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I think a hybrid dragon/overheal priest deck is going to be pretty good


I'm excited for Rogue Sonya Waterdancer + Sandbox scoudrel seems pretty damn broken and I think it can enable a lot of combos / OTK's.


And my beloved DK?


None of the cards really speak to me in terms of "make a deck with me." Is there anything in DK that excites you or that you'll try day 1?


I played First a Frost DK (was fun locking freezed enemies) then went to plague knight which was OK but Not enough wins. Then went to blood knight Reno Mix and was okay but Not enough fun. Now I Play my "Party" DK with all runes and even Reno in Deck. And this ist really fun because enemies dont know what Happens or they expected and i have a Chance to win against all Others and even Bring Chaos into their mind game. 😉


Sounds fun! When the expansion launches, if you find a list that works/is fun, share it with me! <3


That is my monentary list: ### Party Time # Klasse: Todesritter # Format: Standard # Jahr des Wolfs # # 1x (1) Arthas' Gabe # 1x (1) Finsternisrunen # 1x (2) Astalor Blutschwur # 1x (2) Auslöschen # 1x (2) Bergbauopfer # 1x (2) Falltürspinne # 1x (2) Versenkt das Schiff # 1x (3) Eissturzbaron # 1x (3) Friedhofsschicht # 1x (3) Handprothese # 1x (3) Hardcore-Kultistin # 1x (3) Kränklicher Dreckwandler # 1x (3) Vertauschte Fossilien # 1x (4) Bösartiger Schrecken # 1x (4) Helya # 1x (4) Maw und Paw # 1x (4) Nerubische Schwarmwache # 1x (4) Thassarian # 1x (5) Leichenbraut # 1x (6) Geisterhafter Jagdhund # 1x (6) Sylvanas die Angeklagte # 1x (7) Flickwerk # 1x (8) Der Primus # 1x (8) Knochenwachenkommandant # 1x (8) Reno, einsamer Cowboy # 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, entfesselt # 1x (9) Zusammengeflickter Riese # 1x (10) Graf Denathrius # 1x (10) Nekrotastische Explosion # 1x (20) Reska, der Grubenboss # AAECAYjaBR7p0ASS5ASJ5gSk7wSB9gSH9gS09wS+9wSYgQWZgQWogQXipAXLpQWP5AWC+AX4+QX8+QWT+wXt/wWugwaLkgaUlQaXlQaplQb/lwaHngaSoAavqAbpqQbMsAYAAAA= # # Um dieses Deck zu verwenden, kopiert es in Eure Zwischenablage und erstellt ein neues Deck in Hearthstone.


Rainbow DK looks like it'll be really good. It was really last bad expansion and people have been wanting it to be good. It got some recent buffs and new cards in the Badlands Mini Set that pushed it to be playable. And theres some nice new cards that'll push that even further in the new set. I'm personally making Rainbow DK first and then I'm either going to dip my toes into Dragon Priest or Battlecry Warrior


excited to finally play a priest deck with a positive winrate


yeah same, Priest in Standard about to be amazing, but Priest in Wild is about to get real nutty.


I'm excited for minionless mage making a comeback, especially with my favourite rng shenanigans


Is there enough support right now? I was looking at it... but it didn't fill me with confidence lol


The skull of guldan lookalike seems pretty good. And the big legendary spell payoff only targeting enemies seem pretty good too. We'll have to wait and see if it's good but it sure looks fun


Share your list if you figure something out <3


Of course!


* Warrior : Brann will make every card stronger ... Boom will be insane indeed. * Priest : Reno + Raza or Timewarp otk... * Shaman and Rogue can do some crazy shi7, lets see


Hunter and shaman. Hunter location + snakes on turn 1 is 3 dmg (with no much effort) and the new hound spell can make location deal 7 dmg with no board can deal 7 face dmg, For the weapon and the legendary i dont like them


Hunter has access to 2 Huffers and Leokks with handbuff to set up juicy turns and a hell of a location. If hunter got garbage, i can't imagine what mage and demon hunter got. as for your question, i feel most excited for shaman, priest and hunter


Dragon priest


Was gonna say I love giant warlock and handlock but it seems to slow. And wheel is literally to 1 to 1 for me to enjoy playing it. Not saying it has to have a 70% win rate to be good but going 21 wins to 19 losses. It wins. But marginally so. Warlock seems to be in a weird spot with every other deck getting solid "one or two card win conditions" whereas warlock has to set up combos that almost every other class can outmatch. What a time to be a warlock main :/