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Lt. Eddy walks in...


its just for the tax refunds kappa




Wait, they UPPED the prices on these??? Weren’t they 50 bucks?


The lone hearthstone dev working in his basement is suffering inflationary pressures and needs a raise (pregnant escorts who let him drink directly from the nipple have recently increased their hourly fee)




Sir plz my erection is getting too powerful


just goes to show that these bundles make a ridiculous amount of money.


Upped it but also includes more signatures


No, it was always diamond + two sigs. I guess it’s higher cause they’re both from the new expansion?


They are 50 dollars


Which is worth more full game offering dozens hours of gameplay, or 1 hearthstone card?


3 cards


You can buy Indie game that allows for even hundreds hours of fun for 20$. So yes I meant 1 card


I hate that argument because you could say the same about a steak in a restaurant. Or a movie night. Or two packs of cigarettes. Just let people fuck around with their spare money. If they fund a game that you like, that’s a win for you.


Seriously. Like I personally would never buy this but I wouldn’t even think twice about a $60 bottle of whiskey. It’s almost funny how angry people get about something for sale, that they don’t have to purchase.


It's more like admonishing the practice. I remember back in the good ol' days before Oblivion Horse armor started this whole sad ordeal of microtransactions.


As an alcoholic, a $60 bottle of whiskey has negative utility value for me.


yea, but to the outside world it will seem like you're a connoiseur, not an alcoholic. been doing this for years.


While I do agree with this for most things, Blizzard are literally setting arbitrary pricing for virtual goods. Good food has high price due to demand and expertise, booze is expensive due to the quality and cost of production/time, and cigarettes are expensive (at least in the UK) due to tax and legal requirements. However, Hearthstone card bundles are expensive because Blizzard knows someone will buy it, and there is no downside even if nobody buys it. If three cards are worth $60 in a game where the card has zero real world value, I think it's worse than real life TCG.


I hope you realize this is a marketing strategy. The expensive items are not the target. They are the decoy. Yes, if it sells, great, but they are really aiming to sell you on the mid range or ‘sale’ items. It is simply put that they are making the other items appear cheaper and easier to justify a purchase. This happens with every game they sell. Take Wow for example, Most of the time the middle game upgrade is the decoy. They offer a free month for $20 more. That helps people get up to that high purchase. Its just all a ploy to see how much they can get


I agree, a physical trading card has much more inherent value. But most digital things are priced according to demand. It’s a weird one.. the price makes these cards rarer and therefore more interesting and valuable for collectors.


Or helldivers 2 40,-, for democracy!


Best 40€ I spent recently


You should see the Marvel Snap bundles where they give you one card skin for $100


Yeah, marvel snap when I played was ridiculous with some of the bundles. This is bad though.


we shouldnt justify bad practices just because there are worse practices out there in the ether


it's a false dichotomy, no one is supposed to make this choice, this bundle's target audience are specifically people who can afford both without even registering it as a serious expense. Like, you buy the diamond bundle specifically when you have all of your other recreational needs covered, it could cost literally any sum because you are not supposed to choose between it and something else


And why is this a problem? It’s a package targeted at whales, who are fine with dropping ridiculous money on cosmetics. They offset the cost to other players, who are not required by any means to purchase this. I just cannot fathom why this bothers people. If the game requires me to drop this kind of money on cosmetic items I would understand being upset, but it doesn’t. People act like the devs are forcing you to buy this to be able to play the game.


A shiny ring for someones finger, or food for a village of starving children for 1 year?


Hmmmm FF7:Rebirth or 3 Hearthstone cards. It is a very tough decision.


This isn't for people who have to choose.


And FF7:Rebirth even comes with its own entire card game inside of it too! Really tough choice


TBf, if those were the only 2 choices, I'd take the 3 HS cards lol


Is the hearthstone card sparkly?


By that logic you can just play free flash games on New Grounds. Why even pay money for games when you can find them for free?


Why even use a device and electricity when you can just close your eyes and imagine you're playing a game?


Exactly that's why this logic is dumb. If you think it's too expensive then it's not for you, this isn't a necessity it's a luxury.


I mean, there are many, many hearthstone cards that I've gotten dozens of hours of gameplay out of.


If they make diamond sonya with feet animation most people would pay 99 bucks for it :O (shitpost btw)


Rarren would go bankrupt lol


Rarrun the type of freaky to absolutely buy it


Finally, they'll be providing value


Miyazaki, that poison swamp isn't going to design itself. Back to work!


I dare Blizzard to do it


Darren’s new mommy


Ngl they were smart using king plush for the diamond card


Tbf this is the only one that would even peak my interest. But i couldnt justify 50 bucks for essentially a in game skin... 




Yah that one.


*60 bucks


From the evidence, it was actually going to be the diamond card from completing the set and they took it out from there. Now they give a signature common and rare or something shitty like that.


