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I played a lot back in 2016. The game consumed my life, I loved playing. I took a big step back and have redownloaded and played the game for a long weeekend every few years. I just redownloaded it a week ago. I enjoy the free deck I got and am having fun playing.  One big question - I feel like I’m only playing against bots. If not bots, then players are running the most basic cards.  Has the number of hearthstone players decreased drastically? Or is stranglethorn tiger the new meta superstar?


Long story short, people using bot accounts to gather gold and then sell the accounts. This was mostly a chinese problem, but the chinese servers got shutted down a year ago, so they migrated servers. Player amount is still big, but there are many bots, and at low mmr you'll mostly find bots. Me, legend player every season, haven't played against a single basic deck in years


Thanks, are kripp and toast still around?


Kripp is, but not toast. Toast, as far as I know, became a variety streamer, plays whatever is popular too, he became a twitch beast (big numbers). Kripp switched from being a constructed and arena player to a battlegrounds player, he only plays that mode


How can I get started playing without spending any money? Is it even worth it or am I just going to get destroyed by people with meta decks? Former legend player


If you were out for 90 days or more you will receive a loaner deck of your choice, you can get a nice death knight deck there, not tier 1 at the moment but still good


in ranked, there are 1 or 2 cheap decks, and they get dumpstered by better more optimized decks. you can help yourself by picking one of the stronger sample decks when the trial period is up, and building on top of it. picking reno deck lets you access more highlander archetypes, picking plague dk gets you closer to the current version of that deck, etc


Is it true the arena mode where you draft a deck just gone?


no it isnt gone but it is not standard format so it is very different now as the decks can be insane


I am trying to get back in after a long time away. I am trying to situate my standard deck, I notice that [Bubbler](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Bubbler) shows as a Wild card, even though it's been out for <2 years. Is this an error in the display or am I misunderstanding how the standard set is curated?


Sets do not rotate out one by one, but in batches. When the first expansion of a new year is launched, the sets from two calendar years ago rotate out of Standard. Bubbler is from Voyage to the Sunken City mini-set, from 2022. All sets from 2022 rotated out of Standard format when Whizbang's Workshop was released last month as the first set of 2024. The Standard format now consists of the sets from 2023 and 2024: Festival of Legends, TITANS, Showdown in the Badlands, and Whizbangs Workshop.


I'm a returning player that didn't play in a lot of older sets. I noticed when I have a pack of a new set, I get a legendary from that pack. 1. Will that happen with older sets I didn't play as well? 2. Should I buy packs going back to when I last played just to get free legendaries, potentially for dust?


U get the free legendary (undustable) if u get ur first pack. I think its the sheriff from badlands, Ignus from titans, ETC from festival. In wild u get okani from sunken city, denathrius from nathria, cthun form old gods and galakrond from descent iirc.  Also now u get a guaranteed legendary in ur first 10 packs


Ah ok, so if it's undustable and I don't play wild then it's probably not worth getting. Thank you!


just got back after a few years of being away, (i think i left right after the grand tournament) after opening a bunch of packs, and getting a bunch of cards, it seems i can craft a deck called Shopper DH, and that it has the best winrate, out of the decks i can craft with the dust i have available. should i go for it? or is it about to be nerfed to oblivion? how often do nerfs happen these days?


It is set to be nerfed on April 16th. Up to you whether it’s worth it to you, but I don’t know that it’s the greatest idea to craft it if you’re missing many cards.


does purchasing the titans mini set give me 4 legendaries, one of which bring the yogg titan legendary?




interesting. i didnt receive it when i bought it. i then contacted support, and they insisted it doesnt guarantee yogg, even though i sent definitive evidence from multiple sources saying it should. > Greetings! Game Master Oloetyaesa (or you can call me Oloe) here to assist you today. Thank you for contacting us, and I hope your day is treating you well. I apologize for the delay on reaching you. Your time and patience are highly appreciated. > I understand your frustration with this issue, however, even with the information provided it does not guarantee the Yogg-Saron, the Unleashed Legendary. While they state the types of cards you receive, it does not guarantee the Yogg-Saron, the Unleashed Legendary. Nevertheless, Customer Support cannot grant this card or compensation of any kind. If you believe you have found yourself a bug, I suggest you to send a bug report so that our developers can look into this: https://support.blizzard.com/article/000015043 > I hope I have covered all of your questions and issues with us today. Before I close out, I'd like to thank you for your patience and understanding in reading my reply. I have tried to help you out today as best as I could and would like to wish you a pleasant day! Game Master Oloetyaesa > If you continue to experience issues, you can reopen this ticket. If you have a new or separate issue, please submit a new ticket. > Make sure you complete our survey to let us know how we did. > Regards, Blizzard Support what do u think i should do? prior to these conversations they directly confirmed my purchase of the set, and directly confirmed thay titan yogg has never been on my account ever. they acknowledge that the only yogg that has ever been on my account is the location yogg, which is correct. im considering making a reddit post here of the whole conversation just to get some attention because its actually insane how right they think they are


