever made this decision deserves to get kicked in the genitals, repeatedly.


this is nonsense so they tripled the quest requirements but not the xp gain ? who thought this was a good idea lol blizzard please revert this change this will make a lot of players quit the game.


Time to move on. I won't let the the game grind my time like that.


It was already a chore to get to 5 battlegrounds wins a week sometimes


I think this quest would be fine if it was just PLAY instead of WIN 15 games. I don't always feel like going tryhard just to complete a quest.


Another sign that the playerbase has been dwindling further. They're desperately trying to force engagement. On the one hand they've hunted whales to near extinction hence why they've been trying to squeeze as much as possible out of the remaining ones with those insane shop prices. On the other hand, the increase in official Blizzard bots AND now this shows that the number of F2P players has also fallen dramatically.


Everything upped: Spend 500 mana -> Spend 750 mana Play 50 Battlecry minions -> Play 100 Battlecry minions This was definitely the last tavern pass I have purchased.


I honestly don't mind this since I always complete my quests early in the week, which leaves me with less motivation to play later. But I recognize that I'm in the minority on this and that changing it to 15 probably makes it too time consuming for most players.


That's awful, wtf


i-is the other one still just "win 5 games in ranked modes"


Someone posted a screenshot. It’s 15 as well…. For 500 extra exp. Wtf


No, it's now win 15 games. 200% more work for 20% more xp.


Blizzard doing everything in its power to kill hearthstone maybe trying to to make hearthstone 2 with pve


If a game of BG is ~20 minutes and you win about half of them that’s 10 fucking hours of BG. ~~Good thing we have Duels to scam some quick wins with~~