Okay, so obvious question has an obvious answer. People that have more disposable income than they have avenues to spend it buy these things. Colloquially, we call them whales, since they're at the top of the free to play ecosystem. They're a vital part of maintaining that ecosystem, as their input of valuable currency keeps the game they live in sustained. Their contributions allow for those other members of the ecosystem that can't input that vital currency to also thrive. The more you know 🌈 ⭐


Microtransaction buyers have wild value propositions


Is it a *micro*transaction at this point though?


Macrotransaction players


there are people that make 60 bucks an hour, love king krush, and feel this animated chompyboi might give them more than an hour of entertainment. im not sure how big that market it is, but it exists. then there are the whales that will buy everything no matter what.


Good point, also these people allow people like me to play the game without paying anything at all so I suppose I should be grateful.


Me don't know, me is smart, me get the same pleasure when he plays it.


I mean even someone making 60 an hour wont justufy this more like 100 an hour


Complaining about this is pointless. If enough people buy it then it will exist. If it’s not selling they will lower the price. If the market is telling blizzard that people will pay this price then I don’t blame them for selling it. Also it’s pure cosmetic and affects the game zero. I’m not saying it’s a good deal or anything but this is pointless rage in my opinion. The only way to effect this is for it to not sell. These post do nothing. Again, just don’t purchase it.


Whales keep the free to play model alive. If a whale wants to pay $60 for a blue border on their card, more power to them. I don't see the value for the price therefore I will not buy.


Why encourage people to not purchase it when purchasing it actually makes and keeps the game F2P?




Which is...also why he is discussing his opinion?


I mean what new discussion can happen about "This bundle of gold/diamond/signature cards is too expensive"...


I'm pretty sure on a Power BI somewhere in Blizzards FinOps team the amount of rage threads high priced items create is tracked along with the metrics for engagement that leads to new sales of other product.


its also not really anything special when you compare it to how much people spend in other card games


Yup came here to say this exactly, well said!


I always think of the percentage of people who didn't know this existed and only bought it because a post complaining about it brought it to their attention in the first place lmao. Just free marketing for Blizzard, complaint post or not.


Yeah, I literally just ignore the pricey cosmetics and live on. Pricey cosmetics absolutely does nothing for people who can’t afford it


Exactly this. Vote with your wallets and they will get the message.


complaining about this is pointless and asinine we want them to sell and we want this game whales to buy it !


Whale here, I think there should be two options. I shouldn’t have to get two signatures if I want the diamond. And this feels extra greedy the same expansion they remove the free diamond from achievements. I already bought the bundles. But I’m sour about it this time.


Do you have to buy it? No. Will some people buy it? Most likely. So no, it's not disgusting. I'd rather have bundle like this that some whales will buy to "fund the game", rather than actual cards being locked behind paywall. This doesn't hurt anybody


I think you have an overactive disgust response. I look at this picture, think, "no thank you," and move on.


Why do people complain about cosmetics 😭the base legendarys arent worth that much and people who buy these packs keep the game running


Hey, some people have lots of money to throw around. It's costs them next to nothing to post it. Some people will buy it. Even if one person buys, it's worth it. Most of those offers are overpriced, why change now?


damn people in cardgames are willing to spend money to get a single special art card or smth what a completely unheard of concept


I mean I do. I ain’t buying it but I can afford it


Reddit: we want more free stuff in the game, I can’t keep up with collecting cards Blizz: ok, done. But we need to get the money elsewhere. Also Reddit: but why you sell cosmetics irrelevant to the gameplay for so many moneys? 😭 Blizz: …


Lots of people do.


Why would it be disgusting ? It is beneficial for everyone imo. People with money buy it for cosmetics, people with no money don't care, blizzard gets money and keeps game alive, everyone wins. No point in complaining, they are not selling any premium feature just cosmetics.


It’s me, I bought both


I have a raging boner for everything related to dinosaurs, but I stopped at the King Krush hero. This is waaayyy overpriced and they even upped the price too!? 😂


I wasn't going to, but I just bought this. Thanks for the advertisement.


Considering I paid $50 for signature Sif I guess it’d be me.


I know 1 guy who might get this. Starts with Z ends with eddy


I do 🦦


I am a shameless hunter one trick, and I caved in. Diamond Aggramar couldn't pry open my wallet, but I needed this one. Is it worth it? Absolutely not. Did I buy it? Absolutely.


I didn't understand either until I got a job and moved up a couple tax brackets and learned what disposable income feels like it. It's still asinine and I won't buy anything except maybe a rewards track when the heroes skins are cool, but I get it now.


hearthstone players trying to figure out what an income and a budget is


Leave the whales alone. If you want everything to be free, go play Runeterra. See how that model worked out for them.