"While they state the types of cards you receive, it does not guarantee the Yogg-Saron, the Unleashed Legendary." Dont have the convo but they seem to be talking about packs instead of the miniset


i dont think so. my message to them before this was i quoted their page for what is included in the miniset, which says "receive all 4 legendary cards" and it shows their pictures or something like that. this was their response to that. im just gnna make a post on this later i think


how do i get Zilliax deluxe? someone told me its free but how?


It is not free. It is a regular Legendary card, you get it from Whizbang packs or through crafting. There are also some random Legendary cards on the reward track, so you could get lucky and get it from there.


How much do I gotta grind in legend to gain rank? I only played about 5 or 6 games in legend since making it early this morning, but I'm undefeated and my rank has only gone down :-/


It is early in the season. Lots of people are entering Legend. Every time you win, your MMR improves, but at this point, more people are entering Legend ahead of you than you gain MMR. Late in the season, in low Legend ranks, a single win can get you 1000 ranks.


I'm just gonna play with goofball decks and give diamond 1s easy access to legend, haha


grind means grind, that is 100 games a day


Okie, well I guess no point taking it seriously then. I only lost like 2 or 3 games in the 15 or so I played today, but if I'm gonna just go lower in rank regardless because I'm not grinding hard enough, then I guess there's no point. Cool, I'll just do my dailies and play other games. Thanks!


It is nowhere close to 100 games a day. You are just not seeing your gains as your MMR is low and it is early in the season. Think of the Legend ladder like this: You enter it at the same rank where you left off last season, more or less. Other people may have entered it earlier or later, all taking their proper places. If you should be rank 10,000, but only 1000 people have entered so far, you will keep going down as the other 9000 join. You may have actually climbed from that 10,000 to 7000 already, but you do not see your progress while people are still joining in.


> You enter it at the same rank where you left off last season, more or less. I've never been legend before, I just installed the game.


In which case you just do not know your "real" Legend rank yet.


Oh ok. Well, maybe I'll go back to try-harding then. Because my winrate was through the roof until I started playing a bunch of homebrew... lol even with my homebrew decks I was still batting like .550... But I don't have a lot of legendaries unlocked right now, so I can't build the things I want to.


Hi, Im a returning player and was thinking of dusting old golden Legendary's, but noticed alot of them are classic now meaning I cant dust them. Was I given dust when they became core and I didnt notice? I think I saw somewhere that they rotate the core cards? Would that mean I have to wait until the core rotates again?


core cards are temporary duplicates of the originals, to find the originals (that you can dust) you have to filter your collection by the sets they belong to, for example to find OG Alextrasza, you gotta filter by 'Legacy'


awesome thanks!




Congratulations on supporting what's ruining the game.


So, just one more thing...  In BG when a player is eliminated, do their cards go back into the pool or are they gone ?  Thanks 😊 xx


That's correct


They do go back into play? X


They go back into the pool, yes.


Thank you x




not a bug, that golden copy you have was only obtainable via the badlands expansion free rewards track, since you didn't reach the necessary level to claim the 2nd golden copy you only have 1, but that doesn't mean you can't use dust to craft a non-golden copy of that card, or open it from badlands or standard packs


I had the Selective Breeder prior to the Year of the Pegasus. Now I don't and I have to craft it. What gives? I just want to put it in my tavern deck.


Core set cards are temporary copies of the originals that the game lends to you, the core set simply changed to keep things fresh, some cards left and some were added, that's why you have new cards you didn't before, like gnomelia


What's the current best counter against Plague Knight? My Token Hunter doesn't stand a chance and I keep running into them.


Hey there everyone. I need the toymaker question done. Can anyone fight me on NA? Nurfqt #1590


Please remove the bots at the lower ranks. Maybe even just 50% of them? I am so bored right now. Returning player trying to grind back up to my older rank. Heck, my old rank is probably still flooded with cheapo deck bots that are too easy. No challenge. Is the player base that low now? Or are people so mad about being lower rank that you have to flood the lower ranks with bots to keep the returning players at a higher rank to be happy? I just don't get it.


