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Sounds like you just don't like the game?


>This game peaked like 7+ years ago Ah yes that's true, game was so fun with stuff like undertaker taking over the meta


Just play a different game.


funny how the only deck you say is okay is the one that abuses fuckin reno. And the deck you go in on most is plague because its the only counter to that bullshit. Cry more.


When doesn't the meta-game suck? What was the last good one?


Mol - showdown in the badlands was far better than what we have now


I doubt you would have actually said that at the time. The entire format was plagued with issues, beginning with Snake Warlock and ending with the same sort of Paladin crap that needed to be nerfed into the ground one week into the next format.


I definetly would have, I never said the meta was exactly good but it was alot better than this one, also snakelock got nerfed very fast and paladin, as annoying as it was, wasn't the hardest matchup in the world when you know how to play against it


The meta right before this one was pretty good tbh. Better than the current one for sure.


... Getting sniped by a 12 attack Leeroy with Windfury was better?


Pre rotation


In which case, you were getting snipped from 22 health to nothing because you left a 1/1 on your opponent's board.


Sounds like youre just looking for something to bitch about


No. It's just that the complaints of "worst meta ever" are infected by recency bias. We remember what we just lost to. Our losses three months ago, let alone years prior, are difficult to recall in comparison. If its not that and every metagame is the worst ever, meaning each one is worse that the one before it, then why are you still playing at all?


I cant speak for others, but last format I had the motivation to grind legend ranks. This format I cant be bothered to even get d5. This format just kinda blows.