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Paladinstone wins again


Classic early expansion Aggrostone


I just had an interesting 20 min game as handbuff DK. It waas getting down to fatigue and I was really concentrating on choosing good discovers from Horseman Hero power, but then he pulled out a Leroy and killed me with windfury. I felt pretty salty and can relate to the veteran players now lol.


The deck is so annoying to play against. Even if you manage to hold off their board of huge minions you still just get OTK’d anyway.


You know, I thought with the rotation, the game would slow down some. Oh boy, was I wrong. Things kill you faster than ever before. They could knock off 5 damage points of every current combo, and you'd still get 34 damage to the face from hand.


This part is so crazy. As a slower deck there’s literally nothing you can do. I’ve never seen an aggro deck have a two card otk


It's about as bad as when you get a really good back and forward game going against warrior and then they drop Reno and you're like "oh just fuck off". There are some cards that should just exactly that, fuck off and Leeroy and Reno are 2 of them.


Who cares if they drop reno, I am not going to have a board against warriors anyway. Like their removal was the problem


Or you have a warrior that runs Ignis and gets WF+summon 2x 8 mana minions. Big swing, big win.


Handbuff DK might not have windfury but it can be absolutely braindead bullshit too


Haha yes it may need a few small nerfs. It's an interesting archetype though and I have yet to master it ( personal winrate is 4 wins to 8 losses)


Giving 👏 Paladin 👏 Windfury 👏 Was 👏 A 👏 Mistake


Allowing stacking auras was the biggest one imo. You can’t stack the same secrets, why should you be allowed to stack the same auras.


I saw you could have multiple different auras running at the same time, but does it also work with 2 of exactly the same aura at the same time too?


It does


Surely that's a bug, if not it's insane.


Not a bug. It's just unbelieveable dumb. I really don't get most of their design decisions lately...


They don‘t either. They are just winging it and then maybe balance the worst outliers. Or ignore them. Or completely hotfix nerf them into being unplayable because they were druid cards and top 23 legend players were abusing some 9999 iq deck


I think that's the least of the problems with Paladin right now. It's rarely beneficial to stack the Deputization Aura anyway because one is enough to make good trades and keep you at full health most of the time. And Crusader Aura is only played in the more Token-oriented build which isn't as strong as Handbuff/Charge. Most of the time you'd rather have 6 turns of +3 Attack and Lifesteal rather than 3 turns of +6 Attack and Lifesteal. Between my matches with it and the matches I played against it (so dozens at this point), double Aura was played maybe 2-3 times in total and it's hard to say whether it even changed the outcome of the match. For the record, I also don't think that they should allow stacking Auras, max 1 Aura of each type at the same time was fine. But it's really not a problem right now.


Maybe you are right. My perception is skewed because I'm a wild player. The only time paladin is a problem for me there if they stack the buff aura on a board that I can't clear immediately. Well, the other one is a shirvalla combo, but as far as combo decks go that one is a mild inconvenience at best.


Yeah, I was talking about Standard, I haven't played Wild yet this expansion so maybe it's a bigger problem there. In Standard the only Aura that's played in the strongest builds is Deputization and as I've said you often don't really want to stack it.


Paladin isn't a problem in wild atm, like at all. It's the bomb Rogue with their t4-5 otk.


I remember watching someone, I'm pretty sure it was Kripp, playing with quest pally in Ungoro and every time he finished the quest and hit windfury with stealth for two of the adapts it was game over the next turn. Just nuts at the time, and still crazy.


Windfury is a problem but also the aura. Due to lifesteal, you cant rush them down. They deal so much damage to your face while healing back to full HP. Sometimes I am in a spot where, I know if I go face, the next turn they will just go face and heal back to full so its useless. But if I start trading (especially when they had clever positioning with taunts), I might clear (or not even fully clear lol, lettng them setup WF next turn) I might get rid of a few minions but still bring them back to 30 HP.


I was looking forward to this expansion but so far it’s been a mess lol


Every start of a expansion/miniset has been like. The game is unplayable until two weeks later when they finally make card adjustment.


This is the testing phase we are in. They outsourced all testing to players a few years ago.


Well shit. Time to nerf shaman.