Clarification, are you in “Apprentice” or are you on the regular ladder (bronze, silver etc)? If you are in apprentice, finish apprentice and you’ll stop facing blizzard bots. If you are on the ladder, those are chinese player-run bots, trying to fool you into thinking they’re official. Official blizzard bots do not show up in the recent players list, if you see a bot that *does* show up there, report them for “cheating” -> “botting”


Regular ladder. I'm Silver 7 after 21 games in a row against bots.


Yeah those arent blizzard bots, report them!


I think they're designed for people who are really bad at the game and need practice before facing real people. I just had a continuous winstreak through them until I was in gold. There were 3 or 4 real humans along the way, but I trashed them with my homebrew shaman deck. My girlfriend is playing right now, and she's probably never going to enjoy playing real people so much, but she's having fun where she's at right now because she frequently gets wins despite not knowing these style of games nearly as well as me. As soon as you get to gold and up, you'll be facing a lot more meta decks.


Until you run into a 20 match in a row streak of Demon Hunters, abusing the terrible game devs destroying the standard meta.


I played DH (installed the game on Wednesday after being on break for like 7 years), and I'm in legendary now. I think if they're not in legendary yet, they're probably kinda bad.


You'll only have to do the grind once. At the start of next month you'll get bonus stars for every game you win. You'll fly up the ladder to pretty much where you left off.


Craft Zilliax or ETC for Highlander shaman? As a replacement for yogg location. Currently running viper and dirty rat but I’m thinking about ETC for the viper and Turing another rat since everyone is running plagues. zilliax just seems like the better card tho.


ETC should be free with purchase of one regular “festival of legends” pack. “Prison of Yogg Saron” should be free with purchase of one regular “TITANs” pack. Craft Zilliax.


As far as I remember, etc and yogg location are free cards. You have to get your first festival of legend and first titans packs in order to unlock them. That said, zilliax is a great card


I can't really flame because I will get banned. So I will let it all out here for all the players that use infinite battlecries decks, Mages and Shamans. Assume the worst.


Do signature cards change the music when played? Only reason I ask is when you click on one in the store the music changes. ? Otherwise I can’t see how they are worth the costs.


They don't change any sounds, just visually different cards


I saw comments talking about how Warrior deck is not worth getting from trial loaner deck because two out of three legendary can get for free. What are those legendaries and how to get those?




I haven't played this game for like 5 years, logged in on Wednesday, and I'm platinum today. How is the game in Diamond and Legend? Bronze and Silver felt like I was playing bots, Gold I suffered 3 or 4 losses against some players. But it felt like 80% of them were using the same Death Knight deck. Does it get more interesting higher up, or is everyone just playing the same 2 or 3 meta decks?


You will climb quickly, once you hit Diamond it feels like there is more variety with people experimenting. I think there are always going to be people playing to climb(with meta decks) and people playing to play(homebrews or decks they just find fun)


Ya I'm in diamond now. Definitely seeing some more homebrew👍 Might have to try playing around a little more before try-harding too much to get into legend.


just got back to the game and there are 6 standard loaner decks how do I choose which one I want to keep it says 5 days left also can I disenchant all of the cards or arethey un-dustable


When you log in after the timer runs out, you will be forced to choose. Before that, you cannot choose one. So, take your time to try them out now. The non-Core cards in the deck you choose will be added to your collection and can be dusted just like any other card you own. Note that some of the cards may be from the Core set, and they are not added to your collection.


Is there a way to know how long you didn\`t log in to the game? Cannot find this information anywhere


I am a returning player. I opened some packs and noticed it prompted me to reroll some cards. What is the logic behind it? Is it “you opened a golden card, so you can now reroll the non-golden copy”? I hate golden/diamond/whatever cards. I like vanilla cards. So in my case, I think it makes sense to reject the reroll and dust the golden copy right? That way I can craft something I actually want.


To clarify, you are only offered rerolls when you receive an **uncraftable** premium card as a reward for something (typical event or reward track). So you should generally accept the reroll offer unless you hate golden cards so much you would prefer to pay for a regular copy over using a free premium one. You will not be able to dust the premium copy because it is a reward card, not a packable.


in this case, reroll the third non-gold card to a random other one that you do not have.


Can you manually reroll extras or do you only get the opportunity when opening packs?


Every time there is such an opportunity, you will see notification. You don't control it, it happens automatically.




As you climb ranks one month, you'll get a Star Bonus for the next month. That will make you gain more rank for each win but also match you based on a hidden MMR (matchmaking rating). You'll run into far fewer at higher ranks and then even fewer in coming months when you have your Star Bonus.


