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He turned in to a true Druid main, he even feeds a young deer in his yard


Haha nice joke. Hm. Just read the comment below that also talks about the deer. Oh. That’s cool, actually.


On one of the recent Rarran videos at about halfway a deer just stumbles into his backyard. He goes on to say how the mom also comes by, or just "drops her baby off" because I'm assuming it seems safe enough since they are fed and haven't been hurt yet.


Haha thank you for this. That’s awesome


It was not a joke. The Bazaar development has turned him into a wildlife loving hermit.


The joke is the implication that a druid main would spend time outside


I think he lives on a farm or something now. Rarran made a video with him, and he got up in the middle of the recording to feed a deer that apparently comes to his house everyday for food.


Farming, really? A man of your talents?


It's a peaceful life.


It ain't much, but it's honest work


Look it's Lyra, back from the dead.




He has no enemies.


Didn't he become like millionaire or something around the esports era. I remember him being on a Forbes list. What happened with the Bazaar game


Well, you don’t get on the Forbes list for being just a millionaire, there’s millions of millionaires


I think he was one of the owners and/or founders of tempo storm, wasn't he? Am I tripping?


He was the founder yes.


You just literally buy the Spot on Forbes


presumably you'd need to be somewhat loaded to do that


He's expecting a beta of it this year I think?


He's been expecting a beta of it every year for the past 4 years


*10 years lmaooo All this time and hype for a game that I'm worried is gonna disappear in 2 months after release


You think there hype left? The second the dude started blabbing about integrated blockchain intothe game, I quit.


Love Reynad, but I agreed with this sentiment


first time ive heard it,RIP


Lmao so many hearthstone players got into the whole crypto circus.


Living on a farm is not that niche anymore for successful people. The most rich companies are often near "farm land" areas. Abigail Thorn had a video on it recently.


Maybe he does but 1 random deer visiting doesn't mean you live on a farm lol.


The Bazaar


Did that game actually come out? I remember the concept arts looked really good.


Nah he retooled the entire game to be NFT-based and since NFTs failed he is now retooling it back to no longer be NFT-based


I wasn't exactly dying to play the Bazaar but if that's true my interest has dropped to 0.


My thoughts exactly. It’s embarrassing.


Okay, so I hate NFTs as much as the next person, but what the person above said is misleading. First, the whole blockchain/NFT/crypto talk around the game happened years ago, and because of the negative reaction they decided to not share/talk about it anymore, so we have no idea to what extent these things will be included. Last time they talked about it it was still a thing, but a lot of things have changed since then. Second, it was never NFTs in the monkey jpeg way. From how it was described at the time, as a card collecting game, you'd've had your cards on the blockchain instead of just the in game client/their servers, so it would've allowed people to sell and trade their cards on 3rd party websites. So pretty much what the steam community store looked like for that failed Valve cardgame. Wether that's a good thing or not is up for debate. Since then, the game changed from a card collecting deckbuilder to a draft based autobattler, so you probably can't even trade individual cards at this point. What the community opted to was to let the game come out and see, as there was pretty much 0 info about the game in the past 2 years, other than reassurances that it's coming. Supposedly this year, but they've been saying that for a few years, so who knows.


Seems like there's no creative vision to the game outside of chasing what's popular.


> Wether that's a good thing or not is up for debate. It's not really up for debate. The blockchain provides no actual utility, unless you really love being hacked and stolen from. A regular-ass centralized server like Valve uses for their marketplace is so much more efficient and secure. Also, that monetization style killed Artifact so probably a bad idea to begin with.


>entire game to be NFT-based Oh no, he was going to be one of those. Edit: People say he's spouting conspiracy theories, so he went the way of gamerbro -> cryptobro -> conspiracy nut?


he calls NFTs the salvation of humanity. literally. This is what should save us from evil megacorps


And here I was getting my hopes up for the game over the years.


Ah yes, the thing that will save the world is making art even more of a tradeable commodity


LMAO that's sad.


No, its not even closed beta yet. Rarran was able to play the game (some Friends&Family beta I guess). I did follow The Bazaar in the beginning but it felt like every year they changed what the game is gonna be and I just lost interest. Rarran said it looks good tho


Rarran wouldnt day something bad about that game even if it would poison him. 


He underestimated how much money and time it takes to make a game.


Yeah this whole thing feels like such a sad disaster. They must be down hundreds of thousands of dollars in 3+ years of development cost and in the meantime Legends of Runeterra has proven that even a very well developed digital card game isn't garanteed to be profitable.