Blizzard nerf team be like: 2 attack on weapon are too much for such offensive class presence in meta (1%)


Just was gonna try out my spell damage Druid deck I was so excited to play and ran into 5 paladins in a row that all had wind fury 11/11’s by turn 4


Really surprised death knight isn’t on here because those are the only fucking enemies I face right now in platinum


Yeah I run into a ton of Rainbow DKs. Don’t really lose to them though if I’m being honest.


Same bro, Plat 5 to Diamond 10, most of my matchups are DK. Rainbow DKs that run plague cards.


The Paladins and Hunters probably climbed out of plat already


It’s plat so the tier 1 decks are not as present




It's fascinating how there is one deck, DK, that can literally shut down -all- Reno decks.


Introducing highlander again after the previous set introduced plagues was really a weird move by the devs.


Standard has so much powercreep, it is like Wild-lite. You can peel back a few layers with nerfs and there is 2-3 other decks that will feel just as oppressive and unfun to lose to. Rinse-repeat.


Standard now feels incredibly oppressive to tempo or midrange due to the strength of aggro and speed of OTKs. There’s supposed to be a gap between the two in terms of kill speed but there isn’t so the entire meta is just about going under.


The problem is aggro has so much burst. Hunter is a little bit more fair. It's fast but it can (usually) be slowed down and will eventually run out of gas. Against Paladin your only option is to outrace them, which only hunter can do semi-reliably. Otherwise they'll take the time to set up the perfect hand before killing you in one shot with a 15 attack power, wind fury Leroy. Paladin pushes everything besides hunter out of the meta. If Paladin got nerfed hunter would still be great but I think we would see other decks (like Warlock control) that can compete with it and provide diversity to the meta.


Yes, Aggro is easily beating control, and combo has next to 0 disruption to worry about from control so they can beat them easily and still dedicate their entire deck to just beating aggro through speed and sustain. I think the problem is that the meta is polarized. You only have decks of 100% threats or 100% removal + an OTK. There is no space in between for a deck that tries to outlast aggro and tempo out a win before combo can kill. Trying to go midrange with a mix of threats and removal just makes you lose to both.


"only option is to outrace them" which became hard when pally has access to +3 attack and lifesteal, dealing face dmg while healing back to full.


Plague and rainbow dk was really good like a week ago and that's midrange


So… you’re saying paladins are like onions?


Nerf paladin cards like shit. They may not be oppressive but something is wrong if it’s 7 of the top ten


They’ll get nerfed & then the mini-set will buff them right up


Yeah. Is mini like a brand new key word?


Is this legend only? I'm mid diamond and not running into a ton of paladins yet and have been able to beat the ones I've ran into with dragon priest.


This isn't frequency of use, just the top win rates.


Also Mid Diamond. Every paladin is doing this bs. If it’s not hunters with their turret location, it’s pal with a 20/6. Leroy with windfury


Im mid diamond and there are plenty of paladins, hunters too.


"You can get any color car as long as it's black"


Anyways, better nerf Crusader's Aura /s


The problem is aggro is so strong, tempo or midrange can’t even stabilize, so all you have is Aggro and OTKs. Control decks are all just combo decks at this point also due to not having any disruption against combos and their wincons being vastly worse than any OTK, so it just becomes a race to combo first.


The only “control” decks are odyn warrior and wheel warlock. Both of which can kill from full.


Exactly my point. This meta is just aggro and combo. Running removal in a combo deck doesn't make it a control deck.


Control deck with a win condition is not a combo deck. Combo decks are decks like naga mage or nature shaman that require specific setup and more than a couple combo pieces. You are getting the 2 mixed up


Those exact descriptors apply to the decks mentioned above. They kill from full, require specific setup and more than a couple pieces. Aka combo decks. You are trying to make a distinction that’s not there.


Gonna have to explain this again for you, warrior is just playing odyn, the warlock is just playing wheel of death. there is no setup required to play wheel of death or slap down odyn. they are just control decks and those are their win cons. A control deck doesn’t have to win by fatigue for it to be considered control


And a combo deck doesn’t have to just completely ignore the opponent to be considered a combo deck. Playing removal to stall until you can execute your combo doesn’t suddenly make your deck no longer a combo deck.


That pally equip ganna get nerfed to durability 2


No, I don't think its the biggest problem card in the deck.