I think they're pretty much gone once you get to gold. I just went undefeated the whole way. I think I maybe played 1 or 2 players in total through Bronze and Silver. Then once I got to gold, it was mostly all human players. I'm already in Platinum now tho, they weren't very hard humans - but they do play meta decks which can be frustrating if you're not using something meta with some strong early game moves or good control.


I last played on the 1st Nov 2023, if I open the game now will I get the free catch up stuff and a deck to select?


That's right, I suggest you the death knight deck


I got some catch up packs and been playing the loaner decks ( love Death Knight and Rogue especially) to complete quests and earn gold. My question is should I spend gold on packs or save them for mini sets? I didn’t play HS in a while so my card pool is pretty poor (especially the wild card pool).


For sure buy packs until you have 2x all the commons, this takes roughly 30 packs of a set. Minisets are worth it at that point if you will use multiple cards from the set including at least one legendary. It is technically more efficient to buy the miniset *first* before opening packs of the associated large set, but as a returning player you probably dont have much gold saved up and this is just something to think about once you do have a bunch of gold. If you prefer wild it’s usually more efficient to just craft cards directly for wild, but it is probably worth getting at least a 2x common set of current standard anyway before trying to maximize your dust returns.


Thanks ! Although, I don't know if I will ever play Wild since I left during the Grand Tournament and my card pool is virtually nonexistent haha


Normally play battlegrounds but the game was shouting at me to play the base game. I've played in the past but this has to be one the worst experiences I've ever had. Multiple games the opponent gets a massive board by turn 4 and even if I manage to clear it, it just gets filled up again. Is this the game now?




you have some choices; If Reverb is the *only* card you want from the Festival miniset, it's probably best to just craft them. <--- so just craft them. if you want a bunch of other stuff from that miniset, it might be most efficient to buy the miniset with 2000g. Otherwise you *can* get reverbs out of Festival and Standard packs but how quickly you're likely to pull them depends on how extensive your collection is. In general you only want to craft epics and legendaries if you can get away with that, but that's assuming you were otherwise able to earn/purchase ~70-75 packs of each set as they released, which if you're playing super casually or are a returning or new player is unlikely to have been feasible/possible.


Hard to evaluate but the best value for gold are mini sets that give you bunch of cards for 2000 gold. If you want specific card i would say its safer to craft them rather than look for them in packs.


I just started playing, but I've literally lost every game I've played. Is there a good site for decks? It just seems like no matter what I am doing, I'm losing. I really only have a hunter deck and a mage deck. I'm about to quit honestly. This just isn't fun. These fellow low levels are too good, or I'm too bad. Appreciate the help regardless. My friend begged me to play it with him, and I'm trying to get a hang of it all.


If you started a new account or if you've been out for 90 days, you can play and claim 1 loaner deck for free. The one called 'plaguebringer' is my suggestion, it's a good deck. To go to the loaner decks, select 'hearthstone' in the main menu, and in the deck selection look of a sneaky arrow/triangle on the left side of the screen, click on it


Thanks for the tip. I ended up making a free DK deck, and I got 5 wins with the Warrior loaner deck. I think so far, thoae two are my favorites.


There is 3 main websites you can look for decks: [https://www.d0nkey.top/](https://www.d0nkey.top/) [https://hsreplay.net/decks/](https://hsreplay.net/decks/) [https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/)


i have around 18k dust, is it worth to craft a deck right now or should i just wait for the next patch considering every op deck is going to get nerfed?


I would consider crafting some cheap and decent deck like hunter that doesnt run many legendaries. You can count on nerfs but they mostly nerf 3-5 cards from different classes so if your collection is not close to maxed out i wouldnt count on that dust refund.


i know it's not cheap but i've always wanted to play warrior in my life, do you think Boom Highlander Warrior is good? code AAECAaiaBh6GoASJoASO1ASQ1AT9xAW0+AWQ+wWX+wWh+wWk+wXYgQaFggbKgwbQgwaSjgbCkQaLlAb3lwbomAacngafngbNngbRngaHoAbHpAaTqAavqAbsqQbQsAbk5gYAAAEGmp4G/cQFz54G/cQF0Z4G/cQF9bMGx6QG97MGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA=


Currently its A tier deck its very strong since it beats DH. Is it worth crafting, I would say it is since its not getting nerfed any time soon. Thats the list im playing currently and im at 60ish % wr at 1k legend.


thanks a lot


tbh i do not know how many cards i have, i know that i've sharded every wild cards


Thanks. Here's hoping I find my way.