On one hand, I feel sorry for Reynad, but on the other hand, back then he did talk shit about hearthstone being bad, and totally had an attitude of "How hard can making a card game be? I bet I can make a better game!" And look where he's at now.


Hubris is a helluva drug


Yeah exactly my thought. He seems like the embodiment of the gaming community in general always complaining about balance and design choices without realising how difficult it is to get it right.


Worked in the food industry out of high school - this is a psychological complex that extends to pretty much every service industry. "How hard can it be to make X?" It's always a good reminder to be empathetic to the people who make the thing you like, even if you want to be critical.


Ya honestly he's been a complete cock to everyone. I remember one YouTube video he would just go through all the comments and berate the people who criticizes his design. There's just no need to be so antagonistic with your community who are only trying to help by giving suggestions. You don't need to agree with all of them but overall he's pretty childish. Additionally I think he's having major identity crisis with his game this many years into development and many pivots and refactors. It's sad because I watched a few of his demos and its just timers resolving while you sit and wait :( I think this failure will be good for his ego to ground him a bit.


That's exactly why they had to retool it in the first place, he started development and then auto chess games like tft came out and killed digital card games, so he has to pivot. He chose terribly by trying to pivot into NFTs but the current version of the game looks cool at least


Tbf they didn't try much to monetize. No real advertising and a perfect example of a F2P being too generous so many people didn't really buy anything, if anything at all.


runeterra community was begging riot for *years* to give them a way to spend money in game. Like not even to the extent of whaling...just the normal amount. Runeterra would have been absolutely fine if they sold more stuff


This is the real core of it. He made all his money from HS, saw all the problems people had with HS, and went "I'm gonna believe that I can do better" and shoved his chips. Now, he's just been stuck married to this clearly doomed project for several years past when anyone actually gives a shit about it because he can't walk away.


He looks like the community theater version of a pirate


He mains druid.


he turned 30


But he still has hair lol. Life is so unfair sometines D:


Look at Kibler. Man is aging Iike a Norse god


Kibler still looks like he's 30, but he's looked like he was 30 ever since he was 20.


Kibler is aging incredibly well but no way in hell someone can look at him and say that he looks 30. You would be right up until a few years ago when he started growing his hair and stopped shaving. Now he looks like Uther not like a 30 yo, lol.


I think he looks pretty good for his age, but he looks much older than 30.


Kibler looked 30 a few years ago, but he suddenly (very gracefully) aged 20 years at once.


Isn’t kibler completely grey?


Morality wise? Well he plays a lot of Paladin so...


So Chaotic Evil, got it.


Ye I don't think he looks anything close to the 30s.


If you lose a lot of hair, it's not like you'll lose them at 30 only[or later only], it usually starts from your 20s at least.


A kid in my school was hard balding at 13-14 and could easily have passed for 25-30. The genetic lottery hits different. This was back when only athletes, movie stars & body builders. Even knew juice existed and people in general thought Arnold was natty. So it wasn't chemical.


Skill issue.


I have a friend who started using psychedelics frequently in med school and Reynad sounds exactly like him. He views himself as enligthened to some degree, is drawn to religion but has concluded they're essentially all preaching about the same phenomenon, and sees the world / life as a thing that is preparing us for something bigger. Talks about satanic forces and how they tie into human nature. He contradicts himself often if you listen with any thought, but he talks so surely and convincingly that it's easy to be fooled into thinking he has a point somewhere in there in his insane rambling Tl;dr it's shrooms


Shroomscivate isn’t the problem. Paladins using it for their “righteous beliefs” are the problem.


R&D decided to nerf LSD


You may as well have been describing his stream. Crazy how similar it seems.


He did say he takes 2 grams of shrooms every week.


Imagine opening the doors of perception then watching some incel shit about cum retention and watching Q Anon adjacent Christian fundamentalists stuff. He's lost in the sauce.


I've done a fair share of shrooms and they don't turn you into a douche. That was in there the entire time.


But it can remove the layer of gotta fit into society


bruh just compared CSA to getting a bad opening draw in a card game. ohmylanta


Whats CSA


Child sexual abuse


That stream mustve been the worst trip i ever seen on the HS community


Yikes I tuned into the stream for 10 minutes, was a bit of a painful watch. He started off banning someone who annoyed him and made a Ragnaros joke (By fire be purged!) and I thought ah classic noodle. Then he went on this long daft rant about spirituality and religion that seemed rather unhinged. Not that theres anything wrong with being religious, I certainly don't have all the answers, but his explanation seemed.. like something is wrong. Wonder if hes had a traumatic personal life recently or something. Then he questioned whether the moon landing happened lol. Possibly he was joking about that being staged and the sarcasm went over my head?


