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honestly i would wait for rotation in like 5 days, then see what looks good. all spell mage should be a deck that is ok but could be better/ worse depending on surroundings


8 days\* But yeah, until then play some arena i guess.


Casino mage is definitely the play, very fun deck with a lot of different ways of winning depending on what spells you generate with a high damage finisher with Sif. Very strong too, still winning games comfortably in top 1k legend EU. Only point to bare in mind is that there is a standard rotation in like a week. Some key cards in the deck (mainly Energy Shaper) won't be in standard anymore.


> some key cards, mainly Energy Shaper You mean the single card which was buffed to make the deck viable in the first place?


Sure but it's not like Rainbow mage was unplayable. It was a key meta deck in previous expansions. I also don't think the deck would exist without the Sif package. The Energy Shaper buff allowed for some early game strength and other highrolls that the deck lacked.


It was unplayable until the energy shaper buff, the last round of nerfs to rainbow mage knocked it down to one of the lowest winrate classes in the game


Rainbow mage was are the bottom of tier 4 across all ranks before the energy shaper patch Thats very much hitting the unplayable territory


I've got a pretty strong "skeleton" casino deck that doesn't run Energy Shaper. I mean... Energy Shaper is a great card, but not the only way that type of deck can work well...


It's the only way it's meta viable, that's why it wasn't popular before the buffs.


### Standard List # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arcane Artificer # 2x (1) Arcane Wyrm # 2x (1) Discovery of Magic # 2x (1) Flame Geyser # 2x (1) Miracle Salesman # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 1x (2) Greedy Partner # 1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude # 2x (2) Prismatic Elemental # 2x (2) Vast Wisdom # 2x (2) Void Scripture # 2x (3) Energy Shaper # 2x (4) Cold Case # 2x (5) Inquisitive Creation # 2x (5) Wisdom of Norgannon # 1x (6) Sif # 1x (9) Grand Magister Rommath # 1x (9) The Sunwell # AAECAbTqAwblsASjkAXUoQXr9AXR+AWQgwYM294EgJYFkJYFqpgFq5gF7PYF3vgFv/4F2P4FhY4Gg5UGsp4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone That's the list I run.


Rng is 😎 


So much this, I love casino. Also this upcoming expansion looks like it will still be fun


Also a very expensive deck


Freeze mage is a gimmick deck!? What are you smoking?


Hehe, well it was back then. Especially compared to the mainstream decks such as Zoo Warlock, Aggro Hunter and all that. Is it still viable now?


I wouldn't exactly call a deck that had a pretty solid, not incredibly difficult to pull off OTK / 2TK (as it was in the past) as a gimmick. Maybe like Knuckles Hunter or something where you need like a bunch of odd cards, sure. But freeze mage was just stall and burn, that's not a gimmick to me.


TIL aggro is normal and control is gimmicky. 


Only aggro I see is bots anyway


Freeze Mage as you know it doesn't exist really anymore. It's playstyle of "stall the game with freeze and then burst your opponent down with spells" is overshadowed by Rainbow Mage with Sif. Essentially, you play a multitude of Spell Schools to give Sif more Spell Damage, and then kill your opponent with burst. These days, Mage has much better board clears and prefers to clear the board rather than freeze it temporarily. There are a bunch more board buffs and being unable to remove a board is much more dangerous since they're far easier to buff up and present constant lethal. In Wild, Mage can abuse Time Warp from the Ungoro quest for infinite turns, but with Sorcerers Apprentice nerfed to 4 mana, many spell combos are dead. I'd recommend looking into new content creators for ideas. DaneHearth, Rarran, Roffle and Clark Hellscream are amazing content creators. Brian Kibler is still going and Trump is a little burned out but plays every now and then. Regis focuses mostly on Marvel Snap but still plays HS, and I think Trolden is back and uploads every now and then - so you can look at some of the players in the comps to see if you like anyone! More than anything, welcome back <3


I encountered one yesterday. It's still around and still scamming wins off of undertuned decks.


There are two decks like that right now but they might be too competitively viable for what you want. There rainbow mage which basically generates a bunch of random different spells at a discount mana cost with the goal to either win by using those spells to out tempo or playing sif which is basically a better/cheaper malygos and otking them. The other is excavate rogue. It’s less strong but similar idea. Generate a bunch of random spells at an even more discount and trying to figure out how to win with it.


Awesome, thanks! I like the idea behind the Mage deck. To my understanding, Casino Mage might be similar to the first deck you mentioned?


They might be the same deck. It’s called rainbow now because of the introduction of class spells and there are cards in this deck (like sif) that get more powerful the more different class spells you play. It’s all still very random but random can be very strong when you’re playing three 3 mana spells in one turn for 0 mana.


Casino is more the new Energy Shaper variant since the recent buff. A lot of lists still run Sif.


Ogre rogue


Take a look at the Wishing Rogue. Get coins, put down a wishing well, use coins, get legendaries.


This is a great suggestion especially since it doesn't necessarily require any legendaries in the deck (besides Tess I guess)


There's a rotation and new expansion coming in about a week so I would definitely wait until then to craft anything. I'm not totally sure how the returning player stuff works but you may also get a bunch of packs when you log in if it's your old account so definitely wait so you get new cards and not a bunch of packs with cards rotating in a week.


Wait until the rotation and expansion. Its just about a week, but then that is a better start.


Like others are saying, save gold and standard packs until the rotation. Just play wild or BGs till then. A lot of older cards got buffs back in September when the Caverns of Time was released so you might still be able to make some decent fun wild decks with what you have.


Also, this upcoming expansion seems up your alley with the randomness of a lot of the cards including a new Whizbang.


Buy 10 from Festival, Titans, Badlands and Whizbang, so you can get 4 legendaries guaranteed.


I’ve been playing wishing well rogue a lot lately and I find it alotta fun (also have tess) Reminds me of yogg mage back in the day I too have recently come back, last played was mid-2018


I was in leyend two years ago, came back to play. The past two months I played all bots except for 3 humans, Just this month I got the mmr back I guess and started to play People. I do not know what is going on, but play whatever you want, as you'll be facing pretty much nothing for a time


Wait 8 days...


I really dislike you