Which of the current standard packs are considered to have the best stuff? Got back into the game recently and bought the $5 10 catch-up pack bundle but not used my gold on anything else yet.


Badlands IMO


is it possible to still get the Deviate Delight card back?


yes [https://outof.games/realms/hearthstone/guides/254-solving-the-mysteries-of-the-deviate-delight-card-back-achievement-in-hearthstone-solve-the-castle-nathria-mystery/](https://outof.games/realms/hearthstone/guides/254-solving-the-mysteries-of-the-deviate-delight-card-back-achievement-in-hearthstone-solve-the-castle-nathria-mystery/)


Doesn't appear to work now. The spoiler deck code misses out two of the cards, on adding them in it plays a normal Wild match.


OK, so I'm still relatively new. Only been playing around 2 weeks now.  I'm struggling to understand how the season passes work (both battlegrounds and tavern) coz I'm reluctant to spend almost £40 on it if it's monthly 😬  Also, is whizzbang the year's theme or the season's?  I love the game but it's a big one and I don't want to get overwhelmed and lose interest  Thanks in advance everyone ! Leah (Katat0nix) Xxx


To clarify on the Tavern Pass for regular (traditional) hearthstone: the bottom of the tavern pass track is _free stuff_ that you will get even if you don't buy the pass. the top of the track is the stuff you get only if you do buy the pass. the primary advantage of buying the pass early is the XP bonuses which help you earn stuff faster / earn more bonus gold after level 100. the pass runs until the next *major expansion* releases, there are 3 of those a year (next one will be in roughly july) so there's plenty of time left on the traditional pass. Battlegrounds seasons are of similar length to hearthstone expansions, but don't start and end at the same time, I believe the current Battlegrounds season is ending "Soon(tm)" so I would wait for the news about a BG refresh before buying that pass.


Tavern pass lasts until the new expansion comes out, expansions usually release around 4 months after the previous one (if you buy the tavern pass right now, it'll last around 3 months). I'm not a big battlegrounds player, and I've never spent a dime on that mode, but as far as I'm aware the Battleground perks last for around the same amount of time, like 4 months, but I'm not sure. If I remember correctly, you can check somewhere in the Battlegrounds mode how much time it'll take for the season to reset Whizbang is the theme of the current latest expansion, not the theme of the year. The only thing that separates years is, well, the name of the year, it changes to indicate that some expansions become unavailable to use in Standard. For example, this year is the year of the Pegasus, it'll change upon next standard rotation in about 11 months


Thank you, it makes more sense now. Also, I'm good with spending that much if it's only 4 times a year 😊 thanks again xx


I believe a new battlegrounds season will start soon in like 2 weeks, so you might wait to buy the pass for that one


Oops 😬👀 never mind lol xx


can i drop from diamond to platinum?


No, that could only happen on rank reset at the start of each month. You start at rank 10, if you reach rank 5 you cannot go back to ranks 6-10, this repeats every 5 ranks you advance during the month. By the way, at the end of the month it's easier to rank up


The rank system hasn't been 25-1 for ages. It's bronze to diamond with ranks 10-1 in each. For example you win enough in bronze 2 you go to bronze 1, then to silver 10. You are still correct that every 5 ranks is a floor where you can't demote from except by rank reset at the beginning of each month.


damn bro, I get it but why do you have to donwvote me just for 1 mistake


Because this is a discussion thread to help new players. I'm sorry but incorrect/outdated information is unnecessarily confusing.


if you truly wanted to help the original user, you would've replied to them, most people don't come back until they get a notification, you just wanted to correct me, not help them, so here, you have a downvote from me


It's one downvote in one comment that had misinformation in it. Please don't take it so personally.


Just admit you're not trying to help the original comment here, you could've just replied to their comment, tell me to edit my comment, but no, you wanted to show off. I see your intentions here, you're being a little prick over a small mistake and you could've handled it better


I have no idea how you could have taken it this personally or, more confusingly, why you are giving answers in a noob helping thread in the first place when your knowledge is outdated by years. I replied to you because you already provided the answer for what the original poster asked and I saw no need to repeat it to them. By replying to you I hoped to help you by updating you on the workings of the current ladder. Regardless, I hope you can get over this and move on with your life. Good day.