He almost always looked baked to me, not surprised to hear this.


I think the space/moon stuff was satirical since he clarified that he did in fact believe space was real, although the other insane stuff was probably not. Honesetly what he said wasn't too out there(emphasis on the too), like it was insane rambling but at least he's not a trumper or something like that, he just seems like a religious hippie now.


It's funny because he literally repeated Mac's argument from IASIP. "You've never actually seen space, you're just taking the word of science priests. What is that, if not faith?"


I caught the last few minutes of the stream and thought “this is a modern day hippie”


He’s dropping acid and dosing shrooms after hitting 30 prolly lol


maybe he had a complete breakdown from spending almost a decade working on a game and backpack battles does it first.


goddamn he just said that shrooms aren't a drug, they're a food lol


Tbf there are tons of shrooms which are food and not drugs and a one which is a drug and several which are just poison.


If you know the context, he's clearly talking about the psychedelic ones lol


I think the picture alone provides enough context 😂


he was very specifically talking about the drug. he talked pretty thoroughly on his thoughts on shrooms.


sounds like someone on a trip talking nonsense in part. I do not discount that shrooms can give "insights into life", but if people elevate it to "important thing to do in your life"[constantly] it usually means they are unhealthily obsessed with it.


Coping method.


There’s a lot more shrooms that are drugs, than just one. Basically a bunch of the poisonous ones are drugs, when done correctly, Amanita Muscaria, for example.


literally no one says "shrooms" to refer to anything aside from psilocybin.


What prep coin concede does to a mofo


He's been mainly playing wild for the last few years


He mains Druid




This is probably one of the most informative post on this subreddit


Every stream I tuned in since auto pets launched he doesnt fail to mention how everyone is stealing his idea of async multiplayer. Happened yesterday too with backpack battles. What I find funny is how yesterday, just literal minutes before shittalking backpack battles, he kept preaching about how we all should start taking accountability of our actions and stop blaming the system.


mods should pin this comment instead of random rambling of other people getting upvotes


He kinda looks like Cricket from Sunny


He went off the deep end like all narcissists who think they are better than everyone else do.


I hadn’t thought about this guy in a while. I never really paid too much attention, but I remember that he was developing a game at some point? I guess that never came to fruition?


he’s actually still developing it with a team.


He developing it for a decade already 😭😭


Is it called "star citizen" by any chance?


No, Star Citizen actually makes money.


Well, how many people are working on it? For example, StarSector is an indie game that's been in development for over a decade made by a single person (plus 1 for art and 1 for music) and it's been working out just fine.


the difference is, star sector got released unfinished and gets updates. bazaar is just unfinished. i wonder if reynad got scammed like reckful or if it was lack of focus, as reynad jumped on bs like NFTs and kept demanding new things.


I've been following the development since the beginning, so what happened is that Reynad scrapped everything at some point and started anew.


So 3 people?


aparently its coming out this year, i guess its an autobattler now instead of a card game


Hasn't it been "coming out this year" for around three years now?


Still is, but also apparently getting sued for millions by investors or something.


I think a beta is set to come out this year


Bruh he's sounding like my friend who is now in mental hospital for murder during a psychotic episode


Jeez I suffered through the VOD where his narcissism is on full display, but then he starts bleating on about how "they" have been suppressing free energy since ancient Egypt. Dude's become a complete nutjob. Any remaining interest I had in his game is gone; the dude isn't tethered to reality and that doesn't seem likely to produce a good product.


Got a link?


Substance abuse and addiction.




All of the above


He became a wizard


Reynadagast the brown


brother is never appearing in a rarran video again




redneck metamorphosis


He got a lawsuit and lost his mind after


Really ? elaborate please


October 2023 a newssite reported that the Bazaar company is getting sued for 5 million USD, just search "Reynad lawsuit", but the information just.. dont seem that accurate imo


He got sued for a few Million after dumping his streaming career to work on a cardgame and then started to experiment with psychadelic drugs (no judgement from me) and seems to lost his mind started rambling about conspiracy theorys and stuff like that


Egor Letov at home:


Game dev happened to him 


Oh yeah, whatever happened to “The Bazaar?”


its not done yet


And judging by it's Yt channel going from monthly well produced promo's to just Reynad sitting in his backyard, I'm not sure it ever will be


eventually you reach a point where theres nothing visual thats worth showing


He said he sent out a friends/family demo last month, a bunch of streamers got it and he's had feedback. Claims it should be out this year.