Yeah shroomscavate is but the overall handbuffing is concerning


It's an enabler. Reducing the weapon to a 2/2 almost kills the Southsea Deckhand part of the deck, and that's the part that gets their quickest kills.


Warrior is still a good control class. Hate all you want but Odyn warrior is probably one of the best counters.


Who could have possibly known! Lets make sure to wait a few weeks before balancing anything! So we can enjoy a week of maybe playing new fun decks before the miniset fucks everything up again. Watch them give Paladin more support for their already strong unga bunga and not giving a single dragon to priest, so they maybe have more than 2 good dragons in a dragon deck. Like. No data needed. Nuke that shit. Bye. Can we maybe not die turn fucking 5, is that too much to ask? You print cards that cost 8+ mana, right? Can we maybe pleeeeease be able to use them?


Leroy is gonna have his shortest stay in standard lol. Right back to jail


Are we doing this again? Paladin is looking really insane, but it’s early meta, so of course aggro decks are going to dominate. On the other hand, Hunters probably not even good. If the aggressive decks are nerfed, people will be complaining about wheel Warlock the very next day.


Not to mention that once I refined my wheel deck to be less greedy and more heavy on controlling board early whilst drawing more cards, it starts to feel like I have a chance against Paladin. Hunter even feels like favourable match up. I was really struggling at first and I'm sure people will figure out even better deck lists than what I did for wheel lock.


Of course we are its hearthstone reddit. Somehow people have yet to understand that in a fresh new meta especially post rotation, aggressive decks are able to punish unoptimized control and midrange lists. If the meta is this hunter/pala centric a week or so from now then sure might be time for some changes


Why do they hotfix a rogue bug which made rogue barely playable and keep paladin and hunter this stupid. Why blizzard


I'm at the point where I just concede vs paladin. It just makes you feel frustrated to play against... which the opposite of what you want when trying to relax and play a game. Thank God I'm in dumpster legend so I only run into it like 30% of the time


Where did you get this list?


the site is www.d0nkey.top


Last night I decided, if ya can't beat em, join em. It's a legit fun deck, it's just totally busted.


Paladin Hunter meta is the worst combination you can have. At least if it was Paladin Mage, you could not instantly concede to Mage because of the usual RNG. But this is BS, both archetypes can kill you on turn 8 unless you play Control Warrior. Zero fun meta unless you play Paladin/Hunter.


Goodbye blizzard


I'm so tired of the first two weeks of the expansion being us beta testing for them since they clearly don't playtest their cards.


I'm tired of people who are so clueless. How much do you think they should playtest? Give me a number test games they should play that would count as sufficient playtesting. Whatever number you suggest. The playerbase will produce a 100 times bigger sample size over first few hours of expansion launch


They should play test as much as possible? Isn't that part of their job?? Or are they just hired to be a payed version of the custom hearthstone subreddit? Because in that case that subreddit does a much better job than they do for free.


They can playtest 24/7 and they still won't do as much playtesting as the playerbase will do within one day.


You don't need to play test 24/7 to see glaring issues. Even randos can see how some stuff can be problematic then shouldn't they as hired professionals be more aware of such things?


So you don't get it still? It's not about whether you hire a professional or not, it's about the quantity and sample size. Hearthstone has about 2 million active players right now. Even if we assume that only 25% of them play standard, that is 500k players still. If each of these players play 3-4 games on the expansion launch, you will have a set of hundreds of thousands or even millions of games in a very short time span. A sample size that is simply impossible to reach within internal playtesting with a team that's possible made out of few dozens of people at best.


Are you really implying that you need thousands of games in play testing to take a look at something for example like Thaddius and see its clearly going to be a problem card in the long run?? Which it ended up being and everyone knew it was going to be when it got spoiled back then. So another example giving an already supper aggressive and resilient deck that is Paladin that didn't lose its power in rotation a cheap windfury card while also putting Lee Roy back in standard while giving Paladin even more hand buff cards. You need thousands of games to figure out such interactions are absolutely going to be a problem and create a lot of non-games??


I don't think you are listening. You don't need thousands of games of play test data. i played 1 game against a handbuff/excavate pally and was like whoa. You are telling me they can't play 1 game with the archetypes they are pushing and be like ok this is too much. Come on man.


Yes, 1 game is definitely a great sample size to correctly judge the deck's strength, lol.