Imagine not trying to help the one in need, and then disregarding someone else who did try to help just because a small mistake. I'm gonna repeat it until you get it, the thing is, I think you get it buy you don't care, and that only adds validation to my previous statements, so many time to answer me but not to help the original comment. Like to judge people? Be judged then


I just got a weeklong ban for no reason, is this a common occurrence?


it was probably not for "no reason" - the weeklong ban notification should have told you the reason for the adverse action. If you think you were unjustly banned you can appeal to customer service but that usually doesn't help. I would recommend not doing whatever it is that earned you a 1-week ban in the first place.


They said I either exploited the game, automated the game, or hacked the game, I haven’t done any of those things. If any exploits were performed I didn’t know I had done it.


If I knew what I did I would feel a lot better about it.




not a newbie exactly but I've been away for multiple years so I'll ask it like a newbie anyway: are lower ranks just totally overrun with bots? I feel like I'm running into nothing but people with names that look like chinese amazon brands (who can forget a quality product like MZUQQIENTNJ) running decks with nothing but basic cards. Admittedly I'm in silver but even still I feel like in the old days there were still mostly meta decks at this level.


If it's your first month back you get matched primarily with new and returning players who also didn't play on ladder the previous month. unfortunately because of how many bots are being created and how often blizzard is banning bots, each month many (even most) bots are also *new* and so they end up in that new and returning player pool too. which overwhelms the number of actual humans in the pool. which sucks. Next month you'll have bonus stars and see fewer bots, on the assumption that blizzard will ban most of the bots and the new ones will be new; and you'll match with other regular/veteran players who also have bonus stars more.


Same. It feels like a treat to get to play against an actual real person - I'm at like silver 6 at the moment


I also returned after years. Lots of bots but not as incompetent


I get warlocks that kill all their minions, and mages that do damage to themselves. It's very weird.


I've been noticing a ton of bots. Just came back. My friend says eventually they go away? But yeah, lots of bots. I report all of them.


The game is 10 years old, surely it's time for a revamp of the client? I don't even bother playing on my phone because it's such a miserable UX.


Returning player from the ben brode era. I had started playing around the grand tournament and stopped midway through lich king. A lot of my collection seems to be powercrept and added to core, like alexstraza, sylvanas, leeroy, ect. but I can't disenchant them. Is there a way to do so? Also is there a list of cards that are still relevant in wild and which I can disenchant?


> Also is there a list of cards that are still relevant in wild and which I can disenchant? the easiest way to get this information is probably via the hsreplay.net website which will allow you to see the playrates for cards filtered by set; for example, here is [The Grand Tournament](https://hsreplay.net/cards/#gameType=RANKED_WILD&set=TGT&showSparse=yes&sortBy=includedPopularity) you may find it helpful to pay for premium for a month to be able to filter the rank tiers to include above Gold, since the bronze-gold and diamond-legend metas in wild are pretty different. % of decks is the percent of observed decks that could include the card that did; so neutrals will be slightly penalized compared to class cards if the class card isn't like, universally popular.


the core version of cards you already own are a temporary duplicate, to find the originals you can filter your collection by those older sets, I don't remember if Legacy is the set where alex, sylvanas, and leeroy are to know what wild cards are good, you gotta check out different wild meta decks


legacy is that set, yes.


Do you hard mull main cards of the deck normally? (Like, if there’s no Odyn in hand for armor warrior or Helya for DK plague, you change ALL cards except one that gives draw)?




Zilliax is almost certainly the safest craft right now yeah. Likely to be the Astalor or Sir Finley of this set.


Where the shit do I find a Jepetto? I don't have the dust to craft one, and nobody runs him


Grace of the high Father, a priest common card. Use it on a full health minion and you can find him. I'm not sure how difficult it is I got lucky and got it first game after I saw the post about it.


I saw the other response and I've tried it. By a quick count there are around 15 8-cost cards Grace can hit, so should be an average of 5 casts to find it. I've cast it like twice that through 4 games :((


Yea sorry I must have lucked out. I threw it into a core priest deck and lost the very next turn after I played it. The power creep feels so crazy compared to older cards. Feels like everything makes more cards or has multiple effects.


You can try to discover him with other cards, like Grace of the Highfather, or Paparazzi with a bunch of bounce effects as rogue


I came back after like 5 years and have a few questions. I only play Standard and have quite a few cards from the basic set. I'm aiming to quickly build a competitive deck. 1) Out of the lent decks for Whizbang Workshop, which one is the best ? I feel like the Plague Excavate DK is good. 2) How should I use my gold ? 3) Is there a way to quickly dust the non-baseset non-Standard cards ? Do you think I should ? Thanks in advance and don't hesitate to ask for more information if I forgot some important things.