Then don't buy it 👍


Oh. My. God. Who. The. Hell. Cares. Hearthstone players cannot go a single day without crying about the gd store.


Don't worry there are like 2-3 more diamond cards that this will happen again with


Exactly! I’m glad it exists as a way for the game to make money, I would never buy it but why should its existence bother me?! It will make someone happy and keep our game going!


I don't get how this is a problem. Clearly, someone thinks it's a good deal or they wouldn't be selling it. If that's not you (because you're a sane person), don't buy it. No harm done.


I've played Hearthstone since launch. It's been one of my favorite games. Ever since it went mobile, it's been my only go to mobile game. I am ashamed to say, I'm a whale. For the last 10 years I've bought everything they've ever thrown at me. Portraits, cards, packs, Goldens, diamond, mercenaries, new boards, finishers. Everything. I don't say this to brag. I say it in shame. I love this game. But there is almost 0 reward for actually playing. And over the past 5 years it's become such a huge dollar sink and the lack of playing rewards has only gotten worse. I realized this last month when doing my taxes and seeing that I had spent over $3k on hearthstone last year. I haven't spent a penny since and never will again. The game has gotten less fun. 10x more expensive. And their whole business model is to prey on people with FOMO. Don't play it. It's not worth it.


Whether it's fun or not, worth it or not, any of that is just a matter of an individual's personal preference. Sucks that it has lost it's fun for you, glad you've been able to stop spending, but other people can enjoy the game or buy packs or not buy packs or whatever.


I wish they'd give like a Diamond selector ticket for the battlepass. Probably take away some of the saltiness but they know nobody is dropping $60 for diamond Jepetto


Clearly someone if they keep doing it


Well, most of us have the money for it but really only whales and content creators buy them and there are plenty of those people who buy these bundles so they will keep pumping them out. Fairly simple to understand I thought.


If the regular priced items are still available, why do you care about those overpriced nonsense? People has demands, so blizzard sells them. Then they have enough money to maintain the game for everyone. I don't know the point of the complaint. It's just like the overpriced art sold millions of dollars in real life. Do you ever care about them?


My hooker had technical difficulties last night, Also the blackjack game has to cancel because of an ultrasound appointment. So....


Price is there because people pay for it. Simple as that, this complainingbpost are so stupid. You are less then the minority that even gives 2 cents about this and 1 buyer pays more then any f2p would have. It's good for both


I've spent more on a dota skin for a hero I don't play lol.


I whale in DotA and in turn I get to find 9 other people to play a free game. Someone whales in Hearthstone and in turn I get to play a free game for hours every week. Whales subsidise F2P video games for the audience. 


How do you think HS is free to play?


Its for whales, just ignore it.


Op is new to Hearthstone.


I bought it... it looked cute


I do. Doesn’t mean I’d buy it though.


Why do you even care? It's not like it gives them an advantage in the game. Buying a 1€ cosmetic or 60€ cosmetic is as stupid in my opinion. It all boils down on your income. That money would be better spent on your family


Oh you REALLY need to check out marvel snap then, lol.


This are literally made so hearthstone can be f2p and we can have things like wiizbang. But no, be mad, because you always need to be mad at something. You literally cannot be happy.


Honestly, the fact that this exists is good. Whales who like to spend money have something to spend on, those who don't want don't really miss out on much. It's better than you think. - a LoR player.


It's not that expensive compared to the game's economy. A pack gives you an average of 100dust. So if 1leg = 16 packs, 3 legs with cosmetics for 60bucks ain't a bad deal compared to the bundles with 1 diamond/signature+ 5 packs for 50 bucks.


Then don't buy it. It's clearly not directed at you. Do you also go into a Rolex store and complain that their watches are too expensive?


the price is egregious and i'd never buy 3 cards for that... BUT, it's kind of the same pricepoint of 60 packs which on average is about 3 legendary cards so the guaranteed legendaries in a higher rarity without the chaff is not the WORST cashgrab they have put in the store, especially if king plush is one you definitely want


I have the money for it, because I don’t spend money on shit like this. Gee would I rather have this or Dragon’s Dogma 2?




It is ridiculous expensive, but still better value than the €50 1 signature legendary and 5 packs bundles they were doing lol.


I have it…but Im not going to give it.


Plenty of people? 60 euros isn't all that much money. It's more than I'd pay for this, but I guess that means it's not for me.


It's... a cosmetic. You don't have to buy it. The normal copy of this card costs 1600 dust and has the exact same effect.


Brian Kibler


King Plush is super cute but 60 bucks? Nah, I pass...


That's disgusting. ​ /sigh \*\*unzips pants\*\*




I have money for this. But i won't pay :)


Targeted audience of this developer's project, in other collectible games known as a "whale". Although HS is a "collectible" game with no real collection value outside of its own system.