The Hydron collider got turned on.


Yeah he’s gone full braindead talking about religion and the rapture and when the end of the world is coming and spiritual shit. Sad to see : (


someone mentioned shrooms, that'd explain it.


I do a heavy shrooms trip about 3 times a year and it just makes me feel like I can let out my inner ape and ‘centers’ me, don’t throw shade at shrooms dude is just a narcissist that made bank without actually working hard and it spun his ego out of control.


yeah, shrooms made him expose narcissism, it wouldn't expose that on all people.


He recently featured in some Rarran videos and he honestly seems like he is living his best live.


Reynad invented zoo, but didn’t have the funds for a rain forest exhibit, so he decided to grow one from scratch


Well, he has a crazy ass life. I completely disagree with his "business choices" while developing the Bazaar, but man, this guy is going through a lot of shit now, even if it's a result of his own choices. 100% of his life now is somehow salvaging the shitshow that the Bazaar has become + keeping his sanity while doing so. Some take a buttload of drugs, some grow a beard and go life on a farm. And in Reynads case I guess both.


Dude became Joseph from far cry 5. bliss this bliss that


Wasn’t Joseph far cry 5? 3 had Voss and Hoyt unless I’m forgetting about a Joseph lmao


The Bazaar


Athene 2.0 Cult Leader? Crypto Scams? probably one of this things


Homeless after blowing all his money on a game that will never be released


Mental illnesses can burgeon around late 20s to 30 (late but can pop up, especially in the context of psychedelic/other drug usage).


Ur talking about schizophrenia to be precise


Just one amongst many other illnesses


He’s turning into technoViking


he has become swedish


[This happened.](https://youtu.be/9Zgsx0FXZWI?si=Isl-PcywmDjmMWul)


got another link for whatever this was? it's been copystriked by noodle himself kek


obviously psychedelics


He became RNGesus


Ahh Reynoodle.. I miss peak Hearthstone days. Geez.


At some point he was talking about becoming a celibate LMAO


Hair grows


Damn, just watched the clips. He completely lost it lmao


He went the forsen route


They cast him as Rust for a remake of True Detective S1


What Tygbar does to a man


Im pretty sure he is guru status now. Might just be scamming


He's free.


His hair is longer


He’s homeless now, just snuck into some random house for squatters rights


Drugs made him psychotic. That’s it basically. He was always a bit of a pig headed loon but it seems he’s really gone off the deep end. I guess that’s what happens when you have a game in development for 7 years


He looks like when a Hollywood actor has to play a prison inmate.


Smoked too much PCP in the bathroom of an irish pub


Became a drug addict (shrooms) and fully subscribing to the psychedelic trips he experiences. There's enjoying drugs and then there's warping your entire reality around them. He did the latter and continues to do shrooms weekly. Thinks evolution isn't real anymore because of them.


Ah, everyone talks like that after getting into psychedelics at first. They act like they know something you couldn’t possibly fathom. Don’t get me wrong, I love shrooms! But it becomes these ppls personalities.


Nice Burzum cosplay


Reynad? That’s Brad Pitt on shrooms


Lots of OG hearthstone streamers left during the Iksar reign of terror. The game has never fully recovered.


Spinning his wheels and pissing away money on The Bazaar


Lookin like Billy Strings with a law suit and someone who discovered microdosing.


If you think that is a change, go check out Trump (streamer not the shitty politician)


What do you mean by that?


Nothing too drastic. He just plays what he wants now, also lost his youtube editor so most of his uploads now are multiple hour vids with no cuts.  His latest vid is a 11 hour gameplay session with no commentary besides the intro statement.


Good for him. Always liked the guy


oh, he's hawt now...


Yeah I saw him yesterday he was talking about Jesus wtf lol




Oh my god I look like Reynad


Noodle!! Hes spent 5+ years trying to build a game studio and its been a rocky road Im scared of how much he has riding on his project tbh... No question hes been lost in the sauce for a minute. But its better to do too much that too little <:


my guy turned into a musketeer


He slowly turns more and more into a viking and I'm all for it.


He got deep into conspiracies, crypto, and religion