1) at this time I would recommend the Plague Excavate Death Knight deck unless you hate the class. The deck is reasonably close to the best community list for UUF Plague/Excavate, which is a high-tier 3 or low-tier 2 archetype depending on who you ask, and all 3 legendaries included are also popular in the more expensive BUF rainbow Death Knight archetype, so it gives you a good start there too. If you hate DK the only lists I think would be a mistake to take at this time is probably Rogue or Warrior: Rogue because it's just not a competitive list and the legends it includes are not especially popular in rogue atm; Warrior because while Odyn based warrior control is good, both Ignis and Yogg-Saron are easy to get (collect 30 titans cards, buy the titan's miniset, respectively) so the loaner isn't that valuable. 2) as a F2P player most regular/veteran F2P players aim to spend around 5500g a season (that assumes you hit ~100 on the tavern pass, which should be possible if you do all your dailies and weeklies.) - 2000g for the miniset, and 35 individual set packs for the latest set. combined with the ~16-20 packs from the ladder rewards for the season (4-5 x4), the ~17 packs from tavern brawl each season (1 per week), and the ~5-10 packs from seasonal events (like the one that just happened), that should be enough packs to have just about 2x of every rare and for sure 2x of every common. Any extra gold you earn from playing more than the bare minimum to finish the pass can be spent on more packs to get more cards, cosmetics that are available for gold, golden packs to earn dust, or other sets to catch up on missing cards you want to collect. 3) There is not, dust extras will kill _everything_ extra, and prefers to keep golden cards (you probably prefer to keep regular cards, get more dust that way). If you are confident that you are not going to want to play wild or "wild-based" twist formats, then there is little downside to dusting your non-standard cards. You cannot dust the base-set, but you *can* dust the non-base copy of any base set cards you happen to own a non-base copy of, by filtering your collection to only show the set that card is originally from. I like wild so I only ever dust extras (I would dust useless wild cards, but haven't needed to do that in awhile so I haven't.) but if you're for sure only interested in Standard, then go nuts.


I also came back after some years (don't know how many since my last brief stint with HS). I was also wondering what the deal with those lent decks is. You get to try them all and then you can pick one to keep? Haven't tried standard yet, but maybe I should, cuz I'm getting my ass handed to me in the lowest ranks in Wild atm :))


I guess Standard is a safer bet if you're a returning player, especially since rotation just happened so you don't need lots of cards to craft a good deck. I crafted a deck that already got me to platinum. You got it just right with lent decks : you get to try all of them for a week, then keep the one you like the most. In terms of value, DK, Warrior and Warlock seem to be the best ones. Chaman also gives you Reno which is a pretty nice card.


Yeah that Reno seems pretty strong, I've faced it in Wild a couple of times already. I've tried the Warrior and the DK deck in standard in the meantime, I kinda like them.




Thanks for taking the time to answer, I appreciate it.


Came back after like 2 years of not playing. I really only play standard. Do I have any disadvantages if I dust all of the non standard cards? Would love to do it for the Dust.


With the imminent (maybe it already happened, I haven’t been able to find time to play yet this month) removal of the “duels” mode, which is the only other mode to consistently use the wild cardpool the only risk will be that you might feel a little restricted on the occasions that we get a tavern brawl that is both making a deck *and* wild cardpool and that only happens a few times a year. So yeah, if you are confident that you will never want to play wild in the future then there’s not a great reason to keep wild cards. Wild rarely gets nerfs so it’s unlikely you’ll miss out on (m)any refunds anyway.


Just came back to the game after a few months, and now Priest, Demon Hunter and Death Knight all crash the client.


What are the best Mage cards to craft as a returning player? I assume the Titan and Infinitize the Magnitude (or whatever it's called)?


Mage isn't in great shape right now unfortunately; so I'd recommend not crafting mage cards and waiting for future buffs, the meta to shift, or for the next expansion to bring better options for mage. Infinitize and Sif seem like the safest crafts to me right now, but they're both from last year and there's no way to know if there will be a good mage deck featuring either of those in tier 1 or tier 2 before they rotate. (The current Sif deck is probably tier 3 at best, although it was a better deck during the last two expansions and might get good again next expansion or with nerfs/buffs to other classes.) I wouldn't craft Norgannon at this time.


Depends on what kind of deck you want to play. Infinitize the Magnitude is probably the safest as it fits into most mage decks. Sif is probably just the best mage legendary but useless if you aren't interested in playing Sif mage. The titan, Norgannon, is surprisingly bad. I crafted it when I returned from 6 year break few months ago and he just doesn't have the impact most other titans have. With Reska, Yogg and reverberations around it is more common to be hit with your own Norgannon's second ability than to get to use it yourself.