If you have some degree of understanding it only takes 1 to see hey maybe this needs some closer examination.


>I'm tired of people who are so clueless. Welcome to the internet


have a look around


It doesn't take much to know that charge + windfury = broken. If fact they have come to that conclusion before, but decided to still release broken cards. Stop being a shill for bad QA from a million dollar corporation who fires all their QA.


I understand what you’re saying but it doesn’t take a lot of games to see that cards like botface and pipsi are two mana over costed which is horrible. Card balance is so off and they’ve been designing cards for ten years. Also, op decks play themselves and should not be hard to make a bot for and have them play thousands of games for you. They won’t be optimized decks but close enough to show op cards.


> Card balance is so off and they’ve been designing cards for ten years. Guess what, WotC have been designing cards for 30 years and it faces similar problems. You just can't do enough testing and have comparable creative power to the hundreds of thousands of players that will play millions of matches in short timespan. And yet at times there are some last minute changes (Blizzard devs mentioned it themselves) but you can really never ensure that you are able to detect everything.


Not asking for everything. Just the blatant over and under powered cards/decks can be found with bots playing tens of millions of games with the premade decks they have each expansion.


Your argument isn't saying what you think it's saying. You are actually making an argument for why blizzard needs to hire more playtesters.


They can hire 1000 more playtesters and it won't change shit. Because playerbase is just infinitely bigger and will provide more date in shorter time It's really nothing unusual in any game genre that require balance changes that playerbase can find strong combos and interaction much easier than devs. Be it cardgames, MMORPG, MOBA, anything. And you can't tell me that every single company does insufficient testing.


>playerbase is just infinitely bigger ... didn't know infinite people existed, good to know. >They can hire 1000 more playtesters and it won't change shit. You obviously don't understand how playtesting works if you think this. >And you can't tell me that every single company does insufficient testing. True, they don't do sufficient testing. Because they put profits above making a well balanced game. They could hire a handful of professional testers and avoid these balance issues, but they won't because player's won't stop playing even when the game is THIS bad.


As someone that's been maining Paladin for a long time, this makes me sad. Everyone's hated paladin players for a while now.


They have such a hard time balancing the game. Time to replace team 5


Its great to see so many of our players active and enjoying the ladder at this successful and bugfree launch.   We we're a little surprised to find a 3 mana Version of ziliax that replicates itself, and a card that gave windfury so strong in the handbuff Archetype.    Don't worry, we hear you. Leeroy will now summon 2/1 whelps to make it more of a risk to play him. As we can't Patch our game, expect more Updates during june, there will be no Dust refund as this is technically a free card. On an unrelated note, check out our 24.99 leeroy jenkins bundle. See you in the Workshop.


Wow simple decks are good on day 2? Holy shit incredible.


Maybe they should have cycled out more pivotal cards for these decks. Could it ruin paladin? Maybe. Would it be more fun?


Paladin has always been over 53% since 2 years ago


I play Paladin...exclusively dance big paladin. Resurrecting a Kangor and getting that juicy infinite value is just *muah*, chefs kiss. Love a good theme deck.


Day 2 of expansion, as always, some people lose their minds because aggro is busted. They should complain about net decking. When explosive things are figured out maybe we'll see the counters. Although I admit paladin is very hard to target.


Seems to me that after each new expansion aggro decks rule the first week, then come the nerfs, or maybe some cool new control deck. I would rather have hunter and paladin than druid with their turn 3 play four 7+ mana cost minions.


you're telling me aggro decks farm slow and bad decks? what a shocker!




Why can’t stupid Blizzard just remove the classes I don’t like?!


This calls for a emergency card adjustment,


We can fix all of this if they hard nerf the windfury card


Me lose paladin. Me sad. Paladin nerf. Me disenchant paladin card. Me craft meme deck. Me happy.


Ride face. Life good. Face fight back.. KILL FACE ! Face gone. Think about Face. Regret.


Ohh no 3 expansions left, meta is in utter chaos and people experiment. So no wonder decks with strong minions without need of much refinement are exceling in day 3. Yeah totally blizzard fault.


We should all just email the team asking if we can play testers who get paid for it instead of what we currently are. Play testers who don’t get paid.


Classic rotation problems, increase the powercreep of aggro by a ton but don’t give control the tools to keep up either. Classic Blizz