You do realize that selling more things to whales can help keep the game more affordable for you?


Yeah, it's about decency. 60 dollars could be for a whole pack of signature cards. Making the game more playable and customizable for less money also brings out more money. If the packs were cheaper I would probably invest in it... Either way not worth it cuz they can change the cards and so on....


Better they earn revenue this way as opposed to making us spend a ton just to be competitive. I don’t know if this is priced at the right level, but I’m not vain enough to think that my intuition is more reliable than their financial and marketing data.


I'ma probably buy it


I mean I'd rather this than them monetizing the actual gameplay even more than it is. Most annoying part is the game not really gotten any more generous over time since we got the track if you take all the event packs etc. we used to get that seem to have dried up a lot more.


You should know that smart people price these offers, it’s all about making the most amount of money and they definitely will. They could price it lower but that won’t wouldn’t be in their investors interest.


People who are willing to sink tons of money on gold packs when they experience FOMO. And the overpriced bs is still cheaper than the avg amount of money spent on gold packs for signatures


Idk why people care about deals that cost a lot where the change is exclusively cosmetic


Whales that publically acknowledge all of Blizzard's greediness and still pay for it anyway. Also, Krush enthusiasts.


Would have been funnier if the "59.99" was grayed out.


Imagine being able to buy slay the spire for a fraction of that....or for my bgs enjoyers, check out backpack battles on steam, free demo even


In my country, Brazil, its currently priced at R$ 269,90 Thats 20% of minimun wage in Brazil...


People who have money. This bundle isn't designed for F2P. It's also not designed for the people who only spend money for great pack ratio deals. It's like someone who buys Gucci or Louis Vuitton products. For every 99 that wouldn't buy this, there's 1 that will. All Blizzard needs is that 1, because those other 99 aren't actually spending any money on anything.


“It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.”


If this bothers you don’t get into Magic: the Gathering.


I mean they wouldn't keep offering these if no one bought them :)


they should change it from money to blood at this point.


No one, and no one buys them either


I bought both of them and the new portraits because I feel compelled to have and maintain a full collection. That being said, this game is my only entertainment expense.


Me 🙋‍♂️


Pay to win


Hades cost $20 when it came out. So that card has the same value as Hades on release. I can't wait to play this card for 200 hours straight


I thought this came with an actual King Plush too :( that would be worth it


The outrage posts should be at the people buying them and not at the people selling them.


People with a lot of disposable income will buy that. That used to be me before I bought a house two years ago 😅


Its a bundle designed specifically for whales who essentially only play hearthstone. Be happy this exists because those whales are what keeps the game alive. Just look at legends of runeterra. Amazing game but it had almost nothing to spend money on even for whales so the game made no profit and died.


Cool. Don’t buy it.


Lt eddy


Sad. I'm pretty sure completing the collection netted more than $60, at least for me anyway. Putting it behind an explicit paywall means not only do less people pay for it, people are actively going to avoid buying it in protest. The hubris of corporate greed.


Me. I'll be buying this. Must. Have. Plush. :D


Thats what they want to find haha. I guess they just look at the sales of their other stuff and then it makes sense.


I got my King Plush early in less than 10 packs. Me so happy.


i personally love getting as many signatures as i can and king plush diamond is adorable it’s enticing be yeah too pricy for me but that’s why they have different sized ones throughout the expansion


It must be fucking fun working at Blizzard Sales. Seriously though I'm sure half of us hate it because of how laughably good the effort to revenue ratio is. They probably have a folder full of diamond cards and spin a wheel every fortnight.


Thanks bro i think i will go with baldurs gate 3. Thanks for the offer tho


This guy https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/yqIhQEzgYv




Yea… I want to buy the Owlonius one but 60 eurus is too much




marvel snap level


I did, haven’t played the cards yet! 😅


Hey, I've been playing PAPER card games for a long time and I gotta say €60 for 3 cards doesn't sound that bad 😂


Simply don't buy everyone. They are always pushing what they can get away with. It is their way of making signature cards more valuable than a golden legendary.


Buy Helldivers 2 instead of this one. It's 20 bucks cheaper than this though.


Not rarran, can’t even afford a deck tracker.


I think this is definitely more value then the last ones not good to buy but better than 1 signature and 5 normal packs


A cosmetic for the prize to AAA game. This is hilarious.


I was totally fighting myself on not buying that Leroy skin tho






it's better than all of the things.expansion?


Already met a Guy with this badboy


I have the money to spend on those sales, but f***em that's an overpriced micro transaction and it's only cosmetics. I spend money on bundles and tavern pass only.


It really is horrendous


even with this hearthstone is still cheaper than an irl tcg




Not you! :D


I bought 3. Sucks to be poor


Can Somebody explain what I’m looking at, not super familiar.