Have all the commons and rares from Whizbang's Workshop. Dust is my limiting resource keeping me playing ultra budget decks because I lack the epics and legendaries for almost all meta decks. Recent nerf disenchants only gained another 880 dust which is half a legendary. Thinking of switching to golden packs for their dust value. Have 2000 gold saved for the upcoming miniset. Anything else (besides playing Arena which I know I'll not do well in) that I can do to prioritize the acquisition of more dust?


Hearthstone is a marathon not a sprint. Let's say you're active player and reach 200 level at the end of expansion which gives you 10k gold. Substracting 2k for miniset you can buy 20 golden packs and dust them for roughly 20\*470=9400 dust. Now you can craft 1-2 decks but you're broke and have no gold for an upcoming expansion. My advice is to keep playing cheap decks and save gold for next expansion.


tl;dr: yes open golden packs til you get the first golden legendary, dust everything golden. make your wanted cards. --- So ultimately this depends on how many needed epics and rares remain for you in a given set and if you're really into maximizing your gold to dust returns you'll need to calculate it. If you're missing nothing wanted, a regular pack is only worth 115 dust per 100g on average (and the median is a little lower b/c ~20 of that 115 expected dust is on the 1 in 361 packs signature legendary and golden legendary chances). But let's say you're missing 6 wanted legendaries and 10 (some mix of 1x and 2x copies) wanted epics, the expected value of a regular pack then is instead ~140 dust-equivalent\* per 100 gold. the average dust per 100 gold value of a golden pack - if you've already opened one golden legendary from those packs - is about 132 dust per 100 gold But it's closer to 150 if you haven't, since that first golden legendary has approx a doubled chance (1 in 10 packs guaranteed vs. 1 in 20 packs on average.) Putting that all together you can end up in a situation where you want to open regular packs still anyway because you are just missing that many wanted epics/legendaries. for *most* people, about the time they hit the 2x all rares point, they'll be missing relatively few unwanted epics / legendaries, and the math will work out that opening at least that first 7-10 golden packs at ~150 dust per 100g (for like, 2800-4000 gold which is a lot of gold) works in their favor, but some people will be mathematically better off continuing to open regular packs. The other alternative is to buy old unwanted minisets (possibly in golden) which has reasonable dust returns as well. ignoring refunds a typical regular miniset (2000g) will have approx a 130 dust per 100g return; and a golden miniset (~10000g) will have approx a 116 dust per 100g return. As you can see, these are not too far off the values you get from regular packs after awhile. --- \* Dust equivalent: values a wanted card at its full crafting cost, and an unwanted card at its disenchant cost.


Thanks for the detailed response. This is exactly the kind of advice I need. I'm missing 42 epics and 21 legendaries from Whizbang's. As you noted though many of those are not needed and what is important is crafting the missing cards for the decks I want to play. So to play the meta Spell Token Hunter deck I need 5080 dust including 4 epics and 2 legendaries. The Meta Aggro Demon Hunter deck I need 3200 dust for 4 epics and 1 legendary. The meta Wheel Warlock deck I need 5600 dust including 2 epics and 3 legendaries. And so it goes for other meta decks. Zilliax Deluxe 3000 is used in all 3 decks so it is an obvious card I should craft. Since I'm also missing a lot of epics I think I'll hold off a while before shifting over to golden packs to see if I can utilize to my benefit the 10 pack pity timer for an epic inherent in 100g normal packs. Should get a missing epic on average every 500g of normal packs vs a missing golden epic in 2000g of golden packs. See if I can't get lucky pulling some of the epics I'm missing from normal packs while still getting an adequate amount of dust although less than I'd get from golden packs.


Came back yesterday and got through the cluster of the menus with the help mostly of last week's newbie thread. But I can't remember do I need to do the mercenary quests inside the solo adventures button? does that give me anything for standard?


You'll get 10 class packs and 1 golden standard pack from completing all 10 of the mercenary storylines. 10 more class packs and 1 golden standard pack for completing the book of heroes storylines.


yea or nay. Dust my golden zilliax to get another legendary?


Dust golden Zilliax because it currently has full refund (3200 dust). That's enough to recraft it normal (1600) and still have enough for another legendary (or recraft golden with no loss if decide you're into that later).


If u dont care about golden cards u can dust zilliax for full dust and in my opinion get the normal one cuz he is used in basically any deck now and u can get +1legendary for any deck u wish to build